“What about the gate?”

In the end, I gave up on the card issue and brought up another topic. I didn’t know how things had gone since I left the gate because I was suffering from the pain.

[It would be better to talk about that later.]

“What? Why?”

[Let’s meet face-to-face. I’m going back in two days, so you should rest until then.]

Going back? I asked casually.

“Where are you?”

Cheon Sa-yeon said as if he was having fun.

[Why do you have so many questions about me? I’m so touched.]

“Don’t be silly.”


A voice other than Cheon Sa-yeon could be heard over the phone. At first, it looked like an attendant.

[I’ll hang up now. Please just keep it in mind even if you want to see me in the meantime.]

Crazy guy.

I was disgusted and ended the call right away.

‘Wait. I didn’t hear where you are.’

Nothing has been resolved. I sighed.


“We’re back… Yi-gyeol-ssi, what’s wrong?”


Min Ah-rin and Kim Woojin, who had gone out to buy coffee just in time, returned. I said as I was handed coffee by Kim Woo-jin.

“Today, I’m going to clean up the hospital room and go back to the 23rd floor.”

“Are you okay? Why don’t you lie down for a day or so?”

“I can’t do it because it hurts a little.”

I was well, so there was no need to stay here any longer. Min Ah-rin, who rolled her eyes as if contemplating my words for a moment, nodded her head.

“Okay. The vacation is over, so if something happens, Yi-gyeol-ssi will be dispatched to emergency service, huh?” (저 휴가도 끝났으니까 여차하면 이결 씨 한정 긴급 출동해 주죠, 뭐, wait, I can’t translate it well this sentence)

“That’s not going to be…”

“I can’t because I’m anxious.”

Min Ah-rin took the cell phone out of my hand. Min Ah-rin, who touched the screen at a speed that I couldn’t even follow, immediately returned the cell phone.

“I saved my number. Do you know how difficult it is to get a healer number?”

“Haha, that’s right.”

“If anything happens, please call me.”

Min Ah-rin opened her eyes wide and spoke as if scolding me, but she was not scary and just looked cute. I smiled awkwardly and looked at the phone where Min Ah-rin’s number was saved. For some reason, it seemed that more and more numbers were saved.

As I left the hospital room with my luggage, Min Ah-rin offered to watch a movie, but she got a call before I even refused. From what I had heard, it seemed that an injured person came out of the gate that had just been cleared.

“For sure next time! Let’s go play.”

Min Ah-rin left with a sad face.

* * *

I returned to the room on the 23rd floor with Kim Woo-jin.

I took off the shirt I was wearing in the hospital room and put on a white tee and a dark navy blue blouse. When I changed my clothes, Kim Woo-jin asked with a puzzled voice.

“What. Are you going out?”

“I have a place to go to.”

“I will go, too.”

Why not, however. I pondered for a while and answered yes. Kim Woo-jin, who looked at me with no expectations because I rejected every time, shone brightly.

“Where are you going?”

After searching for a destination on my cell phone, I came out of the guild building with Kim Woo-jin. At that moment, I grabbed a taxi passing by and got on and answered.

“G21 Area.”

* * *

As I got out of the taxi, I frowned at the crowd gathered near the control line. There is nothing to see in this state.

“Kim Woo-jin. Come closer.”


Kim Woo-jin came close to my call. I hugged Kim Woo-jin’s waist with one of my arms and used my ability. Kim Woo-jin’s body hardened in an instant.

“Hey, don’t stay still and hold onto my waist. Your posture is very…”


“Kim Woo-jin?”

Curious, I looked up and saw Kim Woo-jin’s face, which was red as if it was about to explode. What’s wrong with you?

“Kim Woo-jin, are you okay?”

“Huh? Uh…”

“Hold my waist.”

I have to go higher, but I’m worried. At my words, Kim Woo-jin squeaked like a machine that had not been lubricated and hugged my waist. It’s better now. I increased my altitude.

“Is it okay? I guess it’s comfortable for the two of us.”

“…it’s okay.”

“You don’t look good. If you don’t like it, wait downstairs.”

We should be able to float separately, but then I have to worry about the amount of energy that escaped twice, so it was annoying.

“Nope. It’s really okay.”

Kim Woo-jin hurriedly shook his head to deny it, but his complexion did not improve at all. Are you afraid of heights like Ha Tae-heon?

I guess I’ll have to move on my own next time.

“…anyway, why here?”

“I need to check something.”

Cheon Sa-yeon told me to rest until he returned, but I wasn’t the one who would listen to it.

‘I don’t want to believe the information that Cheon Sa-yeon gave me.’

Of course, there wasn’t much I could do about it. I just came to the G21 Area just in case.


“The gate is open!”

After a while, the reporters who were looking at the gate took out their cameras all at once. The gate, which had been firmly closed, opened its mouth and people came out.

“Stand back.”

“Please keep a safe distance!”

“Cha Soo-yeon-ssi! Please interview with me!”

“Why is the clear time delayed?”

The bodyguards managed to stop the reporters, who became fiercer as they waited for a long time. I found a familiar face among the clear teams that each embraced their wounds.

“Lend me a hat and you use your ability.”

I brought the hat that was worn on Kim Woo-jin’s head and said while wearing it. Kim Woo-jin was puzzled but used his ability. The boy’s face suddenly clouded like a mist.

In that state, he went down to the safety line out of sight.

