“Ed, why are you here!?”

“That’s my line! Why are you, Hamokin, in a place like this, and with Donatella no less!?”

At Hamokin’s surprised words, I retorted just as they were. Well, because I was seriously worried. After the attack on the village settled down and I returned to the cave, neither of them were there, it was beyond unexpected.

“I had anticipated that you might still be approaching the village, but I never thought the two of you would go and fight the Demon King… the Black Star, on your own. What were you thinking!?”

“… There were various circumstances. More importantly, what happened to the village?”

“That’s all sorted out now. There might still be some left, but if Tia is there, it can be handled somehow.”

The black demons that had been attacking the village weren’t as strong as they seemed. In my case, however, touching them seemed dangerous, and while it was easy to kill the beasts, I tried not to kill the controlled humans as much as possible, which took a bit of time. That being said, it was just that.

The only problem was the overwhelming numbers, but we could compensate with our own numbers. The men who had entered the village now that the women were no longer hostile fought, and with Tia’s assistance, it was enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Once the numbers had turned, the rest was just a matter of course. Tia, who could not meet with Donatella anyway, remained in the village as a precaution, and I returned to the cave… only to find no one there, which caused me to panic. I used the [Akashic Compass] and chased after them with the men who had followed me.

“Gahaha! Donatella, fighting with Hamokin!? Donatella, have you finally realized the appeal of erotic things?”

“Don’t mess around, Gargado! I’m fighting with a man, but that’s not it! I was just using the weak man!”

“Don’t be shy! Hey you guys, let’s push back the black devil!”


“Tsks, you don’t listen to people! That’s why men are the worst!”

Ignoring Donatella’s swearing, the warriors begin to swarm the black demons. They were probably in a pinch because they were outnumbered by just the two of them, but as with the village, the story would be different if their numbers increased.

“Woa! Die!”

“Ah, you’re Tokosuko, right!? Just go to sleep for now!”

“You’re tonight’s dinner!”

The beasts shrouded in black miasma were being slaughtered one after another, and the humans shrouded in it were being beaten down. It’s a bit iffy whether they’re really okay since they’re getting their heads bashed in quite crudely, but it can’t be helped in this melee.

“How about it, Donatella. Men are strong, aren’t they?”

“…Hmph! They’re weaker than me.”

“Hahaha, that’s harsh!”

Hamokin, who had regained his breath, also joined the fight, and Donatella, who seemed unamused and sulky, was somehow punching the black devil with her bare hands… ah, her spear broke?

“Hey Donatella, want to use this?”

“This is…!? No, I won’t accept a man’s charity!”

“Just hold on to it!”

I forced the short spear that I had taken out from the [Stranger Box] into Donatella’s hands. It’s just a plain steel spear that I crafted as part of my blacksmithing training, but its quality should be far superior to the stone spears used in the village.

“Uuuuuu… I don’t owe men anything! I’ll kill all the black devils!”

After a moment of hesitation, Donatella swung my spear around and quickly cleared the surrounding enemies. Ah, the power of a hero is indeed amazing. While I would be stronger in a regular fight, Donatella clearly excels as a force against the Demon King.

In this way, we turned the tables and efficiently eliminated the swarming black devils. However, perhaps because things were going too well, no one suggested a retreat, and before we knew it, the ground was littered with dead beasts and unconscious… presumably unconscious? Men.

“Haah, haah, haah… Is it over?”

“The black demons weren’t a big deal after all! I’m strong! Men are weak!”

“Wow, you’re all really strong!”


Suddenly, an out-of-place, cheerful voice echoed from the depths of the forest. Turning towards the sickeningly sweet voice, there was…!?

“You… Black Star…!?”

“Yes, that’s right! Since you all worked so hard, I decided to come and replenish my forces! Yay!”

“You’re as flippant as ever… Hey Ed, what’s wrong?”

“Eh!? Oh, no, it’s nothing. So this is…”

The Demon King standing before me indeed had the same face as mine. However, the impression she gave was quite different, perhaps because the structure of her face was feminine, even though the features like eyes and nose were the same. Also, her hair and eye color are different. Both of mine are black, but the Demon King’s are a dark red, like blood.

