Jiang Mian was wandering on the street, and the two fathers soon discovered that she had left the hospital. After a series of phone calls, Jiang Mian hung up and replied in a unified manner: I have gone back to school, don't worry. Don't come to me, or I will be angry.

The last sentence was added by Jiang Mian imitating the character of the original owner, but the tone was much softer-otherwise the two dads, one might drive her private jet all over the sky to look for her, the other might use the tracking symbol.

According to the memory of the original owner, before the rebellion period, she lived for three months with each dad during the year, and at the end of the year went to Han Xu's mansion on the island to hold a year-end party.

After the rebellious period came, she didn't want to live with any of her fathers, and didn't want the four fathers to control her, so she proposed to live alone by herself, and went on a hunger strike if she didn't agree.

The four fathers had no choice but to agree, and finally bought her a high-end apartment in the city center and hired a few nanny to take care of her.

After entering high school, Han Xu wanted to send her to study abroad, but was rejected by the original owner.

She enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by the crowd, making countless people worship her, so she applied for the college entrance examination for the film school, and on the day she entered the university, she fell in love with the male protagonist Gu Qiwen at first sight.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Nie Yuan.

Jiang Mian took a taxi back to her residence and got into the back seat of the taxi. She found that the driver in the front row had been sneaking at her.

Jiang Mian: "???"

The driver who watched her secretly found that he had been caught, and smiled sullily: "The girl is so beautiful."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows lightly, "Thank you."

Jiang Mian didn't transform in his last life, and he didn't know what he looked like. In the previous life, she focused on practicing soaring, and occasionally went out to practice, frightened by her strength, no one dared to praise her in front of her.

There are four excellent relatives. Even if this physical appearance is placed in the world of cultivating immortals, it is a top-notch existence. Jiang Mian is very satisfied with this, and it is not comfortable to look at it for a long time.

Forty minutes later, the driver arrived at the destination according to the navigation. He looked at the splendid and magnificent gates of the community. The houses in this kind of location are too expensive for ordinary wealthy people to live in. The driver looked at Jiang Mian. Changed.

So beautiful, and so young, living in this luxurious community...

Jiang Mian was about to get out of the car after paying the money. She touched the driver's gaze. Although she didn't quite understand what the driver wanted to express, her instinctive look made her displeased, so her gaze turned cold when she looked at the driver.

The latter dared to look at her inexplicably, and hurriedly withdrew his eyes and drove away.

This was just a small episode, Jiang Mian didn't take it to heart. Based on the memory of the original owner, she found her home. As soon as she entered the door, a soft whisper came over.

"Meow~" is a cat raised by the original owner.

Seeing a cat, Jiang Mianxiao jumped to the side. Although being a carp spirit was something of a previous life, she couldn't accept a creature like a cat.

The fat billowing cat thought she was going to play with it and ran towards her meowly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

In desperation, she had no choice but to hold the cat's back neck, ready to put it in the basket.

Just two steps, the bedroom door suddenly opened, and a girl came out. She was stunned when she saw Jiang Mian. There was a moment of panic in her eyes. She quickly reacted and laughed: "Mianmian, you have come back from a trip, oops, you You can’t carry a small mi like this, it will be uncomfortable."

She ran over to grab the cat from Jiang Mian's hand, held it in her arms and kept stroking it, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Mi, your mom didn't mean to carry you like this on purpose. She may be in a bad mood."

These words sounded nothing at first, but after hearing these words unknowingly, I was afraid that Jiang Mian was a person who often could not control his temper and abuse cats.

Jiang Mian looked at the person in front of him, with long hair with clear soup and water, a pure appearance, wearing a yellow skirt, and a fragrance of fragrance all over his body.

If her memory is correct, this dress belongs to the original owner. As for the fragrance, it is the unique taste of several expensive skin care products that the original owner is used to.

"Mianmian, why are you looking at me like this? I'm your good friend Feifei." As soon as Lin Feifei looked up, she saw Jiang Mian looking at herself with a weird look. She saw that her back was chilly, thinking about this. What's going on with the big-chested strawbag today.

"Oh, Lin Feifei." Jiang Mian remembered that there were a lot of scenes about Lin Feifei in the original book, and her support was indispensable on the way the original owner kept doing his life.

