"Senior brother regret." Qi Yanshu did not get angry because of Zuo Xingping's rudeness, but said lightly, "I'm still alive and well."

Jiang Mian held his forehead and gently pulled down the sleeves of Master Heavenly Father, Zuo Xingping also realized that he had passed, scratching his head.

The atmosphere was embarrassing for a while. Fortunately, the elevator arrived. The three of them entered the elevator and looked at the white cloth on Qi Yanshu's eyes. After all, Zuo Xingping didn't restrain his curiosity and asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Jiang Mian raised her ears, and she was a little curious about Qi Yanshu's eyes, but because the two were not familiar with each other, she was too embarrassed to ask directly.

Qi Yan's words are concise and concise: "Accident."

Perceiving his indifference, Zuo Xingping uttered an ah and stopped speaking.

Anyone who is asked in a surprised voice, "You're not dead" will not be too happy, as if expecting him to die.

Jiang Mian coughed and apologized for Master Tian: "Uncle Qi, what my father said just now..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Uncle Qi? Mianmian, you know?!"-Zuo Xingping.

"He is your father?"-Qi Yanshu.

Jiang Mian looked at the two blankly, not understanding why they were so surprised. After a silent silence, the elevator stopped.

The three of them walked out of the elevator, Qi Yanshu unlocked it with his fingerprints, and quickly entered the room without saying a word.

It must be angry.

After returning to the house, Jiang Mian had to euphemistically educate the Heavenly Master: "Dad, what you just said to Uncle Qi was too rude."

Master Tian is still wondering why the baby girl is called Uncle Qi Yanshu, and she looks very familiar.

Jiang Mian explained: "He is a member of the Qi family. The Qi family and the Han family are family friends in name. According to generation, I should call him uncle."

Zuo Xingping's focus shifted again, sighing: "It turns out that his layman is so rich, so it's no wonder that he can impress Master Shu and let him make an exception to accept him as a disciple."

He was a little bit sour: "I wanted to worship Master Shu, but I didn't agree to it and said I wouldn't accept disciples."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Zuo Xingping explained his relationship with Qi Yanshu to Jiang Mian.

The Taoist temple where Tianshi Dad used to be was called Siqing Guan, and now Siqing Guan is changed to Lingqing Guan. Qi Yanshu was sent to Lingqing Guan to practice since he was a child, just to let him survive the life and death of 30 years old.

At that time, Zuo Xingping's master was still alive, and he asserted that Qi Yanshu would never live to be thirty years old.

Qi Yanshu's master is Zuo Xingping's uncle, so the two are the same generation.

Zuo Xingping's impression of Qi Yanshu was that he was sent to Guanli to continue his life, but he was destined to not live to be thirty years old. He used to occasionally return to Taoism, and sometimes he would run into Qi Yanshu.

During this period of time, he was so busy that he did not go back. After counting the time, he thought that the younger brother was no longer there, but he did not expect that the other party not only lived well, but also lived on the same floor as the baby girl in the same complex. He didn’t want to be surprised. .

This is consistent with the plot in the book. Qi Yanshu did not live to be thirty years old in the book, but the book did not introduce that Qi Yanshu and Tianshida were the same.

After explaining his relationship with Qi Yanshu, Zuo Xingping thought for a while and said, "Mianmian, you will spend less time with him in the future."

Jiang Mian subconsciously said: "Why?"

Zuo Xingping didn't know what to say. He wanted to make up a reason, but he couldn't make it up for a while, and finally said honestly: "He is born unknown, and everyone who is close to him will be defeated by him. He was sent to Taoist temple when he was a child. It's because of physical weakness, and secondly, it's due to fate. Stay away from your relatives to avoid disasters in your family."

"If you have more contact with him, it won't be good to be influenced by him." Zuo Xingping actually dislikes this way of handling the most, but it is related to the safety of the baby girl. When you should be selfish, you should still be selfish.

Jiang Mian: "..."

The author of the original book has put all the love and affection on the hero and the hero, the supporting roles are worse than the other.

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Yu Jiangmian said, Qi Yanshu is just a neighbor elder who knows, and he also knows that Tianshida is good for her, "Dad, you can live here tonight."

I thought that Master Tian would happily agree, but he shook his head without looking at Jiang Mian, and said vaguely: "I took a job at two in the morning, and I have to leave later."

