Jiang Mian was surprised. He didn't want Jiang Xunian as a teacher and would go to the campus forum to learn about the recent campus gossip. Last time Jiang Mian played a play and said that Gu Qiwen had beaten her, and therefore gave up the pursuit of Gu Qiwen and was posted to the forum.

Some time ago, the posts were all sinking, but some people have posted them again these days. Some people don’t know where to get the news to confirm that in Director Zhang’s play, Jiang Mian played the first female role and Guan Xin became the second female second.

So the brain made up a bit of grievances, and several red posts on the forum were all about them.

After Jiang Mian heard this, he glanced at her. Some people were standing at her and others were standing at Guan Xin. The tears were quite severe.

At this moment, facing Professor Jiang’s question, Jiang Mian thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and said, "Dare he?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xunian took a close look at her. During this time, the girl seemed to have changed her temper, her temper was much better than before, and she was also much better-behaved.

But looking at her reaction now, it's still the same as before, except that it suddenly converges.

"Go." Jiang Xunian smiled and waved his hand.

Just after Jiang Mian left school, a low-key black car slid over, and the window slid down, revealing the face of the local tyrant. When he saw Han Xu, Jiang Mian suddenly felt distressed. Did the local tyrant know that she was going to Dashan to film a movie? ?

"Mianmian, get in the car." Seeing his baby girl, Han Xu suddenly smiled.

"Dad, why are you here?" After getting on the bus, Jiang Mian smiled sweetly at the rich father.

"Miss my baby girl." The old father was critically hit by his daughter's sweet smile, wishing to hold him in his arms like he did when he was a child.

It's a pity that the baby girl has grown up. He sighed with regret in his heart, and then he held up Jiang Mian's wrist for the first time to check the injury on it.

Seeing the above is completely good, completely relieved-although he and Jiang Mian have shown his wrists through phone video before, but only by seeing him face to face in person can he be completely relieved.

During this period of time, Han Xu was busy with business affairs and did not meet Jiang Mian. After looking at his baby girl up and down, he frowned, "Why are you thin?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She found that the opening remarks of several dads when they saw her were almost all this.

"Something happened in the U.S. I have to rush back tonight. I will be back at least a month. Dad will come and find you for dinner." Han Xu said, "This beautiful little princess, would you like to show your face?" "

Jiang Mian's smiling stomach was about to hurt, and her face was still strained. She nodded, "Okay, I want to eat a big meal."

The conditions in the mountains are much less than those in the cities. Although she is not picky about the material conditions, she will naturally not refuse to eat a good meal before going to the mountains.

Halfway through, she received a message from the actor father and asked her where she was. She went back to be with Han Xu, and soon the actor father sent an expression holding a vinegar bottle to drink, Jiang Mian couldn't hold back, and laughed.

Han Xu has always known that his baby daughter values ​​her privacy, so when Jiang Mian lowered his head to reply to the message, he did not come to him, but when he saw his baby girl laugh, a sense of crisis suddenly became: "Mianmian, with whom? Send a message."

Isn't the baby girl still not giving up on the kid surnamed Gu?

"It's Dad Qin." Jiang Mian moved the phone to Han Xu, who saw Qin Jingrunfa's jealous expression, Da Le, thinking that the baby girl really likes herself more.

Qin Jingrun's next message was sent quickly: "He is so picky, don't play with him, I will take you to eat more delicious." He also sent several pictures of food.

Han Xu: "..."

He slandered him in front of him and robbed him of his baby girl. Han Xu grunted and immediately took out his cell phone and called Qin Jingrun: "Qin narcissism, I tell you, tonight the baby girl belongs to me, don't be shameless! "

Then he hung up the phone with a snap.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Qin Jingrun on the other end of the phone was not angry when he was hung up. According to the information he received, something happened to the Han family in the United States. It would take less than a month for Han Xu to go back and deal with it. Zuo Xingping was a ghost and he was a criminal policeman. The guy has a mission, but I don't know where it is.

In other words, no one grabbed his baby girl during this time!

But he was happy for only two seconds, and suddenly sighed when he thought that Jiang Mian was going to Dashan to film with the group.

