Director Zhang’s play is called "Lover on the Green". After the play in the original book was released, it relied on word of mouth to counterattack and won several awards. Guan Xin won the Outstanding New Actress Award in one award and nominated for the Best Actress Award in the other award.

And all this is because of Shen Shiqing, but she loves Gu Qiwen. While she can't refuse Shen Shiqing's help to her, she feels very guilty for Gu Qiwen.

Later, Gu Qiwen married the original owner. With the help of the original owner, he slowly gained power and combined with the Qi family. After the original owner's four fathers successively received box lunches, and the original owner also went offline, Gu Qiwen officially rose and learned about Guan Xin and Shen Shiqing’s thing.

Guan Xin confessed everything painfully to him. Of course, Gu Qiwen forgave her and then started fighting with Shen Shiqing.

Jiang Mian: "..."

This story really shows her goosebumps. The original author also took a lot of effort and writing to reunite the male and female protagonists.

"Green Onion" mainly tells that in the last era, a boy from the city came to a village in Dashan to teach, fell in love with the heroine, and finally returned to the city because of national policies.

When I left, I told the hostess that he would come to marry her, and then the hostess had been waiting for twenty years. After meeting, I realized that they had missed it by mistake. The male protagonist was seriously ill and never married. After twenty years, the female protagonist married him, and finally the male protagonist died in her arms.

The hostess’s parents died early and she was living in her uncle’s house. The uncle’s family had two sons and a daughter. The uncle's house is not good to her, but the hostess is optimistic and loves life, like a green grass in the corner, struggling to grow up in the wind.

The cousin of the female lead, that is, the second female lead and the female lead love the male lead together. After the male lead left the mountain, he often wrote letters to the female lead when he returned to the city. However, these letters were secretly intercepted by the female lead. The Lord did not receive a letter.

The female lead waited for the male lead to marry her. She never married, and served the family at her uncle's house. At this time, the second female had already married to a neighboring village.

Because the condition of the family is not good, they have been living in the same room, and the letters cut off by the second female are all pressed on the floor. The hostess cleaned the room and finally discovered the existence of these letters.

In Jiang Mian's first scene, twenty years later, the heroine Li Wanjing discovered the existence of these letters under the bed, and took the letters to the second female Li Wanrong to confront her.

The confrontation play was in Li Wanrong's home after being married. Twenty years have passed. The girl who was fifteen or sixteen years old at the time has entered middle age. The makeup artists turned the decay into magic, and through their hands, they transformed Jiang Mian and Guan Xin into the image of women in the village.

But because the heroine in the play is not married, her long hair is braided into two big braids, and her style has not changed. Although it is not as beautiful as the season, Li Wanrong is much better than Li Wanrong.

Li Wanrong is married and has three children. Her figure has become bloated and her complexion is sallow - Guan Xin has a tall figure. In order to show her bloated figure, she wrapped a layer of clothes on her waist to make her figure bloated. The stylist takes care of it, which fits the image of Li Wanrong.

Both of them were equally beautiful young girls twenty years ago. Twenty years later, Li Wanrong, who was married, gradually grew old, just like other women in the village. Li Wanjing, who has never been married, still maintains that girlish feeling, but has experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

Twenty years have passed, and even if Li Wanjing knew the truth, things had passed so long and it didn't help. Knowing this, Li Wanrong felt confident and even satirized Li Jingwan's wishful thinking.

In this scene, Jiang Mian and Guan Xin's lines are similar. It depends on the two of them. Who can grasp the rhythm of the scene, is it equal, or does one side crush the other in all directions?

The director is still asking the staff to set up the venue and prepare for debugging. The actors are waiting for the play. Only when the director starts, the filming can begin.

Jiang Mian sipped the watermelon smoothie Xie Siyuan made for her in her hand. Xie Siyuan deserves to be one of the three dietitians exclusively for the actor's father. The craftsmanship said she was wearing a costume, which was not breathable. , The weather is sultry and hot, a bite of watermelon smoothie is very refreshing.

She wore two marijuana braids, her white and smooth skin was completely covered by the makeup artist with a dull foundation, some wrinkles were painted on her face, and even her hands were treated.