“Cha Soo-yeon-ssi.”

I approached Cha Soo-yeon, who was being treated for injuries. Cha Soo-yeon, who looked back at me reflexively, widened her eyes.

“How can you be here…”

“I need to talk to you about something.”

After thinking for a while, Cha Soo-yeon said to the healer.

“I’m fine now, so please look at others.”

“I understand.”

As the healer left, Cha Soo-yeon looked around and dragged me to a relatively deserted place. I gently lifted the hat that I had been wearing deep enough to cover my eyes and smiled at Cha Soo-yeon.

“Are you seriously hurt?”

“No way.”

To my question, Cha Soo-yeon snorted and answered with a proud smile. That’s right. If it was Cha Soo-yeon, it was not like she was easily defeated.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I came here just in case, and I’m lucky.”

“What the hell.”

I meant it, but Cha Soo-yeon didn’t seem to believe it. She didn’t trust me as much as she used to. That’s unfair.

“What did you come here for?”

“I have a question for you about the gate.”

At those words, Cha Soo-yeon’s eyes shone sharply.

“I’m sure you didn’t come here to ask a useless question…”

“You’re quick-witted.”

In fact, asking for information about the gate belonging to another guild was an act against etiquette. But as the situation was like this, I just hoped Cha Soo-yeon understood it.

“I went to the gate with the Requiem Guild members a few days ago.”

“I know. I saw you did the interview.”


I almost failed to keep a straight face. I, who managed to straighten out my wrinkled face, continued to say what I had stopped.

“The inside of the gate has changed a lot from before.”

“No way…”

“Yes, most of the monsters have been upgraded. The numbers have also increased.”

Cha Soo-yeon, who had heard that far, nodded her head as if it was understandable.

“Are you here to ask if the gate I entered did the same?”

“For now.”

Cha Soo-yeon blinked with a worried look, then folded her arms and sighed.

“…right. I was just like you were.”

“Can you tell me the details?”

“Here, G21 Are is one of the gates I have been in charge of for a long time. It was an easy gate to clear because the number of B-grade monsters was small and not wide.”

The B-grade gate, the gate of the G21 Area where C-grade and B-grade monsters, were predominant.

There was an unexpected change in the gate.

“All the monsters were getting stronger without omission. I don’t know exactly because I didn’t bring the person with a measuring ability, but everyone on the team, including me, felt it. Something is wrong.”

“Grade C has been upgraded to Grade B, and Grade B has been upgraded to Grade A.”

“I guess so. As you said, not only did it get stronger, but the number also increased.”

This was the third time Cha Soo-yeon had cleared the gates of the G21 Area. As they entered twice, it was said that they already knew exactly where and to what extent monsters came out.

“Twenty animals appeared where 10 should appear, and another monster intervened in the middle…”

Cha Soo-yeon grumbled in a tired voice.

“I’m glad I took one healer along as the Master said because I thought it was a B-grade gate and it almost got me into trouble.”

“If your master… Master Hong Si-ah?”

“Ung. She’s not the kind of person who usually cares about that, but this time, she has been nagging me a lot to make sure I take the healer.”

Cha Soo-yeon tilted her head with a subtle expression.

“Wait. It’s strange to say that. Why must…”

“You may have guessed.”

It’s been four days since I and Cheon Sa-yeon cleared the gate and got out. If Cheon Sa-yeon informed the masters of the dangers of the gate while I was suffering for a while, it is understandable that Master Hong Si-ah reacted like that.

“For sure, we don’t know which gate is strange unless we go inside. Not all gates have changed. Master Hong Si-ah must have invited the healer because she was worried about Cha Soo-yeon-ssi.”

“…well, she seems to have a surprisingly delicate personality.”

Her tone was blunt, but her proud to her guild master could be seen on her face. Seeing that scene, I reflexively thought of Cheon Sa-yeon.

‘No, not this one.’

I’m an independent, so why do I think of Cheon Sa-yeon? I said hurriedly, erasing Cheon Sa-yeon’s face from my mind.

“Thank you for letting me know. I will go now.”

“What? Already?”


There was nothing to say now, and Kim Woo-jin, who was standing still during the conversation, also concerned me. I was just about to leave, but unexpectedly, Cha Soo-yeon caught me.


“Do you have anything to say?”

“It’s not really like that. That’s kind of ridiculous! Like last time. Are you all done when your business is over?”

As I stared blankly, wondering what to do, Cha Soo-yeon reached out to me with a frustrated expression.

“Give it to me.”

“What is it?”

“What. Cell phone!”

I was about to take out my phone involuntarily at the words she said proudly, but I finally came to my senses and shook my head.

“Well, the cell phone is a bit…”

“Are you saying you don’t want to give me your number?”

“No, that’s not it…”

“Then what?”

What’s wrong with you? I’m scared.

“This is the case that…”

“What is the matter?”

Even though she smiled awkwardly and stepped back, Cha Soo-yeon was persistent. The tenacious gaze made me had a cold sweat, and a hard voice came from behind.

“Get away. He doesn’t want to give it to you.”

Kim Woo-jin, who had been quiet until now, released his ability. Then Cha Soo-yeon noticed Kim Woo-jin standing behind me and wrinkled her brow.

“What is that?”


At Cha Soo-yeon’s question, Kim Woo-jin glanced at me.

“Fri, friend.”


If you’re going to cheat, say something brazenly, but why are you stuttering?