Although no one robbed him of the baby girl, the problem is that the baby girl has wings on her back and flies to the mountains. Isn't he also unable to see her baby girl? !

Jiang Mian was taken by the Han family to a seven-star restaurant for dinner. The local tyrant directly took over the entire restaurant. Then a group of waiters stood waiting for the service. In the distance, there was a pianist playing elegant and soothing tunes—all In order not to let others disturb the father and daughter, they finally get along for a short time.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money, it is so capricious!

In the memory of the original owner, as long as he stays with the local tyrant father, such a scene is really common, and Jiang Mian comfortably ate a very comfortable dinner.

The local tyrant kept letting people serve dishes, and kept Jiang Mian to eat more, wishing to put his thin baby girl back in weight immediately.

In the end, Jiang Mian went home with his stomach on his stomach ==

To leave in a hurry, Han Xu did not send Jiang Mian upstairs, thinking of not seeing his baby girl for a long time, but Qin's narcissism would often see him, the local tyrant father felt sour.

"Goodbye, father, pay attention to safety on the road." Jiang Mian took the initiative to hug the local tyrant father.

Han Xu's sourness dissipated immediately, and he stroked the smooth long hair of his baby daughter: "If anyone is bullying you, you should call Dad and Dad will let him beat him."

"Yeah." Jiang Mian nodded obediently.

"You told Qin narcissistically that Dad didn’t buy you a cruise ship, and he caused him to carry the pot a second time, but it’s okay. Dad is willing to carry the pot.” Han Xu took out a photo, which shows the value of each ship. Philippine luxury cruise ship, "So, it's yours."

Jiang Mian was dumbfounded.

Han Xu: "When the weekend is on holiday, ask a few friends to have a party to go out to sea. The father of the person on the cruise has arranged it. You don't have to worry about anything, just play."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Dad, petting daughter is not so petted!

It was not until the assistant reminded Han Xu that it was time to leave for the fifth time that he reluctantly released Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian stepped her feet and kissed the face of the rich father: "Goodbye, Dad."

As a result, Han Xu floated all the way back to the United States, halfway through a circle of friends-"My baby girl kissed me tonight!!!"

In this circle of friends, he screened other people, including Jiang Mian, and specifically circled the actor father and the detective father-Tianshi father does not have WeChat.

Although the fathers didn't deal with each other, they still added WeChat to each other, but they just ignored each other.

Jiang Mian naturally didn't know what the local tyrant father had done. After the car that watched the local tyrant father left, she went back into the community. Only a few steps away, the phone rang and Qin Jingrun called.

"Baby, guess where I am?"

The actor's father didn't wait for Jiang Mian to answer, and revealed the mystery by himself: "Quickly throw away Han Xu's big pick and go home. Dad is waiting for you at the door."

Jiang Mian had a premonition when he heard Qin Jingrun's first sentence, and he was not surprised when he heard the words, and immediately speeded up the stairs.

At the same time, Qin Jingrun, wearing a mask and hat, stood at the door of Jiang Mian. He came here quietly. Tomorrow the baby girl will join the Dashan group. Naturally, he will take this opportunity to come and meet his baby girl.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Jingrun stood leaning against the wall, the phone vibrated, it was a message from Lin Xi——

"The organizer is very upset."-He slipped quietly from the event site.

Qin Jingrun tapped the screen with his slender finger, and quickly replied: "It is said that it will be increased to three hours for two hours. I didn't count that they breached the contract sufficiently."

Lin Xi thought you were reasonable, but I couldn't tell you: "You just left like this, and it won't be long before you will spray again."

Although Qin Jingrun has top traffic in the entertainment industry, he has a lot of popularity. As long as he does it, a small thing can be magnified n times, and then it will become a headline for many netizens.

Of course I like the ones I like, and those who don't like it will naturally find ways to get dark. Qin Jingrun has long been used to it and he no longer pays attention to online voices.

Lin Xi: "Brother Chen keeps calling me, he must be asking where you are, how should I get back? I have expected that his anger will burn me bald."

——Chen Xu is Qin Jingrun’s agent.

