Jiang Mian let go of Qi Yanshu's wrist, looked at the corner of Qi Yanshu's mouth, and awkwardly tugged at the skirt: "Uncle Qi, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you."

She didn't know that it was Qi Yanshu who shot her, and she did not expect that the other party would suddenly withdraw force, and she did not keep her hands because of her anger.

"You don't need to apologize to me." Qi Yanshu's tight lips loosened, "I did it to you first, you are just a defense."

Because he couldn't see it, he recognized the wrong person.

The man's eyebrows, which were blocked by the glasses, twisted.

Jiang Mian guessed that Qi Yanshu probably regarded her as the man in the lobby who was drugging her in the wine, and when she heard her voice, she knew the wrong person, so she withdrew.

After a while, the corners of Qi Yanshu's mouth rose a little: "Good skill."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Are you still thinking about this at this time?

She looked at his limp wrist, didn't it really hurt?

"Let's go to the hospital right away." Jiang Mian helped his forehead, and Qi Yanshu found that he had admitted the wrong person and immediately withdrew his strength. She had already regressed. She broke his wrist and she was fully responsible.

She doesn't know how to drive, and she has to ask the actor father to help with this. She helped Qi Yanshu to sit on a chair: "Please bear with me, I will call someone immediately and wait for me."

Qi Yanshu nodded gently.

When Jiang Mian hurriedly returned to the hall to find Qin Jingrun, Qi Yanshu held up his right wrist, and it only took him a second to recover.

But he didn't want to do this.

Qin Jingrun is looking for her baby girl everywhere in the hall. The baby girl is so beautiful, without him watching, what if someone messes with her baby girl.

There were many people in the hall, and someone came to him to speak from time to time, which caused him to never find the figure of his baby girl, and then he was blocked by Yu Sizhu.

"Jing Run." Yu Sizhu handed him a glass of wine and smiled, "You are really busy, and finally I have a chance to talk to you."

Qin Jingrun has collaborated with many female stars, and Yu Sizhu is one of the female stars with the most collaborations.

In the eyes of others, Yu Sizhu may be very familiar with him, but only Yu Sizhu knows that she and Qin Jingrun can only be regarded as ordinary friends.

If it weren't because they had cooperated many times, she would still be an unknown person with Qin Jingrun.

"Thank you." Qin Jingrun took the drink. He has always been accustomed to keeping a distance from female stars and said, "Zong Yu is over there. I'll go and say hello to him."

Toward Yu Sizhu nodded politely, took a long leg and prepared to leave.

Yu Sizhu bit her red lip. She has been paying attention to him, knowing that he has been looking for someone, except for the girl who came with him, who else can she call?

"Are you looking for the little girl who came with you?" she said softly.

Qin Jingrun paused: "Did you see her?"

Yu Sizhu nodded slightly and pointed to the corridor not far away: "I saw her and a man walking there."

Upon hearing this, Qin Jingrun frowned slightly, and Yu Sizhu was happy. There was no one on the promenade. The young woman and the man left together. It was too easy for people to think about it.

She vaguely wanted to express that the female companion who came with you would leave you and other men behind. It is not normal to think about it.

Seeing Qin Jingrun walking towards the corridor, Yu Sizhu didn't even want to follow. Just two steps, she saw the beautiful butterfly coming out. She subconsciously looked at Qin Jingrun, and she saw a smile on his face. .

Yu Sizhu's face changed and changed.

"Dad." Jiang Mian came out and saw the actor father, stepping forward to take Qin Jingrun's arm, and was about to speak, but saw Yu Sizhu coming over, "Jingrun, don't you introduce this beautiful girl? , Yan pressure the audience."

She knew that this would make Qin Jingrun unhappy, but she wanted to know the relationship between this woman and Qin Jingrun too much.

Jiang Mian who inexplicably inhaled a wave of hostility: "..."

