Jiang Mian pushed Han Xu's phone back with a black line on his face.

"Dad, don't worry, I walked through the gate of death this time. I have already figured it out clearly." After yelling dad a few times, Jiang Mian can now call out this name familiarly. .

She had a penitent expression on her face: "I was obsessed with Gu Qiwen before I was stupid. The twisted melon is not sweet. As far as his identity is, he doesn't even deserve to give me shoes. I have always been hot and cold, too shameful. Up."

Since she wore the role of a female partner, she would naturally not follow the original plot. Fortunately, she was dressed in time. Everything hasn't started yet, and the four dads didn't receive the lunch.

As for the hostess, whatever they do, don't provoke her.

Han Xu was stunned, but he knew how much this daughter liked Gu Qiwen, but the other side had a high self-esteem, and even dared to look down on his daughter. That's why he really hated Gu Qiwen.

So when Jiang Mian asked him to pressure Gu Qiwen to stay with her, Han Xu refused without even thinking about it, but he didn't expect the result of his daughter's suicide.

He asked the bodyguard to bring Gu Qiwen over, in order to give Jiang Mian a surprise, so that his daughter could see Gu Qiwen when he woke up. As a result, he only left for a while, and when he returned, he heard Gu Qiwen's vicious mockery of Jiang Mian, which burst into flames.

He never scolded Jiang Mian since he was a child. A poor boy who emerged from nowhere dared to insult his precious daughter in such a way, and Han Xu had a murderous heart.

Originally, he was a little worried that his daughter would be angry and he let the bodyguard hit Gu Qiwen. Hearing Jiang Yan's words at the moment, he couldn't help feeling the pale face of Jiang Mian in distress. If it wasn't for Gu, how could his daughter suffer? Such a serious crime has become sensible now.

"I'm wronged my baby girl." Han Xu said, "But if you think so, my father is so happy. You have to remember that you are the little princess I hold in my palm. No one can give you wrongs. If someone dares to bully you again, Dad will never let him go."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently, and Han Xu said, "You are hungry, what do you want to eat? Dad asked the chef to send it over."

Fortunately, when Jiang Mian was mentioned, she was really hungry. She frowned calmly. In the world of immortality, after the cultivation reaches the foundation-building stage, there is no need to wrap her belly with mortal food.

She was hungry only when she was a carp essence in the last life. Thinking about this, she was a little nostalgic. She prepared to say two dishes according to the original owner's preference, but was interrupted by a voice: "Mianmian!"

A whirlwind rushed into the ward, Jiang Mian raised his head subconsciously, and there was already a man with curly hair in a yellow robe in front of him. He couldn't see what he looked like because his face was blurred by a beard.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up, and she felt the existence of "qi" in this person. Although it is not aura, this aura is not owned by a mortal, which means that the person in front of her is most likely a monk.

At the same time, this qi gave Jiang Mian a cold feeling, which made her a little curious.

"What's wrong with my baby girl, let me see!" When the yellow figure saw the white gauze on Jiang Mian's wrist, he held up Jiang Mian's hand and gasped, "How did this happen? of!"

This sentence allowed Jiang Mian to confirm the identity of the visitor. The other father of the original owner, Zuo Xingping, was a descendant of the celestial master with true talents.

It's just that his fate is very poor and he can't make money. He is a poor Taoist priest. He usually sets up a fortune-telling stall on the street with a hexagram flag.

In the original owner's impression, this dad is a feudal superstition, a liar who is proficient in all kinds of tricks, and feels very embarrassed to stay with him and dislike this dad very much.

Every time I see Zuo Xingping, he speaks coldly and has a very bad attitude, but this does not prevent Zuo Xingping from showing her affection for her. He treats this daughter as an eyeball and does his best to give Jiang Mian the best.

Before Jiang Mian spoke, Han Xu already yelled: "God stick, quickly let go of Mianmian, don't touch her wound!" He said and started to tear Zuo Xingping away.

Zuo Xingping put down Jiang Mian's hand and yelled at Hanxu back: "What the **** is going on in Mianmian? Why didn't you inform me of such a big event in Mianmian!"

Han Xu asked Jiang Mian with concern whether his wound hurts, and said to Zuo Xingping without raising his head: "Is it useful to inform you?

Zuo Xing calmly jumped: "Mianmian is also my daughter. If I didn't count that she was in a **** disaster, you wouldn't tell us at all!"

Han Xu was anxious that the other people would be far away. The baby girl belonged to him alone. He said, "If you can count, why should I tell you."

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Sometimes he really wants to give this person a bad luck charm.

The plot of the original book was very long, and Jiang Mian couldn't sort it out all at once.

The plot in the book shows that when Zuo Xingping rushed to the hospital, the original owner was in pain because of a torn wound. He was so angry when he saw his annoying father, Zuo Xingping, he directly drove Zuo Xingping away, causing Zuo Xingping to be in a trance. , Almost had a car accident.

"Mianmian." Zuo Xingping cautiously looked at Jiang Mian who was expressionless. He was too anxious just now and for a while forgot that his daughter didn't like him touching her very much. "Which **** hurt you, tell me, and I will avenge you. ."

After watching this episode, Jiang Mian sighed in her heart, and she happily replied: "I hurt myself."

Zuo Xingping: "???"

Too surprised, for a while, I forgot that my daughter had a different attitude towards her.

Han Xu frowned. As one of the fathers who loved his daughter, he was very clear about his daughter's preferences. He knew that Jiang Mian did not like Zuo Xingping. When the two met, Jiang Mian would never give Zuo Xingping a face.

The result is now...

Han Xu felt a little sour in his heart.

