Chapter 426 - Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Retreat

Chapter 426: Chapter 426: Retreat

Song Jian hid on the rooftop of a shop, watching siege machines slowly moving into the territory, and the players guarding them also entered the territory.

Targeting a stealthy thief on the outermost side, Song Jian had a thought, and his figure disappeared, appearing directly behind the thief. At the moment Song Jian appeared, the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword mercilessly chopped towards the opponent’s head;

Light Strike!

A dazzling golden Sword Qi traversed the sky, and the stealthy thief didn’t even have time to react before he was toppled to the ground. A damage of more than 500 points floated above his head, instantly killing him;

By the time everyone reacted, Song Jian’s figure had already disappeared, only leaving behind a thief’s corpse and a piece of leather armor leggings that he had dropped;

“What happened?” a stealthy thief asked nervously.

“It seems like someone attacked…”

“He can teleport, he’s a mage!”

“No, I saw his weapon was a one-handed sword, it should be a warrior-type profession…”

“How could a warrior profession teleport? Damn, this guy set the war league on his own territory, we’ve entered their territory!”

” What should we do, there’s no way to fight, why don’t we just go and join the main force.”

” What about these siege machines? Without them, how can we break their walls?”

“Gather up, everyone defend together, keep an eye on every direction, I don’t believe he can kill us all at once!”

Soon, the thieves guarding the siege machines began to gather, cautiously watching their surroundings with their backs to each other.

Players can teleport within their own safe house, a setting that many players don’t care about – it just saves some walking time, and it’s nothing amazing.

But as the safety level of the player’s house increased, and the surrounding territory could be developed, this setting became a bit of a bug. Now, Song Jian’s attacks seemed to come out of nowhere, which made more than a dozen players fearful, and Song Jian was now invincible.

As more than ten thieves gathered together, Song Jian felt a bit tricky, but seeing them so close to each other out of fear, a smile appeared on his face again;

Soon, these stealthy thieves followed the siege machines for dozens of meters, and Song Jian did not appear, so they relaxed a bit.

“He seems not to dare to come out.”

“Yes, even if he can teleport, there are a few seconds of cooldown between each teleport, it’s enough for us to focus fire and kill him. How dare he come out now?”

Just as these thief players relaxed, several humanoid robots, half a person tall, suddenly appeared from the road ahead and swayed towards them.

“What the hell is that?” a thief looked at the robots with a puzzled face.

“Don’t let them get close, I feel something is wrong!”

“You two, go and get rid of those things!”

Two stealthy thieves charged at the five or six self-destructing robots;

Clang clang clang~

Daggers scraped against the robots, bursting out a series of sparks; the defense of self-destructing robots was 1000 points, and the attacks of these thieves couldn’t empty their defense at all;

With the attack of the thieves, the speed of these self-destructing robots suddenly increased and rushed into the group of thieves;


The explosion sounded, and more than a dozen thieves felt a wave of air rushing towards them. They were suddenly blown away, and their Vitality Points dropped sharply;

“Fog Grass, what the hell is this? The damage is so high!”

Boom, boom, boom~

Five or six self-destructing robots each targeted a thief, exploding near them, causing damage to all the thieves within a six-meter radius;

The self-destructing robots achieved a great success with just one move, taking down nearly all the thieves. The combined damage of the six robots was close to 2,000 points, which was too much for the thieves, who only had 300 to 400 Vitality Points;

A dying thief, with only a little Vitality left, watched as a figure slowly walked towards him. Regret filled his heart, and he muttered to himself, “How is this possible, he’s so strong!”

A long sword took away his last bit of Vitality, and his consciousness instantly plunged into darkness;

Having killed all the thieves in the surrounding area and picked up all the spoils, Song Jian began to destroy the slow-moving siege equipment;

At this moment, Jiang Shan was entangled in battle with Luo Tianyu’s warriors. The players’ strength was much greater than Luo Tianyu’s spear warriors. Although the Sharp Edge Formation had caused some damage to Jiang Shan and his team, the spear warriors were gradually falling, and Wang Qi’s party were steadily retreating;

One after another, roaring blood corpses rushed into the enemy’s camp, but these ordinary monsters were quickly killed, merely consuming some of the enemy’s Spirit Points.

The high-explosive grenades and self-destructing robots had already been used up. At the beginning, they managed to kill seven or eight players while their opponents hadn’t yet encountered them. However, once everyone started fighting, it was difficult to use these items without harming their own side.

The Beastman slave that Song Jian had just recruited seemed to enjoy the killing. He grabbed two corpses on the ground as weapons and charged into the crowd, killing everyone in his way. However, he soon paid the price for his reckless behavior. Dozens of players focused their fire on him, and the Beastman Warrior only held on for a few seconds before he was heavily injured and began fleeing towards the Manor Castle.

“Sister Rain, should we retreat to the Manor?” Wang Qi shouted loudly.

“Retreat!” Luo Tianyu glanced at the surrounding players, her eyebrows tightly furrowed, and her face showed a reluctant expression.

“If only my military rank had been higher, allowing me to recruit stronger soldiers, I could have easily wiped the floor with you all on my own!” Luo Tianyu thought bitterly in her heart.

Wielding the Square Sky Halberd, Luo Tianyu fended off several players surrounding her. She pulled on the Abyssal Nightmare’s reins and ran towards the Manor, with more than a dozen remaining spear warriors covering their retreat. Seeing the enemy charge again, Luo Tianyu pulled out two high- explosive grenades and threw them toward the enemy;

However, the opposing players simply activated their Acceleration Skills and dodged the grenades.

“Haha, Brother Shan, they’re running! Let’s go!”

“We won, we won, haha, they must be dreaming if they think they can beat our six war alliances with just a few people!”

A few war alliance leaders laughed heartily;

“Bring the Catapults, a few of you go and push them over here, speed it up! With the Catapults, we’ll break their walls and turn their Manor Castle into a flat ground!” Jiang Shan said passionately.

At this moment, a player’s face changed greatly as he shouted, “Someone is destroying our siege equipment!”

Everyone turned to look, and all that remained of their once abundant siege equipment were a few Battering Rams that were still being chopped by other players. The rest of the Catapults and other siege equipment had already become a pile of wood chips;

Jiang Shan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Without the siege equipment, the idea of breaking the enemy’s Manor with their thirty-odd players in an hour was pure fantasy.

Seeing the defensive structures of the enemy’s Manor, Jiang Shan felt a chill in his heart. They were already within the attack range of the enemy’s Manor Castle Catapults. Did they really have to use their own flesh and blood to fight against the heavily armed enemy Manor?