"Mianmian!" A voice rang in Jiang Mian's ear. She wanted to open her eyes to see who was so frightened, but her eyelids were too heavy and her head was so muddled that she couldn't gather her thoughts for a while.

Then, she felt that someone picked her up and shouted angrily above her head: "Get in the helicopter right away!"

"Mr. Han, this is the city, and the helicopter can't get through."

The voice roared: "Then send Mianmian to the hospital as quickly as possible!"

"Don't sleep in Mianmian, Dad is here, open your eyes and see Dad." Han Xu hugged Jiang Mian and went downstairs, his voice made Jiang Mian daze again.



At this moment, a sharp pain came from her wrist. The pain gradually cleared her chaotic thoughts. She slowly opened her eyes and faced a handsome face.

"Mianmian." Han Xu was overjoyed, cautiously hugged Jiang Mian and got into the back car, urging the driver, "I will arrive at the nearest hospital in five minutes."

"Yes, yes." The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car flew out with a bang.

"Mianmian, look at me, look at Dad." Han Xu saw Jiang Mian's gaze dull, his face became more ugly, one hand was holding Jiang Mian's left wrist wrapped in white silk, with scarlet overflowing on it, shocked.

Jiang Mian followed his gaze to his left wrist, and after a moment, he blinked.

Han Xu covered Jiang Mian's eyes with the other hand: "Don't look, we'll be at the hospital right away, and there will be nothing wrong with Dad."

After a pause, he said, "I didn't know you like Gu so much. As long as you get better, Dad will promise you everything."

Jiang Mian stared at the man in front of him. He was about forty years old or younger. He was wearing a neat suit with a noble temperament. His clean white shirt collar was stained with blood, which was very eye-catching.

And in this stunned time, Jiang Mian suddenly received a large amount of information sent to her by this time and space. She couldn't help closing her eyes. When she opened them again, the dull eyes were filled with thoughts, and the depths of the eyes quickly passed. A touch of shock.

Her broken souls gathered again and went into a book!

Jiang Mian was a carp spirit in the last life. The ultimate goal was to cultivate and form. She was about to succeed. The water tank she lived in was broken, and her ambitions were not realized before she died of thirst.

After waking up, she found that she had crossed into a world of cultivating immortals, but she was so happy that she had passed through an adult, and she was still a famous genius in the sect, so she changed her goal to become a Daofeixian and worked hard to cultivate.

However, just when she reached the Mahayana stage and was about to ascend to the immortal realm, the boundary wall was broken by the foreign demon, and a powerful demon attacked. In order to protect the sect, she killed several demon kings against each other. In the end, her spiritual power was exhausted and her spirits disappeared. Die.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I came here.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She should be happy, but it's a good thing that she took her life again.

It took her a few seconds to sort out some of the large amounts of news she got in her mind. She didn't wear the protagonist of the book, but the female partner of the same name.

In this way, she was shocked that the female partner actually has four fathers, and each father's identity is quite remarkable.

Jiang Mian in the book has developed a domineering and unruly temperament because of being spoiled by his four fathers, and wants everyone to surround her.

Then she saw the handsome-looking male protagonist from a poor family, but the male protagonist had a beloved female protagonist Bai Yueguang, she couldn't ask for it, and she kept finding fault with the female protagonist, and let her local tyrant father force the male protagonist to marry her.

The original owner has been constantly drawing hatred for the male and female owners. The author of the book probably asked the original owner's four dads to receive the lunch at a very fast speed.

Without the asylum of the fathers, the original owner was finally disabled. He was thrown into a nursing home by the male lead, and fled to the street with torture. Seeing the appearance of the male and female host happily married on the electronic screen, he died in anger.

Jiang Mian: "..."

The author of the original book is really the mother and the mother.

As for the pain on the wrist, according to the plot in the book, the original owner had already fallen in love with the male protagonist Gu Qiwen at first sight. He wanted to make Gu Qiwen his boyfriend, but was rejected.

Later, he learned that he liked the heroine Guan Xin, so he asked Guan Xin to trouble, and the hero happened to see her, who satirized her.

The original owner said that he must let this flower of kaolin fall under his pomegranate skirt, so he called her local tyrant father, the man holding her at the moment, Han Xu, the head of the Han Group, and wanted to pass Han Xu. The strength of Gu Qiwen bowed to her.

Han Xu held his daughter on the cusp of his heart, but he didn't look like a poor guy like Gu Qiwen, so he naturally refused.

In a rage, the original owner wanted to threaten the local tyrant father with a slashing wrist, but he accidentally overplayed his head and really cut it.

Later, the local tyrant father compromised and used his power to force Gu Qiwen to be engaged to the original owner. This led to the tragic ending of the original owner, the vicious female partner, and the beginning of the four fathers receiving the box lunch one after another.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She wanted to scold the original owner a few words, but thinking that she had already worn her, it was not worthwhile to scold herself, and then suppressed the scolding sound.

Seeing Jiang Mian staring straight at him, Han Xu darkened his eyes and said to the driver: "Is the hospital here!"

"I'll be here soon!" The driver kept sweating on his forehead.

"I'm okay." Jiang Mian finally squeezed out a voice from his throat, the man in front of him was full of worry and eagerness, with full of love for his daughter.

