Jiang Mian saw a stunning profile face in the car just now. He stayed just to see what the man looks like. He didn't want the other person's eyes to be hurt. It would be impolite to keep staring at others, so he planned to return.

The man suddenly turned around. Even though he couldn't see it, it did not prevent him from accurately aligning Jiang Mian's direction. His voice was cold, "Please stay."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows for the other's perception.

There was a gap of about ten meters between them, and she hadn't said a word again, and the other party was able to point her in the direction of her, showing the sharpness of her hearing.

"Sir?" Luo Jiale was puzzled.

Jiang Mian thought for a while and walked over. After all, his car took the place of the other person. It seemed that the other party's identity was unusual. The young man who moved her car should be an assistant or something.

"What's the matter?" As he approached, he noticed that the blush of the white cloth on the man's eyes continued to spread.

The man "looked" at her, and after a while, his pale lips moved: "Can I touch your face?"

Jiang Mian: "???"

Luo Jiale: "???"

"Sir." Luo Jiale attached to the man's ear and said in a very low voice, "This is a pretty little girl, she should be only more than ten years old."

Although you know that this master has a weird temper, you told a pretty little girl that you want to touch your face. Even if you hurt your eyes, you can't be so rascal.

"Ten years old?" The man frowned.

Jiang Mian: "..."

I'm afraid she can't hear it, right?

"What are you going to do with my face?" Jiang Mian wanted to hear the other party's reason. If it was appropriate, she would have nothing to do with him. Anyway, there would be no less meat.

The man was silent.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "???"

Jiang Mian: "If you don't say anything, I'm leaving."

The man continued to be silent, and when he saw this, Jiang Mian turned around and left without any delay.

Luo Jiale saw that she was a little angry, and hurriedly pursued her two steps: "Miss Jiang, sorry, my boss didn't mean to offend you."

"It's okay." She lazily cares about a stranger whose eyes are hurt.

"Your boss's eyes..." Jiang Mian reminded me that the amount of bleeding was abnormal. As soon as she did, she saw Luo Jiale's expression change, and she shut up with interest.

Jiang Mian didn't mind the episode and went home to meditate. No one bothered her this time.



"Sir, you just..." Luo Jiale wanted to say that what he did just now was really unsatisfactory, but seeing the man's eyebrows twisted, he swallowed his words and changed his words, "Master Fang said that the feng shui here is good and it is beneficial to your injury. ."

The man hummed, Luo Jiale wanted to continue to support him, he said lightly: "No."

Luo Jiale had to give up and watched the man walk forward nervously. The latter accurately avoided the obstacles on the road, and then saw that the white cloth on the man’s eyes had turned into red cloth. Luo Jiale swallowed and followed the man. No more sound.

Entering the elevator, Luo Jiale pressed the 18th floor.

This apartment building is a two-story apartment building, and Jiang Mian's house is on the 18th floor.

Jiang Mian didn't know all of this. The next day, she opened her eyes, and she didn't have the slightest fatigue on her face, who hadn't slept all night, and her eyes flashed with joy.

The effect of this night was better than her previous week in the hospital, allowing her to successfully inhale air into the body.

Looking inside, a small ray of innocence stayed quietly in the dantian.

Compared with the previous life, Jiang Mian sighed.

No matter how disgusting it is, mosquito legs are legs, better than nothing.

There are many black secretions on the body's skin-this body has been protected by various expensive skin care products since childhood, and the state of the skin itself has been able to beat 70% of women. This is true, and the body also accumulates. With so many dirty things.

After Jiang Mian took a shower, he looked at her state in the mirror with satisfaction. In the world of immortality, most women do not cultivate for longevity, but just want to make themselves more beautiful.

Reiki enters the body, travels around the body meridians, and removes impurities from the body. This is the most advanced and perfect skin care method.

Mother Liu had already come over to make breakfast. When she saw Jiang Mian coming out of the bedroom, she was taken aback. She felt that Jiang Mian seemed a little different, but I couldn't tell where it was different.

After a while, Liu Ma saw the fresh red roses in the vase that she bought by the way when she came over, and suddenly understood why Jiang Mian was different.

