Guan Xin blurted out: "What do you mean?"

"Director Zhang." Jiang Mian ignored her, "Since you called me over to try the show, it must be for fairness. In that case, whoever tries the show first, why not make a lottery decision and ask someone else to appoint it. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Shen Shiqing, and met the latter’s sinking gaze unsurprisingly: “Although Mr. Shen is an investor, you also say that you don’t understand drama. Regarding the trial, Mr. Shen still waits and sees. Okay. Otherwise, it is easy for people to doubt whether there is any unclear relationship between Mr. Shen and Miss Guan, otherwise, why do they favor Miss Guan so much?"

"Jiang Mian!" Guan Xin was furious. Jiang Mian's words were like putting a hat on her and Shen Shiqing's heads, just to show that she only got this opportunity through Shen Shiqing, and how she was not angry.

"You are deceiving too much!" Her eyes were red, but she stubbornly did not let the tears flow. This gesture easily aroused a man's desire for protection.

Jiang Mian was surprised: "Ms. Guan, where do you start? Where did I bully you? So many people here are watching, aren't you slandering my personality and spitting blood."

"I just said casually. If you and Mr. Shen are innocent, and you are not afraid of the shadow crooked, why bother to be so angry, right?"

Guan Xin couldn't say a word that was blocked.

"Miss Jiang, although you are young, you are an adult." Shen Shiqing said, he smiled, and his gloomy breath was fleeting. He looked like a gentleman and could deceive many people. "Some words should be said, some If you shouldn’t say something, you must be very clear, and beware of misfortune."

"I'm sorry, I've always been used to it. Since Mr. Shen has nothing to do with Miss Guan—" Jiang Mian said to Director Zhang, "What do you think of my proposal just now?"

Director Zhang: "..."

As if he knew Jiang Mian again, he looked up and down Jiang Mian. Since this girl knew that Shen Shiqing was an investor, she still dared to confront Shen Shiqing. Even if she takes the role of the heroine, she is not afraid that Shen Shiqing will trip her. ?

Unless she is not afraid at all.

The undaunted confidence came either from himself or from behind, he couldn't help but think of Qin Jingrun...

Qin Jingrun has the highest traffic in the circle, and everyone who knows him knows that, despite the gentleness of the top actor, he has a very tough temper, and most people can't move him at all.

And the girl in front of her, to the extent of being just like Qin Jingrun.

Dao Zhang's thoughts turned sharply, but he didn't show up on his face. After a moment of pondering, he said, "You are right, then draw lots."

Guan Xin looked at Dao Zhang in disbelief.

Shen Shiqing's expression was uncertain, his eyes turned around Jiang Mian, and finally fell on Guan Xin, giving her a soothing look.

Guan Xin took a deep breath and reminded herself not to mess with Fang Cun. Jiang Mian did this deliberately, just to make her mentally disturbed, so that she would miss the play.

When the lottery result came out, Jiang Mian held a piece of paper with one in his hand, and said to Guan Xin, whose expression was about to be disguised: "Oh, Miss Guan, I'm sorry, I'll start now."

Guan Xin pinched her hands. The drama she performed last time received many praises. The tutor and several directors in the audience bluntly stated that she is talented and a natural actor, and the future can be expected.

And what about Jiang Mian?

Even if her acting skills have improved, in addition to pretending to be pitiful, how can she compare with herself.

Thinking of the scene of Jiang Mian's last car accident at the party, Guan Xin calmed down and smiled softly at Jiang Mian, with a hint of veiled disdain: "Please."

Jiang Mian naturally knew that Guan Xin was waiting for her to make a fool of herself, and then slapped her in the face.

The scene of the re-examination is a scene where the male and female protagonist met after 20 years. Because the male protagonist missed the appointment, the female protagonist slapped the male protagonist. There are only three lines in the line. The focus is on this slap. Emotions.

Jiang Mian looked around, and finally fell on Shen Shiqing with a sweet smile: "President Shen, do I have the honor to invite you to play with me?"

Shen Shiqing: "..."

This woman is so courageous, knowing that he is angry, she dares to invite him to act.

It happened that she cleverly smiled, and when she stood there with her lips curled and smiled, she couldn't refuse him.

Shen Shiqing agreed, and he approached Jiang Mian, looking at Jiang Mian as if he was looking at some prey.

