Chapter 217 Baby, ge is back

Pan Lei could finally relax now that his husband had been found. Pan Lei coaxed and indulged him because he was afraid he would be unhappy at some point, yet he was the source of Tian Yuan's sadness. But he was on a mission, and he couldn't fail to execute it.

Hearing it, the assistant instructor had already gone numb. Listening to sweet discourse and honeyed words like this had made his ears grow calluses. God, what corny terms of endearment! He ignored Pan Lei's sappy words and focused on the enemy's situation.

"Leader Pan, we have a situation. Vehicles are approaching."

"I'm on a mission, baby. Please wait for me; I'll be back soon."

Pan Lei quickly stopped talking nonsense and hung up the walkie-talkie.

"Pay attention to safety!!"

Tian Yuan roared at him, and Pan Lei almost patted his chest to demonstrate his sincerity.

"I will!"

Pan Lei entered battle ready when the call ended. He kept a close eye on the situation ahead.

One car arrived, then another, then seven or eight cars arrived within half an hour.

"We'll wait 30 minutes, then go in and act."

Let's have some more. Why don't you bring some more people huh… They'd annihilate them all at once.

The walkie-talkie rang once more. This time, they were contacted by the special forces. Pan Lei was eager to get into action, and reinforcements had come. The mission must be completed flawlessly this time.

After about ten minutes, the squad leader brought his men closer and saw the instructor and assistant instructor. The squad leader appeared ecstatic.


Pan Lei, too, looked overjoyed and patted his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?"

"The campsite is chaotic, but now that you're safe, those folks are ready to leave."

"We'll outflank like this, and no one will be able to escape from here. This time, we must send the evil forces in this area to hell; a total wipe out. They will never dare to enter our country to harass our citizens. Outflank the perimeter with your men. We were going to blow up their den with bombs, but since you're here, we'll kill them all one by one. Give me the gun and we'll launch an attack in twenty minutes. Time yourself."

They synchronized their watches and began counting down the minutes and seconds till the attack.

Pan Lei loaded his ammo and donned his bullet-proof vest. As soon as he picked up the gun, he was excited. This is the most useful tool ever. A headshot is so exciting.

Each group reported their waiting time, and when they arrived at the designated spot, Pan Lei gazed at the watch until it was time.


All of the commandos who had been hidden around sprang up and began pouring in. They moved swiftly and launched a surprise attack. The robbers were shot between the brows and dropped dead before they could respond.

"The left and right wings are finished. Squad Leader, follow me into the conference room with your men."

Rush in, take aim, and fire. One shot, one death. Whoever got in the way would die there. With one kill per shot, they soon dealt with all of the robbers and broke inside the conference room. Those in the conference room began to return fire, and Pan Lei threw a grenade into the room, blowing up three or four people.


There was no time to hesitate. They struck, and they kept attacking. Pan Lei went to the door and hid behind it, inspecting the situation inside and stopping the squad leader from throwing more grenades in.

"I just noticed the stones arranged behind him. What if they explode? I want to take them home and present them to my husband as a trophy. Instead of using grenades, just shoot."

The squad leader nodded. The instructor sure has a lot of crazy ideas. As grenades were not permitted, they were compelled to open fire. Pan Lei burst through the door, machine-gun downed, shells flying around. The firepower was impressive.

At this point, someone pulled out a gun and fired back. The squad leader turned around and shot him in the head, killing him instantly.

Pan Lei felt his body jolt, as if he had been charged with momentum. He didn't give it much thought. He swapped out the magazine, loaded the gun, aimed, and fired.

The bandit hideout was turned into a lifeless hold in five minutes. The commandos killed all of the robbers who attempted to fight back.

Pan Lei entered the room with his gun ready and checked everyone to ensure that no one was still alive. It was an overwhelming victory.

"Search each room and take away all drugs and weapons. The cars outside came to the meeting as well and are our spoils of war. We’ll keep them with our commando force so the boys can have fun with them."

Pan Lei borrowed the squad leader's rucksack and stuffed the stones he'd noticed in the back into it. What did Myanmar produce? Jade! Since these pieces had been arranged so grandly, they had to be of high quality. When it was carved out, it had to be top-notch jade. Even if it wasn't cut, the shapes were odd to look at. Tian’er will like it!

What was the phrase? Right! Thieves never leave empty handed[1]. He was a modern-day bandit. Could he return with nothing after going down the mountain to loot?

Bandit Chief Pan Lei’s underlings proceeded to rob arms and drugs, as well as money and cars. He saw that none of the dead men appeared to be that wealthy, yet they all wore large emerald-green rings on their hands and green beaded necklaces around their necks. It can’t be plastic or glass, right?

Pan Lei was impolite and promptly removed the accessories. He plundered each corpse and presented the assistant instructor with a large ring.

"Save it for when you get married."

He then pocketed a necklace and two rings.

He stood at the door, smoking a cigarette and holding his gun. He grinned brightly when he saw that all of his men had something.

"Assemble! We're heading back to the station."

Let’s return! My baby is waiting for me at the station, hehehe. He wished to return, to go home, and to embrace his darling to love.

