Chapter 232 Exchanging rings, the more nervous the more mistakes

There was no white bridal gown, no gentle and charming bride, yet who could deny that this wedding was stunning?

If nothing else, the best men around them were all quite handsome.

Everyone had cleaned up nicely and looked refreshed. There was Zhang Hui, Lin Mu, Huang Kai, and Pan Yue. The three best men and one bridesmaid were slightly improper, but they were only there to support the marriage.

Pan Lei was followed by Zhang Hui and Huang Kai. Pan Yue had promised to be from Tian Yuan's family, therefore she stood at his side. Lin Mu even changed into a white outfit to resemble a newlywed. However, Pan Yue's small white dress unexpectedly complemented perfectly.

Pan Yue, who didn't say anything, was still quite appealing as she held Lin Mu's arm and pretended to be a lady. The assistant instructor in the crowd was staring at her intently.

The emcee's style was laid-back. He also referenced the procedure used by foreign clergymen.

"Are you certain you want to marry him? Marry him without having any regrets? You can't back out of your pledge after you put on the ring. Consider it before saying your vows."

Pan Lei was impatient.

"Hurry up, who's breaking his word? And laozi is not pressuring him. We fell in love freely and decided to marry. Marriage also implies mutual consent, right, baby? Tell him you want to marry me; tell him loudly. He's constantly babbling and dithering way too much."

Tian Yuan gave the emcee a serene look.

"I wouldn't be standing here if I didn't want to marry him."

"If you renege, Tian Yuan, Big Sis can marry you."

Lin Mu patted the back of Pan Yue's hand when she added to the confusion.

"Big Sis, if Tian Yuan does not marry Leizi today, Leizi will raze this place to the ground."

"So, is there anyone who objects?"

The emcee inquired, raising his voice. Of course, this was nonsense. They would not have attended the wedding if they had objected.

Pan Lei stared down at the guests. Who dares? Who dares to object? Laozi will destroy him!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

A voice suddenly appeared at this point, ah-ing for a long period. Pan Lei's eyes looked over with a glare, and everyone cocked their heads to see who was ah-ing nonstop at this critical juncture. Was there really someone who objected?

Zhang Hui jumped down with a stride and swiftly approached the man, who was fully unaware of the danger.


That person sneezed after a long period of ah-ing.

Rubbing his nose, he noticed that there was complete silence at the scene, and that everyone was staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me? So I can't even sneeze since I'm not the groom? Damn it, I'm really uncomfortable right now!"

Xiaji wiped his nose. His nose and eye rims were all red, giving him the appearance of a small rabbit.

The elders were quite understanding and turned around, laughing. It was only a little incident. It was nothing but a minor incident with no significant consequences.

"Xiaji, your uncle! I will beat you up if you disrupt my wedding again."

Tian Yuan reprimanded in hushed tones, "Your uncle! Isn't it plain that if you make a sound at this time, you deserve to be beaten?" Pan Lei's muscles stiffened, and he nearly jumped down to beat up someone.

Zhang Hui instantly reached into his pocket for a new handkerchief.

"This has mint sprinkled on top. Smelling it will make you feel better."

Xiaji was given the handkerchief. Xiaji accepted it and waved to him to express: Go on. Do your job and be his best man.

The emcee smoothed things over with a smile.

"No one objected, so you can now exchange rings."

A server presented a salver with a set of trendy wedding bands. Pan Lei and Tian Yuan were taken aback. They hadn't purchased new rings because they already had a set and thought it was superfluous. Where did this new pair of wedding rings come from? Tian Yuan smiled and picked up a ring, placing it on Pan Lei's left ring finger when Mama Dang Hong winked at them.

Pan Lei had been looking forward to this wonderful day till his hair had nearly grown gray. Finally, he could marry and put on his wedding band with dignity and honor. He was so stirred emotionally that he began to tremble. The hand holding the ring trembled.

He took Tian Yuan's hand in his. He attentively looked after these hands. He kept them in excellent condition; delicate and fair, with every nail trimmed by him. He repeatedly squeezed the hand he was holding, bowed, and kissed it, preparing to put on the ring to represent his lifetime commitment.

Tian Yuan reached out and touched Pan Lei's quivering hand with his other hand to stabilize it.

Tian Yuan was much calmer than him at this point. He smiled to calm Pan Lei: Don't be nervous, there's no reason to be nervous.

Pan Lei trembled again as he clutched the ring in his hand. He tried several times but couldn't get it on Tian Yuan's left ring finger.

Zhang Hui and the others laughed. On the battlefield, this iron-blooded soldier battled valiantly. What had he not seen before? However, he was nervous at his wedding and made numerous mistakes as a result of his emotional excitement. It was cute. Although it had been a long time since Pan Lei had been associated with the word "cute," Pan Lei's current appearance was seriously cute. He was sweating profusely, indicating how nervous he was.

Pan Yue couldn't take it any longer and dashed forward to seize the ring.

"You're shaking like you've got Alzheimer's! You can't even put on a ring. Get out! Laoniang will put the ring on him. He'll be Pan Yue's man from now on, so be a good boy and get the heck out of here."

Pan Lei easily shoved her away.

"F*ck off for laozi! It's none of your business that laozi is getting married. Laozi will not be polite if you dare to rob me of my husband again!"