Qin Jingrun: "You tell him I'm looking for my little lover."

Lin Xi: "..."

While poking the keyboard to reply to the assistant's message, Qin Jingrun suddenly heard the sound, raised his head, and saw that the door opposite the baby girl opened, and a man with a white cloth in front of him came out.

Qin Jingrun frowned, he remembered that the suite opposite had been unoccupied.

Before they were worried that if someone moved in, they didn't know the character of the person who lived in, so they wanted to buy the apartment opposite, but Jiang Mian was unhappy to stop them.

In desperation, I had to rely on Jiang Mian.

When did the opposite person move in?

He looked at the man carefully, and then, he felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...

"Mianmian?" Qi Yanshu said. He heard a voice outside the door and thought it was Jiang Mian who came back. After he shouted and didn't get a response, he knew that it was not Jiang Mian.

The man's eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably.

Qin Jingrun's gaze fell from Qi Yanshu's face to his right hand in plaster, and he instantly reacted that this person was the one who accidentally broke the other's hand at the reception last time.

At that time, Qi Yanshu was wearing blackout glasses, which was more formal, which was quite different from the appearance of a house suit now, which caused Qin Jingrun not to recognize it for a while.

and many more--

Qin Jingrun put down his phone, looked at Qi Yan's book, then looked at the door of the baby girl behind him, frowned and said, "You and Mianmian have known each other a long time ago?"

As soon as Qin Jingrun spoke, Qi Yanshu knew who he was—at the reception, Jiang Mian explained to him that Qin Jingrun was one of her elders.

He can't see with his eyes now, and his hearing is particularly keen, and he can distinguish objects and people naturally.

Just as Qi Yanshu was about to answer, the elevator opened with a ding, Jiang Mian walked out, and after seeing the two, she swallowed the "dad" who almost blurted out.

The less people know about her four dads, the better-this is the subconscious mind in her mind.

Qi Yanshu already knows the relationship between her father and daughter, and if she calls Qin Jingrun father in front of him, it will inevitably be suspicious.

"Mianmian." In front of outsiders, Qin Jingrun's address to her baby girl is quite normal. "Isn't this gentleman the one who accidentally hurt your hand at the reception? Why didn't you talk to me? Say, he is your neighbor."

Since the baby girl knew this man, why didn't she tell him at the reception that she wanted to hide it?

Suspicious, too suspicious.

Qin Jingrun looked at Qi Yanshu calmly. Last time he regarded Qi Yanshu as Jiang Mian's injured person, his attention shifted, and now——: good appearance, good figure, good temperament, as for age, it seems like A bit bigger.

Jiang Mian noticed Qin Jingrun's gaze and helped her lower forehead helplessly.

Dad, you look at the prisoner's gaze!

She coughed: "I was anxious about Uncle Qi's injury, so I didn't have time to tell you."

"Uncle Qi?" Qin Jingrun was immediately relieved, and he apologized, "Mr. Qi, I'm really embarrassed, because Mianmian's recklessness caused your injury...how is the injury now?"

Qi Yanshu politely replied: "It's much better not to shut down Mianmian."

Jiang Mian blinked, and the two men talked in front of her, as if when she did not exist, they were trying to express their sense of existence. The two had ended the conversation.

Qi Yanshu's head turned a little to her side, as if he wanted to talk to her, but in the end he said nothing and turned back to the room.

She and Qin Jingrun entered the door, and the latter tentatively asked, "Baby, are you familiar with this Uncle Qi?"

"It's okay." Jiang Mian poured water on the actor father, and said with an obedient face, "I broke someone's hand. As an adult, I must be responsible."

Seeing her baby girl's face calm, Qin Jingrun relieved her last breath.

The four fathers had different opinions on Jiang Mian's love affairs.

The local tyrant thinks that the baby girl is so beautiful, and it is no problem to have a boyfriend hold it in his palm to spoil her in a love relationship.

The prerequisite is that the person in love must be obedient to the baby girl.

Jiang Mianchu high school and his classmates fell in love early, the local tyrant father not only knew all about it, but also secretly threatened those little boys. It's okay to fall in love, but if he dares to do something to the baby girl, he can take off each other's legs!