"I'm fine now, dad don't worry." Jiang Mian pointed to the beard on Zuo Xingping's face-at first glance, he thought it was his own, but now he found out that it was a fake beard, "It's going to be dropped. "

After Jiang Mian finished speaking, he suddenly lowered his head, and a trace of joy flashed deep in his eyes.

In just a moment, she communicated with the aura in the air-in fact, she was sensing it when she first woke up, but she couldn't sense it. She thought that there would be no aura in this world, but when she was about to give up, she actually sensed it. .

Although it is faint and pitiful, it can't compare to one ten-millionth in the world of cultivating immortals, but as long as there is aura, no matter how little it is, it can be used for her cultivation.

Even if she can't achieve the achievement in the world of cultivating immortals, and achieve the most basic entrainment into the body, she will have the ability to protect herself in this ordinary mortal world.

Because of the joy of communication to the joy of Reiki, she did not notice the shock of the two parents.

Han Xu was okay. Jiang Mian had already been called his father and had a buffer, but Zuo Xingping did not.

At the beginning of Jiang Mian's rebellious period, he called four dad names, especially Zuo Xingping, who had not called his dad for more than ten years.

Suddenly hearing Jiang Mian calling him, Zuo Xingping's expression was extremely complicated for a moment, shocked, unbelieving, excited, and dazed.

When Jiang Mian recovered from his joy, he saw the celestial father in front of him, pinched his arm, and then looked at her with an incredulous look: "Mianmian, you, you What did you call me just now?"

Jiang Mian found that the celestial father’s eyes were a little red, and she was not used to facing such a scene. She turned her head and said to Han Xu, "I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat, I'll buy it!" Zuo Xingping was excited and ran out.

My God, Mianmian actually called me Dad!

Zuo Xingping excitedly wanted to go around in circles, but felt that it was even better than he had caught an evil spirit at the moment.

"You go away." Han Xu frowned, "I want to buy other local stalls for Mianmian to eat? Do you still want Mianmian to have diarrhea?"

Zuo Xingping's footsteps stopped abruptly, and he looked at Jiang Mian guiltily.

Jiang Mian: "?"

After a while, she picked out a paragraph from the memory of the original owner. When the original owner celebrated her birthday last year, four dads celebrated her birthday together.

After the birthday party was over, she began to open the present. At this time, Zuo Xingping appeared with a few strings of fried meatballs in his hand. Jiang Mian had expressed his love for fried meatballs when he brought Jiang Mian.

The original owner thought about his birthday, but didn't want to be too disappointed, so he ate two of them meaningfully, and then had a stomachache all night. The next day, there will be the **** that have not been finished, and Zuo Xingping is smashed all over.

For a period of time, the hatred of this celestial master reached its extreme.

Jiang Mian after viewing this memory: "..."

If she has a baby, dare to treat her this way, she will let him/her understand why the flowers are so red.

Not to blame for the lawlessness of the original owner in the later period. It is true that these fathers really doted her without a bottom line, making the original owner form a thought in his heart: I am the world, and others should revolve around me, if something happens , There are four dads settled.

As the saying goes, every bear child has a pair of bear parents behind her, she has four...

"I want to drink freshly boiled soy milk." This was to the heavenly master.

"I want to eat crystal fish balls." This is to the local tyrant father.

Han Xu said, "The things outside are not clean, so dad asks you to cook it right away."

"I will do it myself, it is absolutely clean." Zuo Xingping retorted, "Mianmian, wait, I will do it soon." Then he ran out like a whirlwind.

Thinking that Zuo Xingping was in a trance in the original plot, he almost had a car accident. Although Jiang Mian did not follow the plot, he still instinctively warned: "Dad, pay attention to safety and be careful of the car."

Not to be outdone, Han Xu called and ordered the hospital to prepare soy milk and crystal fish **** immediately. Can Zuo Xingping's magic stick quickly pass himself?


Jiang Mian used all imported medicines. In less than a week, the wound on his wrist had healed only a small red scar, and it would be completely healed in a few days.

She checked the spiritual roots of the present body. Fortunately, it is the five spiritual roots, which can be practiced.

However, the spiritual energy in the air was too thin, and her physique was poor. After a week, she couldn't even draw air into the body, let alone arrange formations, draw amulets, and refine alchemy.

Recalling the situation in the world of cultivating immortals in the past life, Jiang Mian comforted herself, and it was a great blessing to take her life anyway.

She left the hospital quietly, why did she quietly, because she heard Han Xu said that she would take her to school by private jet ==

When Jiang Mian passed by a shopping mall, he found that many people were looking at something with their heads held up. After looking along, it turned out that there was a huge electronic screen hanging outside the mall and an advertisement was playing.

The man in the advertisement was wearing a haute couture suit, his facial features were perfect as if made by god, his eyes were deep and gentle, he stared ahead and said an English slogan.

The voice is low-magnetic and sexy, which makes people feel itchy.

"Qin Jingrun, I want to have a monkey with you!!!" The girl screamed in the distance.

"It's so handsome." Someone passed by Jiang Mian, exclaiming in his heart, "It would be great if I could marry him and be his wife."

Jiang Mian subconsciously said: "It's better to be his daughter."

The girl even heard it, and turned around and said, "A perfect male **** like Brother Qin, he can have a wife, but he can never have a daughter!"

"..." Jiang Mian asked from the bottom of his heart, "Why?"

The girl solemnly said: "Because he said that if there is a daughter, he will put all his love on her daughter, what about us fans?"

Jiang Mian touched his nose, then glanced at the man on the big screen with a smile.

Owner, you have a relative who looks so damaging to the country and the people. Why did you fall in love with Gu Qiwen at first sight, and let your heart down? Just because he is the hero?

Author, can you be more biased? !