Jiang Mian tried Zhang's play, not to compete with the heroine, the trial opportunity was there, and everyone played fairly.

In the original book, it is said that Guan Xin was dressed like Dao Zhang’s first love, and finally caught Dao Zhang’s eyes, but the actor father said that if anyone dressed up like Dao Zhang’s first love to try the play, Dao Zhang will immediately pull into the black List.

And Guan Xin's dress today is no different from Su Ri, and she doesn't dress up as Director Zhang's first love as stated in the book.

Jiang Mian propped his chin in thought, was it because the description in the original book was too simple, or was the plot changed now? Or is there another hidden story?

Through the reaction of Director Zhang in the audition, she was quite satisfied with her performance, and the probability of choosing her was 90%.

If Guan Xin is finally chosen...

Jiang Mian really wanted to know what was going on, and by the way, take a look at the heroine's combat effectiveness.

As long as the hostess does not provoke her, she will not provoke them, but knowing oneself and the enemy will be able to survive all battles.

Jiang Mian made a call. It was the strong brother Lin Feifei hired someone to block her last time, whose real name is Zhang Liqiang.

Before Zhang Liqiang didn't know where to get her contact information, he called to apologize, returned all the 30,000 she had given to her, and said a lot of things like he didn't know Taishan.

Jiang Mian guessed that after this person left last time, she was afraid of being retaliated, so she got her contact information and apologized to her.

People like them like to deal with the rich, but they are afraid of offending the rich. Jiang Mian's aura made him feel uneasy. Such behavior is normal.

Jiang Mian felt that this person was pretty good, so he saved his number, and now he was in the place to use him.

"Who is it?" When Zhang Liqiang received the call, he was playing cards with a group of gangsters in the bar. Jiang Mian could hear one or two foul language through his mobile phone.

She was straightforward: "I have something to ask you for help. You can speak in a quieter place."

"Ah, it's Ms. Jiang." Zhang Liqiang's tone changed suddenly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see the call from you just now. I'll go outside, you will wait a moment."

Zhang Liqiang didn't dare to delay, and immediately got up and went outside. Someone behind him called him, and he was holding his cell phone and shouting. When he walked to a quiet place outside, he released the receiver and cautiously said, "Miss Jiang, it's quiet here. , If you have any instructions, just say, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

"Don't worry, you won't let you do it in vain." Jiang Mian said, "You help me follow a person, what she did, where she went, and who she met, you write down and tell me."

"It's easy." Zhang Liqiang sighed in relief and promised, "I promise you will finish it beautifully."

Jiang Mian frowned, Zhang Liqiang seemed too respectful towards her, she didn't think much about it, and sent him Guan Xin's picture.

Want to know the whereabouts of the heroine, spend some money, let these street gangsters do the most suitable.

Zhang Liqiang saw the photo and said, "Miss Jiang, has this woman offended you? Do you want me..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "Only follow, don't do anything else."

Zhang Liqiang understood: "Good."

Zhang Liqiang's efficiency did not disappoint Jiang Mian. That night, when Jiang Mian sat on the bed to meditate, his phone called.

"Miss Jiang, the woman you asked me to follow. She took a taxi to a restaurant, met a man, and then took a taxi to the Junlai Hotel. A man picked her up in the hotel lobby." Zhang Liqiang A voice of hidden excitement came over, "I took a picture and sent it to your WeChat."

Jiang Mian clicked on WeChat. The first picture was Guan Xin meeting a man in a restaurant. Because of the angle, he couldn't see the man's appearance, but it was definitely not Gu Qiwen.

Gu Qiwen still doesn't have much money, and he doesn't dare to take Guan Xin into such a high-end restaurant. Zhang Liqiang is capable of taking pictures in such a restaurant.

The man in the second picture can see his face clearly. It is Assistant Liu next to Director Zhang.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows. No wonder that in the original book about the heroine being selected by Director Zhang, only a few words were mentioned. Director Zhang's comments are still very good, and there should be no improper relationship with the heroine.

As for the man in the restaurant, that's hard to say.

In the original book, there are many male partners who are ambiguous with the heroine, and the author will not describe too much in some details.

The man in the restaurant should have something to do with Director Zhang, so Guan Xin had a second chance to meet Director Zhang alone. In this opportunity, Guan Xin used her way to impress Director Zhang.

Jiang Mian got out of bed, walked to the window, and looked at the neon night view outside with his chin. He sneered when he thought of Gu Qiwen's affection for the heroine and the original owner's infatuation with Gu Qiwen.