At the same time, this is also an important reason why the original chief local tyrant father helped and asked Gu Qiwen to be with her. The local tyrant father resolutely refused to agree at the beginning-a poor boy, with no ability, eyes above the top, and not putting his baby **** In my eyes, even if you are with your baby girl, can you treat your baby girl well?

Master Tian has no right to speak on this-the original owner does not like him, he has always been cautious in front of the original owner.

If the baby girl is in love, he will find out the birth date of the other party and make a good calculation, and then secretly observe it by the way.

The detective father is very open-minded and respects the opinions of his baby daughter. Anyway, with their four fathers behind, who dares to bully her?

Only the actor father, in his heart the baby girl has always been a three-year-old child, or the little baby he held in his palm, how could he fall in love.

Usually there are three other guys robbing him of the baby, but now you want another man to grab the baby? How can it work!

Besides, who knows what it is that another man is in love with his baby girl?

In case it is because you see your baby girl looks good, you get upset, or you think your baby girl is rich, you see the love of money...Anyway, you don't really like your baby girl. Then, what to do if you hurt your baby girl.

The way to put an end to all this is to prevent your baby girl from falling in love.

At least when the baby girl has not grown up, you can't fall in love.

Qin Jingrun was very vigilant in this regard, and kept sending messages to Jiang Mian that he could not fall in love, but he knew Jiang Mian's temper very well, and he liked to fight against their fathers. The less she would do anything, the more she would do.

In order not to make her baby girl angry, Qin Jingrun used various methods to educate Jiang Mian on the disadvantages of dating.

If Jiang Mian only has one dad, perhaps this trick is very effective. However, she has four dads, and each dad spoils her differently, so she will never listen to only one dad. How can I be happy? .

Qin Jingrun was originally worried about what was between her baby girl and the neighbor on the opposite side, but when she heard Jiang Mian's name and attitude towards Qi Yanshu, she knew there was nothing between them, of course she was happy.

However, he was also a little curious. Qi Yanshu looked younger than him, not much like an uncle. How could the baby girl call his uncle.

Jiang Mian had no choice but to explain the explanation to the heavenly master father again to the actor father.

"It turns out to be from the Qi family." Although Qin Jingrun is a member of the entertainment industry and has some understanding of some rich and famous families, he doesn't care about these, as long as he doesn't **** his baby daughter.

After confirming that Qi Yanshu was not dangerous, Qin Jingrun relaxed. The purpose of his coming here was to see his baby girl, and to--

He clicked on two photos on the phone to make Jiang Mian recognize his face.

The two pictures are of two people, a young girl, the life assistant Qin Jingrun found for her-how can one go to Dashan without an assistant? He wanted to find two more, thinking about Jiang Mian's temper, and finally only found one. .

One is a dietitian. The conditions in the mountains are difficult. There is a dietitian by his side, who will play his role and provide the best belly food for the baby girl in the difficult conditions.

After listening to what the actor father said, Jiang Mian: "..."

"Dad, I'm going to work in filming." She couldn't laugh or cry, "Not to enjoy."

Qin Jingrun frowned: "What kind of enjoyment is this? Dad hasn't prepared a one-stop service for you with makeup artist, stylist, bodyguard... You are the heroine, a nutritionist and an assistant are just the simplest standard. Look at those women in the circle. Stars, which trip is not surrounded by people?"

Including himself ==

Jiang Mian has lost laughter. She is still an unknown junior, and they are all big stars.

But this was the kindness of the actor father. If she refused repeatedly, the actor father would be sad, so he happily accepted.

"The baby is so good." Qin Jingrun's purpose of coming over was fulfilled, knowing that Jiang Mian would be on the road tomorrow. He didn't stay long, leaving time for her baby daughter to rest, and finally left reluctantly.

After he left, Jiang Mian started packing up in a happy mood-the actor father wanted to call the assistant to help her immediately, but she strongly refused. She is not a giant baby who can't even pack her luggage.