Jiang Mian's long eyelashes trembled lightly, and cold eyes appeared. When he raised his eyes again, his eye sockets were already red. He walked to Shen Shiqing in three steps in two steps and talked about the first line of the heroine in the play: "Twenty years, Song Yunan, I have been waiting for you for 20 years!"

She raised her hand and slapped Shen Shiqing's face with a severe slap.


Very crisp sound.

Everyone was stunned, including Shen Shiqing himself, whose head was skewed by Jiang Mian's strength.

Immediately afterwards, five bright red fingerprints floated up, looking a little shocked.

Deathly silence all around.

Time seemed to be slowed down, and Shen Shiqing's head turned back and forth frame by frame.

The only one who was not surprised was naturally Jiang Mian. She stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes widened as if she was startled, and she reacted immediately, and said hurriedly: "Ah, sorry, President Shen, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to fake it. Hit, accidentally..."

At that moment, Shen Shiqing's eyes became extremely terrifying, Jiang Mian pretended to be scared, and whispered: "Why don't you call back?"

As long as he dares to fight, she dares to abandon his hand.

It depends on whether he dares to fight.

Shen Shiqing strode out of the conference room with a clear face, Jiang Mian looked at his back, and regret flashed in his eyes.

You are fighting.

A few seconds later, the silent meeting room was broken by Guan Xin's slightly sharp voice: "Jiang Mian, you are terrible, how can you hit people casually!"

"I didn't hit anyone." Jiang Mian was aggrieved, "I said I was not careful."

Guan Xin was going crazy, Shen Shiqing appeared here for her, but he was slapped by Jiang Mian here, she could not imagine Shen Shiqing's temperament...

For a moment she forgot that Director Zhang and Assistant Liu were still in the meeting and looked at Jiang Mian coldly: "Jiang Mian, do you know what you are doing! Don't think that if you have money in your family, you can be arrogant and do whatever you want. There are far more rich and powerful people in this world than your family. If you dare to beat President Shen, you can do a good job of being caught by President Shen..."

Director Zhang couldn't listen anymore, coughed, Guan Xin's voice stopped abruptly, and then she realized that Director Zhang was still there, her face changed and changed again, and finally she said nothing.

Director Zhang had a headache. He hadn't expected the situation to develop into this situation.

The investor was beaten by Jiang Mian, and he was also responsible. If Shen Shiqing withdrew his investment... However, the strange thing was that he would not be angry with Jiang Miansheng.

On the contrary, there is an inexplicable sense of swelling.

It took him a lot of effort to prepare for this new play. He wanted to find the heroine that fits his heart best. He liked Jiang Mian. For one thing, Qin Jingrun was involved, and secondly, he really felt that Jiang Mian was suitable.

However, Shen Shiqing appointed Guan Xin to perform. Guan Xin's acting skills are indeed good, but with Jiang Mian Zhuyu in front, there is little feeling about Guan Xin's performance.

So he gave Guan Xin the opportunity to try it alone for the second time, but what made him unbearable was that Guan Xin acted as his first love!

But because of Shen Shiqing, even if he was angry, he couldn't show it.

Director Zhang's heart became a mess, and finally waved his hand in annoyance, and said unceremoniously: "You go back first, and talk about it after the trial."

"Okay." Jiang Mian nodded obediently, and then walked out of the hotel honestly, without seeing any trouble.

Guan Xin stared at her back and crushed her silver teeth. After a while, she dialed the number of Assistant Shen Shiqing, and a formulaic voice sounded over there: "Miss Guan, you go back first."

Guan Xin bit her lip: "Shen... is he okay?"

"This is not the question you should ask."

Guan Xin's face turned pale. After hanging up, she was stunned and Gu Qiwen called.

After a pause, she connected: "Close, how is it?"

Guan Xin didn't speak, and Gu Qiwen's voice became a little louder: "What happened?"

"Nothing." She shook her head and couldn't let Gu Qiwen know about Shen Shiqing's existence. "Director Zhang said to try again next time, not today."

"Did Jiang Mian do something?" Gu Qiwen's voice sank, saying every word, "She said she won't bother me anymore, she won't trouble you anymore."

Guan Xin didn't speak, making Gu Qiwen more and more sure that Jiang Mian did something bad to Guan Xin again.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good." Gu Qiwen said, "I will pick you up right away, you are waiting for me."

Guan Xin whispered: "No, you have a class, I will come back by myself."