Pan Yue tossed Lin Mu her pretentious little beaded bag and flung her high-heeled shoes away one by one. She felt her motions were restricted as she began to walk, so she grabbed the hem of her small white dress and tore it to the upper thigh. As soon as she moved, you could see her panties underneath.

"Boy, fight with me if you have the skill. I’m Tian Yuan's birth family, and I am here today to support him so that he is not bullied by you in the future. You may proceed with the wedding if you beat me. Tian Yuan will marry me if you can't beat me."

Grandma Pan hid her face behind her handkerchief. This is embarrassing.

What’s this situation? The couple was in the process of exchanging rings when Cheng Yaojin appeared out of nowhere[1].

The assistant instructor was the one who was the most terrified. Why did the fairy in my heart, my lady, a gentle and demure woman, rip off her dress and adopt the attitude of a female hooligan?

His heart broke piece by piece.

"As if I'm afraid of you!"

Pan Lei took off his jacket and prepared to fight her.

"Pan Lei, you dare! Come back to me. Is this the time to fight and play? Bring your a$$ back here, stand there honestly, and marry me."

Tian Yuan snarled sullenly, and Pan Lei rushed to his side, his tail tucked between his legs.

Those three heartless ba$tards rocked back and forth, laughing. They felt that the Pans were the only people in the world who could spoof a wedding ceremony.

"Aunt is keeping an eye on you, Big Sis. Aunt will not spare you if you continue to cause trouble."

Pan Yue's teeth were still clenched, but Tian Yuan's words horrified her. She returned her gaze to her mother, and Aunt Pan smiled softly and kindly at her. Pan Yue's neck shrank in fear. The gentler her mother smiled, the harsher her mother disciplined. She stood to the side, not daring to cause any more disturbance.

"Oh! Where's the ring?"

When Pan Lei went to find the ring and place it on Tian Yuan, he discovered that it had vanished without a trace.

What the hell was going on? Wasn't it unlucky the rings weren't in pairs on this special day? Pan Lei squatted swiftly to seek it. Because the platinum ring was round, it could have rolled into a corner. Pan Yue was more forthright. She knelt on the floor and started looking. Lin Mu couldn't take it any longer. Isn't this woman scared about being exposed? The skirt was already short and had a plunging neckline, and Pan Yue had torn it in half, revealing her front and back while she lay on the ground hunting for something. She was a woman after all, so Lin Mu took off his jacket and put it on her.

"Hey, it’s here! This damned item was extremely difficult to find. When laoniang marries, I’ll put metal on it. You can find it by attracting it with a magnet. This is too much f*cking trouble. Laoniang is completely exhausted."

"Get up quickly."

Lin Mu extended his hand to help her up. Pan Yue grasped the ring and smiled at Tian Yuan like a pervert.

"Let Big Sis put this ring on you, sister-in-law. In either case, you're marrying into the Pan family. It makes no difference who you marry. Simply marry this Big Sis."

Pan Lei snatched the ring. He wasn't nervous or shaking this time, and he quickly put the ring on Tian Yuan.

"Pan Yue, let's fight a duel tonight."

"Who is scared of whom? The winner will join Tian Yuan in the bridal room tonight."

"Pan Yue, your uncle!"

"Pan Lei, your uncle! Don't think laoniang is afraid of you."

Eldest Uncle Pan abruptly stood up.

"I'll give you two little ba$tards a taste of my military boxing today. I'll have the guards keep an eye on you two. Watch how I pummel you."

These two idiots kept cursing "your uncle," cursing and cursing. Weren’t they all referring to him, who was the eldest uncle? It’s no wonder that Eldest Uncle Pan became enraged and punished them both.

"Stand down."

The old guy gave the order, and these two embarrassing and conspicuous things stopped fighting. These rascals were arguing non-stop without regard for the occasion. There were a lot of people watching. He’d throw them to the Central Military Commission if they lost any more face for the Pans!

The emcee was stunned and unsure how to proceed. Well, I suppose it's time for them to talk and express their feelings for each other.

This farce could not be considered a wedding. In the first place, it was a farce anyway. "They're fighting while laughing and playing," an officer said to the person sitting next to him. This family fights very harmoniously and is not as frigid as other military families.

They fought even at a wedding. The Pans were most likely a close-knit family. What the officer didn't realize was that the Pans knew one of the fighting duo was brainless and the other was a nutjob. Getting upset at them was an insult to your intelligence.

"All right, now let's have the two parties talk about their love story and exchange vows."

Pan Lei took the microphone. Love story? This was quite awkward, but he had to say it. Tian Yuan smiled at Pan Lei. Go on, say it. You have the gall to say it.

"We fell in love at first sight, but he didn't agree, so I shamelessly cajoled him to get him."

Everyone burst out laughing. This kind of beginning to a love story was excellent. Harassment and wheedling?

"You can't call it a love story since we’re still in love. I told him that in love, we must be consistent and persistent. We shall always love one another this much, no matter how many years pass. If you insist on us saying something, we can only say that it is just a chapter in our love story. We've got a long life ahead of us, and we'll keep loving. Our love story is far from done."

Pan Lei rubbed his hair.

"I'm clumsy-tongued and can't say anything, but I have a lot to say to him."


[1] Used to describe a circumstance in which someone unexpectedly appears and interrupts a plan. It can also refer to an unwelcome busybody who shows up where he or she is not wanted.