After finishing cleaning up, thinking of going to Dashan and not coming out for at least a month, she knocked on Qi Yanshu's door.

"Uncle Qi, I will be filming with the group tomorrow. When your hands are going for the review, I will let Mother Liu follow you?"

During this period of time, because of Qi Yan's calligrapher's problem, Jiang Mian would personally make some food and send it to him every night. From the occasional conversation, Qi Yanshu knew that Jiang Mian was going to film a movie, but did not know when.

Hearing that Jiang Mian was leaving tomorrow, he twisted his eyebrows. Jiang Mian thought he didn't want Ma Liu to follow along, and said, "You don't want Ma Liu to follow, but you must tell me the result after the review. Call me if you have any questions."

Only when Qi Yan Shushou was completely healed, her cause and effect was over.

The next day, Jiang Mian met the assistant and nutritionist assigned to her by the actor's father. The assistant was named Tang An'an, who was twenty-four years old, and her baby face made her look like a minor.

The nutritionist is a young man named Xie Siyuan, one of Qin Jingrun's three nutritionists, and Qin Jingrun sent him here.

The mountain was shot in city X. First, they transferred to the province and city by plane, then boarded the crew car, bumped all the way, and finally arrived at the town closest to the mountain. Then they had to walk into the village where they were shooting.

"Walking?" Tang An'an widened his eyes, looked at the yellow soil **** road under his feet, and then looked at Jiang Mian.

Lin Xi was her cousin. Qin Jingrun asked an assistant to take care of her baby girl. Naturally, she was looking for a reliable one. Lin Xi recommended her cousin Tang An'an to him.

Tang Anan used to be an assistant to a female artist, but the female artist was too difficult to serve. After receiving countless anger, she finally couldn't bear it and resigned and stayed at home.

Through Lin Xi’s connection, she signed a confidentiality agreement and became Jiang Mian’s assistant—she didn’t know the relationship between Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun, but her cousin Lin Xi repeatedly told her to take good care of Jiang Mian and told her to just follow this Jiang Mian's intention is definitely better than anyone else.

She kept it in her heart, thinking that if it is really difficult to serve, she will quit her job at that time.

But during the few hours she met Jiang Mian, she felt that the girl was not difficult to wait on, and she felt relieved a lot.

As an assistant, I have to consider everything for my boss, and let Jiang Mian, a charming little girl, walk over such a long mountain road?

"Is there no car?" Tang Anan asked the crew.

The staff knew that she was the assistant of No.1 Female, and said politely: "This is a mountainous area. You have to go up and down the hill after a while. The car can't get past at all and can only walk."

What else Tang Anan wanted to say, Jiang Mian came over to hold her: "The mountains are no better than the cities, let's go."

"Mianmian, walking so far, your feet will not be able to bear it." Tang An'an worried. An assistant like her who is used to running is stronger than ordinary people. It feels terrible to think of walking to the village, not to mention not eating. The miserable daughter.

Jiang Mian was about to talk. The crew approached a car. After a while, Guan Xin got off the car. A girl who looked like an assistant followed her. The girl carried a big box, and the two of them worked together to remove the box from the car. Lift it down in the car.

Compared with Jiang Mian's assistant nutritionist, and the two crew members who were specially sent by Director Zhang to carry Jiang Mian's luggage, Guan Xin was much shambled.

Guan Xin’s assistant was called Zheng Xiaoyu, and he glanced at Jiang Mian: "Huh, what are you proud of? Don’t you just rely on the wealth of your family? Don’t be angry at Guan Guan, if you and Mr. Shen couldn’t do it for you. Special, our pomp is much larger than hers."

"Mr. Shen and I are not what you think." Guan Xin's expression changed slightly.

"Yes, yes, I know, I won't talk nonsense." Zheng Xiaoyu poked her lips without leaving a trace, "I will get the box."


The mountain road is not easy to walk, but there is no rain. If it rains, it is a disaster.

The group walked for more than three hours and finally arrived at the shooting village before the sky was completely dark.

Jiang Mian and Tang An'an were arranged to live in the only brick house built in the village. The host family got the money from Jiang Mian and vacated the bedroom-this bedroom is the only bathroom indoors.

