I lean my face on Cheon Sa-yeon’s shoulder, exhausted, and looked at Woo Seo-hyuk, who was dealing with Banshee, through the blurry vision.

Hihihik, hihihi!

Banshee raised its wrinkled hands and spread the poison containing the spell. Chiiiik! The wall that had touched the poison melted as white smoke rose. Cheon Sa-yeon said to Woo Seo-hyuk, who hurriedly backed away.

“Get its attention. I will attack it from behind.”


“Han Yi-gyeol. Calm down and use your ability on Woo Seo-hyuk.”

With those words, I grabbed hold of my trembling energy and raised my ability.

“Haa, very… You’re doing a good job.”

“If you want to cooperate with me, you have to do this.”

You’re such a jerk. Woo Seo-hyuk’s body came to mind.

Woo Seo-hyuk rushed first towards the giant Banshee that reached the ceiling. To avoid Woo Seo-hyuk’s attack, Banshee’s body leaned slightly with its upper body pulled back.


Banshee screamed with its mouth wide open. A sense of dread made my body tense. Cheon Sa-yeon, who moved to the right of Banshee, who was struggling to get rid of the rushing Woo Seo-hyuk, blinked at me. I increased the strength of the wind that was wrapping around my legs.


As soon as I used more energy, a headache came as if I had been waiting. Cheon Sa-yeon flew upwards and swung his sword at Banshee’s neck.


Noticing that it was still living, Banshee twisted its body. Banshee, who had its shoulder cut instead of its neck, let out the screams in pain from the blazing fire. Woo Seo-hyuk, who was looking for a chance, did not miss a chance and thrust his sharp claws into Banshee’s face.

Kkiiiiik! Kkiiii—!

Red blood gushed from its clawed eyes and mouth. The fire on its shoulder quickly scorched Banshee’s weakened body.


The little energy left ran wildly and squeezed my heart painfully. Huuk, I lowered my head as it became dark in front of me.

* * *

“…-gyeol. Han Yi-gyeol.”

Someone tapped my cheek. When I forced my tired eyes to open, I saw the burned-out corpse of Banshee and Cheon Sa-yeon’s face.

“I think you’ve been overworked.”

I kept closing my eyes from extreme fatigue. Woo Seo-hyuk’s voice was heard.

“Not in good shape.”

“Because he is so weak.”

“What should we do?”

“Hmm, I guess I’ll have to finish it myself.”

Cheon Sa-yeon with a sword handed me over to Woo Seo-hyuk.

“Wake up the fainted guild members and prepare to exit the gate. In the meantime, I will deal with the remaining monsters and find an exit.”

“I understand.”

Woo Seo-hyuk answered with me on his back. Finally, I lost my mind.

* * *

A cool breeze blew through the tip of my nose. Feeling a heavy headache, I slowly opened my eyes to see Cheon Sa-yeon talking to someone.

“Han Yi-gyeol. Are you okay?”


A familiar voice was heard. As I slowly turned my gaze to the side, I saw Kim Woo-jin with a wrinkled brow.

‘Is it outside the gate?’

I remembered Kim Woo-jin’s words that he would go out to meet me. You’re really here.

It was then that I came to my senses. I must have passed out for quite some time.

“I’ll leave it to you to clean up.”

“Don’t worry.”

Cheon Sa-yeon, who ordered Woo Seo-hyuk, bowed his head and looked at me.

“Sleep more. You’re going to the guild right away.”

It was only then that I realized that I was in Cheon Sa-yeon’s arms.

“No, stop it…”

“Be quiet.”

The posture with the back of the knee supported was very burdensome. It would be better for him to carry me on his shoulders. (등과 무릎 뒤쪽을 받쳐 든 자세가 굉장히 부담스러웠다, I imagine this scene as carrying him in bridal style?? Am I wrong?)

“To the guild.”

