“Everyone back off!”

I shouted hastily, but the speed of spreading was too fast. The guild members, who were immersed in the purple smoke up to their ankles, groaned and staggered.

“Keuk, wait a minute…”



The guild members who dropped their weapons bowed their heads with empty faces. Waving their arms helplessly, they began to walk in unison to somewhere involuntarily.

“Wake up!”

The same was true of the two healers standing next to me with frightened faces. They blocked me, pushed me, and walked forward as if possessed.

“Han Yi-gyeol-ssi.”

Woo Seo-hyuk ran to me. Fortunately, he looked fine. Cheon Sa-yeon, who quietly watched the guild members staggering and moving in the direction of the monster’s cry, turned to me.


He smiled at me. Why are you laughing in a serious situation?

“Master! This smoke…!”


Cheon Sa-yeon, who took out his sword and jacket, suddenly pulled my arm strongly.

“Ugh, what…”

“What should I do, Han Yi-gyeol?”

He looked down at me and smiled brightly.

“It’s so much fun.”


“It’s fun, I think I’m going crazy.”

You’re already crazier there? I opened my eyes wide and couldn’t hide my embarrassment. Woo Seo-hyuk, who was watching from behind, also made a surprised face.

Kugugung! Kureureung!

The sound of falling stones was heard one after another. The distance was very close.

“Let’s put this on for now.”

Cheon Sa-yeon put the jacket over my shoulder and smiled pleasantly.

“Woo Seo-hyuk.”


“Let’s change the plan. I don’t think we need to worry about the guild members.”

“Ugh, wait!”

Cheon Sa-yeon held me tightly in his arms as I freaked out. I grabbed his collar and asked.

“What do you mean you don’t have to care?”


Cheon Sa-yeon drew his palm with a sword. A gorgeous-looking long sword. I immediately recognized the identity of the sword. It was an SS-class, Lilith sword.

“Benshi’s magic skill. Do you know that?”

“Are you talking about the ability to make one subject submissive? But that.”

“Since the grade has increased, the conditions for activation of that ability seem to have changed.”

“Are you saying that Banshee is coming this way?”

“Including Ghosts.”

Banshee cast a spell on one person and ordered them to protect their relatively weak body. As Banshee, which used to be S-grade, become grade S+, the range of its magic ability had expanded to this extent.

“If you are under a spell, there is no need to worry about being attacked by monsters. So, the first thing to do is to deal with the Ghosts first. Woo Seo-hyuk, you check Banshee to prevent any more useless spells from being used.”

“I understand.”

Woo Seo-hyuk stepped back. When the distance widened enough that the conversation could not be heard, Cheon Sa-yeon opened his mouth using his ability.

“I’m telling you because you don’t seem to notice, Han Yi-gyeol.”


“A-rank, everyone except you is under the spell.”

I frowned at the words whispered in my ear.

It was then that I realized why Cheon Sa-yeon was so happy. I smiled in vain while wearing a jacket with my body in close contact with Cheon Sa-yeon.

“I did something.”

“It is not a light problem.”


Geugeuk, geugeuk. Gigik.

Beyond the darkness, a blue light flickered along with the cry of the Ghost. At first glance, it wasn’t just one or two. Like the last line of defence, the remaining iron bars shook as if they were about to break.

“So? Do you want to hear the answer, or do you want to dig into it yourself? If it is the latter, I think we should reconsider our partnership.”

“Then I’m sorry, but I have to put up with it.”

Come to think of it, even at the SS-grade gate, everyone except me and Cheon Sa-yeon was dragged into the sand. Even the S-rank Park Geon-ho was helpless and the SS-grade boss Lilith’s ability was deflected by me. It’s definitely not normal.

Kkigigik! Kuung!

The iron bars were crumpled like paper. The flames surrounding Cheon Sa-yeon’s sword burned even hotter.

“For whatever reason, it is true that you should be careful. Above all, Woo Seo-hyuk is a quick-witted person, so there’s a good chance he’d noticed it.”

That’s true. I don’t think Woo Seo-hyuk would be the type of person who can talk about it in haste.

“Whatever it is, I have fun.”

It must be interesting, including the situation that Woo Seo-hyuk would have noticed. I sighed and raised my ability. At the same time, the entrance collapsed and the monsters appeared.

Geugeugeuk, geugeuk.

A ghost with an opaque body and blue light presumed to be eyes entered with a bizarre cry.

The guild members standing at the entrance passed the Ghost and walked towards Banshee. Banshee, floating in the air with its grey rough hair fluttering, tore its mouth long and smiled at us.

The hem of its overgrown, dirty robe flew in the wind, and rotten teeth could be seen through the open mouth. The guild members surrounded Banshee, which looked like a witch from an old fairy tale.

Kihihihi. Hihihik.

When Ghosts and Banshee added up, there were a total of 16 S+ grade monsters. My body stiffened at the horror of that number. I breathed in calmly and lifted the Cheon Sa-yeon’s body.

The Ghosts, who had twisted their bodies like broken machines, came out at once and turned their heads towards Cheon Sa-yeon.

Gagagak, geugeuk. Geuk!

Pajijik, the electric current that wrapped around the Ghost’s body flashed. At the same time, Cheon Sa-yeon flew to the right. Kwaang! Blue lightning struck and the floor shattered. I swallowed the scream.