Jiang Mian was a carp essence that had been kept in a fish tank without being transformed in her last life. In her last life, she was a genius monk in the sect. She had a single line of ice spirit roots. She could only reach the Mahayana after only 50 years of cultivation, which led to her getting along with people. There is not much time.

In the face of Han Xu's worries and anxieties, Jiang Mian also apologized besides an inexplicable awkwardness.

Although the original owner was very creative, the four fathers loved her. Now the core in the shell is replaced by her. To use the professional terminology in the world of cultivating immortals, she is called Duoshe, which has occupied the identity of others.

That's it--

"I'm sorry." Jiang Mian raised his uninjured hand and grasped Han Xu's suit corner with difficulty.

She wanted to tell Han Xu that she didn't deliberately want to occupy his daughter's identity, but this body is really too weak. After talking about it, her eyes went dark and her thoughts turned into darkness.

When he woke up again, his eyes were white, Jiang Mian moved his hands, and a cold voice without the slightest temperature sounded in his ears: "Don't pretend when you wake up."

"You don't need to waste your mind. No matter how rich your family is, I won't accept you, because I feel sick when I look at you. If you still have the shame of a woman, please don't pester me again." Tao's voice continued, "Also, I am not something you can play with."

Jiang Mian: "???"

"You look like you don't know me, do you want to change the way of acting?" The voice was full of irony, "Unfortunately, your acting skills are too bad and disgusting."

Jiang Mian finally saw the person who was speaking. The world of cultivating immortals was full of beauties, and the people in front of him were in the world of cultivating immortals. But Er, if you really want to compare, he is not as handsome as her tyrant father.

Except for Gu Qiwen, the male patron of the original book, no one would speak to her so viciously.

——In the original book, one of Gu Qiwen's characters is mouth poison.

And there is a section in the plot of the book. After his daughter committed suicide by cutting his wrist, the local tyrant asked his bodyguard to catch Gu Qiwen from the school. Then the male protagonist satirized the original owner in the ward. He was heard by the local tyrant father. In his anger, he asked the bodyguard to beat someone. The original owner was distressed and jumped out of bed regardless of his injury to stop the local tyrant father's actions.

In the chaos, the male lead flew away, and the original lead’s injury was torn apart, leaving scars in the end.

Jiang Mian blinked: "Do you know what happened to the person who dared to talk to me like this last time."

Gu Qiwen's eyes were unabashedly disgusted: "In addition to relying on your family, what else can you do? It's just a bug born in a heap of corruption."

Jiang Mian: "..."

It's really been a long time since I met anyone who dared to speak to her like this. In the world of cultivating immortals, because of her high-level cultivation level, she would be awed by her name.

Although she has a milder temperament, people are swearing on top of her head. If she doesn't fight back, it doesn't seem right.

And as far as the current plot is concerned, the original owner hasn't started yet. The words Gu Qiwen said were not purely verbal, but a bit vicious.

"What are you, dare you to speak to my daughter in this tone?" A cold voice rang from the door. Han Xu and two tall and strong bodyguards stood at the door. He looked at Gu Qiwen with his eyes as if he were watching a death. Things.

Gu Qiwen twitched the corner of his mouth disdainfully, and said coldly, "Am I wrong?"

"Dad." Jiang Mian yelled to Han Xu, who was shocked and looked at Jiang Mian with shocked eyes.

Since Jiang Mian's rebellious period arrived, she has become more domineering, shouting to the four fathers by name and surname.

It has been a long time since Han Xu heard her calling his father from Jiang Mian's mouth. Now he can show off to the other three guys!

"It hurts so much." Jiang Mian said with red eyes, her uninjured hand covering her heart with a sad expression on her face.

——Jiang Mian just wore the world of cultivating immortals. In order not to be found out, she changed her core and shot her spirits apart, but he pretended to be careful for a long time.

The acting is not to say that he is proficient, at least it is much better than that of the original director who was admitted to the film school not long ago.

Sure enough, seeing the baby girl's red eyes and aggrieved look, Han Xu was just dissipated by her daughter's call to father's joy. He gestured and said lightly: "Just don't be disabled."

The two bodyguards walked towards Gu Qiwen. The latter had learned some skills, but compared with professional bodyguards, it was far behind.

"Dad, I'm afraid." Jiang Mian shrank under the covers, shivering.

"Mianmian is not afraid." Han Xu patted Jiang Mian's back through the quilt, and ordered without looking back, "Carry out."

As a result, the room became quiet, and Gu Qiwen's snoring came from time to time in the corridor outside—Han Xu had transferred Jiang Mian to his private hospital, and no one would give any opinions on beating the boss's bodyguard.

Han Xu asked Jiang Mian nervously: "Tell dad what's wrong."

Jiang Mian: "It's getting better already."

Han Xu hesitated, and then said: "The kid with the last name Gu is really not a good one. Mianmian, he hurts you like this now, and will hurt you even more in the future. Listen to your dad's advice. If you want to fall in love, dad will give Would you find someone who is gentle and considerate?"

"No matter what," Han Xu took out his phone and clicked on a group of photos. "These are male models in the heavens and on earth. Look, which one you like, which dad will give you."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "............"

It was the first time that she met her father who raised a male pet for his daughter, oh no, a duck.