This hand is very beautiful. Jiang Mian couldn't help but fall on Mr. Qi's hand that picked up the chopsticks again. He was white and slender, with distinct finger bones, like a work of art.

Seeing that there was a helper, the gangsters stopped talking to Jiang Mian, and rushed to Mr. Qi one after another: "A blind man dares to come forward!"

The leading sneer.

"Wait." Jiang Mian said, she tugged at the somewhat wrinkled clothes she had just made, her indifferent aura made the leader gangster inexplicably shocked, but she really stopped moving.

Jiang Mian said, "How much will the person who let you stop me bid?"

The leader's face changed slightly. Jiang Mian didn't seem to see the change in his expression. Seeing that he didn't speak, he continued to say: "No matter how much you pay, I will pay three times the price. Tell me who made you come."

The lead gangster didn't respond much, but the others, including the one who had already stood up in a big gift to Jiang Mian, subconsciously showed joy.

Triple the price!

"Brother Qiang." One tugged at the leader, "Three times."

Jiang Mian took out the check from his bag—the original main bag carried a blank check at any time. This habit was too profound and Jiang Mian subconsciously inherited it.

She tore off a cheque and put it on her fingertips: "This is fifty thousand, and that's yours."

The leader is still hesitating. The one who gave the bow was rubbing his painful leg. He could feel that his leg was swollen, and he still had to spend money to go to the hospital, and it was fifty thousand!

He didn't even think about it and said: "I don't know what it's called, it's a woman, call us, say you are here, let us stop you."

"Then what?" Jiang Mian listened with interest.

Seeing that the little brother had shaken out, the leader didn’t insist anymore. He took the words and kept aiming at the check in Jiang Mian’s hand, shining with covetous color: “She means let us teach you a lesson, don’t be too aggressive. , Call her halfway through the call."

Jiang Mian pulled the chair away and sat down again: "Fight."

Bastards: "?"

Is this to let them continue to beat her?

Jiang Mian: "..."

"I asked you to call each other."

Brother Qiang took out his cell phone to make a call, and then stopped: "Is the check true?"

Jiang Mian glanced at him, and Brother Qiang was inexplicably silly, dialed out the phone, hung up with a ring, and explained: "She said it was a signal."

Jiang Mian nodded, Yu Guang saw that Mr. Qi had already sat back, holding the chopsticks and slowly picking up the vegetables, staying out of the way.

In less than half a minute, a person came in at the door, and it was Lin Feifei as expected.

Probably found that something was wrong, Lin Feifei was stunned for two seconds, then turned and ran.

Jiang Mian knelt down on the table with his fingers: "What do you want to do, pull her over to me."

She also paid attention to the wording.

A few **** conditioned reflexes ran out. After two steps, they felt something was wrong. They felt like they were too obedient, but the check has not been given...

And in this gap, Jiang Mian raised his voice to the frightened diners around: "I'm sorry, everyone is frightened. All your expenses tonight are charged to my account."

The diners who watched a farce probably completed a complete plot. Since there will be no fighting incidents, they all relax and sit back.

The person in charge of the restaurant was so scared that he was about to call the police. Jiang Mian said to him: "There is a little conflict between friends. There is no need to alarm the police. You can see that nothing happened. The cup broke a small mouth. How much will you wait? It’s counted in my account together, everyone makes money with harmony."

The person in charge didn't want to make a big mess either. If the police came, it would definitely affect the business in the store. So he borrowed the donkey from the slope, as nothing happened, but called a few more male waiters to stand in the distance.

A few minutes later, Lin Feifei was pulled in by a few gangsters.

"Let go of me, I want to call the police!" She yelled loudly. Seeing that she got closer to Jiang Mian, she was more afraid than panicked.

She would never be afraid of Jiang Mian before.

"Report to the police?" Jiang Mian motioned to the bully to let Lin Feifei go, "I'm waiting."

Lin Feifei stagnated, clutching her bag, looking from left to right, her eye circles were red: "Mianmian, what are you doing? Why did you let these people pull me in."

