Chapter 14: Four fathers (including V notice)

A few minutes later, Jiang Mianyi went downstairs still.

It turns out that the so-called ghosts in this world are a bit similar to the casual cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, but their strength is less than one-thousandth of the casual cultivator, and their appearance is a little scary.

A monk in the world of cultivating immortality fails to cross the catastrophe and loses his body, so he can practice spiritually and become a casual cultivator.

Jiang Mian has never seen anyone like him. I just met in the classroom on the third floor...

Uh, I guess it is called a female ghost cultivator. She has a temperament and a dark face. She looks like someone owes her millions and wants to take her away.

Jiang Mian has figured out that the cold power comes from this kind of ghost cultivation, and she can use her exercises to absorb it and transform it into spiritual power for her own use.

The gain this evening was comparable to her meditation practice for half a month before. Feeling the warmth from her dantian, Jiang Mian decided that she would come out to do the cleaning work when she had time.


Jiang Mian looked at the peach wood sword whose hand was broken in two, and was embarrassed.

She really didn't expect the peach wood sword of the Heavenly Master Father to be so weak, but just lightly poked the door and it broke.

This peach wood sword is not even a spiritual tool in Jiang Mian's eyes. If one day she can build a foundation in this world, she can refine a spiritual tool for the heavenly master.

Shaking his head, throwing away these chaotic thoughts, Jiang Mian came to the classroom on the first floor and gently awakened the heavenly master.

Zuo Xingping opened his eyes in confusion, Jiang Mian was possessed, with a look of surprise: "Dad, you are awake, you fell asleep just now."

"Am I asleep?" Zuo Xingping was still a little confused.

"Yes." Jiang Mian said pretentiously, "I'll help you in."

It must be the female ghost who caused the trouble, Zuo Xingping reacted immediately, not believing that he actually did something.

He stood up abruptly, the stool rubbed off the ground and made a harsh sound, which shocked Jiang Mian, wondering if her acting skills were not enough?

"Mianmian, are you okay?" Zuo Xingping's aura changed in an instant. He hugged Jiang Mian behind him, looked around sharply, and picked up the peach wood sword on the table.

With a click, the tip of the mahogany sword fell to the ground.

Zuo Xingping: "???"

"Dad, I accidentally broke your sword." Jiang Mian said, "I'm sorry, it's me."

"It's okay," Zuo Xingping said quickly, "This is not worth any money, three dollars a hand, I still have a lot."

Jiang Mian: "..."

What the Heavenly Master didn't say was that although the Taomu Sword was worth three yuan, because of his long-term use, it already had spirituality and was a powerful weapon against ghosts.

But how could he be willing to tell the truth to make his daughter feel guilty?

Confirming that the baby girl is okay, Zuo Xingping, who did not find anything wrong, took Jiang Mian around the entire teaching building, and found that the teaching building was clean and there was nothing. The last confused and Jiang Mian left the school. .

When he returned to the apartment, Zuo Xingping did not live there. He gave Jiang Mian the broken peach wood sword, and then left. Jiang Mian couldn't stop shouting, so he had to let him go.

Jiang Mian meditated all night, digesting the newly acquired spiritual energy, and then lay down in bed at dawn, and it was already noon when he woke up.

Mother Liu made a meal and was setting the dining table. Seeing Jiang Mian coming out of the bedroom, she was taken aback and said sincerely, "Miss, you are beautiful again."

No matter how beautiful the person is, the state of getting up will not be too good, but the young girl in front of her, the skin is like fat, the skin is tender and can pinch water, like the same flower bud that is waiting to be placed, so amazing that people can't move their eyes.

Even if I saw it every day, Liu Ma still felt that Jiang Mian was more beautiful every day than the day before. This was an indescribable feeling.

"Thank you." When I got up, I heard the words of compliment, which was naturally pleasing. Jiang Mian sat at the dining table to eat.

She found that there were several unfamiliar missed calls on the phone, and the numbers showed the same.

After thinking about it, she was about to call back, but unfortunately the phone rang, which happened to be this number.

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows and connected to the phone. A familiar voice rang out: "Is it Miss Jiang? This is Liu Hong."

Director Zhang's assistant Liu is called Liu Hong.

Jiang Mian's heart moved: "It's me."

Assistant Liu coughed: "It's Ms. Jiang. Director Zhang appreciates the clips of your audition very much, but there is also a student who performed very well. Director Zhang is not sure for a while. I want to invite you to try another clip. ..."

Jiang Mian interrupted him: "Is the other person called Guan Xin?"

Assistant Liu was not surprised how she knew, and answered sincerely: "Yes."