After thinking about it, she deliberately pulled the actor father's arm tighter, and then attached it to Qin Jingrun's ear: "Dad, I accidentally broke someone else's hand."

Qin Jingrun: "...?????"

Fortunately, the actor father is a big man who has seen the world. Even though his heart is surging, but his face is not obvious, he naturally said to Yu Sizhu: "Sorry, I am not accompanied." Then he took Jiang Mian to the side.

Yu Yinghou's expression management system gradually got out of control.

"Baby, what did you just say?" Qin Jingrun's surprise was revealed when he walked to a place to avoid people. He felt that he had auditory hallucinations, how could Jiao Didi's baby girl break someone else's wrist? !

"It was an accident." Jiang Mian coughed. "Now I have to take him to the hospital."

After seeing Qi Yanshu's situation, Qin Jingrun was silent.

Those who can come to the reception will not have bad status. Although he doesn't know who the other party is, since it is the baby girl who accidentally hurt the other party, the father is naturally responsible.

Qin Jingrun decided to personally send Qi Yanshu to the hospital, but Jiang Mian quickly stopped.

The sponsor of the cocktail party specially invited Qin Jingrun. Not long after the cocktail party started, if he left suddenly, it would be too shameful for the sponsor and easily offend others.

"Dad, you just have to let someone drive us to the hospital." Jiang Mian whispered, "Don't worry, I can handle it."

Qin Jingrun also knew that he was not leaving right now. Seeing that his baby girl was determined, he finally had to arrange a reception attendant to drive his car and send Jiang Mian and Qi Yanshu to the hospital.

In this place of the hospital, there is no shortage of people at any time. When Jiang Mian helped Qi Yanshu enter, he received a lot of gaze.

Jiang Mian was still wearing that beautiful dress. To passers-by, he appeared in the hospital as if he had walked out of a painting. It seemed uncoordinated.

There was even a younger whisper: "Is this filming?"


Jiang Mian didn't care about these voices. The driver went to register with great eyesight. After the busy schedule, Jiang Mian saved a lot of things.

Seeing that there was nothing for him to do, and thinking that Qin Jingrun would use the car by any chance, Jiang Mian gave the driver a hard expense and asked him to drive the car back.

The doctor looked at the film carefully, and said nothing for a while.

Jiang Mian: "..."

What is the situation?

After a while, the doctor put down the film and asked, "How did it hurt?"

"I fell accidentally." Before Jiang Mian spoke, Qi Yanshu said lightly.

The doctor said unceremoniously, "I'm afraid it was not interrupted by a fight."

As an experienced orthopedic surgeon, the difference between interruption and fracture can still be distinguished. From the film, the fracture is neat, how does it look like a fracture?

Qi Yanshu: "..."

The doctor put down the film: "Let's fix the bone first."

Qi Yanshu suddenly turned his head and said to Jiang Mian: "You go out first."

Jiang Mian was stunned for a second, and then reacted. The pain of a bone is no less than a broken bone. Qi Yanshu may not want her to see his reaction, so he resigned from the doctor's office obediently.

In the office, after Jiang Mian quit, the doctor chuckled, "Are you afraid that your girlfriend will feel bad?"

"Since there is such a beautiful girlfriend, how should I learn to fight." Because Qi Yanshu has been wearing blackout glasses, the doctor thought he was wearing sunglasses, but he didn't know he couldn't see it.

When he walked to Qi Yanshu's side and was about to fix Qi Yanshu's bones, he saw Qi Yanshu use his undamaged left hand to break his broken right wrist, and quickly said: "Don't touch it, don't touch it, lest..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man in front of him moving quickly and took his hand back.


The doctor was shocked by Qi Yanshu's operation: "You..."

Qi Yanshu's expression did not change at all, as if what he had just received was not a wrist, he said lightly: "Trouble fix it."

It took a while for the doctor to find his own voice. He looked at Qi Yanshu in amazement, checked his wrist, and finally said, "Since you can pick it up by yourself, what are you doing in the hospital?"