Brother Qiang was unhappy, took out her cell phone, dialed the phone, Lin Feifei's cell phone rang, her face suddenly turned pale, her eyes panicked, and she subconsciously pushed towards Brother Qiang: "You, why do you have my call? Sleep, I don’t even know him, don’t believe what they say, they are slandering me."

Brother Qiang slapped Lin Feifei's face: "Didn't you call us to beat this woman? Don't deny it."

Lin Feifei was caught off guard by being slapped and fainted by Brother Qiang, her face immediately swelled, and she staggered towards Mr. Qi: "Brother, help me."

Jiang Mian had goose bumps.

Mr. Qi got up and sat down exactly next to Jiang Mian. Lin Feifei collapsed on the chair and knocked his head.

Brother Qiang looked at Jiang Mian: "We have done everything you said, and give us the money."

Jiang Mian quickly handed the check over, but it didn't complete--a finger was added to her wrist, and the force pressed her wrist through the fingertip, making her unable to move for a while.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Mr. Qi said lightly: "You shouldn't pay this money."

Jiang Mian understood immediately. She put the check back in her bag, and Brother Qiang sneered, "Want to go wrong?"

"Ask her." Jiang Mian held his chin and pointed at Lin Feifei, "She will give it."

Brother Qiang was skeptical and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Feifei up: "You give us ten thousand, plus her fifty thousand, a total of sixty thousand, bring it!"

Lin Feifei was still thinking of some way to solve her current predicament. The words Jiang Mian said to her at the end of school in the afternoon really frightened her at first, but she quickly realized that Jiang Mian did not believe her anymore. She had to find a way to make Jiang Mian trust her again.

So she re-executed the trick she used to make Jiang Mian accept her-find a few gangsters to stop Jiang Mian, and then she appeared in time, but because of anger in her heart, she decided to let the gangsters do Jiang Mian's hands first, and she appeared again midway. .

She had been quietly following Jiang Mian, so she could grasp Jiang Mian's whereabouts, but she didn't expect Jiang Mian not only to see through her strategy, but also to counter the gangsters she had invited.

"You are blackmail!" She screamed, knowing that Jiang Mian had completely distrusted her, and no longer pretended, "It was she who gave you money, you ask her for it! You want me to give you money, dream!"

Jiang Mian looked at her and smiled: "I remind you, they hold the evidence that you bought them to beat me. I will report to the police, put the evidence up, and then spend money to do some management. You guess you will be in it. How long do you squat? Three years? Five years?"

The two words in jail were like a mountain pressing down towards Lin Feifei. She looked at Jiang Mian dullly and murmured for a while: "Jiang Mian, you have changed, you have become so terrible."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She rubbed the goose bumps on her hands: "It's not that I have changed, but that I was too stupid and became your cash machine like a fool."

"Oh, right." Jiang Mian smiled slightly, "I didn't intend to pursue it, but I have already given you a chance, don't give me any more ideas, you just didn't listen. Now you listen carefully, you have scratched me all these years I don’t calculate how much money I have. It will be converted into one million and I will give you one week to prepare it."

One million is no different from a dollar for the original owner, but when it is spent on such a person, Jiang Mian replied that she would be grateful if she came back and donated it again.

"I was wrong, Mianmian I'm sorry, I'm really wrong." Lin Feifei finally understood that Jiang Mian was no longer what she could fool around, where she could find a million, but she could not go to jail!

She didn't understand which part of the problem went wrong, but she now understands that if she doesn't ask for mercy, she is really over.

"It's my lard that is blindfolded. I shouldn't be stunned by others to hurt you. It's Guan Xin, and she made me do this!" In the end, she will provoke Jiang Mian and Guan Xin.

"I'll give them their money, I'll give it right away." She panicked out of her phone and directly transferred 60,000 yuan to Brother Qiang.