Cheon Sa-yeon, who came out of the waiting car and pushed Kim Woo-jin in, ordered the driver. Tak, the car door closed and the car started without Cheon Sa-yeon getting on.

“Does it hurt a lot?”

“My head…”

A hand gently stroking my forehead, avoiding the wound, was cool. Kim Woo-jin’s hand, which came down, touched my neck.

“The heat is rising because of the wound. When we arrive at the guild, we should treat it immediately. That healer woman is waiting for you.”

Healer woman?

“Min Ah-rin-ssi?”

“Yeah, that person. She has been contacted.”

“Min Ah-rin-ssi is still…”

Isn’t she on vacation? I mumbled through the blurred consciousness.

* * *

I thought I had fallen asleep for a while, but when I opened my eyes, it was the first place I had seen. I couldn’t get a sense of reality, so I blinked blankly, but the door opened and someone I was glad to see entered.


It was Min Ah-rin that I met after a long time. Min Ah-rin, who came straight to me, smiled comfortably and said.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes. It’s been a while, Min Ah-rin-ssi.”

“I know, right. Actually, I need to take a few more days off, but I just came back after hearing the news that Yi-gyeol-ssi was ill. How is your body?”

“It’s much better.”

Except for an IV on the wrist, all the wounds had disappeared and my energy was stable.

“This place…”

“It’s a hospital room inside the Requiem Guild.”

It looked great and the facilities were good. That’s why you came to the guild, not the hospital. I nodded and fiddled with the IV. Seeing this, Min Ah-rin sighed and said.

“You need to rest more. It seems to me that you’ve been overworked and your body aches… The fever doesn’t come down at all.”

Oh, so that’s why my head hurts. My throat was sore and uncomfortable.

“What about the others?”

“Woo-jin-ssi went up to change his clothes for a while… Master, he must be busy in one way or another.”

Min Ah-rin, who pulled up the chair and sat next to my bed, gently patted me on my chest and opened her mouth.

“Stop worrying about other people and get some more sleep. When the fever goes down, you have to eat. Healers can’t cure colds and body aches, so you have to take care of them yourself.”


Min Ah-rin looked at me tenaciously. She seemed intent on watching until I fell asleep.

Rest. Yeah, good. I forcibly closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

* * *

The body aches that I thought would get better soon tormented me for three days. It was hard to come to my senses because of the constant fever and vomiting after eating.

‘Driving me crazy…’

I could feel how weak Han Yi-gyeol’s body was once again. I was shocked in many ways because I didn’t catch a cold easily, let alone body aches. Even he’s an A-rank. It was terrifying just to imagine how much he would have been bullied if he was an ordinary person.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen an A-rank that hurt this much.”

I was so ill that even Min Ah-rin was embarrassed, and on the morning of the fourth day, I was finally able to return to normal body temperature.

“I thought you were going to die…”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

As I mumbled while drinking the water that Kim Woo-jin had given me, she replied with sharp eyes.

“Be careful from now on. When I look at you, Yi-gyeol-ssi seems so careless with his body.”

Min Ah-rin, who had been nagging a lot while taking care of my sick for three days, also said the same thing. I replied with an awkward smile at the gaze from both sides.

“I didn’t do that on purpose…”

“Why is it that everyone else is fine, but you’re the only one on his back?”

That’s because your boss driving me around… 

“That’s right. Even guild members with a lower rank than Yi-gyeol-ssi were not hurt.”

Everyone was under the Banshee’s spell…

There were only meaningless answers to explain, so I kept my mouth shut and accepted their concerns.

[Breaking news. The return of the Jayna Guild Clear Team who entered the G21 Area gate is being delayed. Experts say that hasty judgment is dangerous…]

Knock, knock.

While I was watching TV leisurely, I heard a knock on the door of the hospital room. Since there was no one to come, so someone did, but the one who opened the door was none other than Woo Seo-hyuk.

“How are you feeling?”