Today's Jiang Mian looks even more delicate and beautiful than the fresh red roses, and the beauty is dazzling.

"By the way, it seems that someone has lived on the other side." Liu Ma prepared the preserved egg and lean meat porridge for Jiang Mian. "When I came, I saw someone coming out of it."

"Oh." Jiang Mian didn't care about it.

Mother Liu thought a lot. When she came over, she saw the man who came out across from him was tall, wearing sunglasses, and an uncomfortable expression.

Although Jiang Mian is stubborn and self-willed, she is only an eighteen-year-old girl who lives by herself. What if the other party sees Jiang Mian's good-looking appearance and is unwilling to do so?

——Jiang Mian's move yesterday to give Liu Ma all the expensive skin care products and some brand-name clothes made her start to plan for Jiang Mian sincerely.

Although Liu Ma can't use these things, she has a daughter who is in college, and these are perfect for her daughter.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell Han Xu about this. With Jiang Mian's temperament, she was not afraid of heaven and earth, and would not care about it at all.

But she understands that the reason Jiang Mian has been using her all the time is that she has a sense of measure and will not report any news here to Han Xu. If she said, I'm afraid Jiang Mian will be regarded as a "spies". Quit her.

Liu Ma was tangled inside, but she didn't show it on her face.

Jiang Mian didn't know Liu Ma's entanglement. After breakfast, he put on his bag and took a taxi to the film school.

The original owner had a dormitory in the school, but she rarely lived in the school dormitory. She drove her ostentatious Aston Martin to school during school days, which was the one Luo Jiale helped her move last night.

When he arrived at school, Jiang Mian came to the dormitory to get the materials from his memory. The role of the dormitory to the original owner was the place where the materials were put, and--

"Mianmian, you're back. I heard that you went to travel. Where did you go?"

"Wow, Mian Mian, I haven't seen you for a few days now, you're beautiful again, how can you make us live like this."

"Mianmian, did you go to a beauty salon to have a beauty treatment? This skin is absolutely perfect. The four words "Fu Ruzhi" are tailor-made for you."

As soon as Jiang Mian pushed open the door of the dormitory, the three girls inside froze for a few seconds, then stood up and surrounded him and started boasting.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Yes, this is one of the reasons why the original owner left the dormitory and occasionally returned to the dormitory.

She often gave the three girls in the dormitory some bags, jewelry and skin care products, and then enjoyed the feeling of compliments and holding her.

The three girls kept aiming at Jiang Mian's bag. With Jiang Mian's temperament, they went out to play around. Since they came to the dormitory, there must be "souvenirs" for them.

With Jiang Mian's generosity, the value of souvenirs will not be too low.

"Isn't there a line class today, aren't you going to it?" Jiang Mian walked up to his position with an expression of ease and took out the materials for the class.

The three girls looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes, they didn't say anything.

It stands to reason that it should be the time when Jiang Mian brought them something, but didn't it?

"Why don't you speak." Jiang Mian picked up the course materials, looked at the three girls with different expressions, and raised his eyebrows.

"There is still half an hour before class, and it's not too late to go again later." Jin Mengqiao took the lead and said, "Mian Mian, where did you travel this time, and what did you buy?" Tips.

"I just wandered around, didn't buy anything." Jiang Mian walked out.

Three people: "..."

When Jiang Mian left, the three immediately began to discuss.

"I'm still waiting for her to give me a bag." Mao Xuanling said, "It will be resold at that time, and I can buy the new dress from XX."

"No bag, anything else is fine." Wu Yue frowned, "Do you see that the bag she is carrying is not a famous brand, but an ordinary bag."

Jin Mengqiao said: "Her family won't go bankrupt, right?"

Mao Xuanling: "No, it doesn't look like her."

Wu Yue: "It should be impossible. Her skin condition is better than before. I want to touch it. If the family goes bankrupt, how can I be so energetic." Her tone was jealous.

"Then why did she suddenly change?"

The three looked at each other and were silent.

