Chapter 214 Making contact

"These two a$$holes are going to torment people to death."

Pan Ge came in his car. Huang Kai drove for approximately three hours on the trip, and he drove the remainder of the time. It was practically daybreak when they arrived. Lin Mu looked at him and shook his head. "We have yet to locate the two of them. There is no new information."

Zhang Hui was heavily smoking. It had been a day and two nights since Pan Lei had gone missing, and it was now daylight. The situation appeared to be becoming more difficult and puzzling. The informant reported that there was no confirmation from the Myanmar side that Pan Lei and the assistant instructor had been kidnapped, but they were unable to trace the two men.

Did the spy mean to suggest the robbers killed the two men, threw them into the forest, and buried them? In their hearts, everyone imagined the worst-case scenario.

"No news is good news. At the very least, there is still hope in the absence of the final news on death."

Huang Kai offered Pan Ge a glass of water while he rubbed his brow.

"Are you okay? Do you want to take a break?"

Pan Ge shook his head.

"Let's negotiate with the army. This is what we'll do. We'll gather some men and go look for them. Our current priority is to locate Tian Yuan. I'm worried that he'll go to Myanmar by himself. If he is captured, everything is finished."

"I've already instructed the patrol team to bring him back if they see him. You've been driving all night, Pan Ge. Take a break and the three of us will look about."

This couple could be regarded as tormenting everyone inhumanely.

Pan Ge sipped some water. At the moment, the only thing on his mind was finding the couple and beating them up.

"Just wait and see how I deal with these two little ba$tards once they're found. They never give people a moment's peace of mind. Leizi has been a troublemaker since he was a child, but how can the honest Tian Yuan follow in his footsteps?"

"I tell you, it's love! Love makes people blind, impulsive, and changes their temperament. Isn't that so? They fell in love to the point where they want to be with one other forever, whether in life or death. Leizi is lucky to have met someone who is willing to give up all for love. It's not easy."

Zhang Hui found joy in sorrow and sighed emotionally. In fact, the couple's love was rather enviable. They swindled the other person to their side while laughing and playing or fighting noisily. It was natural for the couple to desire to protect each other and stay together forever, to love the other person unconditionally. What a beautiful world it would be if everyone's love was so straightforward! Grandly living a normal life after falling in love at first sight.

Your better half will accompany you when you die? It's out of reach. Huang Kai bent his head like a young bride, not daring to make a sound when Pan Ge glanced at him.

Pan Ge turned and proceeded to the commandos' communication tent.

"Did you get in touch?"

The correspondent was also blue-faced. After losing contact with Pan Lei, they all began to search sleeplessly. The correspondent never gave up and kept trying to make contact.

"No, there hasn’t been any signal."

"I know it's tiring, but please don't give up. Keep calling, and perhaps a miracle will occur."

Pan Ge patted the correspondent on the shoulder, refusing to give up hope. Perhaps there’ll be a miracle.

Pan Ge was about to turn around and depart, thinking about joining Zhang Hui and the others in their search for Tian Yuan. One of these two living ancestors tormented people for fun, while the other threw everyone into a tizzy. Neither of them spared people from concern! They had trusted Tian Yuan to control Pan Lei, but how wonderful! The duo was a genuine couple. Their ability to torment people was far too powerful!

The walkie-talkie buzzed just as Pan Ge was about to turn to leave.

"Hello, hello, this is Pan Lei. Do you copy?"

It was a miracle!

Pan Ge, who had just stepped outside the tent, spun around so abruptly that he nearly fell to the ground. He hurried back and snatched the walkie-talkie like a drowning man grasping at straws. In a second, all of his serenity vanished. He was flustered, pleasantly surprised, and wished he could yank Pan Lei from the line and beat him up.

"Pan Lei? Pan Lei, where are you, you ba$tard?"

Pan Lei disassembled and reassembled all of the wires, installing and then disassembling them several times. God only knows how many times he went through the process. He was about to disassemble the walkie-talkie again, thinking that this attempt had also failed, when he heard a voice on the other end.

Pan Lei's eyes sparkled, and the assistant instructor's face lit up as well. It had been about 48 hours since they had disappeared, and it was only by accident that they had contacted the encampment.

"This is Pan Lei, do you copy?"

Everyone was thrilled to be contacted by Pan Lei at last. A commando jumped up to tell everyone that the instructor was alright, that he was still quite safe, and that the instructor seemed to have some news.

Everyone ran to the communication tent and crowded in it. Pan Ge's heart, which had been in his throat the entire time, instantly returned to his chest upon receiving Pan Lei's transmission.

"Pan Lei, this is Pan Ge. Tell me your exact location. Do you need reinforcements? Are you trapped? Is it safe?"

Pan Lei was delighted, his face full of excitement.

