Chapter 231 The wedding scene chaos

What ensued was mayhem. They finally took advantage of the situation and went completely insane.

The few friends holding color sprays began to attack Tian Yuan. Pan Lei hid Tian Yuan's face in his arms. At the very least, they wouldn't convert him into a Bubble Tian Yuan this way. The few with water guns demonstrated the special forces' daring, and they were likely the only ones who could shoot the water guns like a 95 sniper rifle. They aimed at Pan Lei's head and fired.

"Just you wait, you f*ckers. Laozi will make you regret it!"

Pan Lei started talking about utter vengeance as soon as he opened his mouth. He'd wait for them to have such a day, then return the favor with double or triple thanks.

"We’ll see about that. But now is the time to attack you. Brothers, charge!"

With a shout, Pan Ge summoned everyone to action and boosted the firepower. He used two spray guns because one wasn't enough. When Pan Lei opened his mouth, water was sprayed in his face, forcing him to choke back all of his threats.

These ba$tards! Tian Yuan cursed one by one, but he couldn't stop it. Pan Lei was guarding him. At this time, his height and physique gave him a distinct advantage. Pan Lei tightly hugged him like so, protecting Tian Yuan in his arms. Pan Lei merely bowed down, grabbed Tian Yuan, and dashed in.

"Kill! Go!"

Hear, hear! This was the time to charge and take the initiative in the struggle against the Japanese devils. A swarm of 30-year-old super large dudes charged in, waving their weapons.

"Mom, help me!"

Pan Lei's face was covered with foam, and his entire body was soaked. Tian Yuan's suit jacket was a mess. It was a revolting combination of water, cola, and foam. The two handsome men who were teased by the crowd appeared to have been fished out of water.

The most mighty Mama Dang Hong stood with her hands on her hips, blocking her two sons. "No one can get past me," her posture screamed.

"Pipe down for me, you little ba$tards."

She scrutinized everyone, her gaze locked on their eyes.

"Won't you conserve some of your energy for causing havoc in the bridal chamber tonight?"

The bunch of hoodlums burst out laughing with an aroo. Third Aunt, you are the most powerful, the most impressive, and the most adorable.

Tian Yuan gnashed his teeth and wiped his face.

"Damn it! Wait and see how I deal with you."

Tian Yuan drew Pan Lei over and said something to him in hushed tones. Pan Lei's eyes sparkled, and he nodded to Tian Yuan before sprinting inside the kitchen. Pan Lei appeared with a basket of eggs while the throng was still cheering.

"Look for cover. Let's see how they dare to attack me with me taking down one person per egg. Our suits were very expensive, yet these ba$tards ruined them."

Nothing further needs to be said. If you spend a long period with bandits, you will undoubtedly become a bandit. You all attacked me, and laozi will retaliate. It was a head-to-head combat, with neither side willing to back down.

Everyone hid behind the pillars when Pan Lei began his egg-attack. Pan Lei aimed towards Pan Ge and struck him with a pow! The egg yolk splattered all over, and the eggs assaulted others as well. Huang Kai was most certainly the most tragic. He was shot in the forehead, and egg yolk ran down his nose.

"Fire! Fight back!"

So, in the hotel lobby, this group of folks staged a realistic version of CS, complete with eggs flying around, Coke spraying, and color sprays being flung around.

It was both authentic and shocking. The shooting was even accompanied by a rolling action, and tossing a spray bottle felt like throwing a grenade.

The war was declared over when Pan Lei waved his white undershirt as a white surrender flag.

They’d run out of eggs. They would be attacked again, so they should surrender as soon as possible.

Both parties were rather miserable. Everyone on the crowded side had eggs on their bodies. Everyone was sticky except Lin Mu and Xiaji. Lin Mu and Xiaji had been saved by someone, but don't ask who. The couple had been assaulted twice and were in bad shape. Their white shirts had become brown, indicating how much Coke was sprayed.

All complaints were erased by a smile. They were still good brothers despite the quarrel and mocking.

They all needed to rush up and change their clothes.

When they turned around to go to the facilities and locker rooms to change clothing, they discovered the hall was packed. Several of them wore three stars and one wing on their shoulders(Rank: General), not to mention other military officers. People were crammed into the hall. They had come here to talk and wait for the couple to arrive before proceeding to the specially prepared auditorium on the second level to attend the wedding. The first floor would begin preparing the feast as soon as the ceremony began. Zhang Hui had this carefully planned out a long time ago.

So, just now, when the crowd was fighting ferociously, all of their antics were witnessed by the other guests in the hall. No one said anything and just stood there watching this group of young folks cause a commotion as they fooled around. They assumed it was just a game of mischievous children, but they were startled by how formally it was done, almost like a military exercise.

Those who had never witnessed a scene like this before were similarly taken aback.

So there were hundreds of people, but no one spoke, just stood there and watched them fight.

The two sides both played crazily, and when they came to their senses, they realized they had lost face. Pan Ge stared blankly, straightened his collar, coughed gently, and returned to being a serious Police Chief, whilst Lin Mu simply feigned to leave the fray quietly so as not to humiliate himself with them. Lin Mu didn't even raise his eyes and entirely ignored Chen Ze as he followed.