Guan Xin was assigned to the mud room where she lived with the female No. 3, sleeping on the kang, and the toilet outside.

Zheng Xiaoyu chanted as he packed his things: "Guanguan, really, you shouldn't refuse Mr. Shen's kindness. Look at this mattress, how dirty it is. Sleeping on it is good. Do you think Jiang Mian lived? I'll go to the coordinator and change a room for you? How can a person sleep on this bed."

It happened that the female No. 3 came in carrying things. Hearing Zheng Xiaoyu’s words, he glanced at Guan Xin and said, “The conditions in the mountains are mostly like this. I heard from the camera brother that Jiang Mian lived in She paid for it to the owner of the house."

After the female number three finished speaking, regardless of their expressions, she put her things away and turned away.

Zheng Xiaoyu was still muttering, Guan Xin couldn't bear it: "Can you stop talking?!"

Zheng Xiaoyu's voice stopped abruptly. The two stared at each other. Guan Xin stepped out of the room a few steps. Seeing her leaving, Zheng Xiaoyu cursed: "I don't know how to pretend to be a noble person. How did you get this role?"

Guan Xin didn't go far, Zheng Xiaoyu thought she was going far, and her voice was not too small, all fell into her ears.

Guan Xin clenched her fist tightly: Even if her role is only the second female, she must play this role well and crush Jiang Mian with her strength!

Jiang Mian was about to walk around and was familiar with the environment. Tang Anan wanted to follow her, but she refused: "Didn't you have several blisters on your feet? Don't follow me, rest well. I will come back when I go out for a walk. "

Tang An'an watched Jiang Mian leave briskly in footsteps-she was almost exhausted into a dog after walking the mountain road for more than three hours as an assistant, and Jiang Mian, a spoiled daughter, did nothing.

She began to doubt what her cousin said to her-"Mianmian is very squeamish."

Is this squeamish? ? ?

The night in the mountains, separated from the hustle and bustle of the city, seemed particularly secluded. The most important thing is that the aura in the air in the mountains is obviously more than that in the cities.

Jiang Mian took a deep breath. Knowing that this was the case, she should bring over the materials of the Spirit Gathering Array arranged in the bedroom, and arrange one here. The effect should be good.

During this period of time, the progress of cultivation was not as good as the last time I went to the experimental middle school with the heavenly master. When I go back, I will play with the heavenly master.

She just thought of Master Tian, ​​when the phone number of Master Tian suddenly came.

Jiang Mian couldn't help laughing. Could this be the telepathy between father and daughter?

She answered the phone, and Zuo Xingping’s happy voice came: "Mianmian, I will be back in a few days. I made tens of thousands this time. I saw a beautiful dress in a shopping mall. The pink one, shall I buy it for you?"

The reason Tianshidi asked Jiang Mian for his opinion was because he used to buy clothes for his baby daughter and was rejected by the original owner.

But disgusting, he still wanted to buy for his baby girl. He asked every time, and every time he got an impatient answer from the original owner: "I won't wear you to buy it! No! No!"

"Okay." Jiang Mian said, "Thank you Dad."

Jiang Mian heard Zuo Xingping's exclamation on the phone and frowned, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"I, I just caught a mouse and accidentally let it run away." Zuo Xingping hesitated, his voice a little eager, "Mianmian, I'll hang up first."

A beep came from the phone.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Zuo Xingping hurriedly put the button phone in his pocket. He was a little depressed, and finally caught this weasel who was doing a strange thing in someone else's house. But because he was happy for a while with his baby girl, he escaped by this thing.

But because you can buy skirts for your baby girl, he is in a good mood, so he said with a good temper: "You come out by yourself, don't force me to be rough."

The surroundings were empty, and only his echo sounded.

No way, Zuo Xingping had to continue to use roughness~

The next day, Jiang Mian got up early in the morning to change clothes and put on makeup. She was so busy that she didn't start her first scene until the afternoon.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or deliberate, her first scene was not an opponent scene with the male lead, but a scene with the second female.

Jiang Mian looked at the script and sighed, a bit interesting.