In the original text, Gu Qiwen lowered his arrogant head because of the local tyrant father's action, and was forced to be with the original owner-only because the local tyrant father threatened him with Guan Xin, he bowed his head.

But with Gu Qiwen's temperament, how could he bow his head so silently?

Since he can't dominate other people's money and power, and Jiang Mian likes him again, then he must use his likes.

So Gu Qiwen gave the original owner an agreement, and the original owner signed it. They are the relationship between boy and girl friends.

The requirements listed in the agreement are generally divided into several meanings:

1. It is not allowed to target Guan Xin and make a detour when seeing Guan Xin.

Second, they can publicize their relationship, but they are not allowed to have any intimate actions with him without his consent.

Third, don't interfere in his life.

Fourth, do not associate with other men.

——The original owner is beautiful and rich. Although he has a bad temper, there is still a big wave of suitors. The original owner often goes out to cheer with those male friends.

The original owner who got the agreement was very angry. Gu Qiwen bluntly said that if the original owner didn't sign the agreement, or told her father about the agreement, he would die-threatening death.

The original owner liked him so much, so he had no choice but to sign an agreement in the end.

For the original owner, as long as Gu Qiwen is with her, one day he will find her good and fall in love with her.

Even after carefully reading the content of the agreement, she thought that Gu Qiwen cares about herself from the regulation of "No dealings with other men", otherwise she would not mind her approaching other men.

She was quite happy and felt that Gu Qiwen was duplicity. It was because of Xin's presence that she had a bad attitude towards her.

Little did Gu Qiwen wrote this rule, but he didn't want the original owner to get close to other men in the forced relationship between him and the original owner, which would make his head green.

In short, Jiang Mian in the original book has a heart on Gu Qiwen, and his love is rather humble.

Uh, this statement is considered commendatory.

In Jiang Mian's view, this is no brainer. If it weren't for this, the original owner would not end in such a tragic end.

But all this can not blame the original owner.

After Jiang Mian passed through, he carefully analyzed the character of the original owner. No matter how stupid the original owner's character was, everything can only be attributed to the author of the original book. The original owner's life was written and it was a foregone conclusion.

I thought she would change the plot after passing through it, and there would be no agreement to appear in this plot, but I didn't expect that not only would it appear, but also ahead of schedule.

What is different from the original book is that this time no one persecuted Gu Qiwen, it was he himself who proposed it.

No matter what the original owner did before, Gu Qiwen thought that the original owner loved him, but Jiang Mian was rude to Gu Qiwen after passing through.

Now he ran high above, handing out an agreement in a charity-like tone. Jiang Mian had the urge to knock Gu Qiwen's mind open to see what was in his mind.

Who gave his face? ? ?

Gu Qiwen was pained by Jiang Mian's spiritual force yesterday. He really thought that Jiang Mian would not pester him again.

But after Guan Xin returned from the hotel, she concealed the existence of Shen Shiqing and half-truthed what happened in the hotel. Gu Qiwen realized that the things Jiang Mian said to him that would not provoke him anymore were false.

She just wanted to retreat.

Gu Qiwen can see how much effort Guan Xin has put into this role and how much expectations she holds. If Jiang Mian is obstructing her, she will lose the role, and all this is because of him, and he cannot forgive himself. .

He has no money now and can't find a good way to clear the obstacles for Guan Xin. The only thing he can do is to compromise and control Jiang Mian first.

Since Jiang Mian wanted to be with him, he did as she wished, as long as he was given time, he would retaliate one by one for the humiliation he suffered.

So he came to the door.

Gu Qi text thought that Jiang Mian would be overjoyed when he heard what he said, but he didn't expect Jiang Mian's reaction to be like this. His face was ugly to the extreme, and when he was extremely angry, he reached out and grabbed Jiang Mian.

The next second, a cold voice sounded: "Noisy."

Before Jiang Mian started, he saw Gu Qiwen suddenly fly out, and then the elevator opened again, Luo Jiale walked out, Qi Yanshu seemed to know it was him, and said to Luo Jiale without raising his head. : "Pull out."