She hated seeing Jiang Mian again, so she left from another road, so she didn't see a car parked next to Jiang Mian-the car Shen Shiqing often asked to pick her up.

Seeing the two bodyguards getting out of the car with a murderous look, ordinary people saw it, fearing that they would immediately panic, but Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Bodyguard a sullenly said: "President Shen, please take a trip."

Jiang Mian: "What if I don't agree."

"Mr. Shen said, I will ask you to get in the car anyway." Bodyguard b said, "If you don't get in the car, you will try to beat people in the circle, and soon you will be on fire."

Jiang Mian tilted his head and smiled, "Threatening me."

The bodyguard did not speak, Jiang Mian thought for a while, and suddenly said readily: "Okay, I will go with you."

The two bodyguards were stunned, not knowing why, but their intuition as professional bodyguards told them that there seemed to be some kind of danger approaching.

Without waiting for them to think about it, Jiang Mian got in the car quickly: "Let's go."

It seems that her slap is not too hard. Since the other party took the initiative to send her face, she didn't want to slap her, it seems not very good.

The car stopped at a high-end clubhouse, and as soon as it entered the clubhouse, bodyguards in black clothes and black trousers were all around. It looked like a charming girl without any force, like a lamb entering a tiger's mouth.

Pushing open the door of a box, Shen Shiqing sat on the sofa, apparently not long ago, holding a pack of ice cubes in his hand and pressing it on his left cheek.

Jiang Mian's slap contained spiritual power, which would not spit Shen Shiqing into blood, but also made his face swell and sore for at least one night.

The door closed with a click, and suddenly only Jiang Mian and Shen Shiqing were left in the room. Jiang Mian looked around, "Is there any surveillance?"

Shen Shiqing: "..."

He thought he would see a frightened and trembling Jiang Mian, but he didn't expect that after the other party came in, not only would he not be afraid, but he would look around with interest and didn't pay him any attention.

Shen Shiqing smiled back in anger. The pain from his left cheek touched his nerves. He suppressed the urge to strangle the woman in front of him, and said, "Do you know where this is?"

Jiang Mian hesitated, "Isn't that your site."

The atmosphere created by Shen Shiqing's pretense was broken by Jiang Mian's words. He was stagnant for a moment, and for a moment he didn't know how to continue.

Jiang Mian asked again: "Is there monitoring?"

Shen Shiqing sneered, without speaking, Jiang Mian understood that this is Shen Shiqing's exclusive place, and no one dared to install surveillance in this room.

"Very good." Jiang Mian smiled, walked to the door, and locked the box door under Shen Shiqing's surprised eyes.

Soon Shen Shiqing understood what Jiang Mian was going to do. He didn't understand until he passed out. He asked Jiang Mian to come here to teach Jiang Mian. How could he be the one being taught?

And he, a big man, can't even beat a woman!

Shen Shiqing's bodyguards have always been very practical. Once Shen Shiqing calls someone to his exclusive room, the bodyguards will consciously step back.

The door was locked and the sound insulation effect was good. No one noticed that their boss had been beaten as a dog.

When Jiang Mian went out, she said: "Mr. Shen is asleep, I'm leaving."

The bodyguards looked at each other, one stopped Jiang Mian, the other went to the room, and found that Shen Shiqing was lying on the sofa, really asleep, there was no reason not to let Jiang Mian go.

Therefore, Jiang Mian was invited over politely, and was sent out politely after hitting someone. As for what Shen Shi wakes up like—

Jiang Mian called the actor father, of course he had to rely on the actor father at this time.

Just after attending an event, Qin Jingrun received a call from her baby girl, and a warm smile suddenly appeared on his face. At this time, he had not left the scene, so countless shots captured his gentle smile.

"Dad, are you busy now?"

"Not busy." Qin Jingrun, "Does the baby miss me?"

Jiang Mian touched his nose and gave an unashamed hum.

Qin Jingrun's voice was soft. The baby girl never said to miss him before. He said, "Daddy sent someone to pick you up?"

Jiang Mian thought it would be better to have a face-to-face interview. She nodded and waited for the actor father to send someone to pick her up. As for where to go, the actor father would make arrangements, so she didn't have to worry about it.

There is a mall next to me, thinking that I haven't visited this world before, so I decided to enjoy it and go to the mall.

In the world of cultivation in the previous life, Jiang Mian was immersed in cultivation and lived a life of ascetic cultivation, and he had never enjoyed it well.

