Chapter 218 Get lost when you’re told to?

"I brought you presents, baby. You’ll definitely like them."

Pan Lei let go of Tian Yuan and proceeded to eagerly retrieve the backpack he'd tossed aside, opening it like a treasure chest for Tian Yuan to view.

Tian Yuan's eyes narrowed as he stared at the spot where the bullet had been lodged in Pan Lei's bulletproof vest, without which the bullet would have undoubtedly reached the heart, and even the gods would not have been able to save him. Despite the extra layer of gear, the bullet became lodged in the vest, its tail end faintly visible.

Tian Yuan was a doctor, and he knew exactly what that spot meant. It was unquestionably a location where a single shot could kill. Death would arrive in two minutes, and no one could save the shot individual in those two minutes.

"Look, baby! I'm not knowledgeable about this thing, but I thought they were nice, so I brought them back for you. I wanted to blow them all up, but I thought, 'These are beautiful stones, Tian'er will like them; wouldn't it be a shame if they were blasted to pieces?' So we charged in, fought hard, and won a tremendous victory, and I grabbed them for you. Let's get an expert to appraise them when we have time and see if it's Myanmar jade for you to play with. It belongs to us now."

"Pan Lei, what happened here?"

Tian Yuan smiled and touched the bullet lodged at the heart position. Pan Lei was charmed by his adorable appearance. I was right to bring these things back! Take a look at how happy my baby is!

"It's nothing. The robbers also opened fire when we did that's all. I was wearing a bulletproof vest, but the bullet struck me too hard. At most, it will cause a bruise. Look, look, I even got you the jewelry they were wearing around their neck. It's made of jade and is quite nice."

Pan Lei seemed unconcerned about the bullet and was continuing showing off the fine goods he'd looted.

Tian Yuan gritted his teeth. (F*ck) your grandma, you a$$hole!

He went up and grabbed Pan Lei’s cheeks, twisting them to the left and right.

"Pan Lei, you d!ckhead, screw you! I landed on the floor and couldn't get up because I was so worried, and you say it's nothing? I fled to the airport alone, avoiding everyone's attention, and you're telling me it's nothing? Mom and Dad were terrified, and I was disrespectful to your CO, and you're telling me it’s nothing? I spent the night in the woods, freezing and hungry, and you're telling me it's nothing? I came here thinking that if you're still alive, I'll follow you; if you're dead, I'll still follow you. I nearly committed suicide, and you’re telling me IT’S NOTHING?"

Tian Yuan roared, twisting Pan Lei’s cheeks. He tightened his grip on Pan Lei, pinching and twisting his flesh all over.

His voice was quite loud. When he reached out and twisted the commander's cheeks, Doctor Tian, who was soft, smiling, and heartwarming in everyone's eyes, exploded and growled in a loud voice and glared with round eyes like a tiger.

"Ah, ah, ancestor, easy, easy, it hurts!"

"It’s your f*cking head that’s hurt!"

Tian Yuan's tears, which he had restrained with difficulty, fell down with a plunk. He recalled being a zombie for two days, only for Pan Lei to dismiss everything with a simple "it's nothing."

"It’s nothing? Are you faking or downplaying it for me? I was about to accompany you to the grave, and you're still here showing off your booty? You stupid, heartless ba$tard! Fool, idiot! You piss me off, you jerk!"

Tian Yuan was enraged beyond belief. He pinched Pan Lei once more, let go of his hand, and panted in rage.

His tears stimulated the bewildered Pan Lei, who wanted to go up and hug him.

"Ancestor, please don't cry. I swear I won’t do it again, okay?"

"You moron! So what if you are wearing a bulletproof vest? You dare say "it's nothing"? Do you wish to die? Do you want to die or do you want me to die? You expect me to wait! Wait? As if I'm going to wait for you, you prick! You expect me to wait for you, yet you don't take your own life seriously! You charged up like a dumbass and were shot in the heart. You want to die and have me buried with you, is that it? Are these trivial things useful? Can they possibly compete with you? I told you a long time ago that I don't want anything but you. I want you to return intact and live with me for the rest of my life. I promised you we'd be together for the rest of our lives. I'm not going to let you go, and you'd better not leave midway.

Why, why don't you think about me?! I've been dying for the past two days. I didn't have your news and I was seriously dying, but I managed to hold out for you. Do you believe I'll survive if you have an accident? Pan Lei, you foolish ba$tard, you don't have me in your heart, which is why you can rush in like an idiot. Where do you want to rush in, you f*cker?! I don't care if you give me a mountain of gold; all I want is for my man to return safely. How can you not see that?"

Tian Yuan's finger trembled with rage as he pointed towards Pan Lei's nose. Because of these dumb stones, this moron was shot in the heart. He was lucky to be wearing a bulletproof vest. What if he didn't wear it, or the criminals used those steel core ammo that could penetrate a bulletproof vest? How was he supposed to live on if Pan Lei was dead?

It’s nothing? He wanted to dismiss the whole situation with just that sentence? He'd still charge in recklessly the next time.

Pan Lei would never realize he was bearing the fate of two people if he didn't teach him a lesson.

"Wow, Tian Yuan is a hot pepper!"