After the snacks bought in the supermarket for his baby girl, he has to earn some back, otherwise he won’t even be able to eat food tomorrow.

What kind of work can you have in the middle of the night? Thinking of the identity of the heavenly master, Jiang Mian's eyes lit up.

Although she had arranged a small spirit gathering formation in the room, there was too little aura in the air. The function of the gathering spirit formation was only to increase the daily drop of aura to a teaspoon, which was too little for Jiang Mian.

Since the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is thin, if you want to cultivate, you have to find another way.

When she came to this world and saw the first glance of the heavenly master, she could feel that there was a cold aura on his body. This is another power. As long as she takes this power for her own use, it is not equivalent. Do you absorb spiritual energy and help yourself to practice?

And she didn't know what this gloomy power was. Since the Heavenly Master had come into contact with him, as long as she followed him, she would have a way to find it. Now that the opportunity is coming, she naturally can't miss it.

"Dad, let me go with you."

"Huh?" The Heavenly Master was drinking a drink, and he spouted it out, choking to the earth.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"No, no." This is the first time Jiang Mian was denied her request by her father.

Zuo Xingping shook his head like a rattle, and even the fake beard on his face was about to shake off: "Sleep, girls can't stay up late, you sleep at home obediently, ah."

Zuo Xingping knew exactly what he was going to do, how could he let the baby girl follow, and what to do if she scared the baby girl.

"Dad~" Jiang Mian acted like a baby, she silently put her hand behind her, to avoid the heavenly master from seeing the goose bumps on her hand.

However, Zuo Xingping can agree to anything. It is about the safety of his baby daughter. He shook his head firmly, and worried that his daughter would be angry and ignore him. ."

Next time, I will take a look at the Feng Shui list at a fixed house so that I won't scare my baby girl.

Jiang Mian lowered his eyelashes and sat beside him silently, without speaking.

Zuo Xingping saw that the beautiful little face of the baby girl was full of disappointment, and he felt distressed immediately. The baby girl finally made a request to herself, but she couldn't satisfy her.

The heavenly master fought between heaven and human in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth. Anyway, if there is something unclean, it should be cleaned up before the baby girl has seen it, so as not to scare the baby girl.

Thinking about this, he hurried over: "Mianmian, don't be angry, Dad promises you."

"Thank you, Dad." Jiang Mian raised his head and smiled as a cute.

Seeing the smile on his daughter’s face, Zuo Xingping also followed silly joy, completely unable to see that his baby daughter was just acting~

Although he agreed to Jiang Mian, Zuo Xingping still wanted to work harder: "Mianmian, you have to go to class tomorrow..."

Jiang Mian: "There will be no class tomorrow morning, only this afternoon."

Zuo Xingping secretly hoped that her baby girl would be sleepy, and when he saw Jiang Mian enter the bedroom, he thought that the baby girl was going to sleep.

A few minutes later, Jiang Mian came out of the bedroom again. She changed into long clothes and trousers that were easy to move. She also **** her hair to make herself ready to go out.

Zuo Xingping accepted his fate.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the father and daughter set off.

Zuo Xingping was going to work in a middle school. He was afraid of frightening his baby girl by speaking too bluntly. What he said to Jiang Mian was: "This school is very poor and I can't even hire a cleaner, so I invite me It's cheaper for me to clean it."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian helped his forehead, and was again confused by Tianshida's golden sentence.

Inviting a taxi, Zuo Xingping said to the driver: "Go to the Second Experimental Middle School."

Without Jiang Mian, he would either walk to middle school or ride a shared bicycle. In short, it would be impossible to pay for a taxi!

Forty minutes later, they arrived at their destination. Zuo Xingping was about to pick up the yellow cloth to pay for the car. Jiang Mian had already pulled him out of the car. Zuo Xingping looked dumbfounded: "Mianmian, I haven't paid yet."

Jiang Mian shook the phone: "I already paid with my phone."

She has discovered another characteristic of Zuo Xingping. Tianshida doesn't use modern communication tools very much, and everything speaks with cash-the mobile phone is the most old-fashioned type of mobile phone that can only answer calls and send messages.

The school was far away from the city, and it was early in the morning. The surroundings were very quiet, and the night wind was blowing. It was quite gloomy. Zuo Xing kept asking, "Mianmian, are you cold or cold."