Qi Yanshu was silent.

Jiang Mian sat on a chair in the hospital corridor and called Qin Jingrun.

Qin Jingrun has been waiting for news from her baby girl. At this moment, he finally waited for Jiang Mian to call and asked about the situation. He was really worried: "I'd better come over."

"No need." Jiang Mian strongly refused. If Qin Jingrun came to the hospital, he would make headlines every minute if he was photographed, so that he could finally dispel Qin Jingrun's idea of ​​coming to the hospital.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mian noticed the pulling force coming from the skirt. Turning his head, a little boy carefully took her skirt up: "Sister, you are so beautiful."

Seeing that the little guy is very cute, Jiang Mian smiled, just about to talk, the child's mother came up and said: "Don't touch it, if you touch it, you can't afford it if you sell it."

Then he hugged the child in his arms and turned away.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Is she a scourge?

When the office door opened, Jiang Mian got up and walked in. She found that the doctor looked a little weird. She frowned. Wouldn't she be too cruel, even if she connected it, she would have sequelae?

Qi Yanshu can no longer see with his eyes, if there is a problem with his hands...

"It has been connected and there is no major problem. Come back for a review in half a month. If you recover well, you can remove the plaster in advance. Pay attention that the right hand cannot be used during this time, and take care of it." The doctor said.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Since there is no big problem, what do you want to do with a sad look? ? ?

But as long as it is not a permanent injury, Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief: "How long will it take to heal?"

The doctor replied coldly-one hundred days of injury.

When he got out of the hospital, Jiang Mian looked at the plaster on Qi Yanshu's hand and her head hurt. She found that the last time Xiao Mi scratched Qi Yanshu's right hand.

Qi Yanshu's right hand probably rushed to her. Jiang Mian sighed, hired a taxi, and helped Qi Yanshu get in the car.

The taxi driver thief was happy that he could get two high-value passengers at night, especially the little girl. She was so pretty that she didn't dare to make people look at her, but she couldn't help taking a peek.

When the driver took a peek again, he suddenly met a pair of black glasses from the rearview mirror, and was shocked. He felt that the eyes behind the glasses were staring at him faintly, and he hurriedly moved his eyes away, not daring to peek again.

Jiang Mian was replying to the actor father's message, and suddenly felt warm, and found that Qi Yanshu took off his coat and put it on her.

Jiang Mian: "???"

"I'm not cold." Although the air conditioner in the car is full, but the spiritual power in her body is cruising, this coldness is not enough to affect her.

She took off her clothes and put them on the seat.

Qi Yanshu: "..."

Jiang Mian had been wondering if there was any way to make Qi Yanshu's hand heal quickly, but after thinking about it for a while, he had to admit his fate.

When he arrived at the apartment and took the elevator, Jiang Mian suggested to call Qi Yanshu's assistant Luo Jiale. Qi Yanshu refused: "Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

Uh... Jiang Mian glanced at his right hand wrapped in thick plaster. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The elevator arrived, and the two walked out of the elevator one after another.

Suddenly seeing a figure in front of her door, Jiang Mian was stunned for two seconds, and when she saw that it was Gu Qiwen, her face suddenly became cold.

Qi Yanshu also felt the presence of another person and stopped.

Gu Qiwen had been waiting at the door for three full hours. At this moment, he ignored Qi Yanshu and walked straight to Jiang Mian.

After a while, he said with a cold face: "Jiang Mian, I can promise to associate with you, but the prerequisite is that you must apologize to Guan Xin, promise not to fight her for roles, let alone target her again."

"This is an agreement." He handed the a4 paper in his hand to Jiang Mian, in a charity-like tone, "I have signed it. As long as you sign, I will be your boyfriend from now on."

Jiang Mian looked at him and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't this what you always wanted." Gu Qiwen said in disgust.

"I see..." Jiang Mianzuo suddenly realized, "You are treating yourself as a duck and want to sell yourself to me?"