Chapter 215 Tian Yuan, your beloved is calling for your reunion

"Brother, my dear brother, please hurry up and find him. I'm genuinely worried. I've spoiled him and I don't let him suffer in any way. I'm terrified that something awful may happen to him in this sh!thole where banditry is rampant and a language barrier exists."

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to find him. Men from the special forces will also come to your aid. Maintain contact, and when we find him, we will bring him back to talk to you. Don't be reckless, you hear me? Safety first; understood?"

"My ancestor must have suffered."

Pan Lei's heart was tangled in knots as he squirmed in distress. He was frantic to see his beloved, kiss him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and pamper him.

"Leizi, did you teach him anti-detection? What exactly did you teach him during his brief stay at the barracks? Tian Yuan is too skilled. He was only left alone for a few minutes, yet he managed to escape in that time. We arrived by plane, train, and road, but none of us could spot his shadow. We've looked everywhere, but we still haven't found him. He's far too skilled at escaping. What should we do if we can't locate him? Why do you suppose he fled? Is he not interested in being with you anymore? Or is he just frightened we'll catch him?"

Zhang Hui was being dramatic. He intended to give Pan Lei something to worry about after the couple had thrown everyone into a tizzy and caused turmoil.

"My baby’s so silly! Why did he run away? What did he run here for when it would have been wiser to wait for my news at home. He's being a fool by avoiding you. Watch how I scold him; why didn't he honestly stay at home?"

Pan Lei was angry, anxious and concerned. Tian Yuan would be absolutely blind as soon as he entered such a chaotic area, so God only knows what would happen to him. He couldn't be kidnapped under any circumstances. He must have been terrified by the phone call and came over to seek firsthand information. He had no idea how many people were hunting for him. Could he manage without anyone's assistance and by avoiding these pals and brothers? When he arrived, he should have at least contacted the local military to ensure his safety. Why was he out on his own, making a fool of himself with his reckless enthusiasm? This wouldn’t do. He needed to have a proper chat with him when they reunited. Pan Lei’s mission was dangerous, but he would undoubtedly protect himself. Tian Yuan had to trust that Pan Lei would be fine. All he needed to do was wait for Pan Lei to return home. Wait at home; wait for Pan Lei to return and spoil him beyond belief. Why was he causing such a commotion?

"Hurry up and go find him. Go! When will the support team arrive? Laozi wishes to return right now. No, damn it! The battle here is not over yet. Forget I said anything. Please, brothers, find and bring back my husband!"

Everyone let go of their worries after hearing Pan Lei's voice and learning that everything was well. Tian Yuan was the largest issue now.

There had been no news about him. He must be located.

There was no signal in this hellhole. Everyone contacted Tian Yuan in a panic, but they couldn't get through, making them want to break their phones in rage.

There was nothing else to do but employ the most old-fashioned way of locating Tian Yuan. Pan Ge got into the car and drove slowly down the road. Huang Kai yelled as he opened the car window with binoculars in hand.

"Tian Yuan, Tian Yuan, Leizi is safe. Come out, he wants to see you."

Pan Ge handed him a bottle of water. Shout, shout loudly, and maybe it will work and make Tian Yuan come out.

Tian Yuan spent the night in the woods and resumed his journey at dawn. He remembered the boy telling him that he had to keep walking down the trail till he arrived.

He simply walked alongside the road. He'd never done anything like it before. Even while he was in the army and watched the commandos train in the field, he sat in the car and thought they were working extremely hard. It was now his turn, and no matter how long the path was, he had to walk it with his own strength.

He had long since lost his appetite and only sometimes halted to take a sip of water. He'd been in the woods all evening, so how could he appear neat? His clothes were filthy, and the bottoms of his trousers were soaked in muck. When he stayed up late, his complexion became pale, and now fear, concern, and insane desperation were added to it. Apart from his unusually calm demeanor, his tranquility made others feel a little incredible. Such a Tian Yuan was staring down as he walked ahead. Perhaps he would ask for directions on encountering a villager who got up early in the morning. He just continued walking and walking.

Tian Yuan immediately hid in the nearby thicket after hearing the sound of a car's engine. There were now many patrolling personnel and cars going past, all with military white license plates. A quick glance revealed that the vehicle belonged to the army.

Tian Yuan thought to himself as the car approached: How weird. It is identical to Pan Ge's car. Even the license plate starts with the word police. Oh no, how did his car get here? Is Pan Ge also here? Why is he here too? Tian Yuan had gotten rid of Pan Ge at his door and proceeded straight to the airport. Who would have thought he’d run here? He must be here to catch me and send me back.

"Tian Yuan, you idiot, Pan Lei said that if you don't come back with us, he’ll beat you up when he comes home."

Huang Kai was yelling rubbish from the open car window. He sipped the bottle of water, his throat dry as a bone. They hadn't spotted Tian Yuan despite driving for so long. His throat would become hoarse if he continued to yell.

"You’re talking nonsense. Take care not to scare Tian Yuan into refusing to come out."

Huang Kai drew his neck back and sipped some water.