Now is the time to enjoy the fun of being a mortal.

However, after walking around, she didn't know what to buy. She didn't lack anything, and finally went into a famous watch store, planning to buy four watches, one for each dad.

When the shopping guide heard that Jiang Mian wanted to buy four watches, he knew that big business was coming, and enthusiastically gathered around Jiang Mian and introduced which one is better.

Jiang Mian relied on her understanding to choose according to each father's preference, and when it was the turn of the detective father, she was worried.

So far, she hasn't seen the detective father, who has gone out to handle the case.

I don't know what kind of personality the detective father is. The original owner's memory is very vague. Jiang Mian couldn't get effective information, and finally chose the money based on feelings.

"Miss, a total of three million four hundred and twenty thousand." The shopping guide was already smiling and could not see her teeth. The first time she met such a refreshing customer, more than three million, she could get a lot of commissions, so she can be upset. Well.

Those in their line of business like this kind of customers the most.

Jiang Mian took out the card to pay the bill, then went to the coffee shop, ordered a latte, and sat in the seat waiting for the person sent by the actor father.

Just sitting down, the phone rang with an unfamiliar number, Jiang Mian connected, and Gu Qiwen's voice came from the receiver: "Jiang Mian, where are you?"

It sounds calm.

Gu Qiwen actually called her, but Jiang Mian hung up without saying a word.

After Gu Qiwen called again, Jiang Mian was too lazy to watch, and he directly joined the blacklist. Feeling that it is not cost-effective, I pulled the number out again, and then blacked it out after sending a message.

What she posted was:-Pay attention to the color of the hat on your head.

This is her kind suggestion. As for believe it or not, that's his own business. Jiang Mian happily blacked out the number again.

Without the interruption of idlers, Jiang Mian clicked on Weibo to learn about the latest entertainment news, which helped her to learn more about the circle.

As soon as I swiped it, I saw that the actor father was listed on the hot search list, the entry was very eye-catching [Qin Jingrun’s mysterious girlfriend]

Qin Jingrun is now a well-known national male god. His fans range from eighty to eighty years old. There are not only female fans but also male fans.

For so many years, fans have been very concerned about Qin Jingrun's marital status. Everyone does not want their male **** to marry other people. The male **** belongs to everyone. Once married, he becomes someone else's.

In the past, if a female star tied Qin Jingrun and wanted to get hot, she would be torn by the fan base. Almost no female star had a fan fighting power comparable to that of Qin Jingrun’s fans, which led to the fact that even if someone wanted to get hot again, she would not dare to make a scandal. Up

For this reason, fans are complacent and feel that they have kept the "innocence" of the male **** again and again.

Fans are unwilling to marry the goddess while worrying that the goddess will always be single. In short, it is very contradictory.

Because Qin Jingrun was single, it was rumored on the Internet that he liked men for a while, so he was single and never married.

Seeing this entry, Jiang Mian's curiosity immediately aroused. She really wanted to see who the actor father's girlfriend was.

It's been a while since I came to this world, and now Jiang Mian doesn't know why the original owner has four relatives, and the author of the original book hasn't explained it.

In the memory of the original owner, there is no such person as his mother.

Jiang Mian asked Tianshi Daddy on the sidelines--because Tianshi Daddy had better fool around. As a result, Tianshi Daddy didn't know if he didn't understand or played stupid, and changed the topic.

What she has learned so far is that she has four relatives. The information about their relatives is unknown. The four relatives are single. Except for the celestial father, the others are all diamond kings.

Jiang Mian tapped into the entry with his fingertips, and a short video forwarded by major marketing accounts appeared instantly. The time was only a few seconds. When Qin Jingrun exited the scene of the event, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and smiled at it.

The short video has several different angles. The photographer wanted to see exactly what Qin Jingrun's phone showed on his phone to make him smile so softly and intoxicatingly.

This smile was too eye-catching and too easy to make people think about it. Those with strong brain replenishment ability immediately thought that this was the only way to laugh like this with the one they loved.

Therefore, the major marketing accounts have reposted that Qin Jingrun has a girlfriend, and they just fry the popularity and put it on the hot search.

Many people are digging into Qin Jingrun's so-called girlfriend.

"What? Brother Qin has a girlfriend!!" There was a scream from the next table, and the voices of a few females joined together, and Jiang Mian could clearly hear their voices.