Luo Jiale was stunned for two seconds. He saw the situation clearly and knew who his boss was talking about. He walked to the side of Gu Qiwen, who fell to the ground with a pale face, and pulled him out, half dragging and half dragging him. .

Jiang Mian watched Luo Jiale disappear: his movements were swift and fast, and it was not the first time he did such an aftermath.

Jiang Mian looked at Qi Yanshu, his eyes moved and fell to the opponent's left hand.

If he read it right, Qi Yanshu used this hand to shoot Gu Qiwen out.

She seems to have always underestimated Qi Yanshu's strength.

At this moment, what she thought in her mind was that in the inner courtyard of the reception, if Qi Yanshu did not pull back, who would lose and who would win between him and her?

As if feeling Jiang Mian's gaze, Qi Yanshu's left hand moved, naturally putting the plaster on his right hand. This movement made Jiang Mian react immediately, and she coughed: "Uncle Qi laughed."

Qi Yanshu paused and said, "Who is he?"

Jiang Mian suddenly remembered that Gu Qiwen was the illegitimate son of the Qi family and Qi Yanshu was his younger uncle.

Thinking to her, she said, "A classmate from school."

Qi Yanshu: "Entangling your suitor?"


"Do you listen to what he said just now, like my suitor."

Qi Yanshu pressed the corner of his mouth lightly, without speaking.

Jiang Mian found that the paper agreement fell on the ground. She picked it up and glanced at it. It was similar to what was written in the original book. She sipped the agreement and threw it into the trash can.

Luo Jiale came back very quickly. He first greeted Jiang Mian and called Miss Jiang. Then he saw Qi Yanshu's right hand in plaster and was shocked: "Sir, your hand!"

Jiang Mian coughed, and when he was about to admit that it was his masterpiece, Qi Yanshu said calmly: "An accident."

Luo Jiale: "..."

What an accident, you mean it!

He answered that, Jiang Mian couldn't catch up and said that she did it, but the cultivator pays attention to cause and effect. The more Qi Yanshu doesn't care, the more embarrassed she will be.

Luo Jiale hurriedly said that he would invite a family doctor and a caregiver. Jiang Mian felt a bit silly to stand here anymore, so he went back to the room first.

Qi Yanshu has an assistant to take care of, so it should be fine.

After she returned to the room, Qi Yanshu interrupted Luo Jiale's endless talk and asked Luo Jiale to pick out the agreement that Jiang Mian had just torn from the trash can.

Although Luo Jiale was full of doubts, he still followed the boss's instructions and picked up the agreement that Jiang Mian had torn into several pieces in the trash can.

"Sir?" Entering the room, Luo Jiale held shredded paper in one hand, waiting for instructions.

He didn't know that it was Jiang Mian's torn pieces of paper, or who Qi Yanshu asked him to take away Gu Qiwen, let alone how Qi Yanshu's hand had an accident.

As a special assistant sent by Mr. Qi to take care of Qi Yanshu, Luo Jiale always felt that his job was about to fail.

Qi Yanshu sat on the sofa as usual: "Spell it well."

When the words fell, he raised his hand to take off the blackout glasses, Luo Jiale's heart jumped, and when he saw Qi Yanshu's eyes were closed, the hanging heart fell back to the original place.

The man's closed eyelids are very shallow, and his long eyelashes cast light and soft shadows under the warm white light. If his face is not expressionless and the corners of his mouth are tightly pressed, he sits there like a gentle and freehand painting.

Luo Jiale thought to himself, his boss's looks really kill many male stars in seconds.

Then when Qi Yanshu said to put the shredded paper in his hand, Luo Jiale couldn't help but let out a "Huh?"

Qi Yanshu's head turned to his side, and Luo Jiale quickly said, "Okay, I'll fight it now."

Jiang Mian didn't tear the agreement into small pieces, so Luo Jiale didn't take much effort to put it together, and it took less than ten minutes to put it together.

"...Communication agreement?" He was stunned for two seconds when he saw the big characters above his head.

After reading the content of the agreement, Luo Jiale couldn't hold back, and said: "Who is so shameless, who has set these regulations, thinks he is a fanatic?"

After listening to Qi Yanshu: "What is the name signed?"

"Wait, it's a bit torn here." Luo Jiale carefully identified, "It seems to be called... Gu Qiwen, yes, that's it."

