“Can you stand it?”

“For now.”

Drops of cold sweat ran down my temple. Huuung, the five iron balls placed on Park Geon-ho’s palms flew all at once. I and Park Geon-ho’s body floated, Woo Seo-hyuk avoided monster attacks and even the movement of iron balls. I started to get a headache from the sudden decrease in energy every moment.



He threw an iron ball at the monster that was about to open its mouth again. The monster, which was briefly shaken by the shock of the explosion, came out with a bizarrely distorted face and looked at Park Geon-ho. No, he was staring at me. Apparently, he noticed that I was assisting Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk.


The monster swung its arms with great speed. Park Geon-ho, noticing the movement, quickly pushed his body back. Kwagagak! The monster’s sharp claws barely passed us and scratched the wall.

Woo Seo-hyuk did not miss the gap and dug in. With his mouth wide open, the wolf mercilessly bit the monster’s neck. Kururung, the cry of the beast and the scream of the monster exploded at the same time. The monster wielded its body and arms at random to tear off Woo Seo-hyuk, but Woo Seo-hyuk nailed his claws into the monster’s body and held out.

Meanwhile, Park Geon-ho and I flew an iron ball, being careful not to get Woo Seo-hyuk caught up in the explosion.


Argh! At the scream of the monster, some B-rank guild members and the healer team covered their heads and screamed.

Park Geon-ho didn’t care and continued to use his ability. Kuuung, kung! As the explosions occurred several times, the interior shook randomly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

“Gasp, gasp…”

I was breathing heavily. Park Geon-ho fixed my droopy body and hugged me.

“Hold on a little longer.”

As if I had hit the limit, my energy pierced the heart sharply. I gave strength to my eyes that were constantly blurring and endured it.

The monster, who barely removed Woo Seo-hyuk, had its upper body wet with the black blood that flowed from its neck. The fatally wounded monster opened its mouth and tried to absorb the energy, but there was nothing left to absorb as the guild members succeeded in clearing all the monsters.

The monster that was hit several times by injured its neck and the iron ball was significantly reduced in size. Realizing that its life was in danger, the monster began to target me more tenaciously than ever.

Hihihik! Hihik!

The monster, which ripped its mouth open and laughed strangely, opened its mouth wide and began to spit out thick bodily fluids. As soon as the black body fluid hit the wall, it emitted smoke and melted the wall.

It would be possible to kill with one proper attack, but it was not easy to narrow the distance to the monster that constantly spew body fluids. In the end, I suggested another way.

“Team Leader. I will be the bait.”


“There is no end to this. Everyone is exhausted and if we continue to be dragged like this, the damage will increase.”

Park Geon-ho frowned at my words but did not respond. I called Woo Seo-hyuk, who was unable to approach due to body fluids and was hovering around the monster.

“Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi. Can you carry Team Leader on your back?”

Woo Seo-hyuk blinked his eyes and wept. Rejection was felt all over his body. I’m sorry, but I can’t help it even if you don’t like it.

“Team Leader and Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi please move as a team. I will stand apart and draw the attention of the monster.”

Woo Seo-hyuk, who was waving his tail, bowed his back slightly with a dissatisfied face. Park Geon-ho, who got on top of Woo Seo-hyuk, grabbed his iron ball and gave me a wink to start.

Away from them, I flew high. As expected, the monster turned towards me and swung its arms. If you let your guard down even a little, you will be caught by the monster’s huge hands.

Kiiiik! Kiiik!

I increased the speed to confuse the monster as much as possible. I calmly avoided the monster’s arms that cut through the air in both directions and the pouring body fluids. However, it was impossible to completely avoid all the attacks and the wounds gradually increased.

While the monster looked at me, Woo Seo-hyuk, who had Park Geon-ho on his back, moved behind its back, out of sight of the monster. Woo Seo-hyuk, who jumped high and used the wall as a foothold, gave strength to his legs and rushed towards the monster as if being shot.


The monster’s claws cut my shoulder. At the same time, Woo Seo-hyuk, who had landed on the monster’s head, nailed his claw to the monster’s forehead.


Its mouth widened with a painful scream. As if Park Geon-ho was waiting, he poured his iron balls into its long, open mouth.

“Gasp, gasp.”

I turned off my ability with uneasy shaky energy and sat down on the floor as if I was collapsing. Hot blood gushed out of my shoulder. Finally.


A bright white light burst, causing an explosion stronger than ever. Kkiiii! Explosions that exploded in succession without a break burned the monster’s mouth and the body itself. The disgusting smell of burning flesh spread.

Woo Seo-hyuk and Park Geon-ho, who stood back just before the explosion, also fell to the floor. When the explosion that did not stop for about a minute ended, a monster with a charred entire body fell down.


Black blood spread under the monster’s corpse. I then breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s finally over.


“We won!”

The guild members, who became beggars from each fierce battle, cheered with excited voices and celebrated their victory. I leaned my back against the wall and watched it. The energy that was fluctuating slowly regained stability with the power of the bracelet.

“Wow, I thought I was in real, big trouble.”

“Team Leader and Secretary are great, but Mercenary Han Yi-gyeol is no joke. Surely there is a reason why people are calling him here and there.”

“Great job, everyone!”

