“…what is it?”

“Let’s talk for a second. Let Healer Min Ah-rin leave.”

Min Ah-rin, who was rolling her eyes here and there, looking at me and Cheon Sa-yeon, gently stepped back.

“Yes. Um, I’ll be back a little later.”

Min Ah-rin, who was looking at me with her worried face, left the hospital room.

“What? If it’s not urgent, later…”

“I know someone who can save Kim Woo-jin.”

I opened my eyes wide at the unexpected words and looked at Cheon Sa-yeon. Due to his personality, there was no way he could speak nonsense. I swallowed dry saliva and approached Cheon Sa-yeon.

“Are you sure?”

“This is the first time this has happened to me, so I’m not sure, but it’s more likely than anything else.”

“Who is it? Where can I go to meet them?”

It was worth looking for just because of the high possibility. Cheon Sa-yeon smiled softly as he looked down at me as I was rushing to ask questions.

“I can contact them instead for you.”


“Do you want me to do that, Han Yi-gyeol?”

Tense entered my forehead. You’re going to contact them instead?

There was no way he could do it for nothing. Come to think of it, he said that there was a business that he came to my hospital room from the beginning.

I looked at Kim Woo-jin, who was in pain from being pressed by the energy. There was only one choice.

“What do you want?”

For this time, whatever you ask for in return, let’s do our best to accommodate it. When I was ready to look at Cheon Sa-yeon, he raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth.

“Hmm. Well.”

Cheon Sa-yeon, who pretended to think, shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

“Are you going to beg for help while trembling in aegyo?”

“Don’t say bullshit.”

“It’s not bullshit. I’m serious.”

“Say it right. Whatever it may be, I’ll try it.”

I said this in consideration of Cheon Sa-yeon’s feelings, but on the contrary, he had a sad expression on his face. Why the hell? Anyway, he’s unpredictable.

“In two weeks, a party will be held for guild masters across the country.”


What party all of a sudden?

“As the gate anomaly continued, the management headquarters also seemed to feel a sense of crisis. The purpose is to share and unite the information of each guild’s gate… Well, we’ll see if it goes well.”

It certainly made sense to gather for that purpose. Especially for guild masters located in rural areas, it won’t be easy to get gate information.

“…so what does that have to do with me?”

“The attendee is allowed to bring one partner.”

It was creepy, I had goosebumps on my back.

“Are you now…”

“I was just looking for a partner to go with.”

“You crazy.”

You’re not asking me to enter the gate or kidnap anyone.

Party? Do you want to go to a party with me?

“How can the price be like this?”

I barely swallowed the words “I don’t want to”, which came up to my chin, and asked as if I was arguing.

“I think it’s a losing trade for me.”

Cheon Sa-yeon’s white, slender fingers gently stroked my cheeks.

“Do you think so? Save Kim Woo-jin as well, take you to a place where you can get gate information, I think you’re on your knees to say thank you.”


It was an irrefutable statement. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I’ve never been to a place like that. I’d rather you take someone else.”

“I don’t want to overdo it on my partner who has been forced to follow me. You better put an end to unnecessary worries.”

“…so you mean, if I just follow you to the party, you’re going to call them?”


Really that’s enough? It was suspicious, but I had no choice but to believe for now. I accepted the offer without thinking for a long time.

“Okay. I’ll go to a party or something, so call them asap.”

“That’s a wise choice.”

Cheon Sa-yeon took out his cell phone and smiled brightly.

* * *

While waiting the person called by Cheon Sa-yeon came, Min Ah-rin and I worked hard so that Kim Woo-jin could endure as much as possible. I didn’t see any particular effect.

After two hours, which felt like a long time in an anxious mind, Cheon Sa-yeon, who had been away, returned to the hospital room. Behind him, there was a man I saw for the first time.

“This is item maker, Edward Asner (에드워드 애스너). He said he wanted to meet the person with the abnormal energy in person.”

At the introduction of Cheon Sa-yeon, a small man walked forward with hesitation. Min Ah-rin and I greeted with a warm heart.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Han Yi-gyeol.”

“I’m Healer Min Ah-rin.”

“Yeah, hello. Please call me Eddy.”

Whether he was wearing an interpreter item, he answered fluently in Korean. Edward, small enough to be half my height, fidgeted with his curly blonde hair and smiled slightly. He looked very young.

“Eddy specializes in producing energy-related items. It will help resolve Kim Woo-jin’s condition.”

“I just happened to be in Korea. I thought it would be pretty important if Cheon Sa-yeon-ssi contacted me first.”

Cheon Sa-yeon and Edward seemed to know each other quite well. Edward gently leaned his body to the side and looked at Kim Woo-jin, who was covered by me.

“Is that him? Someone who has a problem with energy.”

“That’s right.”

Edward looked down at Kim Woo-jin with a serious face. Edward looked at him for a while and then nodded his head. I waited nervously for his words.

“Fortunately, it is exactly what I expected. As long as he holds on to his energy, he will recover quickly.”

“Is that really true?”

“Yes. This is not the first time this has happened, so I can be sure.”

This is not the first time? Min Ah-rin asked in surprise.

“Are you saying there was another person like Woo-jin-ssi?”

“Um, it was about last year. A child living in the province of China was at risk of his life as his energy was amplified. He was able to be helped because it was a village where I stopped by for volunteer service.”

“Then do you know the cause?”

Edward nodded his head calmly at my words.

“The child lost his family right before his eyes. After he recovered, he talked to me and said that he had a hard time because he felt guilty for not protecting his family.”

My mind was blanked out by the answer. Guilty for not protecting?

“Perhaps something similar happened to this person. What is certain is that energy is greatly influenced by emotions. When you have an experience that is so intense that you can’t control your emotions, your energy also loses balance and starts to shake.”