Brother Qiang received the money. He probably knew that Jiang Mian was not easy to provoke. He apologized to Jiang Mian: "I'm sorry, I'm taking money and doing things for others. We didn't intend to beat you, this woman asked us to come. You said Give us three times the price, and return the extra 20,000."

This person also had a lot of cash on him, and he directly took out 20,000 yuan and put it on the table, beckoning the boys to leave.

"Mianmian, can you forgive me." Lin Feifei really cried this time. Her face was swollen fingerprints shot by Brother Qiang, and her hair was disheveled, which was very miserable.

People who didn't know thought that Jiang Mian did something to her.

Recalling the memory of the original owner who liked Lin Feifei, Jiang Mian looked down and looked at the crying pear and rainy Lin Feifei. His eyes were faint, and it took a long time to say: "This is the last time."

Lin Feifei was overjoyed, knowing that Jiang Mian had spared her, and stumbled away clutching her bag.

Enough humiliation, she has to find a place to clean up, and at the same time understand that she will never offend Jiang Mian again.


Jiang Mian looked at Mr. Qi, who had finished eating slowly, and drank a bowl of soup slowly.

"Thanks just now." Jiang Mian said.

"It's okay."

Jiang Mian stopped talking. She hadn't eaten enough, so she picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat. After eating, she paid the meal expenses of all the diners present as agreed.

Back to the community, as soon as the elevator opened, I heard an old and vigorous voice: "...He hurts his eyes and is inconvenient to travel. Where can I go? I let you take care of him every step of the way. Now that the person is gone, what do I want you use!"

"Old man, I..." Facing the angry old man, Luo Jiale couldn't tell, but he wanted to follow the boss every step of the way. The problem was that the boss wouldn't let it go.

The sound of footsteps made Mr. Qi's voice pause. After looking back, Mr. Qi approached and quietly shouted: "Dad."

"Yan Shu, where did you go so late!" Seeing his son who was intact, Old Man Qi sighed for a long time and hurriedly greeted him, "What's wrong with this? Who hurt you?"

"It's me..." Jiang Mian just said, the elevator opened again, Han Xu walked out, saw this scene, was stunned for two seconds, immediately pulled Jiang Mian into his arms to protect him, "Who are you?"

Elder Qi looked at Han Xu's face for a moment: "Han Xu?"

Han Xu: "Qi Guili?"

Elder Qi's eyes fell on Jiang Mian in Han Xu's arms, thinking that it was the person Han Xu raised outside. This woman was just with her son again, and the son could not see... His brows suddenly frowned and looked at Jiang Mian. His gaze is a bit more unpleasant.

"What kind of eyes are you." Han Xu naturally noticed Old Man Qi's gaze and sneered. "Don't dare to scold you because of your age. I haven't paid attention to your Qi family."

"Presumptuous!" Old man Qi slid to the ground with a cane, "Your father is not qualified to talk to me like this."

Han Xu pointed to his feet: "Sorry, my father has already gone down."

"I heard that your son who became a monk is still vulgar." Han Xu looked at Qi Yanshu, "This is it? Tsk."

The tone was quite disdainful.

Father Qi: "..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She understood that the original owner's violent temper should have inherited this tyrant father.

But the amount of information is a bit big. I didn't expect this Mr. Qi to be a monk and vulgar, no wonder he always felt a different feeling in him.

And, this Qi family should be the Qi family in the book.

There are many scenes about the Qi family in the original book. The Qi family is a wealthy family with a heritage of hundreds of years. The family background is not lower than the Han family. Most importantly, the male protagonist Gu Qiwen is the heir of the Qi family.

This plot was developed later in the book. When Gu Qiwen's mother was young, she was with the eldest son of the Qi family. However, they were dismantled because of their identity mismatch. However, at this time Gu Qiwen's mother was already pregnant, and finally gave birth to Gu Qiwen and raised the child alone, without telling Gu Qiwen the truth.

Later, when he was seriously ill in bed, he told Gu Qiwen who his biological father was when he was dying. Even though Gu Qiwen knew that he was an offspring of the Qi family, he never thought about returning to the Qi family.

