Chapter 213 The two troublemaker scoundrels

The house was in disarray. When Pan Ge returned, Tian Yuan was nowhere to be seen, and Jindou'er was lying on the sofa watching him. When he couldn't find Tian Yuan in any of the rooms, he realized something was wrong.

He called Third Aunt while running out.

"Third Aunt, Tian Yuan must have gone in search of Leizi. I'll go get him back."

"My goodness! Why can't this child wait patiently? Hurry up and bring him back. Don’t let him get into trouble."

Pan Ge contacted the traffic bureau while driving.

"Set up roadblocks at each crossing to stop taxis and search for a man named Tian Yuan. Don’t let him move when you see him. Bring him straight to the police station."

Despite this, Tian Yuan was able to flee because the driver used the Outer Ring Expressway[1] rather than passing through the city. They got on the highway and drove right to the airport, so it was a waste of energy no matter how many barricades they set up in the city to apprehend them.

When Huang Kai, Lin Mu, and Zhang Hui were informed of the situation, they all abandoned their work and drove straight to the airport. The three of them had already arrived at the airport when Pan Ge arrived and inquired about flights to Tengchong city, stating that it was in the afternoon.

"He hasn’t left yet. There’s only one flight in the afternoon. He must be hiding out at the airport."

Huang Kai was running around in circles. There were too many people and the airport was massive. They were short-handed.

"Will he take the railway?"

Pan Ge steadied his mind.

"Since the plane is leaving for Tengchong in the afternoon, Lin Mu will take the plane first. Zhang Hui, take the railway and look for him. Huang Kai, follow me. We’ll drive directly to the south. Lin Mu and Zhang Hui should arrive within a couple of hours of each other, and we'll meet you there. He must have gone to the border. I'll send you the address. When you arrive, start looking for him. We grew up among army men and possess all of the necessary skills. When we notice something amiss, we can seek assistance. He's a man who has gone in fully blind and can only bump around. We need to find him before he does anything. Tian Yuan cannot have another accident if something has happened to Leizi. Whoever arrives first will be the one to stop him. Whatever we do, we must bring him back."

They split up and used different types of transportation to search for Tian Yuan. The south was informed and warned that if they came across such a person, they should detain him and not let him go anywhere.

When Lin Mu started walking around the vast airport the flight to Kunming had taken off ten minutes earlier.

Huang Kai and Pan Ge headed south. They traveled south on the highway. They could both drive, so they could switch and drive nonstop, thus arriving before dawn the next day. Zhang Hui rushed to the train station and purchased a ticket for the fastest train.

Everyone was in a commotion because of these two living ancestors.

It was almost afternoon when Tian Yuan stepped off the plane. He rarely left the house. Although he had previously visited the UK, everything had been meticulously planned for him before he even arrived. Pan Lei made arrangements for him wherever he went, and someone would meet and escort him before and after. Only then did Pan Lei dare to loosen his hold.

It wasn't until Tian Yuan got off the plane that he realized he had no idea where he was and couldn't tell north from south or east from west.

He gritted his teeth and flagged down a taxi. He didn't even mind if the driver demanded an exorbitant fee. He paid the driver right away and requested him to take him to the village nearest to the border.

Who could he look for? He couldn't do anything except travel to that village and hunt for clues on his own. He didn't realize how difficult it was until he arrived. He didn’t know the way and couldn't understand the local language. He was in the taxi, where the driver might kick him out.

The closer they drove to the location, the more people dressed in military uniforms they saw. There were checkpoints on the road after a while more riding.

The driver gestured to Tian Yuan that they couldn't go any farther. Tian Yuan couldn't comprehend the driver's erratic motions, so he just scribbled what he wanted to say on paper, and the driver responded on paper as well: I can’t drive any further. It looks like they have imposed martial law. Get out of the car, I won't see you off.

Tian Yuan scribbled quickly: I'll give you some more cash.

The driver shook his head: Adding money will not help. Get out.

Then he opened the door and asked Tian Yuan to exit the vehicle. Tian Yuan was helpless and had to get out. Fortunately, he didn't bring much with him when he ran. All he brought with him was a compact backpack, bank cards and cash, a charger, and a mobile phone. He was wearing the jacket and carrying nothing else.

Tian Yuan looked towards the checkpoint in the distance and grabbed a passing child. From the little sack, he pulled a small box of chocolates. Pan Lei prepared this bag for him when he went abroad. Pan Lei liked to keep a few candies in his carry-on bag so he could enjoy them whenever he wanted.

It was useful this time.

"Uncle will give you candies if you take him around the road. What do you think?"

The child enthusiastically agreed. He appeared to be roughly ten years old, skinny, and little. He should have learned some Mandarin in school so he could comprehend what Tian Yuan said.

The kid led the way. After a time on the road, he went into the woods and walked along the trail, bouncing and vivacious.

If Pan Lei knew about this, he would absolutely scold him to death. Do you think that all children are angels? That they won't hurt anyone? So it's all right to go with them? What if this kid is a human trafficker? He'll take you to a location and then sell you.

