The smell of fishy blood lingered on the tip of my nose. Gasp, gasp. I let out a rough breath and crawled forward with difficulty.



Save… run away… (살려… 도망……)

A scream could be heard in the midst of the monstrous cries. Where the gas exploded, a hot flame rose with a headache smell. The address board ‘3-17’, which was barely hanging from the wall, creaked.


Soggy blood was dripping from the side that I had stuttered. My whole body trembled with the never-ending fear.

“Yeo, Yeon-ah… ugh, Yeon-ah…” (연아, probably Yi-gyeol’s sister name or Sa-yeon’s nickname?)

The wound was painful, but my sister was more urgent than that. I was so afraid that my sister, who had fallen with blood on her head, would die any moment.

“Save, save us please… Save us please…”

I cried and prayed to the man in front of me. The man who had stood firm in the blazing red fire looked down at me. His white face was stained with blood as bright as fire.

“Sis, sister. Even my sister… please…”

The man raised one of his eyebrows at the words I spat out in a hurry.

Tap. Taking a step closer to me, the man raised the sword he was holding in his hand. The blood-stained blade flashed.


My heart was beating so fast that I couldn’t control it. The man looked at me with cold eyes and swung his sword. I closed my eyes reflexively.

* * *


I took a deep breath and lifted my upper body.

The sun-drenched ceiling came into view with a faint smell of disinfectant.

‘…is it a dream?’

I stroked my side. Unlike in my dream, I felt my skin healed after receiving treatment.

Slowly, I recalled the scene I had seen in my dream. A shanty town on fire. Narrow alleys and steeply sloping floors.

In the middle of it, Han Yi-gyeol was injured, and his younger sister had collapsed. Even Cheon Sa-yeon with the sword standing in front of them.

It was the past of Han Yi-gyeol that I had not seen in a long time, but it was so fragmentary that I had no idea what the situation was. There’s nothing I can do. I sighed and looked around.

It wasn’t the first place I visited. A hospital room inside the Requiem Guild. I relaxed the familiar inside.

I was immediately fainted by the monster’s unexpected attack, so I couldn’t figure out what happened after that. I thought I should ask if Min Ah-rin or Kim Woo-jin came later, but the door to the hospital room swung open.

“Answers have arrived from masters in each region. Most responded that they would attend…”


Those who entered the hospital room were Cheon Sa-yeon and Woo Seo-hyuk. Cheon Sa-yeon, who had been listening to Woo Seo-hyuk’s briefing with a bored expression on his face, found me awake and raised the corners of his lips.

“The Sleeping Beauty has woken up.”

“…why did you pick a fight as soon as I see your face?”

As I distorted my forehead at the disgusting sound, Woo Seo-hyuk, who was standing behind him, asked.

“How are you feeling?”

“It’s okay.”

The side, which had been severely wounded, was in a state of being healed cleanly without a single scar. Anyway, it was nice to have a talented person. Without Healer, the injury was so severe that I had to lie down for a month.

“Organize the documents and put them in the representative office. I’ll see you later and we’ll talk again.”


Cheon Sa-yeon, who had sent Woo Seo-hyuk out of the hospital room, sat down on a chair near the bed. I paused for a moment at the natural behaviour.

Looking at Cheon Sa-yeon’s face up close, I had no choice but to remember a dream. What did the hell happen? As I was thinking about Han Yi-gyeol’s plea to the sword-wielding Cheon Sa-yeon to spare his sister, I woke up to the sound of a voice.

“Everyone on the clear team, including Secretary Woo Seo-hyuk, was very worried. Not to mention Healer Min Ah-rin and Kim Woo-jin.”


Should I go back later and show my normal face to them? Just before I passed out, I remembered the people running to me in shock.

I’m a little sorry. I asked just in case.

“How long has it been since I passed out?”

“Today is the second day.”

Fortunately, that’s a relief. With a sigh of relief, Cheon Sa-yeon looked at me with a strange smile. What else are you going to say?

“So what is it? The reason you came.”

“This. It’s an ordinary hospital visit. A valuable collaborator was lying on the bed, so of course, I should come.”

It’s funny. As I stared at him suspiciously, Cheon Sa-yeon narrowed his brow slightly without wiping out his smile.

“It’s true that there’s a business, but I also really have a purpose for visiting. Above all else, it was dangerous this time.”

“It was dangerous. Me?”

“You don’t think healing ability is universal, do you? You must know that even a healer can use their ability only if the patient has a serious internal injury after undergoing surgery.”


There was nothing to say back. It was correct from one to ten.

In the case of the healing ability used by healers, they could attach and heal torn flesh, but they could not restore a twisted or broken state. That was the realm of the ‘restoration’ (복원) ability.

So, in case of an internal injury, the power of medicine was absolutely necessary. The condition could become more serious if it was allowed to heal prematurely with healing ability.

“The distance from N23 Area to the hospital is about two hours. Park Geon-ho, who was injured, put you in his car and drove himself to take you. It was a signal violation.”


“It was natural for reporters to take pictures in the process. Healer Min Ah-rin followed you into the operating room. She said you bled so much that she had to heal you as soon as your surgery was over.”


The more I listened, the more my mouth dried up. I think the situation was more serious than I expected.

After hesitating for a while, I came up with my own excuse.

“I couldn’t help it. As you can see and hear, if I hadn’t acted, Kim Woo-jin would have been hurt. If one person is going to get hurt anyway, an A-rank is better than a C-rank.”

“I couldn’t help it, huh.”