"Absolutely impossible! It must be someone shameless who wants to rub Brother Qin's heat."

"It's just a smile. In order to keep up the enthusiasm, the marketing account made a mess of conscience, over-interpreted, and misinterpreted the meaning."

"That is, I don't believe that Brother Qin will have a girlfriend. Even if he does, it can only be me!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

It was crazy, no wonder the other fathers agreed with the movie emperor father that they would never expose his relationship with Jiang Mian—this agreement was told by the heavenly master father.

It is because of these female fans.

Just thinking about it, the actor father sent a message asking where she was. Jiang Mian directly sent a location, and then continued to wait for the driver's call.

"There are people here." Jiang Mian said without raising his head when he felt someone sitting on the other side.

"I know, it's my baby who is sitting." A familiar voice sounded from the top of his head, and Jiang Mian raised his head fiercely, staring dumbly at the actor father who was right in front of him.

"Dad." She reacted, subduing her voice, "Why are you here? What if someone finds out."

The key is that the actor father wore a peaked cap, so he shouldn't be too ostentatious.

"As long as you act too surprised, you won't be discovered." The actor father blinked at Jiang Mian. The baby girl's surprised and worried expression was too cute.

Jiang Mian helped her forehead and listened to the familiar tone of the movie emperor father, which made her wonder if he often did this.

Qin Jingrun sat down opposite Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian looked around without leaving a trace, and he was relieved when he found that no one had noticed here.

"Want to go to the video game city to play, Dad will take you to play." Qin Jingrun suggested, without the consciousness of being a superstar at all.

My baby girl once mentioned that she wanted to go to the video game city with him, but when she entered the video game city, he was recognized before he started playing, and then had to use the mall security to leave. After that, the baby girl never asked him about this. Claim.

Qin Jingrun was very guilty and always wanted to make up.

Jiang Mian shook her head, too sassy, ​​she didn't want to be surrounded.

Upon seeing this, Qin Jingrun's eyes flashed with a trace of loss, but he concealed it well, and then took Jiang Mian out of the cafe.

It was 7:30 in the evening. It was the peak period. There were a lot of people in the shopping mall. Jiang Mian was led by the actor's father. There was an urge to cover his face-so even if Qin Jingrun was recognized, he would not See who she is.

Fortunately, her worries were superfluous. The father and daughter arrived in the parking lot safely, and no one recognized them.

After getting on the bus, Qin Jingrun handed Jiang Mian a beautiful little cake: "You're hungry, eat to fill your stomach first."

Jiang Mianli went back and forth and took out the watch chosen for the actor father.

"Thank you baby." Qin Jingrun immediately took the watch that was given to him by the sponsor, worth more than two million yuan, put it in the car box at will, and put the watch given by the baby **** his wrist.

While eating the cake, Jiang Mian told Qin Jingrun about the matter at the Junlai Hotel today, and then went to the clubhouse to beat Shen Shiqing. As long as Shen Shiqing had a good face, he would definitely ruin the matter. In the belly, no one would say.

Finally sighed: "Dad, what do you say, I beat the total investor."

"Good fight." After listening to Jiang Mian's words, Qin Jingrun touched the smooth hair of her baby daughter, with anger growing in her eyes, "Leave it to Dad to take care of this matter. I can bully you."

"Thank you, Dad." Jiang Mian smiled and bent his eyes. It feels really good to have a backing. No wonder the original owner would do that~

"What are you polite with Dad?" Qin Jingrun pulled a piece of paper towel to wipe the cake on the face of the baby girl.

Suddenly, I thought about my baby daughter’s birthday when she was a child, and she accidentally planted in a huge birthday cake. Everyone thought she would cry, but she didn’t cry. She grabbed the cake and ate it.

It turned the cute hearts of several of them.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingrun's eyes became more gentle, and at the same time, his anger toward Shen Shiqing grew deeper and deeper. He has been in the circle for decades, and now he has his current status. A Shen Shiqing is still not in his eyes.

Since the actor father said that she should not care about her, Jiang Mian freely left behind Shen Shiqing's affairs. Thinking of hot search, she stared at Qin Jingrun with a smile, who was stared at Qin Jingrun, "Is there something on Dad's face," Look at me like this?"

Jiang Mian shook his head, and then slowly said: "Dad, the hot search said you have a girlfriend, really?"