"He is from the Film Academy." Qi Yan called, "check it out."


Even if Luo Jiale has more questions in his heart, don't ask if he knows that he shouldn't ask. Anyway, once and twice, the boss asked him to look up a gangster named Qiang.

After Qi Yanshu sent Luo Jiale away, he got up and walked into the bathroom. There was a big mirror in the bathroom that could show the whole body.

He seemed to want to open his eyes, his eyelashes kept shaking, and finally he calmed down.

Then he accurately took out the clean white cloth from the cabinet next to it, and stuck it in front of his eyes in a familiar manner.

Then, he heard the door bell, and Jiang Mian's voice came from the electronic screen at the door: "Uncle Qi."

Qi Yanshu was astonished for two seconds, then walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, and opened the door.

Then, he smelled the rich aroma of food.

After Jiang Mian went back, he took a bath, changed his dress and put on comfortable pajamas.

Suddenly I felt a little hungry, so I opened the refrigerator and checked the ingredients-Liu Ma never left any leftovers when cooking, and even if they were there, she would throw them away.

There are a lot of ingredients. As a private nanny with a high salary, Liu Ma is very good at taking care of Jiang Mian, and occasionally asks her hometown to send some special products to Jiang Mian to eat.

Freshly cooked rice has to be side dishes, so Jiang Mian cooked a bowl of nutritious noodles with carrots, vegetables, bacon, specialty bacon and other ingredients.

While cooking, thinking that Qi Yanshu didn't eat anything at the reception, she was hungry, and the other party was also hungry, so she cooked more and brought it over.

Although the production process is simple, after the finished product comes out, sprinkle a little green onion, the color and fragrance are delicious, just the smell of the nose can arouse people's appetite.

Qi Yanshu's eyebrows twitched—he was indeed hungry.

In addition to the scent of food, he also smelled the fragrance of flowers—the shower gel prepared by Jiang Mian himself.

"I cooked some noodles, would you like some?"

The corners of Qi Yanshu's lips rose a little, and he sideways let out some space.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She originally wanted to pass the noodles directly to Qi Yanshu, and then went back. Qi Yanshu's action obviously asked her to put the noodles in.

Thinking about the inconvenience of one hand, she should take it in, so Jiang Mian stepped into Qi Yanshu's home with her face in front of her.

The overall layout is similar to hers, but the decoration style is completely different-the original owner has a bad temper, and the four fathers have been raising her as a little princess. When she was a child, she liked pink lace very much. Later, when the rebellious period arrived, she was the most disgusted.

As a result, the decoration of the house was very cold and hard. Jiang Mian asked people to change the sofa and all the curtains in the living room a few days ago, and it seemed to be much gentler at last.

If the decoration style of her house is dark wind, then Qi Yanshu's is cold wind.

Jiang Mian put the noodles on the coffee table, and suddenly remembered that Qi Yanshu could not move his right hand. Can he use chopsticks with his left hand? Last time in the restaurant, she remembered that he was eating with his right hand.

Fortunately, her worry was unnecessary. Qi Yanshu picked up the chopsticks in his left hand and used it skillfully.

"Then I will go back first, and I will come over to get the bowl later." Jiang Mian said.

The white cloth in front of Qi Yanshu looked at her and said, "You haven't eaten yet? Bring it over and eat together."

What he said was extremely natural, and natural Jiang Mian didn't feel abrupt at all: "Okay."

Two people eat something better than one person eating fragrant silently, so Jiang Mian went back and brought his bowl of noodles over, and the two of them ate the two bowls of noodles face to face.

"Thank you." Putting down the chopsticks, Qi Yanshu praised, "The cooking skills are very good."

"You're welcome." Jiang Mian said, "There is still in the pot, do you want it?"

Qi Yanshu: " need."

Jiang Mian returned with two empty bowls, put the bowls in the sink, and had enough food and drink. Naturally, it was time to practice.

The next day, when Jiang Mian came out of the bedroom, Liu's mother was still busy in the kitchen: "Miss wait a moment, it will be fine soon."

"Mother Liu." Jiang Mianyang said loudly, "Make more breakfast, and then send a copy to Uncle Qi on the opposite side."