Cheon Sa-yeon opened his mouth, leaning against the back of his chair in a relaxed gesture.

“Han Yi-gyeol. I must have told you last time. If you move without taking care of yourself, you won’t last long.”

“I don’t know if it’s in other circumstances, but this time it was the best. As you said, I have to bleed for about two hours, but how does Kim Woo-jin, who is no different from ordinary people, endure it?”

“In my eyes, you look much weaker than Kim Woo-jin.”


I’m speaking seriously, but this guy…

When I looked annoyed without an answer, Cheon Sa-yeon smiled as he curled his eyebrows. Happy?

“Anyway, I want you to be more careful in the future. In the end, it is up to me to take care of it.”

“Your valuable collaborator is sick, so why don’t you do that?”

“Even thinking for other people. As much as you worry about Kim Woo-jin, Kim Woo-jin will also worry about you.”


“It would have been better if I could see in person what everyone looked like when you passed out. Then, even if a similar situation occurs next time, I will think about it.”

“I knew…”

You’re nagging a lot.

I’m tired of mental attacks that were worse than hearing Kim Woo-jin or Min Ah-rin nagging, but the door to the hospital room opened and someone entered.


Min Ah-rin, with her slightly tired face, saw me and hurriedly approached me with a surprised expression.

“Min Ah-rin-ssi.”

“When you wake up, ring the call bell! How’s your body? Are there any uncomfortable places?”

“It’s okay. I’m fine.”

As I spoke with a slight smile, Min Ah-rin greeted Cheon Sa-yeon who was sitting next to her, feeling relieved.

“I was very worried, Yi-gyeol-ssi.”

“I’m sorry. Did anything happen after I passed out?”

“Yes. As expected, the final battle location was inside a hidden path on the first floor. When we went up to the third floor, the floor that had collapsed was also restored to its original state, so we immediately came out through the gate exit.”

“That’s fortunate.”

“No one was seriously injured except for Yi-gyeol-ssi.”


I averted my gaze.

Cheon Sa-yeon, who was watching Min Ah-rin’s conversation with a smile, opened his mouth.

“It’s amazing that you come forward every time even when people around you worried so much.”

“I understand. I don’t think it’s very relevant.”

“No. That’s not true.”

At the words of Min Ah-rin, who raised her eyebrows and gave a sad expression, she hurriedly shook her head in denial. I always felt grateful to those who cared about me. I’m surprised that she cared so much even though she didn’t do anything in particular.

As I was stunned, Min Ah-rin smiled as she wiped away her tears.

“It’s a joke. However, I hope you will be more careful in the future.”

“Yes. I will.”

Nodding my head, I brought up a question that I had been curious about for a long time.

“But where is Kim Woo-jin?”

Min Ah-rin’s face darkened at those words. Cheon Sa-yeon also just looked at me, but there was no answer.

…did something happen? You said I was the only one with serious injuries. I quickly got off the bed in a tense atmosphere.

“Where is he? Kim Woo-jin.”


A corner of my head became cold at the sight of Min Ah-rin, who hesitated but did not easily tell me.

“Explain it to me please. Maybe another monster appeared after I passed out? Therefore…”

“No. It’s not like that…”

Cheon Sa-yeon rose from his seat and gently grabbed my stiff shoulder.

“I think you should calm down for now.”


It was then that I realized that I was pushing Min Ah-rin. I bit my lip and apologized.

“I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s because you’re surprised.”

Min Ah-rin, who, unlike me, had kept her composure, carefully continued to talk.

“Woo-jin-ssi… He wasn’t hurt, but he wasn’t in good condition.”

“What does it mean?”

Watching the reaction of Cheon Sa-yeon standing behind me, Min Ah-rin nodded her head and beckoned to me.

“It would be quicker to see it in person. Woo-jin-ssi is in the hospital room right next door. Let’s go together.”

Is he in the hospital room? I swallowed dry saliva and followed Min Ah-rin without hesitation.

* * *

When I entered the next room, I saw Kim Woo-jin lying on the bed. Seeing him panting with a reddened face, I hurriedly approached and looked at his forehead.

“It’s not just a fever.”

The skin that touched the palm of my hand was very hot. Seeing Kim Woo-jin in pain as if he was about to run out of breath, Min Ah-rin explained with a gloomy expression.

“The energy is so strong that his body can’t stand it. The energy that has risen beyond the limit is attacking his heart.”

“What is the cause?”

“Several experts have been here, but…”

Min Ah-rin couldn’t finish her words and bit her mouth. It meant that she couldn’t find the cause of his abnormal energy and how to fix it.

“It was fine when Yi-gyeol-ssi entered the operating room. He collapsed suddenly after surgery.”

“Then he’s been in this state for over a day.”

“Yes. The fever does not go down even with antipyretics. Fortunately, Woo-jin-ssi is holding up, but if he didn’t get his energy back even for a moment…”

“…are you saying it’s dangerous?”

Min Ah-rin put on a depressed expression. The inside of my throat tingled.

‘I need to save him.’

Such a case had not been seen in the novel. What should I do? Numerous thoughts rushed through my mind.

I heard there is a producer who sold illegal potions in the Red Market, should I look for him? Or how about contacting an S-rank recovery person in Japan? There may be a problem with the energy, so we had to restore it…

‘No. The possibility is too low.’

The given time was too short to try various things. I clenched my fists in nervousness.

What should I do? What should I…

“Han Yi-gyeol.”

Cheon Sa-yeon called me in a soft voice as my head bowed without finding a clear solution.