Zhang Hui drew Xiaji forward. He was the boss here, and he had to be in charge of everything.

"Waiters, hurry up and clean up the mess. Check that everything is back in its proper position. Leizi, the two of you should hurry up and change; it’s almost time. Brothers, I’m sure you’d like to clean up as well."

He bent his head and told Xiaji, "Go upstairs to my office and tidy up your clothes."

Then he smiled and greeted everyone.

"Please wait for half an hour, chiefs, uncles, aunts, beauties, and handsome guys. I invite you to take a break in the main assembly hall on the second floor after 30 minutes."

Zhang Hui was knowledgeable. He ran a hotel and was smooth and slick in things such as entertaining guests. He swiftly calmed the situation and did not let these elderly people be startled.

A commander of the same rank as Papa Pan smiled.

"I like these kids. I thought I was witnessing a genuine battle exercise since they were so loud. Are those all members of the special forces? And who is that young man in the military uniform? It's a shame they don't serve in the military. I'd like to inquire whether he'd like to come to my region and work with me as a staff officer."

Talent scouts, on the other hand, appeared to have fallen for this great scuffle. The abilities foundation was present, and the action response spoke for itself. What general does not appreciate good talent? All of these folks wanted to enlist them in their own army.

Aunt Pan kept Pan Yue under control so she didn't go up and cause trouble. She wanted to maintain her ladylike appearance, despite the fact that she had long struggled to sit still.

Fortunately, they had thought ahead and packed an extra set of clothes. Would they be able to hold the wedding otherwise, given their dreadful appearances?

Zhang Hui and the others had already planned for this bloody conflict, even setting up a changing room for them. There was also a well-equipped bathroom in the changing room.

Pan Lei wiped Tian Yuan's hair, then proceeded to put on his shirt, and Tian Yuan tied Pan Lei’s tie after donning his own.

"Baby, you’re most willing to marry me, right? I hope no woman jumps out to fight me over you."

Pan Lei was completely useless. He wasn't afraid of killing people on the battlefield, and he dared to charge in fearlessly, so why did he have a marriage phobia? He's worried I'll flee, isn't he? We're about to get married, and he's still thinking wildly. He's either terrified that I won't marry him or that I'll elope with someone else.

"Not only will there be a woman, but also a child waiting at the door. When the witness asks, "Does anyone have reasons why this couple should not be married?" this woman will arrive holding the child, crying, "You heartless rat, you failed us mother and daughter." "I'm sorry," I hear you say later. "In reality, I love the mother and child more, so I'll stick with them. You are free to enjoy the wedding on your own.""

Pan Lei then raised Tian Yuan's face very seriously, while Tian Yuan twisted away. Let me knot the tie properly, jerk.

"Will you really leave with her?"

"You moron, this is all a lousy movie plot, but you still believe it. You are an idiot. Besides, IF, even if such a woman exists, will you allow her to appear? You're just going to let me go? Do you think I'm still unfamiliar with you and your bandit temper? You'll take out a gun and murder that woman."

"Of course. If she no longer wishes to live, if she steals you from me, laozi will annihilate her."

Tian Yuan finally tied his tie and patted his chest.

"I’m glad you figured it out. No one will dare to come, let alone a woman. They're all terrified of death. Don't be stupid. The wedding is only a few minutes away, but you're still worried that I'll flee. Where can I meet someone who loves me so much if I flee? If anyone dares to show up at this time and snatch you from me, laozi will throw them on the dissecting table, dissect them with Lin Mu, and soak them in formalin."

Pan Lei gulped. Tian’er was getting more and more violent now. He was smiling and comforting him one second, and talking about killing people the next second.

"Don't bring up such bloody topics on our wedding day, honey. Nothing will go wrong. Let's get married without further ado."

"Are you guys ready or not? Everyone is waiting in the auditorium. They want to dine following the wedding ceremony. Do you see the time? Hurry up!"

Zhang Hui urged them anxiously. The point of this statement was to get things done quickly so he could eat. Was he really so hungry?

Get ready swiftly and let’s hold the wedding.

They were standing outside the auditorium's door. Huang Kai had gone all out. The auditorium was filled with roses. Several people sneezed due to the perfume of roses. Among them was Xiaji, who was holding a handkerchief over his nose. He had a pollen allergy. His eyes were red, his nose was irritated, and he kept sneezing, making him incredibly uncomfortable.

Huge pink rose bouquets lined both sides of a brilliant red carpet, and a rose-filled background wall served as a stunning backdrop. The guest emcee was a first-tier program host. Everyone was ready. There was a burst of applause as soon as they walked through the door.

Pan Lei walked forward, smiling at Tian Yuan. Dear, we are getting married today, right now. We must marry even if the law does not acknowledge the legitimacy of our union. I want everyone to witness us become a revolutionary pair, intimate companions, and each other's spouse in front of all our relatives and friends.

They walked down the red carpet towards happiness.