Chapter 230 My groom is so handsome

The bunch of people rushed into their cars. Even though they made thousands of calculations and considered every possible situation, something unexpected happened. They became stranded in traffic.

Hahaha, it was really a traffic jam.

Pan Ge stated that he had arranged for traffic police to regulate traffic on this road in order to avoid traffic congestion. Unfortunately, he couldn't control everything.

Many traffic police had kept the route clear, and it was completely unobstructed. Their fleet, however, had to travel via a commercial street. Too bad that by some bizarre coincidence, a store was on fire, and fire trucks were blaring all the way. You had to pull over even if you were getting married.

The fire trucks arrived as soon as their cars were stopped, and the commercial street was blocked.

They couldn't get through and wanted to turn around, but the vehicle behind them was also blocked. There was an alley on the left that would be tough for their car to navigate. Turning right brought you to a pedestrian street that was closed due to the fire.

They couldn't go out the front, the back, the left, or the right. Unless their Ferrari was like Knight Rider's smart car and could fly. Otherwise, don't even think about going out.

Pan Lei waited and waited until his eyes turned green, but he still didn't see the wedding car.

He checked the time. It was nine o'clock.

The guards were all busy, and they were passing news from the sentinels every few moments.

"Report, no vehicle on its way."

"Report, no wedding car was spotted within two kilometers."

Pan Lei began to pace back and forth. He paced around the house, then the yard, and finally at the military compound's gate. Why hasn't he arrived yet? What happened to him?

"He doesn’t really not want you anymore, right?"

Lin Mu joked that Pan Lei was now a runaway lion, and that if he was messed with, he would explode. Lin Mu shrugged his shoulders as Pan Lei gave him a scathing glance. There was nothing that could be done but wait.

"Everyone has a car here. How about we drive to pick up Tian Yuan. It’s the same."

Tian Yuan looked about anxiously. What should I do now?

Pan Lei must be worried. He took out his phone and dialed Pan Lei's number.

"Bad news. I'm stuck on the road."

"What?! F*ck! Damn it! How can there be traffic at this hour? Isn’t this a delay? Where’s Second Brother? Didn’t he say he’d instructed someone to direct traffic?"

Pan Lei's anxiousness was reduced by half. At the very least, Tian Yuan did not refuse to marry him. But didn't Second Brother promise that there would be no problems?

"What can I do in an emergency? What should I do now that I'm stuck here?"

"Let them be blocked. Leave a driver in charge of each car and let everyone detour and take a taxi to the hotel. You get out of the car and come to me. I’ll run over to your side now. We’ll meet on the road and take a taxi to the hotel. I’ll have my relatives wait for us at the hotel. We’ll talk after we meet. Baby, pay attention to safety. You must still marry me."

Whatever you fear will happen, happens. He kept pleading don't make me run, but today he had to.

"Of course. Just wait for me to marry you."

Tian Yuan threw away the bouquet in his palm after hanging up the phone. It was sponsored by Huang Kai, who stated that when he married his wife, he should offer him a large bouquet of roses. Huang Kai claimed to have made it specifically for him. But now that he needed to run to Pan Lei, he didn't want to deal with the trouble of carrying a bouquet.

"Each car should have a driver ready for it. You and Second Brother bring all of the relatives to the hotel to wait for us. I'm on my way to find Pan Lei."

Tian Yuan took to his heels and raced after quickly explaining to Huang Kai, closing the vehicle door, dodging a few times, and reaching the side of the road, headed towards the military compound.

Huang Kai stepped out of the car, looked at Tian Yuan, who was sprinting faster than everyone else, and slammed the hood.

"Love, this is his f*cking love. Advance bravely in the face of danger for the sake of your lover."

Pan Ge motioned for Tian Yuan's parents to exit the car and heard Huang Kai sigh.

"You can learn from Tian Yuan and be brave for love. Let's go. Go to the hotel and wait for them there."

To be brave for love, to take risks, and to never give up. A man must have this type of guts.

Huang Kai clenched his fists and assisted relatives and friends in exiting their vehicles.

Pan Lei dashed out like a medal-hungry athlete. Lin Mu and Zhang Hui pursued him, shouting, "What are you doing?" Was he triggered by something?

"You guys get everyone into the cars. I'll go get Tian Yuan. He’s not as fast as me. We’ll meet you at the hotel."

"Damn, this couple can raise a commotion even on their wedding day."

They were lucky to have these friends to help them out; else, it would have been a disaster. Lin Mu and Zhang Hui motioned for Pan Lei's family to get into their automobiles, explaining that the planned rituals at home had been canceled and that they should proceed directly to the hotel.

Pan Lei demonstrated his athletic abilities. Despite the fact that he was wearing a suit, which was not as comfortable to move in as a camouflage uniform, he covered 1.5 meters with each stride forward because of his long legs. He ran as fast as the wind, and no ordinary person could keep up with him.

Tian Yuan ran like he'd never run before. He quickly found himself panting and squatting on the ground to regain his breath. He couldn't run because he had a stitch in his side. But he still hadn't seen Pan Lei, so he rose up, gritted his teeth, and kept running.

A handsome man in a formal suit with a groom's corsage on his chest ran down the street as if he had lost his bride, as if his life depended on it. Some girls sighed deeply, thinking that this man must adore his wife. His wife didn't elope with anyone, did she? He's running so fast; will he be able to catch up?

Come on, Mr. Bridegroom!

F*ck, laozi is exhausted. Marrying him is so f*cking tiring.