Jiang Mian smiled: "Okay, when?"

Assistant Liu talked about the time and place, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the Junlai Hotel where Director Zhang stayed.

On the phone, Assistant Liu tapped on her side to inquire about the relationship between her and Qin Jingrun, but after tapping for a long time, there was no meaningful information.

Turning his head, he told Director Zhang that the latter was immersed in the documents, frowning very tightly, and without raising his head, he just laughed: "This girl is a bit interesting."

Assistant Liu did not praise the sentence, but he only hesitated. He could see that Director Zhang liked Jiang Mian more. He even disliked Guan Xin because of his appearance last night, but the person behind Guan Xin was the total investor in the show. , Calling Guan Xin to play the heroine.

It happened that Jiang Mian had something to do with Qin Jingrun, neither side was offended, so there was such a "retest" between Jiang Mian and Guan Xin.

If Jiang Mian can crush Guan Xin overwhelmingly, Director Zhang can choose Jiang Mian without hesitation.

Director Zhang asked Assistant Liu to call Jiang Mian. Another purpose was to know the exact relationship between her and Qin Jingrun, so as to make a better decision. However, Jiang Mian didn't know a word, and Qin Jingrun also didn't laugh.

If it's a couple relationship, it's not like it.

Qin Jingrun Jie has been self-conscious for so many years. Many actresses want to gossip with him, but he has put an end to them. If it is true, even if it is hidden from the outside, it will be revealed internally, and will not be so concealed.

Jiang Mian didn't know the entanglement of Director Zhang. After hanging up the phone, thinking about Guan Xin's feelings when she received the news, she ate more bowl of rice in a happy mood.

Jiang Mian looked at the get out of class schedule. The last class was an animal simulation class, and she had to ask for a leave.

The teacher of the simulation class is very popular in the school, but it is notoriously strict. His class must be present. If anyone is absent, he will write it down in a small book and be punished next time in class.

The original owner was punished by him to simulate a praying mantis before, and the angry original owner almost slammed the door and left. The professor said calmly: "Out of the classroom, you don't need to take this course this semester."

If it were to fail, it wouldn't be even worse than Guan Xin, so the original owner had to stop.

Since then, she and the professor's Liangzi have forged.

The professor's surname is Jiang, and his name is Jiang Xunian. There is a separate office in the school, and Jiang Mian knocks on the door properly.

"Come in."

"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Mian walked in and presented a request for leave.

She didn't expect that Professor Jiang was so young, she thought he was an old man of 40 or 50 years old.

Jiang Xu was not in school some time ago, and the animal simulation class was temporarily taught by other teachers, so it was the first time Jiang Mian saw this professor.

He wears glasses, a light blue shirt, handsome eyebrows, high temperament, with his head hung down and flipping through the information, packaging and packaging, he can make his debut.

You deserve to be a professor at the film school, and even a teacher can grow up to be like this. It's no wonder that even though Jiang Xunian is very strict, the students love his class.

Jiang Xunian glanced at the fake note, then raised his eyes to look at Jiang Mian, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Of course he knew Jiang Mian, and the other party competed with him in various ways in class, which made him more impressed.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a while, the other person seemed to change their appearance.

If it were before, how could he talk to him so politely, he would have breathed fire at him like a little pepper.

Jiang Xunian's eyebrows were twisted imperceptibly. He clasped his hands on the table and looked at Jiang Mian's eyes: "Today's animal simulation class is the first class I came back to. You asked for leave. Could it be because of me? Come back, so I don’t want to go, right?"

Jiang Mian: "?"

Jiang Xunian: "Student Jiang Mian, the content you learn in the animal simulation class will be of great help to your future acting career. If you want to enter the entertainment industry in the future, it is better not to be willful."

"Mr. Jiang, it's really something." Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry. "I'm going to try the show."

Jiang Xunian: "Try the show?"

There is nothing to say about this, Jiang Mian said: "Yesterday Director Zhang came to the school to cast a cast. I went to try, and today he told me to retake the test."

Jiang Xunian: "Director Zhang Zhixin?"

Jiang Mian nodded.

"Congratulations, it's a good opportunity, take it well." Jiang Xunian didn't ask any more, and gave it a fake.

Jiang Mian stepped out of the office, took a few steps, and looked back at Jiang Xunian's office.

She remembered.

The plot of the original book is too long. The introduction to Jiang Xunian in the book has always been called Professor Jiang, and the drama came out later, causing her to fail to react.

Jiang Xunian is one of the important male pairings in the book. He has a relationship with the military at home and has a strong background. He came to the film academy to teach only because of his interest.