Pan Lei hopped in a car and hummed this line all the way back:

I won a big victory and my pockets are bulging, oh yeah~~

Tian Yuan was standing at the tent's entrance. When Pan Ge asked him to eat something, he smiled and claimed he wasn't hungry. Pan Ge was relieved to see him smiling again. Tian Yuan's eyes were a little red, but he smiled softly - not the deathly stillness of yesterday, but the gentleness of the past. It was as if he’d never been decisive and frantic.

He would appear the most humble as long as it didn't involve the most protected portion of his heart, if it didn't involve the man whose hand he refused to let go even if he died. He'd be truly desperate if something that broke his heart happened.

Love had made him reckless and crazy. That was exactly how the couple was.

The troops were leaving, but not instantly. This quiet location was yet teeming with people. Those few who did not wear military uniforms were especially lofty. The three fellas appeared relaxed and ran to one side, joking and laughing, but Pan Ge remained at Tian Yuan's side. Pan Lei will have my hide if anything goes wrong with Tian Yuan again. He was his younger sister-in-law after all.

Tian Yuan's eyes brightened up as a convoy approached from a distance.

They drove one car over but returned in ten. If that wasn’t a motorcade, what is?

Pan Ge smiled as he saw Pan Lei jump out of the car. He's finally here. I can now hand over my responsibility. Pan Lei had to look after his man because he was not in Pan Ge’s care.

Tian Yuan watched Pan Lei get out of the car, stood up, and raced towards him.

"Baby, baby, I'm back!"

Pan Lei yelled, stepped out of the car, and began waving madly towards Tian Yuan. He threw away his weapon and rucksack and ran with outstretched arms towards Tian Yuan.

"What a touching picture of a loving couple meeting on the magpie bridge."

Huang Kai fixed his gaze on the classic romantic moment that was going to unfold in front of him.

Everyone who was outside watched this scene, and Pan Lei's shouts drew the attention of everyone in the tent, who were all sticking their necks out and watching.

Tian Yuan's eyes were wet. He didn't care about anything else at the time and dashed over to Pan Lei. Pan Lei stooped and hugged him fiercely, holding him high and parallel, no, somewhat higher than himself. He raised his head slightly to look at his darling. Tian Yuan grasped his shoulders and locked his gaze on him. He simply wanted to ensure that Pan Lei was safe and sound. Pan Lei, like him, stared at Tian Yuan, taking everything in and remembering it in his bones.

"Hey sweetheart, ge is back. You were waiting anxiously, right."

Pan Lei had camouflage paint on his face so his grin full of white teeth was particularly bright.

Tian Yuan's tears streamed down his cheeks and fell on Pan Lei's face like raindrops. Then he wrapped his arms around Pan Lei's neck and remained silent.

Pan Lei wrapped one arm around his waist and patted his back with the other. He held Tian Yuan in that position, his tears streaming down his neck and searing his heart.

Tian Yuan hugged him, his head buried in Pan Lei's neck crook. Pan Lei felt his tears and was distressed.

He kissed Tian Yuan's neck and stroked his back.

"Honey, haven't I come back? Baby, stop crying. I feel bad to see your eyes all puffy. Relax, relax, my baby is the most obedient. Quickly let me look at you. I haven't seen you in days."

Tian Yuan let go of his death grip, and Pan Lei lowered him, pinched his chin, and lifted it up.

Pan Lei's hands were covered with calluses as a result of his constant training. He cupped Tian Yuan's face in his large hands, wiping his tears away with his thumbs. Tian Yuan's eyes were wet, his eye rims were crimson, and tears hung from his eyelashes, causing Pan Lei's heart to bleed. It was like placing a hundred mice in his heart and those hundreds of claws scratching it.

Tian Yuan's lips trembled. He was feeling wronged yet attempting to be brave; he was anxious and mad with desperation. He burst into tears when he saw Pan Lei. It was good that he could return, that he was safe, and that he could hug himself in this manner. He wanted nothing but Pan Lei.

"Ancestor, please don't torment me. Watching you cry hurts more than being shot."

Tian Yuan smacked him. Pan Lei could always easily coax himself happy.

"Come on, kiss! Hey, kiss! On the mouth! French kiss!"

Huang Kai was heckling on the side. This was not a commonly seen show. Everyone was envious of the young couple's ‘sticky’ energy. The troops who had not yet left watched the couple with wide eyes.

"You would have known better than to charge unthinkingly if you had used your brain instead of your brawn. We would not have lost your news if you had waited a little longer and acted collectively. You frightened everyone to death."

Tian Yuan complained that Pan Lei always came to grief from his recklessness, so why hadn’t he learned his lesson?

"I’ll bear it in mind. I have a family and a husband, and I will not be reckless in the future."

"Kiss, kiss, French kiss!"

Huang Kai continued his antics. No one stopped him, and he happily caused a ruckus.

"STOP IT! What kiss? Do you want us husbands to let you watch us make out?!"

Pan Lei took Tian Yuan into his arms and yelled at Huang Kai.

Tian Yuan was hugged by Pan Lei and noticed a bullet embedded in his bulletproof vest, just to the left of his sternum. It was the heart’s position.


[1] People who love stealing will steal something to take with them everywhere they go.