Pan Lei dashed over with huge strides. Tian Yuan waved to him, crouched on the ground, and stopped running as soon as he saw him from a distance.

Pan Lei hurried over, his brow covered with perspiration. When he noticed his husband crouching by the side of the road waiting for him, he accelerated and raced over to assist him.

"Are you okay? Tired? Take a long, deep breath."

"Quick! Hurry up and hail a taxi. Everyone is waiting for us. We can't miss the auspicious time. Those who are unaware of what happened will think we eloped."

Pan Lei helped him up and kissed him enthusiastically. His baby was like him in that neither of them would abandon the other.

"Ah!" cried the girls on one side. "There are two grooms! Did they come running from two weddings? The groom eloped with the groom! How horrible it must have been in the middle before they finally got together at the last minute. So moving."

They finally found a taxi, gave the driver the address, and got in the car. The two of them exhaled a sigh of relief. Pan Lei and Tian Yuan sat with their fingers clasped, taking in each other's miserable appearance and smiling. Despite their sorry appearance, they had found each other. Today was a special day; they were getting married.

Pan Lei smiled as Tian Yuan wiped the sweat from his brow.

"We have time. Neither early nor late. Just right."

The driver glanced at the two of them and remarked.

"Getting married, huh."

"Yes, we’re getting married."

Tian Yuan nodded and tightened his grip on Pan Lei's hand.

"Is the bride pretty?"

Tian Yuan grinned contentedly as he glanced at the smiling Pan Lei.

"Very much so. Gentle, caring, loves me, and will do anything for me. Quite handsome."

"How can you use the word "handsome" to describe the bride, young man? It seems that you and the bride are very affectionate."

"We have a great relationship."

The driver returned his gaze to Pan Lei.

"Your best man is even more handsome than you. A best man like this will steal your limelight."

"I'm also the groom."

"Oh, you guys are participating in a mass wedding. But what about your brides? You’re going straight to the hotel? Why didn’t you pick up your brides and go to the hotel together? Your mass wedding is really strange."

Pan Lei grinned at the driver as he gazed around the bend towards the hotel.

"My groom is by my side. He is my groom, and I am his."

When the car came to a stop, they opened the door and got out. The driver was still pondering: What does he mean by that? What about the bride? Didn’t he say it’s a mass wedding? The driver then belatedly saw the words painted on the rainbow entrance of the hotel.

The wedding ceremony of Mr. Tian Yuan and Mr. Pan Lei.

Huh? It also works like this?

It ought to work. There were troops stationed around the hotel, and police were maintaining the order. The folks who arrived here appeared to be all in military dress, as did the people who jumped off the minibus driving over. This marriage sparked a lot of interest.

The individuals loitering outside the door were all young people, while the elders should have all been sat inside. When the soldiers came to greet Pan Lei, they all changed his title to Commander. Pan Lei was overjoyed to see them all attend and invited them to enjoy themselves.

The assistant instructor, no, sorry, the instructor, chuckled and congratulated Tian Yuan. Tian Yuan saw him glancing around looking for something, and he knew exactly who he was looking for.

"Pan Yue, the black rose, is here today wearing a white low-cut dress. Take a look over there."

When the assistant instructor looked over, he noticed a female in a low-cut dress standing at the gate. Her standing posture was a bit unrefined, yet she was stunning.

"Doctor Tian, ​​I'm going to become the commander’s brother-in-law. I'll treat you to matchmaker's wine."

The men flocked around their commander and praised, "You look so handsome today!"

Tian Yuan glanced at Pan Yue, and watched her pull up the dress again. Pan Lei's aunt, that gentle-like-water lady, pulled up her cheongsam, showed off her legs, and kicked Pan Yue's calf. Then she gracefully put down her cheongsam and smoothed her hair. Pan Yue bared her teeth and obediently pretended to be a wallflower.

Tian Yuan simply nodded. He had discovered the source of Pan Yue's temperament. Aunt Pan was as gentle as water but equally as tough as nails. She dared to do splits even in a cheongsam.

Lin Mu, Zhang Hui, and Huang Kai brought out a crate of color spray. Huang Kai also pulled out a water spray gun. Today, if you had a complaint, you could grumble; if you had a grudge, you could take revenge. It was a great opportunity that could not be passed up.

Pan Ge also joined the ranks of the troublemakers. With one spray in each hand, they began vigorously shaking the color spray.

The soldiers joined in as well. If one crate of color sprays was not enough, try something else. Salvo and other items were ready.

Lin Mu smirked and snorted, spraying froth in the faces of the couple.

Zhang Hui threw a water spray gun at Xiaji before joining the fray. Xiaji was the worst; he filled his water gun with Coke.

Gods only know when Chen Ze came around to Lin Mu's side.

"Doctor Lin, since you're doing bad things, it's only lively when there are a lot of people around, right? Let's have some fun."

Lin Mu paid no attention to him, but Chen Ze stood shamelessly beside him.

Tian Yuan got chills down his spine when he saw this situation.

"Go in on your own; I'll enter through the rear door. See you in the hotel."

Pan Lei dragged him back.

"We decided to live and die together, honey. We must face this together. How can you flee at this point? My mother has packed additional suits for us. We're a couple, and we have to pass this test. Let's crash through it together. Then go change our clothes."

Do we really have to overcome all obstacles on the route to success? There are so many people! We’re going to be bullied by this bunch today. Tian Yuan was on the verge of crying. Look at those large water spray guns! We’re gonna be sitting ducks today.

"Can I not marry you?"

Pan Lei took his hand in his.

"No way! Get ready; go!"


No drama, no wedding!