"My throat hurts. It will almost certainly be inflamed and swollen. I'm going to ask Tian Yuan, that a$$, to reimburse me for medical expenses, psychological injury compensation, lost labor costs, and hard work when we find him."

Pan Ge threw him a box of throat lozenges.

"Take this and keep shouting."

"F*ck! Why should I shout when my throat hurts? You're basically pressuring your friend for the sake of your brother and sister-in-law."

Pan Ge snorted coldly.

"Aren't you going to demand payment from them? I naturally want to help my own brother. We’re related. How about you? Who are you? Tell me, who are you to me?"

Huang Kai opened his mouth to respond, but he still felt he had no standpoint. Pan Ge glanced at him and thought: Say it. Say it. You’ll say it if you have the ability. What are you to me? Just say it if you admit it to yourself.

"Laozi is Friends who live and die together."

Pan Ge stepped on the accelerator.

"Hurry up and yell. You can walk back from here if you don't find him."

Huang Kai gave in to the threat and thrust his neck out, shouting loudly.

"Tian Yuan, (f*ck) your uncle! Come out for laozi quickly! The Pan brothers are not good things. The younger one is a bandit, while the older is a bully. Your bandit family is still waiting for you. Come on out, don't keep hiding. He contacted us. He’s safe and sound, just waiting for you to speak with him. Come out, come out, gege is not tricking you. Let’s join forces to deal with the evil forces of the Pan family."

Pan Ge remained as still as a mountain and let Huang Kai blather on.

"Tian Yuan, Pan Lei is alive and kicking. He keeps calling your name over the walkie-talkie. We were forced to listen to his corny words. He said, "Baby, my sweetheart, my ancestor, I miss you so much, come out and kiss me.""

"Tian Yuan, the Pans are not good things. Pan Lei makes you worried and scared, doesn't he? Be with gege. I promise to treat you well!"

Pan Ge couldn't listen anymore. He slapped the back of Huang Kai's head with his hand.

Huang Kai was most likely accustomed to being beaten. He only rubbed the back of his head and continued to yell.

"Tian Yuan, your family’s husband is waiting for you to go home and sleep."

Pan Ge drove at a snails' pace, looking for any sign of Tian Yuan. He went slowly and took his time looking around. He braked and came to a stop as Huang Kai was yelling nonsense.

He noticed some movement in the underbrush on the side of the road. He had previously served in the special forces and had changed careers, but his honed alertness was still quite beneficial.

"Keep shouting and stop talking bullshit. Say something reliable."

Huang Kai noticed the movement as well and continued his yelling.

"We are not deceiving you. I swear we heard from Leizi. This morning, he contacted the station. Both he and the assistant instructor are safe. They even destroyed five kilos of drugs and plan to return today. He heard you were also here and is awfully worried. Please come out. Let’s return to the station. We'll go home together once you talk to Leizi. Has this gege ever lied to you? I’m not fooling you, I’m really not. Please come out of hiding."

Pan Ge feared startling Tian Yuan. At the moment, Tian Yuan almost didn't believe anyone. He was determined to find Pan Lei and was afraid that others might find him and send him back before he could. So he hid and fled, never communicating with them.

The terrain here was difficult to navigate, and the signal was poor. They'd only happened to spot him. It would be extremely difficult to track him down if he ran away again.

Pan Ge exited the car and took a detour. He moved in a large circle, then carefully approached, this time detouring behind Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan had no trust in anyone at this point. Even if Huang Kai was yelling from the car at the moment, he didn't believe it. Pan Lei had vanished, he had been kidnapped, his life and death were unknown, and a large number of people were hunting for him. Could such a major issue be fixed so easily?

Huang Kai and Pan Ge had both come, and their aim was undoubtedly to bring him back home. What if he went home and kept waiting stupidly, but Pan Lei never returned, even after waiting his entire life? There was nothing he could do to find the missing Pan Lei except search for him and look for clues on his own. He would travel to Myanmar by himself, and whether Pan Lei lived or died, he would see him.

He refused to trust any news till Pan Lei showed up.

"Tian Yuan, you jerk, come back and treat laozi. Laozi’s throat is hoarse from shouting, yet you’re still not coming out, you ba$tard. Why do you insist on going on a wild goose chase? He’s truly quite safe! The commandos have rushed over to his aid. He’ll return once the mission is completed. Just come with us and wait for him at the station. You can't hug him again until you come back."

How pigheaded! Today, Huang Kai realized for the first time that the more docile individuals are, the more stubborn their temper will be, which just did not make sense. Do all highly educated people share this flaw? Do they look for a way to run into danger and stubbornly insist on their own ideas? F*ck your grandma! Laozi’s throat is hoarse.

Tian Yuan was in a pickle. He was crouched in the undergrowth, contemplating standing up and questioning Huang Kai. If you lie to me, I'll have Pan Lei fix you when he returns. But he didn't dare to step outside for fear of being discovered, tied up, and sent home.

He wavered between staying put and getting up so much that his body swayed, shaking the grass. Pan Ge noticed it and came over from behind to outflank him.