Thinking that the man couldn't see it, Jiang Mian put the bag in his hand at the door and walked over to help him.

"Thank you." He said.

Jiang Mian helped him to sit on the sofa, poured a glass of water and handed it to him: "The property should be up soon. You can sit down for a while."

He lightly tapped his jaw and said nothing.

After Jiang Mian settled down, he ignored him, took the bag to the kitchen, and poured all the waste materials on the cooking table.

After planing for a while, she dug out a fist-sized piece of waste jade from the inside, and there was a dull place in the middle of this piece of waste jade.

Jiang Mian closed his eyes and felt it carefully, making sure that the faint aura he felt was emanating from this dull place.

She has to peel this thing out to see what it is.

After flipping through all kinds of kitchen utensils, there was no handy tool. Jiang Mian folded out of the kitchen and went to the utility room to find a small hammer.

Get out of the kitchen and glance at the sofa.

Huh? People?

The sofa was empty. Jiang Mian looked at the door. She didn't close the door. Did she leave?

The next second, there was a meow, Jiang Mian walked a few steps forward, and saw the man squatting in front of the cat litter, rubbing Mi's head with his slender fingers, and Mi snoring comfortably while squinting.

Xiao Mi's nest was placed against the wall by Jiang Mian, next to the bookshelf and desk. Because of the perspective, Jiang Mian's sight was blocked by the desk, and he squatted again, so he didn't see him just now.

"Very cute." He tilted his head, and Jiang Mian could see his tall nose and the slightly raised corners of his lips.

"It's okay, except eating and sleeping." Jiang Mian saw him making the cat amused, and turned around to go to the utility room. However, Xiao Mi, who was still enjoying just now, suddenly turned his face and scratched his paw on the back of the man's hand. Quick, nowhere to hide.

Three blood stains quickly appeared on the back of the man's hand.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Mian stepped forward, picked up Xiao Mi and shut it into the cage, without paying attention to teaching it, and helped the man back to the sofa. The opening was very deep, showing that Xiao Mi was exerting too much force.

Jiang Mian took a deep breath: "Wait a moment, I'll get the medicine box, don't move."

The man did not speak, and left Jiang Mian tossing like a piece of wood. When Jiang Mian used medicine to disinfect the wound, he didn't move a bit manually, as if he didn't feel any pain.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Thinking of being in the garage last night, his eyes kept fainting. Except for his pale complexion, his expression did not change at all. Jiang Mian couldn't help wondering if this person could not feel the pain.

After a few seconds of silence, he said: "Get used to it."

Regarding the pain habit... Jiang Mian didn't say a word anymore, but his hand movements became much lighter subconsciously.

"Can I touch your face?" When Jiang Mian treated his wound, he renewed the request he made to Jiang Mian in the garage yesterday.

Jiang Mian shook his finger and almost hurt his injury a second time.

She didn't understand why this person was so obsessed with her face since she couldn't see it.

Although this person made such a rogue request to touch his face, his expression was magnanimous and he didn't mean anything insignificant.

Looking at his pale face, and then at the scratches on his hand, Jiang Mian thought for a while: "You can touch it."

She agreed so readily and did not ask why, but it made the man seem startled. After a while, he stretched out his uninjured hand and slowly stroked Jiang Mian's cheek.

Before touching it, he suddenly retracted his hand and said, "Here."

Jiang Mian: "?"

With a ding sound, the elevator opened.

"Miss Jiang, what's wrong with your door lock?"


"It's his house's lock that can't be opened." Jiang Mian helped the man out of the room, "It's not mine."

"It turned out to be Mr. Qi." The property has basic information about each owner. He looked at Jiang Mian and Mr. Qi. "Thank you, Mr. Qi, for the password."

"521521." Jiang Mian said for him.

The property turned to the opposite side, entered the password, and the door opened with a beep.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Property: "???"

Jiang Mian subconsciously looked at the people around him. He didn't have any expressions. She had no choice but to say: "We tried it just now, and neither password nor fingerprint can be opened."

The implication is not to tease you.

The property had to close the door and said politely: "Thank you, Mr. Qi, to try your fingerprints."

Mr. Qi put his hand up, the unlocking sound rang and the door opened.