Jiang Mian shook her head. She was looking at this middle school. Although she hadn't entered yet, she already felt the seemingly cold power, and it was indeed correct to follow the heavenly master here!

Jiang Mian was a little excited.

"Why is it closed?" Zuo Xingping looked at the closed school gate with a black line on his face. Then he looked at the security room next to him. It was dark and there were no people.

"Dad, who asked you to do the cleaning job?"


"Then you call the principal and ask him to open the door."

Zuo Xingping reacted and fumbled left and right in the robe, and finally found a button phone. After pressing it for a while, it didn't turn on for a while. He shook the phone and said, "It seems that the battery is dead."

Jiang Mian: "..."

I hope Heavenly Master can remember the principal’s phone number, it’s not as good as—

"Dad, let's get over the wall."

Before Zuo Xingping could react, he saw the baby girl rolled up her sleeves and moved quickly to the big iron gate.

There is an iron tip at the top of the big iron door to prevent someone from turning over the door. Zuo Xingping couldn’t care about when his baby girl would jump over the wall so hard, a heart hanging in the air: “Be careful, don’t fall, slow down. ."

It was not until Jiang Mian landed safely that Zuo Xingping breathed a sigh of relief, what he wanted to say, Jiang Mian walked straight to the security room, saw the door of the security room opened, and said to Heavenly Master: "Dad, wait a minute, I'll take a look. Can you open the door."

After a while, Jiang Mian took a bunch of keys and walked out. After trying every key, the door opened and the Heavenly Master was successfully put in.

Zuo Xingping walked in dizzyly.

"Who are you?!" A middle-aged man with the appearance of a security guard hurried over when the father and daughter took a few steps.

He was the guard at the school, but he went to the toilet, and when he came back there were two more people at the door.

Thinking of the recent rumors of the school, the security guard felt like thunder and drums, and when he saw the shadow of the two on the ground, he was relieved.

There are shadows, but people.

Zuo Xingping saw that the chief security officer was a tall man, and subconsciously took two steps forward, guarding Jiang Mian behind him: "I am the cleaner invited by your principal Liu."

The security immediately reacted. He received the order that a Taoist priest would come in the early morning. The reason why he was here was to wait for him to come.

He remembered that the door was locked, but the Taoist priest came in directly. He seemed to be a powerful figure, and the security guard looked more respectful: "Master, please come with me."

At this time, the students were all asleep, and the campus was quiet, only the dim light from the street lamps was indistinct.

"Mianmian." Zuo Xingping held the baby girl's hand, hesitated, and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Mian smiled with curving eyes.

Zuo Xingping couldn't help but relax when he saw that his baby girl was really not afraid.

Before long, the security guard led them to a teaching building. The lights in the teaching building were turned on. He said, "Master, this is it, I won't go in."

After finishing talking, the security guard walked back in a hurry, looking at the burning appearance, as if running slower, something would pop out of the teaching building and swallow him in one bite.

Jiang Mian: "..."

When the father and daughter entered the teaching building, Zuo Xingping was still wondering whether to go to the men's room and take a mop out to pretend. He suddenly heard Jiang Mian say: "Dad, what's over there? It seems to be a person."

Jiang Mian pointed to the corridor on the right, and Zuo Xing followed her finger to look at it, empty.

Is there something my daughter shouldn't see anymore?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly smelled a scent in his nose, and then Zuo Xingping lost consciousness.

Jiang Mian helped the fainted Heavenly Master into a classroom and let him lie on his seat.

Although she hadn't made any progress in her cultivation during this period, she couldn't do the medicine, formation, and talisman, but it was more than enough to refine some magic incense.

Just now, she smelled a kind of common scent in the world of cultivating immortals, and she would fall asleep for a quarter of an hour after smelling it.

She refined it for self-preservation, but she didn't expect it to be used on the celestial master the first time she used it.

Jiang Mian already felt that cold force on the third floor.

After thinking about it, she took two talisman from the pocket of the celestial father, walked two steps and returned, and took the peach wood sword of the celestial father in her hand.

"Dad, take a good night's sleep. I will help you with your cleaning tonight."

After speaking, Jiang Mian walked briskly to the third floor.

There, another kind of aura is beckoning to her.