"Nonsense." Qin Jingrun has seen the hot searches on the Internet. He has never cared about the news on the Internet. Anyway, after a while, there will be a marketing account to rub his popularity and send him to the hot searches. He is used to it. .

Qin Jingrun: "Daddy has only one little lover in his life."

Jiang Mian was curious: "Who?"

The actor's father stretched out his slender fingers and lightly scratched the tip of the baby daughter's small nose: "Of course it is my baby."

Jiang Mian couldn't help it, his face blushed, fortunately his father.

She began to think weirdly that the reason why the original owner would like Gu Qiwen was probably because the four fathers were too good, and the one who came out was not so good, which attracted her attention instead.

When the light was green, Qin Jingrun answered the phone and frowned, "Now? Must go?"

Jiang Mian was flipping over the famous letter of the actor's father. Hearing this, Qin Jingrun hung up the phone. Jiang Mian said, "Dad, go and work if you have work. I'll take a taxi and go back."

Anyway, her purpose of seeing the actor father has been accomplished.

Qin Jingrun finally had time with his daughter. How could he be willing to separate from her baby girl so quickly? After thinking about it, he tentatively said: "I have a reception party, do you want to have fun?"

He tried his best to abduct his baby girl and go with him: "There are so many delicious things in it, it's better than the cake you just ate."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian black thread, the actor father really treats her as a three-year-old baby.

However, Jiang Mian hesitated when he met Qin Jingrun's self-concealed look of anticipation, "If I go, will I cause you trouble?"

"Of course not." Hearing the baby girl's intention, Qin Jingrun added another fire, "This is a private cocktail party with businessmen, only a few people in the circle, no media, and they will sign an agreement before entering the party. No one will reveal the situation at the reception."

"It's okay to be responsible for eating after you go in." He felt that his daughter seemed to have lost weight recently, and she had to bring some meat back.

When it comes to this, Jiang Mian readily agreed.

Qin Jingrun took Jiang Mian back to his place first.

Except for Tianshi's father, who lives in an unfixed place, every father's house has Jiang Mian's room. Although Jiang Mian can't live in, Qin Jingrun still often stuffs clothes into the room for her baby girl.

Going back now is to get the dress.

Qin Jingrun sometimes saw beautiful dresses, thinking that her baby girl would look good, so he would let Lin Xi buy them and put them in the cloakroom, and they would always fill the room.

"Baby wears this." Qin Jingrun took out a big gift box from the cloakroom. "I bought it last time in London. You must look good on it."

The box opened, and inside was a small pink strapless dress. The skirt was dotted with numerous broken diamonds, which shone brightly under the light.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Didn't you say that I am responsible for eating and eating? It's not good to dress like this." Jiang Mian struggled. Although the skirt is very beautiful, it is too ostentatious.

"Even if you eat, you have to dress up and eat." This is Qin Jingrun's first time taking her baby daughter to a public place. Although he can't tell others about their relationship, it does not prevent the actor father from trying to dress up his daughter. The most beautiful one in the audience.

The actor father took out the skirt like a baby, looking at Jiang Mian expectantly.

Jiang Mian accepted her fate, and when she was replaced, she found that there was another person in the living room-Xia Qi.

Xia Qi's home is nearby. He was temporarily called by Qin Jingrun to put on makeup for Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian’s long hair was pulled up by Xia Qi with a hairpin, revealing her white and beautiful neck. Qin Jingrun found another gemstone necklace to put on Jiang Mian. She seemed to have become a doll of two big men, letting them play the game. .

After everything was cleaned up, Xia Qi sighed: "I can guarantee that Xiao Mian Mian will be the most beautiful girl in the cocktail party tonight."


Jiang Mian was lethargic and yawned, "Are you okay?"

Qin Jingrun was very satisfied, ignoring the words of her baby girl, and said to Xia Qi: "Let's put her hair down."

"Why?" Jiang Mian's hairstyle was created by Xia Qi.

Qin Jingrun frowned and said anxiously: "It's so good, what if someone at the banquet touches Mianmian?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Xia Qi rolled her eyes and stared at him: "Did you eat dry food?"

Think about it, Qin Jingrun didn't say anything, and carefully helped her baby girl into the car.

——In order to match makeup and clothes, Jiang Mian also put on high heels 10 cm high.

Is it easy for her to eat something!

He got in the car again and found that Xia Qi hadn't followed. Jiang Mian wondered: "Uncle Xia will not go with him?"