I barely swallowed the sigh that was about to burst. My chest tingled like thorns moving around.

‘Then the reason Kim Woo-jin became like this…’

Is it because of me? The act of trying to protect Kim Woo-jin eventually led to his death. An indescribable feeling arose.

Edward tapped the large jewel-encrusted ring and pulled out his item. A round item with the size of a thumb was similar in appearance to a pill.

He put the item into Kim Woo-jin’s mouth.

“It will melt slowly and be absorbed into the body without swallowing it. The anxious energy will gradually return to stability.”

“…thank you.”

Edward smiled softly at the thanks.

“It is only a matter of time until recovery, but the future is important.”

“The future…”

“This person will have a different energy level just like that child. It means he’s going to get his grades up.”

Even Cheon Sa-yeon’s eyes, who was silently watching from behind, lit up as if intrigued. Min Ah-rin murmured with an incredible look.

“Is it possible to upgrade a rank, really?”

“If he has this kind of energy, he will probably become an A-rank. Korea has a well-developed ability measurement system, so I suggest he checks it out after he recovers.”

Perhaps the item effect appeared while we were in a brief conversation, Kim Woo-jin’s breathing sound became a little more comfortable. It was such a relief.

After looking at Kim Woo-jin for a while, I turned my gaze to Edward and nodded my head.

“I understand.”

As long as it wasn’t painful, it didn’t matter how much the grade was different. Rather, Kim Woo-jin might like it. Because he was a guy who was dissatisfied with his ability.

Edward looked at me quietly and smiled at ease.

“Thank you for coming today.”

“No. It’s a request from Cheon Sa-yeon-ssi, who is not anyone else. Of course, I should come. Thanks to you, I was able to meet good people.”

Edward, who responded with a bright voice to Cheon Sa-yeon’s words, looked at Kim Woo-jin and made a sad face.

“I would like to stay longer, but I have a schedule behind me, so I think I will have to go.”

“I will guide you to the front of the building.”

“Thank you. It was nice to meet you two.”

I and Min Ah-rin shook hands with Edward to say goodbye.

“Thank you so much for your help today.”

“Be careful when you go.”

“Yes. I hope to see you both again.”

Cheon Sa-yeon left the hospital room with Edward waving his hand softly. Min Ah-rin, with her slightly recalled face, opened her mouth while picking a drink.

“I’m glad that Woo-jin-ssi is getting better, but I was really surprised. I can’t believe the grade that has already been set can go up.”

I agreed with those words and recalled the novel. This was not the case in the original. Even Kim Woo-jin wasn’t the first.

Min Ah-rin, who had been thinking about this and that, tilted her head slightly.

“If you think about it, it’s similar to when you awaken as a talented person. People with useful ability often wake up in the face of intense events.”

It certainly is. A person who was in danger of being stabbed by a sword after meeting a murderer was awakened as a talented person with the ability to strengthen the body or a person who was about to be in a traffic accident awakened as a talented person with an evasion ability.

“It’s an unexpected result, so I’m a bit flustered… But Woo-jin-ssi is Woo-jin-ssi. As long as his recovery goes well, I can congratulate him.”

“That’s right.”

I smiled at Min Ah-rin, who was smiling at me, but Cheon Sa-yeon came back after seeing Edward off.

“I’ll have to make an appointment with the measurement centre first.”

Cheon Sa-yeon was sure that Kim Woo-jin would get better. That meant he trusted Edward.

“Can you detect a change in ability if you take a measurement?”

“For now. But you have to make an accurate judgement.”

If Kim Woo-jin became an A-rank, it was clear that his ability to blur his presence, which used to be a C-rank, would also change. I don’t know what kind of ability he would have, but even if it was a non-combat ability, he had become an A-rank from a C-rank, so he would grow taller and have more stamina.

“Because he belongs to a guild, we cannot hide the results or make them private. It will be noisy for a while when it turns out that he has been upgraded from C-rank to A-rank.”

“That’s for sure.”

Whether the fever was dropping or not, Kim Woo-jin was sleeping comfortably without wrinkling his forehead. His face was still a little red, but by this, he seemed to be recovering well.

The guy had a lot of things to do when he woke up. Feeling tired already, I exhaled a weary breath.

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Yeay~ Finally we caught up until Woo-jin evolved(?) his rank! :3

Also, don’t judge or mad at Sa-yeon, let him be happy for now (since it’s his birthday today, in my place the time’s already on September 21st) wwwww

Happy birthday, Sa-yeon!! I’ll always support you no matter what!! (╥﹏╥) Just be happy and have enough rest if you got tired uwuwuwuwu

Here, I added the bonus or side story that had nothing to do with the official story (but made by Author-nim). The set in this bonus is before chapter 100.

He thought it would be a little difficult to have a happy birthday. Cheon Sa-yeon didn’t like his birthday very much. Expensive gifts came from many places, but he didn’t particularly welcome or like them. He was sitting alone in the representative office in a more depressed and sensitive state than usual, and Yi-gyeol would open the door and take a peek.

It was rare for Yi-gyeol to come first even though he wasn’t called, so Cheon Sa-yeon wondered inwardly as to how he was going. Whether Cheon Sa-yeon said it or not, Yi-gyeol, who came close to him half-heartedly, said that he heard that it was his birthday and had nothing to give, but just took it. He pulled a strawberry candy out of his pocket.

When Cheon Sa-yeon inadvertently accepted the candy, Yi-gyeol left the representative office without any regrets. Cheon Sa-yeon, who was left alone holding the candy again, looked at the candy for a moment, peeled it, and put it in his mouth. It was unpleasant to feel the sweetness spreading in his mouth, but he didn’t spit it out to the end. Still, he didn’t think this birthday was pretty bad.