As long as she makes a call to the actor father and tells the actor father that she is going to act in this drama of Director Zhang, no matter what the heroine does, Director Zhang will not choose her.

But it's just a role, and she will have the opportunity to shoot other scenes in the future.

She now hopes that the heroine will get this role, so that it can make Gu Qiwen's head glow green.

Jiang Mian was in a happy mood. He walked out of the bedroom to find food to fill his stomach. The phone vibrated. It was a message sent by Zhang Liqiang: "Ms. Jiang, I have found the room number. Would you like to come over?"

Jiang Mian: "?"

Zhang Liqiang was careful with every word: "Aren't you here to catch the rape?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Catch you big head ghost.

"You don't need to stare at it." Jiang Mian passed 5,000 yuan by the way, and found that there was nothing at home except Liu Ma's cooking. He picked up his wallet and was going downstairs to buy something to eat.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that the door opposite was also opened. Qi Yanshu came out with a black garbage bag. He was still covered with a white cloth, but compared to half a month ago, his face was a little more bloody, and there were people too. It was a bit of smoke and fire.

Except for class, Jiang Mian spent the rest of the time practicing in the room without leaving the door. As a result, although the two lived in the opposite door, they rarely met.

However, because of Mi scratching his hand, Jiang Mian would often ask Liu Ma to stew some chicken soup and deliver it, and Qi Yan Shu also received it, and occasionally sent back something back and forth, which was a bit more mature than before.

Jiang Mian said hello: "Uncle Qi."

This is the first time Jiang Mian called Qi Yanshu when he knocked on the door with chicken soup. Old man Qi and her grandfather belonged to Qi Yanshu. According to the rules, she should be called Uncle.

Qi Yanshu: "..."

He pursed his lips and asked, "Go out?"

"In a good mood, go buy some food to celebrate." When he was in a good mood, everything was pleasing to the eye, Jiang Mian took the garbage bag in his hand, "I threw it away for you by the way."

As a result, when she got into the elevator, she found that Qi Yanshu was also walking in. As if he knew her doubts, Qi Yan said, "Go for a walk."

Jiang Mian knew that the other party was already familiar with the surrounding environment, and he could accurately avoid various obstacles without assistance. He didn't say much. He got out of the elevator and politely said "Pay attention to safety" to Qi Yanshu, and then went straight to the community. Within the supermarket.

Qi Yanshu moved her ears, knowing that she had gone far, stretched out her hand to pinch the center of her eyebrows, and walked out slowly.

Before Jiang Mian entered the supermarket, she heard a noise from the supermarket door from a distance. The security guard said something that was not allowed to enter. She didn't care at first until she heard a familiar voice: "...Don't move your hands or feet, or I You are welcome."

This is clearly the voice of Heavenly Master!

The supermarket security guard was about to be annoyed by the curly-haired man. He rolled his eyes and said, "If you keep entangled, we will call the police."

Zuo Xingping irritated: "I'm telling the truth. He was black in the hall and blood in his breath. It was obvious that something was going to happen. I was reminding him! Also, it was not me who was pestering me, but you were pestering me."

"Just tell him something nonsense, just drag him out." A security guard stepped forward and reached out impatiently to push Zuo Xingping.

Zuo Xingping was fighting with the other two security guards. He didn't pay attention to the hand that came over. Seeing that the security's hand was about to touch him, a tree branch was suddenly inserted from an oblique place and knocked on the security's wrist. The security felt pain and shrank Went back.

"Mianmian!" Seeing Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping was overjoyed. He didn't care about entanglement with the security guard. He rushed over and shook the bag in his hand. "Look, I bought you the fruit."

Zuo Xingping, who hadn’t seen her daughter for half a month, saved up some money, ran over and went to the supermarket to buy things for her baby daughter. When he saw a man with a bad breath, he kindly said something about him. The two parties yelled at him without telling him, and asked the security guard to push him out of the supermarket.

If it wasn't for seeing the baby girl in a good mood, he would be lazy to mention something, and kindly be treated as a donkey liver and lungs.

However, the grievances of Master Tian's full stomach dissipated instantly when he saw the baby girl, he looked left and right: "Why are you thin?"

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry: "No."

Then she glanced at several security guards: "Dad, did they beat you?"

Zuo Xingping shook his head, Jiang Mian walked into the supermarket, Zuo Xingping naturally followed where his daughter went.

"You can go in, he can't." The security guard who was knocked on the wrist by Jiang Mian with a branch wanted to get angry, but when he saw Jiang Mian's appearance, he swallowed the curse.