“Yeah, what…”

Woo Seo-hyuk, standing in a black suit and holding a fruit basket in one hand, had the same grim expression as he had a few days ago.

“Oh, Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk. It’s been a while.”

“Yes. Long time no see. Healer Min Ah-rin.”

Woo Seo-hyuk lightly bowed his head to greet Min Ah-rin, who greeted him warmly.

“But what brings you here?”

“I have come under orders from the Master.”

Order from Cheon Sa-yeon? While puzzled, Woo Seo-hyuk pulled something out of his arms and held it to me. It was two cards that he took unexpectedly.

“The white card is a card made under Han Yi-gyeol-ssi’s name and the black card is a master card.”

Why card all of sudden?

“The price for participating as a mercenary at this gate is in Han Yi-gyeol’s card.”


“Master said you can use the master card as much as you want if you are short on money.”

I looked down at the black card in a sour mood. A card with a gold number engraved on its black body gleamed gently in the light of a fluorescent lamp.

“Have Master seen any dramas?”

Min Ah-rin responded that it was fun, and Kim Woo-jin had an unwilling expression similar to mine. As expected, Kim Woo-jin knew something. It was difficult to receive such an excessive favour.

“Hey, Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi.”

“I tell you in advance, I can’t get it back. I was just ordered to deliver. If you want to refuse, please meet the Master in person.”

Woo Seo-hyuk said firmly. There’s nothing I can do. I nodded my head once.

“I understand.”

“Then I’ll be on my way. Take a good rest.”

Woo Seo-hyuk left the hospital room without looking back. I looked at the two cards in my hand.

“How much do you think he gave me?”

“Maybe two thousand? I heard the contract for A-rank mercenaries is about that much.”

Min Ah-rin took out the fruit from the basket and informed me.

Two thousand. I took out my phone and installed the app and nodded. Two thousand isn’t bad.

“That’s enough for me to go shopping.”

“I’m coming, too!”

“M, me too…”

I laughed happily. As expected, the best treatment is financial therapy. I checked the balance with a pounding heart.

“…what the hell is this, fuck.”

I rubbed my eyes and checked the numbers again.

「Balance 100,000,000 Won」  (Around $85.000 USD

Did I count one wrong zero? No, right?


“What? What’s the matter?”


After taking a calm, deep breath, I turned off the app with the balance indicator and said.

“I’m sorry, but I think I need to take a call for a moment…”

“Okay. I’ll go to a cafe with Woo-jin-ssi. Is there anything you want to drink?”

“Do you want me to buy you a vanilla latte?”

“Un. Go ahead.”

Without any doubt, Min Ah-rin and Kim Woo-jin left the room. I immediately pressed the call button.

The ringing tone continued for a long time. He’s very busy, so there’s no chance he’ll get it. Just as I was about to give up, the other person answered the phone.


[Yes, Yi-gyeol-ah.]

“Are you out of your mind?”

As soon as the call was connected and I asked a question, I heard a low laugh from the other side.

[Unfortunately, I’m not sane.]

“What are you doing in someone else’s name?”

[How long can I not pay for an item?]

“So you put such a ridiculous amount in?”

[I expected you to contact me.]

I rubbed my forehead and sighed.

“I don’t need a card or money or anything. Give me the cookies you brought.”

[You’d better take it even if you don’t need it. There is nothing bad about having it. I’ll give you the cookies later.]

“Actually, there’s nothing wrong with the money. The person who gave it is the problem.”

[Han Yi-gyeol.]

Cheon Sa-yeon said in a soft, subdued voice.

[Didn’t I tell you? Please don’t lose your energy by standing up for me needlessly.]

“Maybe it’s because I’ve been through so many things, it’s not easy.”

[I just paid the price. This gate was especially dangerous.]


[I hope you accept it comfortably.]

Umm, looking out the window, I scratched the back of my head.

I was going to return the black card, but I don’t think it will be easy.