Jiang Mian: "..."

A few minutes ago, she saw the screen of Mr. Qi when he could not open the door with his password and fingerprint, which seemed to be an illusion.

The atmosphere was very quiet for a while. The property thought that the rich would not be bored to entertain them, and said: "It may be that the network was unstable just now and the data was unsuccessful, which made it impossible to open the door."

Then I checked the lock carefully, and left after no other problems were found.

"Sorry," Mr. Qi said, "I'm causing you trouble."

Jiang Mian: "I should apologize, my cat scratched you."

Mr. Qi shook his head gently: "It's okay."

"Your hand hurts to be vaccinated. Let's go to the vaccine center now." Thinking that he can't see his eyes, he probably won't believe him, then said, "Or you can give me your assistant's number, and I will give it to your assistant. Call?"

Mr. Qi: "He went on a business trip."

Jiang Mian: "Then I will go with you?"

Mr. Qi: "Good."

After arriving at the vaccine center, you need to fill in some basic information. Mr. Qi can't see it, so Jiang Mian will fill it out instead. The first column is the name. Jiang Mian only knows his surname, Qi, and turned to ask, "What is your name?"

Mr. Qi was silent, Jiang Mian thought he didn't want to say it, and explained: "It's not that I want to ask you, it's that I want to fill in your name on the form."

"Then I will make up one at random." Anyway, I won't check it carefully.

Mr. Qi's lips moved, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Jiang Mian casually filled Qi Xiaobai in the name column, and waited after paying the money.

When the vaccine came out from the vaccine center, it was almost nine o'clock. Jiang Mian called Liu Ma before and asked her not to come over to cook tonight—she didn’t want to be caught by Liu’s mother because she wanted to make jade materials. Excuse me, I didn't expect such an episode.

After tossing for a few hours, my stomach was also hungry. Jiang Mian glanced at the quiet Mr. Qi and suggested, "Shall I invite you to dinner?"

Mr. Qi had no objection. Jiang Mian found a clean restaurant nearby, and asked him what he wanted to eat out of politeness. After getting any answer, she ordered according to her own taste.

When the food is ready, Jiang Mian doesn't worry about his inconvenience because he can't see it.

In fact, if it weren't for his eyes covered with white cloth, and she saw the white cloth faint with blood stains yesterday, she would think that the other party was just playing with the white cloth.

He did not behave like a person whose eyes were injured and could not be seen.

Occasionally raised his head, well, the other party's performance sometimes revealed a clue-he clamped a piece of ginger, and after a while, he vomited it out very calmly.

Jiang Mian felt that if he laughed, it seemed too impolite, so he held it back. I don't think Mr. Qi had a keen perception. He seemed to perceive her holding a smile, so he raised his head slightly and "looked" at her.

Jiang Mian coughed, so he picked out all the **** slices and some chili slices from the dish with chopsticks, and said to him, "Well, now you won't get any side dishes that you can't eat."

"Thank you." Mr. Qi suddenly smiled while holding his lips.

Jiang Mian was surprised.

Looking at people under the light is naturally more beautiful. Although the other person's eyes are covered with white cloth, it does not spoil his appearance. Such a smile is no worse than her actor father.

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded: "She is there!"

Jiang Mian looked up and saw four or five punks rushing in from the door. She looked left and right, and the other party seemed to be targeting her.

Uh... it doesn't seem to be, it is indeed for her.

Jiang Mian frowned.

There were other diners in the restaurant, and they stood up frightened by the menacing appearance they rushed in. Amid the noise and chaos, these gangsters had already rushed to Jiang Mian and did not hesitate to act on her.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Which one is this singing!

A slap called towards her, Jiang Mian moved faster than he thought, turned his head to avoid it, grabbed the opponent's wrist and pulled it fiercely, and then twisted his backhand-the action was very powerful, but the force was too small to twist.

Jiang Mian: "..."

The next second, a scream sounded, and the person in front of her knelt down in front of her with a splash.

Jiang Mian:? ? ?

Don't make such a big gift.

When I looked up, I realized that it was Mr. Qi who did not know when to stand up.

No, he didn't do it, he just hit the thug's leg like a hidden weapon, and the cup was still rolling on the ground.