In the world of cultivating immortals, as a cultivator, the spirit pet is one of the essential items for cultivation.

Jiang Mian once broke through a secret realm. By chance, he got a divine beast and received it as a spiritual pet. Like this fat cat named Mi, it has beautiful green eyes.

Jiang Mian shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Everything in the world of cultivating immortals has nothing to do with her, and it is now alive and well.

She went to the bathroom to take a bath. All traces of suicide by the original owner's wrist cut were removed from the bathroom. Judging from Liu's attitude towards her, Liu's mother didn't know it. Most of the bathroom cleaning was done by the local tyrant.

After taking a shower, Jiang Mian wiped the misted mirror. A delicate face was reflected in it. The skin was tender enough to pinch water, and he smiled lightly, eyebrows curled.

Because she wasn't sure which things in the bathroom had been touched by Lin Feifei, she gave them all to Liu Ma. Fortunately, the mask was still usable.

Now she hasn't introduced the air into the body, and can't remove the magazines in the body. The girl's skin needs to be maintained.

He tore a piece of the mask and put it on. Looking at the face with a mask stuck in the mirror and no facial features, Jiang Mian, who had never put on a mask before, couldn't help but want to laugh, and then dropped the mask.

She had to hold her back, and when she got out of the bathroom, she suddenly heard a sound from the kitchen.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Mother Liu had just left and it was impossible to return. She was the only one in the house. She told the two dads that she went back to school directly, and it was impossible for them.

Moreover, the original owner and the four fathers have agreed that if the four fathers come to her, they must notify her in advance. If they violate it once, she will go on a hunger strike once and do what he says-Okinawa can use the wrist cutting to threaten Tyrant father, you can know that she is a stubborn donkey, and if you don't follow her requirements, there are ways to mess around.

Now she is just an ordinary mortal who can no longer be ordinary. For the sake of safety, Jiang Mian didn't say a word immediately. Looking around the bedroom, there was a golf club in the corner, she picked it up smoothly.

Walking out of the bedroom, the sound of the kitchen became more pronounced. As soon as Jiang Mian walked to the door of the kitchen, the sound of footsteps approached. The next second, an unfamiliar face came up, and she waved it out without thinking.


Wait, this sound is a bit familiar, Jiang Mian's hand changed course, the golf club slid along the top of the person's head, and the strong wind set up the other's hair.

The man in front of him had a baby face, fair complexion, handsome features, and he couldn't see the specific age, but his eyebrows became more and more familiar, and he thought of the sound he had just made.

Jiang Mian: "...Dad?"

"Huh!" Zuo Xingping responded loudly, and he followed the erected head on top of his head. He looked at the cue stick in the hands of the baby girl with lingering fears. Fortunately, he didn't knock on his forehead. He really wanted to knock. The child was lying on the ground and could not get up.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Zuo Xingping scratched his head: "Didn't you say that my sticky beard is not good-looking, I just pulled it."

In the hospital, Zuo Xingping wore a beard every time he appeared, and this was also true in the memory of the original owner. In addition, the original owner didn't like this dad at first, and his memory of Zuo Xingping was limited, so Jiang Mian saw at first glance. When Zuo Xingping looked like he was, he was silent.

She suddenly understood why Zuo Xingping had to stick his beard every time he saw the original owner. This face is really deceptive. Who would believe that he has an 18-year-old daughter!

Fortunately, in the world of cultivating immortals, there are many hundreds of years old with a face in his 20s. Jiang Mian quickly calmed down: "Why are you here?"

"Mianmian, don't be angry." Zuo Xingping thought that his baby girl was angry, so he said quickly, "You said you are back to school, but I called your counselor and he said you didn't go back."

He said while watching Jiang Mian's look, and after he was sure Jiang Mian was not angry, he continued: "So I think you must come back first. You haven't eaten your food yet, I'll come over and make something for you."

"Don't worry, I will leave when I'm done." Zuo Xingping handed the plate in his hand to Jiang Mian, and said expectantly, "This is the omelet I just spread. Would you like to try it?"

The shape of the omelet on the plate was not pretty, but it was not mushy at all—he didn't dare to buy it casually outside, for fear that Jiang Mian would have trouble after eating it.

Jiang Mian took the plate for the face and took a bite. The taste was not bad. She ate a few more pieces.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Xingping's smiling eyes were bent.

It seemed that the eyes of the original owner copied those of the Heavenly Master. Then Jiang Mian heard a bellowing sound, which was obviously not from her. She stared at Zuo Xingping.

Zuo Xingping put his hands on his stomach awkwardly, trying to hold his hand in front of the baby girl who has finally treated him with a good face, and said very seriously: "Mianmian, your reaction speed just now was so fast that it scared my stomach. Screamed."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Master Tian, ​​are you serious? ? ?

Jiang Mian seriously doubted the true age of this celestial master!

Seeing that his daughter was not answering, but his belly was still screaming louder, Zuo Xingping had to say, "There are still cooking in the pot, wait, I will make it right away."

Jiang Mian watched him turn around and ran into the kitchen. After a while, there was the sound of cooking, and then a strong burnt smell came out.

Jiang Mian: "..."

When she entered the kitchen, she saw a big fire in the wok, and the large amount of smoke coming out was no use even for the range hood. Zuo Xingping estimated that this was the first time she encountered this situation, and she looked sluggish.