The original owner fell in love with Gu Qiwen at first sight, and did not know that Gu Qiwen already had the heroine Bai Yueguang in his heart. It was Lin Feifei who told her that seeing Gu Qiwen and a girl very close together, she learned about the existence of the heroine Guan Xin.

Lin Feifei High School and Jiang Mian are in the same school. Once on the way home, Jiang Mian was intercepted by a gangster. Lin Feifei bravely rushed out to rescue her. From then on, she became Jiang Mian’s best friend.

Although the original owner is stubborn and self-willed, he is still good to his friends. He is generous and generous, giving Lin Feifei anything, just like tens of thousands of brand-name jewelry bags.

As a result, Lin Feifei has obtained millions of things from the original owner over the years.

Even in this apartment, Lin Feifei kept saying that the dormitory conditions of the school were not very good. The original owner said casually that he could come to me if he didn't want to live in the school. Since then, he has come to my house from time to time for convenience.

Lin Feifei came to see Jiang Mian a few days ago. The nanny told her that Jiang Mian had gone for a trip, so she moved in comfortably. Fortunately, she is still a bit sane. She lives in the guest bedroom at night, but during the day she will enter the master bedroom and use Jiang Mian's things.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mian came back suddenly and caught her by surprise.

Jiang Mian looked at her with a faint smile: "I blocked Guan Xin at the school's Zhishu Pavilion, guess what happened in the end?"

"What's the matter? Did Guan Xin not agree to leave Gu Qiwen?" Lin Feifei flashed across her face in a panic, and she quickly calmed down. With Jiang Mian's mind, how could she think so much.

"If she is unwilling, we will slap her in the face later. Mianmian, Guan Xin is underground mud compared to you. Your family is so long and beautiful. As long as Gu Qiwen is not a fool, he will definitely choose you. ."

Jiang Mian: "Finally, Gu Qiwen came."

"Huh?" Lin Feifei opened her mouth slightly, with a look of surprise, "Why would he come?"

Jiang Mian: "I am also very puzzled. I only told you about blocking Guan Xin at Zhishuting. Gu Qiwen happened to appear so coincidental. Did you say that someone notified him?"

Lin Feifei's face changed, and she began to think about how this straw bag suddenly doubted herself, didn't she always believe in herself.

What Lin Feifei wanted to say, Jiang Mian did not give her a chance to speak, she pointed to Lin Feifei's clothes: "I didn't want this dress on you last year. The style is too old. But even if I don't want it. The thing, before I threw it away, it was still mine, and no one was qualified to touch it casually."

"Sorry for Sleep, I was just curious for a while, so I will change it back soon." Lin Feifei flushed, turned and ran into the bedroom.

Damn, she didn't expect Jiang Mian to come back suddenly. She used to come over when Jiang Mian was away, wearing Jiang Mian's clothes and using Jiang Mian's skin care products.

Jiang Mian was already suspicious of her, and the most urgent thing was to follow her first.

Lin Feifei hurriedly changed back to her clothes, and when she looked back, she found Jiang Mian standing at the door. She shook her hand in shock and her skirt fell to the floor.

"Mianmian, when did you come in?"

Jiang Mian leaned against the door with her hands in her arms: "This is my bedroom. Should I knock on the door when I enter my room?"

Lin Feifei couldn't say a word that was blocked.

"Mianmian, don't be angry, okay, you used to say that I can enter your bedroom casually, so I..." Lin Feifei's eyes reddened and she was choked to speak.

However, when she met Jiang Mian's gaze looking at her, as if she could see what she thought in her heart, looking at Jiang Mian who had suddenly become very strange, Lin Feifei was completely panicked, and the tears in her eyes didn't know if she should fall for a while. Come.

Through the plot in the book, Jiang Mian can clearly see that when the original owner was intercepted by the gangster, Lin Feifei ran out to save her. All of this was a play directed and performed by Lin Feifei in order to get close to the original owner.

She didn't know the family background of the original owner, but knew that the original owner was very rich and wanted to make money from the original owner.

As for the trouble for the original owner to find Guan Xin, why would Gu Qiwen rush to meet him in time, and sarcastically sarcastically, because Lin Feifei notified him.

Lin Feifei also liked the male lead, so she took advantage of the knife from the original lead to fight with the female lead, Guan Xin, so that she could take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Compared to Lin Feifei, the fighting power of the vicious female partner of the original owner is really low.