Tian Yuan's current frame of mind was hardly rational, so he simply followed the child. This kid appeared smart and obedient, munching on candies while walking. Tian Yuan glanced at his watch. They'd been walking for nearly an hour, but why were they still roaming around in the woods, nowhere in particular?

He felt like he was going to suffocate since it was so hot and humid. He couldn't tell the difference between the directions because the forest seemed endless. Tian Yuan had to trail the child, one with heavy steps and the other with light steps.

The child pointed to the front.

"You can go around from here."

"How far is the nearest village to the border from here?"

The child considered it.

"It's very far. Keep walking along the path. You’ll get there."

"Can I get there before it becomes dark?"

It was now past four o'clock. It would be dark in three hours. In other words, he should be able to get there in three hours.

The child snatched the candy in his hand and ran away, laughing.

"Then you must hurry so that you can get there before dark."

Tian Yuan sighed with relief. He had to go the rest of the way on his own.

He continued on his way. Martial law appeared to be in effect here. There were often soldiers driving over on the road. Tian Yuan would hide quietly and wait for them to leave before emerging. These soldiers should be from the military region that his in-laws mentioned. There were a lot of people arriving, so he couldn't expose himself.

If he was spotted by these soldiers, he would undoubtedly be held and brought home after a call with his father-in-law. He refused to leave. He intended to speak with the local villagers - the residents in the stockade, and members of the special forces about the situation. After locating the clues, he would continue on the trail in search of Pan Lei.

He’d traveled here to take Pan Lei home with him. No matter how, he had to return with Pan Lei.

Lin Mu contacted the local troops after landing, and someone drove him to the village. It was already dark when he arrived. Zhang Hui arrived after midnight. Huang Kai and Pan Ge arrived just before daybreak.

Everyone was completely exhausted. Lin Mu had searched the inside and outside of the village, as well as the front and back of the mountain, nearly going as far as burrowing three feet into the ground. He didn't find Pan Lei, and sure as hell didn't find Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan couldn't see the village even after it turned dark. He was stranded on the road, with no village in sight at the front and no inn at the back.

He didn't dare to start a fire while hiding in the woods for fear of alerting all the soldiers. So he tightened his jacket, sipped some water, and had no appetite. He repeatedly stared at Pan Lei's images on his phone, then hugged himself to calm himself.

Where the hell are you, a$$hole? Why don't you contact others, why don't you come back...

Is he…

Tian Yuan bit his lower lip and put his thoughts aside. There was no need to overthink. Even if Pan Lei was trapped today, abducted by those robbers and brought to Myanmar, and all he got in a few days was his body, he would still carry Pan Lei home.

Then follow him.

Pan Lei would undoubtedly return to their house unless something unforeseen happened to him at this point. Pan Lei treated him as if he were a treasure, and he would definitely return to see him.

Dear, there is no one at home, but don't forget the way home. Please wait for me. I'm coming to get you.

Tian Yuan chewed his lips open but didn't shed a single tear. In the dark woods, he was hugging himself and letting his mind run free.

If Pan Lei had known his beloved darling was suffering in the woods at this moment, he would have tucked him into bed first, knelt beside the bed, slapped himself hard a few times while cursing himself, "Who asked you to be hot-headed, who asked you to charge ahead stupidly, look how badly you've tormented your baby."

What was Pan Lei doing right now? Repairing the walkie-talkie.

They were still lying in the woods in the early morning to investigate. They had both regained their physical strength. They drank booze, ate meat, and destroyed a large amount of drugs. They were in a terrific mood. The assistant instructor was investigating the situation.

Pan Lei was irritated because he couldn't find a cigarette after a long search. These sonsofb!tches! Why are these motherf*ckers so slow?! Hurry up and gather everyone. They could return after taking out this gang of outlaws in one fell swoop.

However, there was no movement. He was bored out of his mind and wanted to take out his phone to look at his baby's images, but he had lost his phone and could only take out the walkie-talkie he had almost thrown away from his pocket and fiddle with it in his hands.

"When I go back, I'm going to dump this piece of sh!t on the CO's desk and tell him it let us down at a key moment. It's so f*cking fantastic that I can't get in touch with anyone."

Pan Lei continued to ramble. He would not be lying there if he knew that thousands of troops had entered the entire military region and the entire small Tengchong City at this time, that his buddies and brother had arrived, that his beloved darling had also arrived, that it was a mess, and that his husband was contemplating suicide.

Pan Lei, bored and idle, took out his military knife and removed the cover of the walkie-talkie. Every line appeared to be broken. Pan Lei touched this line, then that line, and began connecting them one at a time. This was a rather complicated task, but he was losing his mind from being idle, so he connected the wires at random. He brought the walkie-talkie close to his mouth after connecting the wires and said, "Hello, hello, this is Pan Lei, can you hear me?"

He took it apart and rewired it when there was no response.

He was like a child who had gotten his hands on a Rubik's cube, connecting the wires, removing them, and reconnecting them again and again. Before letting go, he must turn and twist it over to the same side. He was bored and idle anyway, and it was also a means for him to kill time.


[1] It is a ring expressway that circles Shanghai's inner districts.


The protag halo is so bright...