Chapter 425 - Chapter 425: Chapter 425: Clash

Chapter 425: Chapter 425: Clash

Li Ke’er chant a spell, raising her right hand, a white light fly from her hand towards the thickly scattered caltrops. Suddenly, a semi-transparent light shield envelops each of the caltrops;

Seeing Li Ke’er has finished releasing her skill, Song Jian mentally beckons her back, that place is far too dangerous, the catapults have already begun to hurl stones at the caltrops.

Seven or eight basketball-sized stones whistled towards caltrops, the moment they struck the light shield, the stones shattered into countless fragments that sprayed in all directions, causing secondary damage;

Song Jian’s eyes twitch, these catapults look a lot more powerful than he had imagined;

“Brother Song, I don’t think we can just sit and watch, why don’t I take some fellows and flank them for a sneak attack?” Wang Qi, looking at the distant group of around forty or fifty players, suggested with a stroke of his chin.

“The four of you, not enough for their full barrage!” Song Jian glanced at Wang Qi and said, “And how do you know they aren’t prepared? Do you see how many thieves there are in their team?”

Most of the players have chosen their professions by now, and their equipment corresponds with their professions, so it’s easy to tell them apart. Wang Qi looked up, out of forty or fifty people, there were only one or two thieves at the front of the team, this revelation sent shivers down his spine.

It must be noted that the four main professions of warrior, thief, mage, and priest are the easiest to pick, and their skills are quite potent, hence why most players choose these professions.

Moreover, these professions can later be transferred to other more powerful professions. Out of forty or fifty people, according to probabilities, there should be at least a dozen or so thieves, but right now there are only one or two, it’s apparent that other thief profession players are hiding around, waiting for Song Jian to send people for the ambush.

“So we can only watch as they break in? This is just too suffocating!” Wang Qi said upset.

Song Jian calmly stared at the six player guilds in front of him. These players aren’t of low level, the highest being level eighteen, the lowest being sixteen. Including the siege weapons of the six guilds, their combined force would make it fairly easy to destroy a guild. Song Jian’s guild was newly founded and hadn’t had a chance to recruit many players, so they were at a numerical disadvantage.

“You guys hold your position here for now, let’s see what happens when they attack!” Song Jian instructed then turned and dashed towards another direction of his territory.

The players from the opposing six guilds, were looking at the catapults continually bombarding the caltrops, their faces were flushed with excitement.

“Brother Shan, why don’t we take this opportunity to bulldoze their constructions?” A player excitedly roared;

“Are you a fool, huh, are you a fool?” Jiang Shan stared at that player and yelled: “It would waste so much time demolishing these constructions! We only have a little over an hour at most, breaking into their manor castle is most important. And once we seize their manor castle, these shops and constructions will become our war spoils!”

The player who had advocated for demolishing Song Jian’s territory was at a loss for words, he humbly scratched his head and burst out in sheepish laughter;

Li Ke’er’s defense spell could only mitigate damage, not entirely neutralize it.

After a few rounds of bombardments, the rows of caltrops began to fall apart;

Jiang Shan glanced at the time, because of the slow movement speed of the siege weapons, they had spent over twenty minutes to get to the edge of Song Jian’s territory. Then they spent another ten or so minutes bombarding the caltrops, nearly forty minutes have passed and they had not spotted the opponent’s Manor Castle.

“Speed it up!” Jiang Shan ordered, narrowing his brows.

In no time, more than a dozen heavily-armored defense warriors, holding large shields, formed a row and positioned themselves at the front of the crowd. Behind them were the mages, archers, and other ranged attack professions.

The warriors began to slowly advance holding up their shields. As for the mages and archers, they followed behind. Once the caltrops came into their attack range, they would initiate the assault.

Clang, clang, clang-

The defensive warriors were now close to the caltrops, entering within the attack range of the mobile arrow towers. The towers automatically locked onto the targets and shot arrows at them.

However, the defense of the arrow towers was not high, against defensive warriors, they could only deal about a dozen points of damage. When spread out among so many defense warriors, it was relatively easy to withstand, some warriors even managed to defend and attack the caltrops simultaneously.

The mages and archer profession players behind then entered attack range, one after another they attacked the caltrops, with their participation, the caltrops’ defense value dropped rapidly;

Swiftly, in less than three minutes, rows of caltrops were all destroyed, then they rushed towards the mobile arrow towers, starting to take down these towers;

“Prepare yourselves, we are going to storm through!” Jiang Shan noted that the opposing guild had not many players, which was within his expectation. A newly established guild would certainly not have had the chance to recruit players yet.

But the quantity of NPC warriors that the opponent had surprised Jiang Shan, and the fifty spear soldiers behind Luo Tianyu made his brow furrow.

However, if he didn’t eliminate all the opponent’s troops, there would no way he could rest assured and attack the Manor Castle. General guardians would rely on castle walls for defense, these people actually gave up on the defense of the wall, opting for field battle. Actually, for Jiang Shan and the six guilds, this could work to their advantage;

After another five minutes, all of the mobile arrow towers had been destroyed, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Shan made most of the players charge towards the center of Song Jian’s territory – the Manor Castle. They would only be victorious in this guild war if they secure that place;

Forty or fifty players swarmed forward, leaving behind only half a dozen people to guard the siege weapons. Without the aid of the players, the movement speed of the siege weapons dropped significantly, only managing to inch forward;

“Once we beat these players, the siege weapons should have almost made it within attack range. Then we’ll take the Manor Castle down in one go!” Jiang Shan thought to himself, as he ran while drawing his weapon.

“Sharp Edge Formation!” Luo Tianyu lifted his Square Sky Halberd, shouting fiercely.

“Charge!” Fifty spear soldiers quickly moved about and swiftly formed the Sharp Edge Formation. They roared while charging towards the players;

“Let’s go too!” Wang Qi shouted, leading the way. He took aim at the player in the lead, pulled the trigger, and a flash of red light appeared as quick as a spark, instantly hitting the player 300 meters away. The bullet pierced right through his chest before he could react, his vitality points dropped by a third. Startled, he yelled “Holy Smokes”, and quickly dodged to the side;

Suddenly, the two parties collided, cries for battle filled Song Jian’s territory.

At this moment, Song Jian had rounded from one side of his territory to their rear. His vertical pupils in his forehead opened, a silver light radiated, revealing around ten invisible thieves distributed around the siege engines, like a big net waiting for ambushers to fall into;