Jiang Mian was about to come to help, but he saw Zuo Xingping suddenly pulled out a piece of talisman paper, with his fingertips holding the talisman paper in the air, the open flames and a large amount of oil smoke were all sucked into the talisman paper, and the yellow talisman paper immediately changed. Into a smoky color.

He quickly wrapped the talisman paper into a ball, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it with one foot, only to hear a faint puff, and when he lifted his foot again, the talisman paper had turned into a pinch of soot.

Then Zuo Xingping seemed to have nothing happened, and was about to pour away the mashed vegetables in the pot. When he turned around, he saw Jiang Mian, shaking his hand and the pot fell to the ground.

"Mianmian, I..."

Jiang Mian was silent for two seconds: "Dad, go and sit in the living room. I'll clean up."

"No, no, you still have injuries on your hands." Zuo Xing shook his head frantically, how could he be willing to get his baby girl into the kitchen to get his hands dirty.

Jiang Mian tried his best not to discourage his father’s enthusiasm, tactfully and euphemistically: "...I don't want to redecorate the kitchen."

Master Tian understood, and went to the living room obediently, Jiang Mian tidyed up the kitchen quickly.

In her previous life, her goal was to ascend to an immortal, and it was impossible to advance to the realm of cultivation so quickly, she often went out to practice.

Once severely injured, her cultivation base was temporarily lost, and she lived in an ordinary mortal village, where she lived a mortal life for five years. And it was the five years that gave her a lot of insights and made her breakthrough to Mahayana in one fell swoop.

She took out the ingredients in the refrigerator and quickly cooked two dishes and one soup. When she brought the cooked dishes to the living room, the master was already stunned.

"Mianmian, when are you..." He couldn't believe that his precious daughter, who was not touched by Yang Chunshui, could actually make two dishes and one soup in a short time, and the appearance and taste made people drooling.

Jiang Mian: "When Liu Ma was cooking, I occasionally glanced at it. It's very simple."

Zuo Xingping thought of his performance in the kitchen just now, and silently stopped talking.

Jiang Mian accompanied Zuo Xingping to dinner. She was not hungry, so she only ate a little, and all the rest went into the belly of Master Tian. After the latter finished eating, she touched her belly happily.

Jiang Mian put the bowl in the kitchen, and Liu Ma will see it tomorrow and wash it.

But as soon as she walked into the kitchen, something suddenly came up behind her. She didn't stop half a step, and entered the kitchen as usual.

If she guessed correctly, the talisman that Zuo Xingping posted quietly on her back should be an exorcism talisman.

Zuo Xingping is a true descendant of the celestial master. It is estimated that she was both happy and doubtful about her abnormalities in the past few days. Until she cooked by herself just now, her doubts reached the top, and she had to test it anyway.

Zuo Xingping in the living room breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the exorcism talisman sticking to Jiang Mian's back, Jiang Mian did not change at all.

He didn't doubt Jiang Mian, but was afraid that something dirty was attached to Jiang Mian, causing such a big change in the character of the baby girl.

Although this change is better than before, if it is dirty, it will definitely be harmful to Jiang Mian, so this exorcism charm will be used.

Confirming that there is nothing dirty on the baby girl, Zuo Xingping got up, took a chance, and took back the talisman on Jiang Mian's back.

Jiang Mian pretended not to know anything, and then Zuo Xingping exhorted him to leave.

Jiang Mian was not upset about Zuo Xingping's use of exorcism to test her.

She has a very different personality from the original owner. After passing through to the present, if the local tyrants and the heavenly masters are not suspicious of the changes in her personality, they are wrong.

The doubts of Master Tian were eliminated, and the other fathers were even more okay.

Joyful Jiang Mian was about to meditate, trying to get his breath into the body early. As a result, as soon as he sat down cross-legged, the phone rang as a strange number. After thinking about it, she answered.

"Excuse me, is it Ms. Jiang?" A polite voice came from over there.

Jiang Mian: "?"

"Your car is parked in the wrong place, please come over and move it."

A few minutes later, Jiang Mian arrived in the underground garage of the community. At first glance, her car was supposed to be parked with the number 69, but it stopped at 96.

It was a young man who called her. He seemed to be anxious to get to the parking space. Jiang Mian said, "Excuse me, I will move right away."

But after getting in the car, Jiang Mian looked at the instruments in the car, dumbfounded.

The original owner can drive, she can't!

Jiang Mian: "..."

A few seconds later, she got out of the car, handed the car keys to the young man, and smiled what she thought was harmless: "Please help me move it."

Young man: "???"

Did you get lucky?

At Jiang Mian's smile, the young man hesitated: "This..."

He looked inside the car, and Jiang Mian noticed that the car he drove seemed to have a person in the back seat, but it was blocked by a car film, which made it difficult to see clearly.

"Wait a minute." The young man said, walking to his car, gently pulling the door of the back seat of the car, and said to the handsome man inside, "Sir, this lady asked me to move the car for her."

"Yeah." The man nodded slightly.

Jiang Mian gave a glimpse from the gap, but it was amazed. When he wanted to take a closer look, the car door was already closed.

The young man took Jiang Mian's car key and moved the car for her. Jiang Mian didn't rush away. After seeing the young man driving the car into the garage, he opened the back seat door and helped the man inside.


Looking again, he found that the man was covered with white cloth, and the white cloth overflowed with scarlet red.

Jiang Mian subconsciously raised his hand to touch his eyes, and she felt pain when she looked.