"So I didn't bring you gifts, so I became a pick?" The sudden voice broke the silence, and the three of them turned their heads together, and saw that the door of the bedroom was opened at some point. Jiang Mian stood at the door, watching them quietly. .

Three people: "..."

Isn't the door closed? ! !

The acting skills of these three are more than a little bit worse than Lin Feifei, Jiang Mian cares about them lazily, but he still has to say.

She always likes to kill with a single blow, and does not give the enemy a chance to fight back: "If this is the case, then I will pick a little bit. I will not return the things I gave you, but when will you borrow my money? also?"

After understanding the original owner's temper, it is too simple to want her to be taken advantage of.

But the original owner has no idea about money. In her personal account, four dads pay living expenses in every month, and I don't know how many original owners there are.

At first these three people were very restrained. They would be embarrassed when the original owner gave them something. Later, when they found that Jiang Mian didn't care and even liked the compliments they said to her when they received the gift, the three of them felt at ease.

There is no money to use, as long as you pretend to be weak and ask Jiang Mian, the latter will lend them, saying that it is a loan, and Jiang Mian will not ask them to repay it. They know this very well, so they will intensify their efforts.

School only lasted more than a month, except for the things Jiang Mian gave them, each of them borrowed at least 20,000 in cash from Jiang Mian.

Now Jiang Mian is asking them to pay it back. They are all students. Where can they get the money back?

The faces of the three people are even more exciting than the makeup palette.

Jiang Mian said indifferently: "Give you one day and return the money to me at this time tomorrow, or I will send someone to the broadcasting room to broadcast that you will not repay the money you borrowed."

After speaking, without looking at the reaction of the three, he turned and left.

The trio's expressions changed drastically. They reported to the Acting Department, and they are going to act in the future. If there is some negative news about borrowing money at school and not repaying it, they will be dug out after their debut in the entertainment industry, which is harmful to them.

Seeing that Jiang Mian’s back was about to disappear before his eyes, Mao Xuanling didn’t hold back, and his anger jumped: “Jiang Mian, you usually call us like slaves. The money you lent us is our labor expenses. We still?"

Jiang Mian stopped and looked back at Mao Xuanling. Her facial features had been slightly distorted, her hands clenched tightly, and the look in Jiang Mian's eyes showed a fierce look, and her face was already pretty and became hideous and ugly.

With a smile, Jiang Mian took out a voice recorder, which he had previously held in the bookshelf in the dormitory seat.

Press the play button, and Mao Xuanling's words will be played back.

Mao Xuanling's eyes widened, her expression blank.

Walking out of the door of the dormitory, Jiang Mian curled his mouth happily.

She is actually not used to confronting people, she prefers to use force to solve things, but now the force value is zero.

But she has always believed in a rule: people don't offend me, I don't offend people, if people offend me... well, it depends on her mood.

However, it didn't take long for them to walk towards each other.

One is Gu Qiwen, who wears a white shirt and looks like a male protagonist in a standard romance novel, but some bruises can be seen on his face. Next to him is Guan Xin, a pure and innocent female protagonist in a white dress, with a plain white face, which can extremely arouse a man's desire for protection.

Jiang Mian: "..."

The school is so big, can this happen too?

There are many people around watching them with good-looking eyes-Jiang Mian is well-known at school, rich and handsome, and drives a limited edition Aston Martin to school every day. You don’t want to be noticed. difficult.

The news that she was chasing the director Gu Qiwen, who was the director of the department, had already spread, and even the fact that she blocked Guan Xin at Zhishuting and Gu Qiwen rejected her was also spread. There are various versions.

Fortunately, Gu Qiwen still had to worry about his reputation, so even if he knew that Jiang Mian had committed suicide by cutting his wrist, he would not say anything.

Jiang Mian likes Gu Xiwen, Gu Xiwen likes Guan Xin, and Jiang Mian blocks Guan Xin.

Now that Gu Qiwen and Guan Xin appear together, they are extremely jealous when they see each other in love.

The people eating melon were very excited.

Then, they saw that Jiang Mian didn't look at them, and walked forward without squinting.

Go, go?

Everyone: Huh? ? ?