It is also a vicious female partner. The author of the original book obviously prefers Lin Feifei. At any rate, Lin Feifei is online, and the original owner is a cannon fodder female partner at best.

After Jiang Mian expressed his sympathy to the original owner and to himself, he picked up the skirt in Lin Feifei's hand, took a pair of scissors, cut the skirt at random, then threw it into the trash can, and turned to Lin Feifei. Say: "It's too dirty, no need to keep it, right?"

Is Jiang Mian scolding her for being dirty? ? ?

Lin Feifei's face was so ugly that she almost couldn't hide it.

The sound of the door lock sounded and the nanny Liu Ma walked in.

"Miss is back."

The nanny who took care of Jiang Mian has changed several times, and only this mother Liu has been doing it since last year. Because the former nanny would always secretly report Jiang Mian's news to Han Xu, Liu Ma wouldn't, she only did what she deserved and wouldn't be troublesome.

"Mum Liu." Jiang Mian said, "Don't put any cats and dogs in in the future. I am not a shelter here."

"Okay." Mother Liu said kindly, "Miss Lin, please."

Lin Feifei urgently needs to sort out her thoughts. Jiang Mian's attitude towards her suddenly changed so much. Something must have happened. She had to find out before she could find a way to deal with it. She didn't want to lose Jiang Mian's money cow.

Lin Feifei left without looking back.

"Miss finally drove her." Liu Ma smiled unremarkably.

Jiang Mian looked at her, Liu Ma's smile suppressed: "I am the one who talks too much."

Liu Ma had reminded the original owner that Lin Feifei's hands and feet were dirty, and the original owner did not believe it, and even scolded Liu Ma for talking. Since then, Liu Ma has never said Lin Feifei before the original owner.

Jiang Mian became interested. The introduction to Lin Feifei in the book is that this woman is good at disguising. Many people will be confused by her pure appearance: "Why don't you like her?"

Mother Liu hesitated, Jiang Mian said: "Let's talk about it."

Liu Ma said: "After she came here last time, I cleaned up the guest room and found a photo of you under the mattress with a lot of ugly words written on it, as well as pinholes and burn marks."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Because Jiang Mian warned me not to be nosy, Liu Ma was not sure if she should say, when she came to the apartment next time for cleaning, she found that the photo under the mattress was gone.

She couldn't tell without evidence, but since then, Liu Ma's impression of Lin Feifei was not so good.

When you work outside, you have to be angry with your boss. As a nanny for the rich, the salary is higher than that of senior white-collar workers. It is normal to be angry. And even though Jiang Mian is headstrong and stubborn, she actually follows her and doesn't provoke her, and she generally doesn't lose her temper, so she's very easy to serve.

Madam Liu has seen Jiang Mian give Lin Feifei a brand that is not worthless for several times. The latter is not grateful. This kind of little action behind the scenes is the most terrifying compared to the stubborn temper of the lady like Jiang Mian. of.

Liu Ma also said a lot of things that the original owner did not know, and the plot in the book did not know. After all, the plot in the book is developed around the hero and the heroine. The plot of the female partner is not compressed. This kind of life details, in the book It is impossible to describe it.

Lin Feifei often picks when Jiang Mian is not there and Liu's mother is there, so that Liu's mother will open the door for her.

She even made sure that Liu Ma would not tell Jiang Mian about her arrival. After Liu Ma cleaned up and left, she would stay in the apartment, call Jiang Mian, determine when Jiang Mian would return, and leave early.

Jiang Mian nodded, and Liu's mother stopped talking. The living room was quiet. Then Jiang Mian returned to the bedroom and gave all the bottles and cans in the bathroom to Liu's mother-she would not use these expensive skin care products. It's a pity that I gave it to Liu Ma.

In addition to skin care products, there are also some clothes, Jiang Mian also gave Liu Ma, who was directly confused.

"You take this cat, too."

There was only a dull look on Liu Ma's face. After hearing the words, she subconsciously said: "Miss, don't you like Xiao Mi the most?"


The fat cat hugged Jiang Mian’s ankle and kept his claws. A pair of emerald-like eyes stared at Jiang Mian innocently and pitifully. Jiang Mian suddenly remembered a pair of familiar eyes. After a moment, he changed his mouth and said, “Forget it, stay. Go down."