
I was abruptly pulled into a pitch-black world, causing me to take a step back on the spot. Though, since this wasn’t a physical world, it’s more a matter of my perception or my feelings, to be more accurate.

“Welcome, first customer!”

And then, the Demon King Last slowly descended from above me. A fluffy descent… or rather, the falling speed was clearly ignoring gravity, but this was her world, so it’s not surprising.

“Welcome, master! You’re the first gentleman who has ever inserted into me! Oh, I’m blushing. How do you feel about having your first experience?”

“Tch, keep talking. It’s true that I let my guard down… but if you think you’ve won, you’re greatly mistaken.”

Being taken into this place is already an experienced event. What we do in this world is essentially a tug-of-war, and to win, you need to keep pulling with a force that’s just a bit stronger than the opponent’s.

It’s a delicate task that requires careful control, so it’s far more difficult than simply cutting with a sword, but even now, I was more than capable…

“No, no, I didn’t call you for something as trivial as winning or losing! Besides, isn’t it inevitable that I will eventually become part of you, Master? Oh no, Master will eat all of me…!”

“……What do you mean?”

Watching Last writhing and squirming brings up an uncomfortable feeling due to the deep-seated awareness that this guy was me. However, what bothered me more was her statement.

“You… don’t you want to become the real Demon King in my place?”

“Of course not! How could an erotic cute girl like me be the Demon King of the End? It doesn’t suit me at all! Although, I might end men’s rationality! Oh, and I might also end up squeezing out all their seed?”

“Stop it! Then why did you take me into you?”

While retorting at Last who tried to throw in dirty jokes at any chance, I seriously asked her that. Then, the smile on Last’s face, who had been grinning frivolously, becomes slightly sorrowful.

“Well, that’s because… see, there’s nothing in this world, right? No matter where you look, it’s just forest, forest, forest! There are a few villages besides the people Master was with, but the people living there are all pretty much the same. Maybe if I got stronger and could get out of the jungle, there might be a normal civilized country… but you came before that.”

“……? So, what? What are you trying to say?”

“I was lonely. Despite having such a completed personality, there was no place to make use of it. There weren’t any significant enemies, and the only ones I could ally with were shy boys who were smitten with my charm.I wanted to enjoy more things, like fabulous fashion and delicious sweets! I think I’m allowed at least that much since I’ve come down to this world!”

“Oh, I see. Well, I guess?”

“In that sense, how about John-san? He did a great job. Not only did he fit into the world, but he also became an essential existence in the world and even got overlooked by you, Master! It’s so nice, I’m so jealous. I also want Master to overlook me, overlo—”

“Wait, stop! Don’t say anything more!”

Feeling something dangerous, I hastily approached Last and forcefully covered her mouth. Then, as Last moved her mouth and… something hot ran over my fingertip, I inadvertently let go of her.


“Huh!? Calling a beautiful girl like me licking you ‘eww’, Master really doesn’t get it. Depending on the location, gold coins would move, you know?”

“What kind of location! I don’t know!”

“Really, this is why innocent children are… ah, no, maybe not? You’ve gotten along quite well with that elf girl–“

In the blink of an eye, the [Dawnbreaker] was pulled out and split Demon King Last into two. Of course, it doesn’t mean much here, as Last was immediately restored…

“I can’t ignore that insinuation… restrain yourself…”

“Oh dear, it seems like I hit a sensitive spot for Master. My apologies.”

Seeing me become serious, Last grimaced and hit her own head. Despite showing no remorse, it somehow disarmed my hostility.

“Phew… well, whatever. What are you really? What did you want to do?”

“If I had to say, it’d be to say goodbye.”


“Yes. You see, time flows differently here, or rather, consciousness is accelerated, but it seems like it’s almost over. Oh, Donatella-chan’s fist is glowing a lot!”

“…You, did you intend to lose from the start?”

Surprised, I opened my eyes wide. Last continued to joke around… but she did indeed smile bitterly.

“Not exactly, but there wasn’t really a chance to win, to begin with. Remember when Master previously said, ‘I decide what ends!’ with a smug look? In reality, I neither have the power nor the will to resist that.”

“Guh!? That is… no, that’s not important right now. More importantly, are you okay with this!?”

“I’m not okay with it, you know? I don’t want to disappear, I want to exist. The ten years since I descended into this world… it might not even be a moment in the long life of a Demon King, but for me, it’s everything. But, well, even though it was short, I did what I wanted to do, and I enjoyed it. So there are… many things I regret, but I guess it can’t be helped.”

Last, showing a tired and resigned smile like a girl her age, stirreed a strange feeling in me, like a cold wind blowing through my heart.

“I see… sorry, but the situation is too different from John’s time. I can’t let you go… but if you want to say goodbye, I’ll listen. Do you have anything else to say?”

“Don’t forget.”

In response to my question, Last looked straight at me and spoke.

“Erotically, suspiciously, lewdly! Please remember that a pretty, cute existence named Demon King Last is sleeping within you. Although our time together was shorter than a star’s twinkling in the infinite cosmos… I was certainly here. Please, don’t forget that.”

“…Understood. I will never forget your existence in my lifetime. Well, I wouldn’t be able to forget such a strong presence even if I tried.”

I casually accepted Last’s earnest wish with a smile. There’s no way I could forget about such a strange Demon King who reigned over this strange world.

“Demon King Last. This is your end point. But an end is also about carving unchanging history. Don’t forget, and remember. You are me. In me… you rest.”

I placed my hand on Last’s head, closed my eyes and concentrated. Then, the power of the Demon King seeped into me without any resistance, and the two separate beings merged into one.

“Ahaha! Pierced by Master’s thick and hard will, I’m going!”

A crack appeared in the black space and a dazzling light poured in. She really was messing around until the end–

–Thank you, Kind Master…

“…You were messing around until the very end.”

The world of Demon King Last came to an end, and my consciousness was pulled back to reality.