"Huh? Second Brother, why are you here? We’re okay. We’re both safe. I'm in Myanmar with the deputy instructor. We're squatting outside the robbers' stronghold, keeping watch. Many leaders of the dark forces will convene here in these two days for a meeting. I talked to the assistant instructor about it, and when everyone arrives, we'll blow them up. Guess what? We destroyed about five kilos of their drugs. We dug a hole and buried all of it. Burying it doesn’t amount to much so we pissed on it. These f*cking a$$holes want to smuggle drugs and harm our people, so laozi will make them eat shit. Second Brother, I lost my phone and just repaired my walkie-talkie, hence I’m contacting you right now. Tell everyone that we’re fine and that there’s no need to worry. We’ll begin operations as soon as they’re all here. We might be able to return tonight. But, Second Brother, why did you come here? It’s so far away."

Pan Ge had no idea what to say about Pan Lei. Could someone kindly tell him what he did wrong to end up with such a callous jackass of a brother? This fella never did anything reassuring, aside from causing trouble and rushing up without thinking. It's unbelievable that this chap is a special forces instructor! Why was he so stupid?! What a fool he was not to contact, scaring everyone to death while he grinned over there. Heartless scum! Even if he had to return to find reinforcements, it would have been better than disappearing with no news.

He was going to whip him to death when he returned lest he harmed everyone by causing worry.

"What am I doing here? Let me tell you that everyone is here! Zhang Hui, Huang Kai, Lin Mu, and myself; we’re all here. You disappeared, and everyone thought you were kidnapped by those bandits and brought to Myanmar, where you were executed. The family has sent thousands of troops here to look for you, and the border police are still combing the mountains. It’s a complete mess here. We're all hunting for you, afraid you've been kidnapped, tied up, and killed, and you have the audacity to ask what I'm doing here?!"

Pan Lei hehe-ed twice, slightly embarrassed. It was the first time he caused such a commotion while carrying out an assignment.

"I’ll invite you to dinner when I get back. What do you think?"

"Laugh, you still want to laugh? Then let me tell you another piece of news. Tian Yuan is here too."

These words dropped like a bomb, almost driving Pan Lei to spring up and expose their hiding spot. The assistant instructor restrained him. Please don't make such a big move, okay? The bandits' den is just 500 meters ahead of us!

Do you want to be shot into a sieve?!

"What did you say?! F*ck! Why is this ancestor here as well? This place is so remote; my little devil cannot be wronged! Second Brother, call him over quickly. I miss him so much. I want to talk to my baby."

Ancestor; Tian Yuan was genuinely a living ancestor. You couldn’t even make a phone call in that place, so didn't he go there to suffer? Pan Lei regarded Tian Yuan as his darling and held him in his palm; he couldn't bear the thought of him suffering such grievance when he came there.

Pan Ge was unapologetic about retaliating. Pan Lei, you little shit, you've thrown the old overlords at home in a confusion, tormented laozi into coming here running, and you still want to laugh? You a$$hole, now it’s your turn to worry.

"Baby, my love, my little darling, why did you come here? Honey, I miss you so, so much. You honestly wait for me there; don't worry about me, I'm fine. I’ll send these crooks to hell and come back to you right away, baby. Baby..."

Pan Lei, holding the walkie-talkie, spoke a string of cheesy phrases, "Dear, ancestor, please say something. I haven't heard your voice in two days, and I really miss you."

Lin Mu shuddered at these sappy words.

"When he dies, he'll still be a sappy ghost. I'm curious how Tian Yuan got together with such a sickening ba$tard, and how he can stand it. It's enough to make me shed goose pimples on the ground for the rest of the day. Give me a break."

Despite the fact that there were a lot of people present, Pan Lei could still say things like "darling baby."

"I also need to inform you that your darling baby ran away on his own. We didn't keep an eye on him, so he came by himself to look for you. We haven't found him yet."

"F*ck! Where could he possibly go, hurry up and look for him! Laozi will not spare you even if he loses a single hair. Why didn't you watch him in this chaotic environment? You're just riding the gravy train. Hurry up and go find him. Please find him!"

Pan Lei wished he could return immediately. The loss of his sweetheart was more serious than the loss of his life.

"You ba$tard, you better focus on staying alive. We’ll find him. You must come back unscathed. Let me tell you, it's as if his soul has died since he received the call that you're missing. He will not survive if something happens to you. Tell us your exact location; I’ll send men to provide support. We’ll help you find Tian Yuan. Just come back early, okay? For his sake, please don't be stupid and reckless. Got it?"

"Second Brother, buddies, quickly get him back. It’s far too disorderly here. What if he gets into trouble? He has shown far too much courage this time by coming here despite everything. See how I punish him when I return. Why did he run here instead of waiting for me at home honestly? Why didn't he just stay at home and wait for me?!"

Pan Lei was distressed to death. His ancestor; his living ancestor, was killing him! If Tian’er was in a little danger, he wouldn't be able to live with it. Why did he come here? He should’ve just waited at home.

Pan Lei was so anxious that he was practically going around in circles after discussing the coordinates and the precise address.


It's like watching a comedy play...