Park Geon-ho, who came down from Woo Seo-hyuk, gave a high-five with the guild members. Woo Seo-hyuk, who had transformed himself, took out new clothes from his inventory and put them on.

“Don’t relax, take a good look around you. How is the status of the measuring ability?”

“Fortunately, he has come to his senses.”

“Tell him to start measuring as soon as he feels better.”

“Team Leader, we have finished checking the exit. It opened normally, and there’s no sign of monsters or traps.”

“Great. We’ll take a breather and start moving right away. Until then, check your weapons and treat the injured.”

At those words, I looked down at my right shoulder, still bleeding. I had to be treated, but my energy did not recover, so it was difficult to move my body.


After resting for a while, I was going to visit the healer team, but Min Ah-rin found me and ran to me. Behind her was Kim Woo-jin.

“Oh my God, look at the blood!”

“Are, are you hurt?”

I looked closely at Kim Woo-jin’s face as he approached me. Fortunately, his complexion was fine and there was no blood that had flowed down the ear.

“Kim Woo-jin. Are you okay?”

Still, I asked in case. Even if you look fine, you may have a hearing problem.


Kim Woo-jin blushed at my question and put on an upset expression.

“I am, of course, fine. It’s you who got hurt. Your shoulder…”

“Woo-jin-ssi is right. Who is Yi-gyeol in a position to worry about others now? Take off your clothes. I will treat you.”


Smiling awkwardly, I unbuttoned my shirt. The pale beige shirt I was wearing was half wet with blood from my shoulder.

The wound was worse than I thought. Min Ah-rin, who saw the shoulder with rough skin was torn, said with a frown.

“You’ve become a complete rag.”

What do you mean by a rag… That’s mean.

Kim Woo-jin sat down on one knee in front of me. The expression of the guy with his head slightly bowed was not very good.

“If I were strong… If I had the strength to fight like everyone else, instead of using this useless ability, would I have been able to protect you from getting hurt?”


I couldn’t answer hastily to those words that were being heard contemptuously and kept my mouth shut.

Kim Woo-jin’s words were not unfamiliar. At one time, I also thought like that every moment. When the dawn left alone was insanely lonely, I longed for it, swallowing the resentment that soared to my throat.

So I couldn’t tell Kim Woo-jin not to think foolishly. After a brief silence, I opened my mouth.

“Kim Woojin. You are enough for now.”


“Like Min Ah-rin-ssi, who heals me when I get hurt, you are helping me a lot. That’s it.”

Above all, thanks to Kim Woo-jin, the information he got, which was trouble, easily get it. These were not empty words to console him.

“I agree. Yi-gyeol-ssi gets hurt when he turns his eyes, but he says he can’t take care of it by himself. He needs Woo-jin-ssi.”

Min Ah-rin, who was watching me and Kim Woo-jin, helped me out. Feeling embarrassed, I looked at my shoulder and wiped my sweaty bangs. Before I knew it, the wound had stopped bleeding with Min Ah-rin’s ability and was slowly healing.

“Han Yi-gyeol.”

Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk, who came after looking around the guild members, walked up to me. For some reason, both of them seemed to have finished a tough battle, but their expressions were bright and they looked refreshed.

“It was hard. Thanks to you, I was able to kill it quickly without taking too much damage.”

At Park Geon-ho’s words, Woo Seo-hyuk nodded his head from behind.

“It’s also unfortunate. Do you have any thoughts to join our team?”

“I’m not going, I’m not going. Do you think I’d want to go through all this trouble?”

“It was hard work, but it’s that much fun.”

I looked up at Park Geon-ho with a cold expression on his face. Fun, my ass. Really, you have a weird personality.

“Aren’t all the team members okay? It will definitely be nice if we work together.”

“I will decline.”

Despite the firm answer or whether the scout disease had risen again, Park Geon-ho did not give up and began to recite the benefits that I would receive if I joined the team. Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting in front of me with his gloomy face, gradually grew colder, and Min Ah-rin covered her mouth and laughed as if it was funny.


It’s my life. While sighing, I looked over Kim Woo-jin’s shoulder at the gaze I felt somewhere.

The monster’s red pupils, which I thought were dead, were facing me. My heartbeat was hard as my head cooled down.

The monster, which made eye contact with me, ripped its mouth wet with black blood and laughed.


The sound that filled the surroundings became faint, and the sensations of my whole body became more sensitive. An unpleasant intuition ran up my cold fingertips.

The monster slowly opened its mouth as if teasing me. Something stretched out through the gaps full of teeth.


No. My body moved before I thought. I grabbed Kim Woo-jin’s shoulder, who was sitting in front of me, and pushed him roughly to the side.


I felt the burning pain with the sound of flesh being pierced. The black tentacle protruding from the monster’s mouth pierced my side. My body, which had been leaning forward to catch Kim Woo-jin, fell to the floor and spat out something desperately.


The blood was so black that I couldn’t believe it came out of my mouth. Black smoke leaked from the side that was reflexively wrapped around with red blood. It was poison.

“Yi, Yi-gyeol-ssi!”

“Han Yi-gyeol!”

Hihik… Hihihi…

Through the screams that filled my ears, the laughter of the monster was heard. Shim Soo-yeon grabbed the spear and cut off the monster’s head at once. The last time I saw the monster’s head rolling down the floor, my eyes went off.