Until later, he was forced to marry Jiang Mian, forced to find the Qi family, and joined the Qi family. After Han Xu went, he quickly swallowed the Han enterprise, leaving the original owner with nothing.

Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu next to him. This person didn't seem to appear in the book, or she had missed it. Jiang Mian began to pick up the plot from the book in his mind.

I got it, the Qi Yan book in the book has only one introduction.

Qi Guili, the head of the Qi family, has a young son, an old son born at the age of fifty. He has been weak since childhood, and must be sent to the Taoist temple to live in order to survive.

So he was sent to Taoist temple to lead his practice, but unfortunately he still died in Taoist temple at the age of thirty.

Jiang Mian: "..."

So, Qi Yanshu is the male lead's uncle? !

However, according to the plot in the book, Qi Yanshu should be dead at this time. Not only is he not dead, but also vulgar. The plot has changed from the book.

Jiang Mian couldn't figure out what was going on. She just thought about it for a while and didn't think about it. Anyway, it had nothing to do with her.

As long as the four fathers are well, nothing will happen in the future.

Han Xu snorted to Old Man Qi again. The Han family and Qi family have never been right, and each of them couldn't get used to it. Han Xu took care of these people lazily and took Jiang Mian into the house.

When he found his son looking at the opposite door, Mr. Qi knew that he was "seeing" Jiang Mian, his face changed slightly: "Yan Shu, we are in the room, tell me what happened to the hand injury."

"Your eyes are inconvenient now. Don't go out casually. Who knows if those who help you have ulterior motives." Old Master Qi said, "Just now the girl, who hugged Han Xu in front of everyone, can be a good girl? Most of them were raised here by Han Xu, who didn't learn well at a young age, so don't be fooled."

Elder Qi wanted to say something more, Qi Yanshu suddenly turned to him and said, "Your words are awful."

Father Qi: "..."

Qi Yanshu walked into the house, the air pressure became very low: "Don't come here casually in the future."

Elder Qi moved his lips, but said nothing.

"Mianmian, Dad will buy you a new apartment in another place, will you move over?" This is the first sentence Han Xu said to Jiang Mian after entering the house.

Jiang Mian was still thinking about the plot of the original book in his mind, and he said, "Ah", "Why?"

"Because there is a person surnamed Qi who lives on the opposite side. The Qi family doesn't have a good thing. You live here by yourself. Dad is not at ease." Han Xu coldly snorted, "Do you think that old man just now was fierce? This old man Yan'er Bad, how good can his son be, his eyes are still covered with cloth, and he pretends to be deep to show someone, he is not a good person at first sight."

Jiang Mian felt that he should say something for Qi Yanshu. After all, the other party helped him when he was in the restaurant: "...that young Mr. Qi was covered in front of him because his eyes were hurt."

"I don't care if he is really injured, anyway, his surname is Qi..." Han Xu suddenly felt something was wrong, "Mianmian, how do you know his eyes were hurt?"

Seeing him like this, Jiang Mian felt that if he said he had contact with Qi Yanshu, the local tyrant would have jumped and exploded, so he euphemistically said: "A normal person will never cover his eyes for no reason, and yesterday. When he moved over, I accidentally ran into him. There was still blood on the cloth covering his eyes."

She lied a little.

Han Xu snorted and brought the topic back again: "What's wrong with him, shall we move? Dad will buy you a big villa."

"I think it's pretty good here." Just at the point that meditating for her all night is better than the previous week in the hospital, she can't move.

She persuaded the local tyrant father from another angle: "Dad, if I move, doesn't it mean that I am afraid of the Qi family. If I want to move, the Qi family should move, right?"

Han Xu thought for a while and felt that what his daughter said was right, but he was still worried, and cautiously suggested: "Would my father send a female bodyguard to protect you personally?"

In the past, the four fathers worried that their baby daughter would not be safe to live alone. In addition to the nanny taking care of their lives, they had to send female bodyguards. The original owner had to lose his temper.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Daddy, what are you guarding against!