Liu Ma agreed. Most of the chicken soup was delivered by Liu Ma before, and she was no stranger to Qi Yanshu.

Jiang Mian was still waiting for Shen Shiqing whether he would come to him, but the actor father really settled for her before waiting.

Then, she received a call from Director Zhang personally, inviting her to act as the heroine.

Jiang Mian was a little surprised: "Director Zhang, don't I need to try the show again?"

"No need." Director Zhang's voice was smiling, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Jiang Mian: "That investor Mr. Shen..."

"Shen is always a person in the business field, how can he care about you as a little girl." Director Zhang pointedly said, "In addition, I will choose Guan Xin for the second female role. I don't care about anything, but after joining the group, don't make troubles and take good shots."

In the end, he said: "Remember, this circle does not become popular with money, the most important thing is itself."

"I see, thank you Director Zhang."

Hanging up, Jiang Mian was very satisfied with the current result.

If Shen Shiqing doesn't show up, and the heroine doesn't come out to disgust her, she wouldn't want to make this movie of Director Zhang so much.

Since the hostess wanted to disgust her, she really disgusted each other this time.

The two chose the female first. Now that she has decided on the female lead, Guan Xin has become the second female, presumably the other party is dying of anger now.

She recalled the story of the drama in the original book. The heroine and the heroine were forced to separate and were inseparable from the female.

In the original work, Guan Xin's heroine who played this drama was an instant hit and won countless praises. However, the original actress who played the second female role was criticized because of her outstanding performance, which caused the female partner's heart to be unbalanced.

For acting in the same drama, why is Guan Xin so popular that she has to be scolded?

Because of this, the female partner was jealous of Guan Xin, and she stumbled on Guan Xin from time to time in the later period, and was finally overridden by one of Guan Xin's suitors. This suitor was not Shen Shiqing, but another male partner.

In other words, either Guan Xin refused to play the second female role, or she agreed to play the role. The consequences of the original female partner in the original book are the consequences that Guan Xin will face in the future.

But although the female partner was scolded, she was also known by many people because of this role. Later, she had abundant resources. If Guan Xin had a halo of the heroine, she might not have won the female partner.

Zhang Zhixin is a famous director and a freshman in the film school. He was able to make Zhang Zhixin's movies from the very beginning, and he was already higher than the others in the beginning, even if he is not the heroine, the second female is the same.

As long as Guan Xin is not stupid, even if she is angry, she will not refuse Zhang Zhixin.

Sure enough, Jiang Mian quickly received news that Guan Xin agreed to play the second female role.

The shooting time for the group was determined. After half a month, I went to Dashan to shoot with the group.

Qin Jingrun knew the whole process about Jiang Mian's going to Dashan to film the movie, but the local tyrant father and Tianshi father didn't know, and Jiang Mian didn't plan to tell them.

If the local tyrant knew that she was going to a remote mountain, he would probably fly a private jet to send a large amount of supplies in.

As for Tianshida, he took a big order and went to a provincial capital city, but he couldn't return for a short time.

The filming cycle is long, Jiang Mian had to ask for leave, and it took some time to successfully invite.

Tomorrow is about to join the group, Jiang Mian is going to go back to pack things, but received a WeChat from Professor Jiang, asking her to go to his office.

Looking at this WeChat, Jiang Mian was a little puzzled. When did she add Jiang Xunian's WeChat?

The memory of the original owner does not seem to have this aspect either.

Doubts turned to doubts, Jiang Mian came to Jiang Xunian's office on time.

Jiang Mian opened the door of the office: "Ms. Jiang, what can you do with me?"

Jiang Xunian was sorting out the files. Seeing her come in, he stopped his actions, took out a USB flash drive from the drawer and handed it to her: "You ask for leave for a month. Inside is the animal simulation course for this month. Take a good look when you rest. See, you can contact me if you have any questions."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Professor Jiang, you are too dedicated!

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Jiang." Jiang Mian took it and was about to leave.

"Wait." Jiang Xunian stopped her.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Jiang Xunian seemed to hesitate. After a while, he slowly said, "I heard that Gu Qiwen from the director department hit you, can this happen?"