Cheon Sa-yeon swung his sword sharply. Geugagag! Prickly electricity passed through the cheeks, splitting the centre of Ghost’s body near him. Blood splattered and splashed.

As it was a monster with electric current flowing through its body, every time it was killed, strong electricity rose through the sword. Fortunately, Cheon Sa-yeon, who had to attack directly, was SS-grade, so he didn’t take any major damage.

Cheon Sa-yeon looked at the blood flowing down torn my cheek. I shook my head.

“Don’t mind.”

It wouldn’t help anything if I cared about getting hurt. Perhaps Cheon Sa-yeon had the same thoughts as me, and there was no hesitation in his hand wielding the sword.


A number of poisonous crystals flew with the screams of Banshee that piercing my ears. I quickly changed the wind flow around me and lifted Cheon Sa-yeon’s body high. The poisonous crystals that hit the floor sizzled and melted the ground.


At my cry, Cheon Sa-yeon bent his upper body forward and drew his sword horizontally at the same time. As soon as the poisonous crystal passed right over my head, a hot electric current ran through my body once more.


Geuook! Geugeuk!

White light exploded in my vision and I felt a burning pain on my forehead. Jureuk, a slimy thing flowed past my eyes and down my cheeks. Kwagwang! Kwang! Lightning struck everywhere Cheon Sa-yeon passed.

Again, my body shuddered. I clenched my teeth and endured the pain. The number of remaining Ghosts is 12.

Among the Ghosts, I saw Woo Seo-hyuk fighting with Banshee. It didn’t seem easy to attack the guild members who were blocking him.

I pulled out the energy that surrounded my heart strongly.

Huuung! The strong wind gradually increased in size around me. The jewel on the bracelet I was wearing began to glow and the energy started to fill up little by little, but it didn’t help because the amount that escaped was enormous.

Gagagak, gigik! Geugeuk!

A whirlwind strong enough to stop the Ghost swept over the guild members. Noticing my intentions, Woo Seo-hyuk put his changed arm on the floor and endured the wind.


The guild members who were guarding Banshee flew off due to my ability and crashed into the wall then fainted. There were no injuries because there was no attack, it was just a strong wind.

When all the guild members were flying away by the wind, Banshee began to panic. As the wind subsided, Woo Seo-hyuk rushed to Banshee as if he had been waiting.

“Not bad.”

Cheon Sa-yeon, who was not attacking the Ghost, swung his sword again with the intention of watching what I was going to do.


The Ghost was devoured by the blazing fire along with the electric current. I endured the pain by grabbing Cheon Sa-yeon’s clothes.

The wound on my shoulder throbbed heavily and was soaked in hot liquid. I could even tell without having to check it. The wound was suddenly opened.

“Your body will not be able to handle them one by one.”

“What, I’m going to…”

The blood surrounding the sword burned hot as if it would burn the surroundings.

Instead of answering, Cheon Sa-yeon hugged me tightly and quickly dug into the centre of the Ghosts. Noticing what he was trying to do, I spit out a curse and grabbed him tightly.

Geuooo! Geugeuk! Geuo!

Huung, as he swung his sword, the three Ghosts were set on fire at the same time. The opaque body turned to black ashes and a strong electric current ran through it.

“Hu, huh, ugh!”

It was a different intensity than when I killed one, my back twisted and screams came out. A thin cut on the back of the hand and thigh was drawn, and blood was dripping down.

“You, bitch…” (개, 같…, thank you, bbbluesnow!^^)

“Hold on.”

Cheon Sa-yeon said sternly. Unlike me, who suffered from the current flowing through the sword every time a Ghost died, Cheon Sa-yeon, who didn’t take any damage, seemed to enjoy the battle.

Kureureung! Kureung!

The darkroom flashed with blue lightning. Ghosts flocked to capture Cheon Sa-yeon.

Cheon Sa-yeon spread his legs and lowered his upper body. Muscles grew in his shoulders and arms, and his wrists twisted slightly. From left to right. I fixed my gaze on the tip of Cheon Sa-yeon’s sword.

Geugagak! Geuak!

The Ghost’s body, which was approaching close to the hot flames, melted little by little. Lightning flashed among the crowd of Ghosts. At the same time, Cheon Sa-yeon’s sword moved quickly with the power of the wind.

The bright red fire and blue lightning struck and blazed splendidly. The Ghost liquid that had melted into the sword poured down on the floor.

“Huu, ah…”

My body trembled at the unbearable pain. The electric current that ran through my body tore through my back. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn’t control it as my breathing became rough.

“There are three left.”

He asked, avoiding the lightning that was aiming at him, Cheon Sa-yeon lightly patted my bloody back.

“What should I do, Yi-gyeol-ah? Are you having a hard time?”

“Shut up…”

It was very heinous to pretend to be sweet to the subject that he was having a lot of fun with.

“Should I kill them one by one, or should I kill them all at once? Ung? I will do whatever you want.”

I answered with a cold sweat.

“…at once.”


Cheon Sa-yeon fixed and hugged me who was drooping and said in a smiling voice.

“Hold on, then.”

Huuk, as soon as the body jumped forward, the flames rose sharply. Geuoo, the pain that was waiting along with the Ghost’s last cry passed through my waist and heated the back of my neck.

“Ugh, uh… uugh.”

As Cheon Sa-yeon walked through the flames burning the Ghost corpse, he held onto my body which was writhing in pain.