Lin Mu almost swooned from astonishment. There were a lot of people around, but Tian Yuan ignored them all and twisted Pan Lei's cheeks like crazy. Lin Mu took a glance around and thought: How about you leave him some face(dignity)? There were so many people, all soldiers, staring at the pair in awe.

"My bad! I was wrong; I'll be more careful next time. I promise not to rush in and consider strategy and tactics. Okay?"

"You, you, you infuriate me! You ba$tard, motherf*cker, you have zero regard for me! Let me tell you something, Pan Lei. You live, I live. If you die, I will also die. If you’re eager to die, I’ll jump from the roof right now. Continue to be heartless if you want me to die!"

Pan Lei wanted to kick himself. He was wrong, really wrong. He shouldn't be greedy for petty riches, putting his life at risk. His actions set fire to his little chili.

Tian Yuan kicked him on the knee as he reached out to hug him.

"Get lost! You don't reflect on yourself, you don't want to see me, get lost!"

Tian Yuan wiped his face with his sleeve, which was all wet.

Pan Lei's heart was breaking. His beloved never spoke such words in front of others. He was filled with rage today. Shit, he’s trembling with anger.

"Okay, I'll get lost and reflect on my actions. Please don't be angry; what if it affects your health?"

Pan Lei intended to approach Tian Yuan, but as soon as he did, Tian Yuan kicked him.

"Go away!"

Even if he wanted to, Pan Lei couldn't get close. He longed to hug Tian Yuan but was wary of truly upsetting him.

You'd think Pan Lei would leave after getting kicked on the knee X times, right? But he didn’t. Why aren’t you leaving? Tian Yuan shot him a wide-eyed glare. Neither approaching nor leaving felt like a good idea to Pan Lei.


"Go and reflect! Figure out where you went wrong and then get your a$$ back here!"

Zhang Hui stroked his chin.

"This little pepper is too powerful."

Pan Lei took a step back, his face full of reluctance.

"Don't be angry, baby. I'm leaving right now. I’ll reflect and write a 5000-word self-critique. What do you think?"

Another step back.

"Don't get mad and hurt yourself. I get what you mean. I will never, ever do it again. Believe me."

Another step back.

"I tell you to get lost, and you simply do. You won't even approach me, huh?"

Tian Yuan cursed as he pointed to his nose.

"When you charge into battle, you rush in with reckless abandon. But now you're timid."

"What? Oh! Oh! Baby, my sweetheart!"

Pan Lei finally understood and aroo-ed as he threw himself on Tian Yuan, hugging him hard and biting him twice on the lips.

"Don't be upset, my ancestor. You scared me to death."

Tian Yuan removed the bullet and clutched it in his hand, kicking Pan Lei a few times.

"I'm going to keep this bullet. If you die, I'll shoot myself with this bullet. This is the point. If you don't value your life, you're wasting mine as well."

Pan Lei embraced him tightly. If I cherish you like a prince, then I am a prince as well. Please don't say things like ruining your life. I can't even stand anyone rolling their eyes at you. To cherish myself means to cherish you. I understand.

"Pan Lei is the only one who can be with Little Chili. He’s so difficult that if it had been another person, they would have slapped him away long ago."

Huang Kai shook his head. Tian Yuan was so difficult. He told Pan Lei to get lost but still didn’t let him go. If it had been him, he would have gotten lost when told to and waited till the fury passed before talking.

Pan Ge humphed as he glanced at Huang Kai.

"If you’re told to leave, you’ll just leave instead of dealing with it yourself? Are you a man? As a man, how can you be so timid? Why not make an exception? Do you have to be so obedient? Do you think it’s like being a good boy in your childhood? If you leave just because you’re asked to and don’t use your brain, you’ll find nothing when you turn around. If you dare to confess, you must have the courage to accept responsibility. If you turn and leave just because you’ve been scolded or kicked, you’re a coward."

Zhang Hui thought something was not quite right about these words. Lin Mu also felt that Pan Ge’s remarks hinted at something different. This was clearly a case of making oblique accusations.

"So, Huang Kai, you’re stupid. Let me ask you a question. When you’re doing it with a woman and she says no, no, you won't do it?"

Zhang Hui began an X-rated discussion.

"But how can this and that be the same? No matter how many times the woman says no, if it's all in good fun, I’ll go all the way. But if the woman truly disagrees, it’ll be rape if I continue, and I’ll be jailed."

Pan Ge hit the car's roof with his fist, leaving a large dent before turning around and leaving.

Zhang Hui and Lin Mu were startled for a brief while before smiling. Huang Kai wanted to pursue Pan Ge, but he stopped again.

Pan Lei was still coaxing his beloved, calling him baby, darling, ancestor, and other mushy phrases. Ignoring the onlookers, Pan Lei bent his head and kissed Tian Yuan, his face red from Tian Yuan's pinches. Tian Yuan smacked him, but he was undeterred and kissed him once again. Tian Yuan kicked him once more.

Tian Yuan wrapped his arms around Pan Lei's waist after three or four such attempts.

They continued to adore each other in this manner.

Instead of calling it quits, these two quarreled. Will you simply leave if your lover tells you to? Pan Lei approached Tian Yuan, kissed and hugged him, and even bit him a few times, calling, "my baby, my darling," until Tian Yuan's rage subsided.

This is what you call a man. As for the sort who backs away when kicked, he’s absolutely stupid.


TY, you tell him!