"His position is too low, no one asked." Qin Jingrun replied smoothly.

Xia Qi jumped: "Whoever has a low position, is that Lao Tzu rejected it!"

On the way, Jiang Mian asked tentatively: "Dad, do you think someone with a personality like Uncle Xia is more likely to suffer from depression?"

Qin Jingrun: "Unless the sow can also climb the tree."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Forget it, let's stop talking.

Upon arriving at the reception, the doorman opened the door, and when the father and daughter stepped on the red carpet to walk in, all their eyes turned, and the noisy hall suddenly fell silent.

Both father and daughter ignored these gazes. Qin Jingrun took Jiang Mian straight to the food area. Some people came to look for him. These people's eyes fell on Jiang Mian from time to time, and the surprise in their eyes could not be hidden.

"Mr. Qin, is this...?"

"Junior at home."

Jiang Mian found that many people came to Qin Jingrun. After the latter had dealt with the wave, Jiang Mian finally found a chance: "Daddy, go ahead, I'll go there to eat."

Qin Jingrun naturally didn't worry about leaving her alone. Jiang Mian slid away quickly, and then someone came to look for him. When he looked again, the baby girl was gone.

Qin Jingrun: "..."

Without Qin Jingrun by his side, Jiang Mian received much less sight. When someone came to talk to her, she smiled and didn't speak. Gradually others understood, and those who were interested would not come together again. Jiang Mian was calm and happy.

"Are you Jing Run's girlfriend?" A voice sounded behind him.

Jiang Mian turned around, talking to a woman wearing a red dress. The close-fitting skirt outlined the enchanting posture of the woman, charming and moving.

Jiang Mian knows her, a well-known big name in the circle, the actress Yu Sizhu.

It is being spread in the circle that the actress has not married for so many years because she likes Qin Jingrun and has been waiting for him.

He politely smiled at Yu Sizhu, Jiang Mian did not speak, turned around and ate another piece of cake.

The purpose of the reception is to accompany the actor father, and to eat. She doesn't want to do other things, so just don't provoke her.

Yu Sizhu couldn't help worrying about her face with a little girl, so she could only watch Jiang Mian carrying food, like a beautiful butterfly flying across the room, attracting a lot of attention.

Jiang Mian didn't expect to see Qi Yanshu at this reception. In order to make sure that she did not read it wrong, she took a few more steps, and finally found that she did not read it wrong.

Qi Yanshu stood in the corner with no white cloth on his eyes, instead he wore black glasses to avoid light.

Why is he here?

Jiang Mian was about to walk over, when two men were walking towards Qi Yanshu. From her direction, one of them could be seen throwing a white object into the wine, shook it, and then handed the wine glass to Qi Yan. book.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Qi Yanshu took it, and Jiang Mian frowned.

The next second, Qi Yanshu poured the wine in his hand on the man's face.

Jiang Mian was happy and almost blurted out "OK".

Qi Yanshu, who had splashed all the people, accurately placed the empty wine glass on the tray next to him, without a word, turned and walked to the right corridor.

The person who was splashed wanted to get angry and was caught by the man next to him.

The party was huge, and the episode happening here did not affect the other side at all, so only a few people saw it. Jiang Mian thought about it, and followed it with a plate full of food.

The corridor is very long, and there are almost no people here. At the end, I found that the corridor is connected to an inner courtyard. There is a small fountain in the courtyard. The quietness here contrasts sharply with the crowded hall.

Jiang Mian looked around twice, but he didn't see Qi Yan's book. There would be no trouble for such a big person.

There was a bench in front of her. She was about to walk over and sit down. Just two steps later, there was a fist suddenly coming behind her.

Jiang Mian: "???"

She was holding the food in her hand, and wearing a ten-centimeter high heel under her feet, she did not expect to be attacked suddenly, and had to bend over to avoid in a hurry.

The visitor was fierce, and missed a blow, and the next move came again. Jiang Mian was inexplicably attacked, very angry, and threw the food on the ground: "I'm sick!"

She turned around and intercepted the opponent's wrist. Unexpectedly, the other party's strength suddenly tightened. Jiang Mian's hand became stronger for a while, and then she heard a click.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She discovered that the person who attacked her was Qi Yanshu.

The bad thing is--

Qi Yanshu's wrist was broken by her.

Jiang Mian: "..."