"Why?" Jiang Mian asked calmly.

The security guard paused: "This... he is doing feudal superstition curse in the supermarket, of course he cannot be allowed in."

Jiang Mian's eyes floated coldly: "According to your logic, as long as you scold someone, you can't enter this supermarket?"

"You not only scolded my dad, but also wanted to beat him. Then you are not only qualified to enter this supermarket, but also not qualified to be security guards here." She pointed to the camera above her head, "Well, to be fair, call the police. Let's go to the police station and let the police uncle judge?"

Security guards: "..."

Jiang Mian had a tough attitude, indicating that he must take Zuo Xingping into the supermarket together, which alarmed the supermarket manager.

Zuo Xingping: "Forget Mianmian, I won't go in."

"No." Jiang Mian said with a cold face, "You are not the one who yells at people, and you are not the one who beats people. Why do they kick you out and even do something against you?"

Finally, the manager understood the situation, apologized to Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping, and invited them in politely.

For the first time Tianshida was protected by his precious daughter, and his eyes were red.

Jiang Mian had already heard what happened from Zuo Xingping, and she said, "Dad, even if you see that the person has a problem, you shouldn't say it directly. Many people don't believe this and are taboo."

"Do you believe what Dad said?" Tianshida's focus was completely off the mark. The baby girl, like Han Xu, did not believe in his abilities. The peace charm he had painstakingly painted for Jiang Mian before was thrown away by Jiang Mian. , And lost his temper at him.

As a result, he rarely mentioned his occupation in front of Jiang Mian, and even more dare not to give Jiang Mian the symbol he drew, for fear of making his baby girl angry.

Thinking of the original master's various excessive behaviors towards Master Tian, ​​Jiang Mian took the initiative to take Zuo Xingping's arm: "Dad, I used to be ignorant. This is your job. Of course I believe your words."

Zuo Xingping laughed and became a fool. After speaking for a while, he scratched his head: "I saw that this man also has a daughter. If something happens to him, what should happen to his daughter, so I kindly remind him to avoid him. ."

Jiang Mian felt a little pantothenic.

The father and daughter moved to the snack area and directly chose a cart of snacks.

Everything in this supermarket is more than three times more expensive than the other supermarkets. When Jiang Mian wanted to use the card to pay the bill, Zuo Xingping hurriedly stopped the baby girl and said, "I'll give it here."

He took out a yellow cloth bag from his Dao robe, which contained the money he had saved during this period.

Zuo Xingping couldn't make money because of his fate. Even if he had money in his hand, if he didn't use it in a short period of time, there would always be various accidents that would ruin him.

Han Xu couldn't see it before, and directly gave him a card. Within a day, the money in it was cheated, and Han Xu had to find someone to get the money back.

On weekdays, he is reluctant to buy good clothes for himself. Anyway, he is a Taoist priest and does not pursue any material. But as long as he buys it for Jiang Mian, he can't wait to empty out all his belongings.

When they checked out, people around them looked at them, and the combination of curly beard Taoist priest and beautiful girl couldn't help but catch their eyes.

But Zuo Xingping had long been used to being seen, and didn't feel anything at all, Jiang Mian didn't care.

A large bag of snacks almost wiped out the Heavenly Master’s possessions, but he didn't care at all, walking with wind—the original owner didn't like him, and he didn't even like to spend his money with them.

Can he be upset to spend money for my baby girl today?

"Dad, where do you usually live?" Jiang Mian asked Heavenly Master on the way back.

Of the four fathers, only the Heavenly Master has no fixed residence.

Hearing this, Zuo Xingping hesitated: "I have many places to live."

Since the heavenly master didn't want to say anything, Jiang Mian didn't question him understandingly.

Zuo Xingping breathed a sigh of relief.

He usually lives in a lot of places, such as park chairs, outside temples, ordinary houses, mansions, etc. These depend on whether his employer gives money quickly when he opens the bill.

No need to talk to my baby girl about this.

As soon as I entered the unit building, I saw Qi Yanshu standing at the elevator door, quietly waiting for the elevator to arrive.

Jiang Mian was a little surprised. Before speaking, Master Tian suddenly hesitated and said, "Huh? Are you... Junior Brother Chen?"

Jiang Mian: "???"

Qi Yanshu tilted his head, frowning his eyebrows, as if he was recognizing. After a while, his voice line raised a little: "Brother Wuzhen?"

Jiang Mian: "???"

Zuo Xingping: "Oh my God, you are not dead."

Qi Yanshu: "..."

Jiang Mian: "..."