What’s more different is her figure. Her bust and buttocks, tightly wrapped in glossy black skin, were both incredibly large, yet her waist, with the belly button in full view, was slim. There were also shiny black muscles in patterns on her thighs and arms, and all other areas were dazzlingly white.

Ah, she’s definitely an attractive woman. I see, so this is what it’s like…

“Ugh, Black Star, as erotic as ever…”

“Oh, the big man over there knows what’s up. Come over here, and I’ll make you feel really good~”

The Demon King placed a hand on her own chest, conspicuously swaying it. Then, the gazes of several men, including Gargado, became fixed on it, and they started to bob their heads up and down in sync with the movement of her chest.

“What an erotic display! Damn it, I can’t take my eyes off…”

“But this is nothing! Black Star, today I’ll definitely defeat you…!”

“Oh my~? There are still some kids who haven’t been charmed? Could it be that you prefer this? Look, look!”


This time, the Demon King thrust out her buttocks, and waved them to and fro. With this, the remaining men, including Hamokin, who had barely resisted, had their gaze stolen, and they began to shake their heads left and right in sync with the movement of her buttocks.

“Boing Boing… Purin Purin… erotic, I can’t resist…”

“Kuh, this is why men are useless! Black Star, I’ll defeat you!” 

Ignoring the men who were drawn to the Demon King like sleepwalkers, Donatella rushed towards the Demon King. But standing in her way are… the men who fought with us until just a moment ago.

“I won’t let you! Black Star, we won’t let you lay a hand on her!”

“Gargado!? You’re in my way! Go to sleep!”

“No way!”


Gargado, who stopped Donatella’s spear with his own, pushed Donatella back with his strength. The black miasma that covered him looked considerably denser than the other men’s.

“Gargado got stronger!? What’s going on!?”

“Erotic is powerful! Black Star is incredibly erotic! Feeling her eroticism, I’m at my strongest now! Wooo!!!”

Gargado roared and attacked the confused Donatella. Along with him, the other men also charged at Donatella at once…

“Whoa, hold on there for a moment”


My [Dawnbreaker] stopped Gargado and the others’ charge. It seems unwise to touch them directly, but there’s no issue with crossing swords.

“Whyyyy!? Why doesn’t my sexy & pretty Demon King Last-chan’s charm work on you, Master!? Are you into flat-chests? Oh, by the way, I came up with the name Last. It’s a combination of ‘end’ and ‘lust.’ How is it? Cool, right?”

(T/N: She calls him Goshujin-sama)

“I don’t know! And it’s not a matter of preference! Do you get excited looking at your own naked body in the mirror?”

“Ah, well, I don’t do that. Some people in the world might, but I prefer to be all over someone else! Diversity is important, but group play is also fun!”

“I seriously don’t care! Can you just shut up for a moment!”

“I love talking, so I won’t be quiet! Now, I’m going to get a little serious!”

When Demon King Last licked her lips, her red eyes, different from mine, shone brightly. Then, the miasma surrounding Gargado and the others intensified, their eyes became bloodshot, and their breathing became heavy.

“Haa… Haa…”


“Gargado!? Hey, what are you doing?”

“Haa… Haa… Ed…”

“It’s okay, Gargado. I’ll definitely bring you back to normal. So—“

“Ed… you’re actually quite erotic…?”


“Your tightly drawn butt is erotic”

“The faintly visible abs are erotic”

“The hollow of your collarbone is super erotic”

“What are you talking about!? You can’t see my abs or collarbone!?”

I’m wearing normal clothes and armor, so obviously you can’t see my abs or collarbone. Despite this, Gargado and the others come at me with bloodshot eyes.

“Woaaaaah! EDDDDD!”

“Hey, don’t come here! Seriously, don’t come here!?”

I can’t suppress my physiological disgust and I beat away the approaching men one after another with my [Dawnbreaker]. Ugh, the chills!? My spine is crawling… no, it’s different!?

“Damn it!?”

“Did I find an opening, Master?”

Last appeared silently behind me and licked the nape of my neck. At the same time as this creepy feeling, my consciousness was dragged into Last’s world.