Later, I met the heroine at a banquet, and the heroine was made things difficult for by the heroine. Jiang Xunian saw it and thought that the heroine was his student, so he made a move to relieve the heroine.

I got acquainted with the heroine one after another, all kinds of protection of the heroine. At that time, the original protagonist was looking for the female protagonist twice in three days, and he had confronted Jiang Xunian many times. Unlike other male counterparts, he did not target the original protagonist too much.

However, the author of the original book estimated that it was to reunite the male and female protagonists and prevent her from entanglement with other male partners too much. In the end, Jiang Xunian was given a box lunch by the author with a sentence of "accidental car accident, death on the spot".

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian thought, if possible in the future, I should remind Professor Jiang to stay away from the heroine.

I took a taxi to the Junlai Hotel, entered the hotel lobby, and found that Guan Xin had actually arrived, and Assistant Liu was also there.

Jiang Mian smiled.

Guan Xin's face changed slightly when she saw her, disgust flashed across her eyes, and soon returned to normal, but her hand hanging by her side was clenched tightly.

She saw Director Zhang alone last night, and even dressed up as Director Zhang's first love. The man told her that the heroine must belong to her.

And after she tried the play last night, Director Zhang looked at her with complicated eyes. She knew that at that moment, Director Zhang regarded her as her first love girlfriend, indicating that she was very successful in acting.

After leaving, she was 100% sure in her heart, but she didn't expect that she would receive a call from Assistant Liu the next day, asking her to go back to the exam again, or with Jiang Mian.

He kept saying that he would no longer be entangled with Qiwen. In that case, why do you want to rob her? !

After all, she didn't put down Qiwen at all, she deliberately wanted to be against herself and deliberately humiliated her.

That being the case, she must hit Jiang Mian in the face severely this time!

The hotel has a conference room, and Assistant Liu took the two of them to a conference room.

In addition to Director Zhang, there was also a young man in a suit and leather shoes, and the two were talking.

Seeing the man, Guan Xin's eyes flashed unexpectedly, and there was a faint touch. He didn't expect him to come in person.

Jiang Mian noticed her expression, raised her eyebrows when she saw it, and looked at the man carefully.

About 30 years old, he looks good, typical domineering president Fan, but Jiang Mian has a super local father, this is really not enough for her.

Director Zhang asked him to take out two A4 papers to the two of them: "This is a clip of your retest. It takes three minutes to prepare. Who will come first?"

"Let me just look at her." The man suddenly said, and pointed his finger at Guan Xin, "Director Zhang, although I don't understand drama, but at any rate this drama is my investment. I also watched the script. It looks like this young lady. It seems to be more in line with the character in the script."

"Mr. Shen is right, but the appearance is only a bonus item. The real thing depends on the actors' interpretation of the character." Director Zhang glanced at Jiang Mian without leaving a trace. "But since it's Mr. Shen, Guan Xin, come first."

"Okay." Guan Xin nodded and said softly to President Shen, "Thank you, President Shen."

People will always have preconceived notions. As long as she can perform this drama as amazing, Jiang Mian will try again, and she will be overwhelmed by her.

And she has this confidence.

Jiang Mian looked at the so-called Mr. Shen, and after a while, his long eyelashes were lowered, covering the shocking killing intent that suddenly rose in his eyes.

President Shen——Shen Shiqing, he had already appeared at this time.

The book has always revealed that Guan Xin had someone behind her to help her, and it was only in the later period that Shen Shiqing showed up completely, competing with the male protagonist for the female lead, and the two fought very fiercely.

This person is the villain in the book, cruel, and whoever upsets the heroine or bullies the heroine, he must retaliate and clear the obstacles for the heroine.

After the last father of the original owner received the lunch, the man finally found the opportunity to find someone to break the original owner's legs.

Original book description:

Jiang Mian was covered with black cloth, the sky was raining heavily, and the rain fell on her coldly. She was dragged to the ground by her hair, the gravel cut her skin, and her whole body was hurting. However, this was just the beginning. She couldn't see it, she could only hear the man's grin, and then the pain came from her leg, again and again.

Her mouth was blocked by a stinky rag, and she curled up in pain, but she couldn't make any sound.

Dad, it hurts so much, you come to save me...


Jiang Mian raised his eyes and looked at Shen Shiqing faintly. The latter seemed to be aware of it and looked at Jiang Mian.

Guan Xin confidently said to the director: "Director Zhang, I'm ready."

Director Zhang: "Let's start."

"Wait." Jiang Mian slowly raised the end of his eyes and smiled, "Miss Guan, when did I agree to let you try the show first?"