Even so, it is beautiful.

Tang An'an thought to herself, Jiang Mian had a beauty from the inside to the outside. Even if the makeup and hairstyle deliberately pretended to be ugly and old, they couldn't hide the beauty inside.

She thought that the female artist she had served before was beautiful enough, but now she found that there was still a mountain high.

When Jiang Mian saw Tang Anan standing all the time, he motioned to her to sit down beside him: "Why are you standing?"

When Tang An'an was serving a female artist, she hardly had time to sit down and rest. The other party always asked her to do this and that. Jiang Mian hardly asked her to do anything. She was not used to it.

She sat down and thought for a while, she said: "I just saw Guan Xin taking her assistant to play there."

Jiang Mian said "Oh" and continued to eat ice. By the way, he used the tablet to play games-the signal in the mountains was not stable and he could only play stand-alone games.

Tang An'an hesitated: "Mianmian, would you like to play with me?"

The second girl worked so hard, and from the perspective she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, Guan Xin's pose is not so much a serious attempt to perform well and make her best, but it is more like she wants to be in the play. Roll Jiangmian in all directions.

This is an intuition that is unique to women.

Jiang Mian looked up at her: "Don't believe me."

"No." Tang Anan hurriedly shook her head. Although Jiang Mian looked confident, she couldn't avoid being a little worried because she didn't see how Jiang Mian read the script.

Jiang Mian smiled, and lowered her head again—she seemed to be playing a game, but in fact, two villains were already in her mind to practice the scene—this is a skill she learned after nine deaths in a secret world of cultivation. .

If the cultivation base is high enough, you can use this skill to separate the avatars. Jiang Mian from the previous life can split up to six at a time, and each avatar has 70% of her own strength.

If not, she would not kill several great demon kings in a row, and the strength of these great demon kings was not lower than the Mahayana stage.

In this world, this skill has become a tasteless one, and she can only simply separate two villains in her mind to help her practice. It is better than nothing.

"Xiao Jiang." A voice sounded, "The next scene is our opponent's scene. Shall we match the scene?"

Jiang Mian raised his head, Yu Ran, who played the male number one, came.

Yu Ran is an old actor and Jiang Mian’s senior in the circle. He calls Jiang Mian Xiao Jiang. He is neither too alienated nor too intimate. He has a good sense of control and will not make people disgusted.

Yu Ran made her debut for many years and has been tepid, and it was only after the fire of "Lover on the Green" that it gradually improved.

In the original book, Yu Ran and Guan Xin liked Guan Xin after they filmed "The Love of the Green Onion", but because they learned that Guan Xin has a boyfriend, they hid this love in her heart.

Later on, there was someone black Guan Xin on the Internet. He always showed up to support Guan Xin at critical moments, and was Guan Xin's good friend in the circle.

However, his scenes were so pitiful that the whole book disappeared after only a few appearances, and the original author probably has forgotten this person.

So that Jiang Mian's impression of Yu Ran is - Guan Xin's suitor, one of countless cannon fodder men.

"Ms. Yu." Jiang Mian politely turned off the game and agreed to Yu Ran's request.

Yu Ran debuted for many years, although there is no big fire, but he has his own opinions on filming.

It’s a good opportunity for newcomers to play against the predecessors before the filming officially starts. Many predecessor actors rely on their own understanding of the scene and will not easily play against their opponents, nor will they point their opponents. Anyway, as long as they finish shooting themselves Will do.

Jiang Mian is now a newcomer, and Yu Ran is a senior. It stands to reason that Jiang Mian should go to Yu Ran even if he wants to play against each other. Yu Ran came over and offered the opposite scene, obviously it was his kindness, and Jiang Mian naturally accepted it when others released their kindness.

Originally, Yu Ran wanted to wait for Jiang Mian to come and play with him, but Jiang Mian did not come over for a long time, thinking that she was a newcomer, maybe embarrassed, so he took the initiative to come over.

By the way, thinking that Jiang Mian is a newcomer, he may be a little lacking in the character's handling. During the scene, if there is a problem, he points it out, hoping to help the other party.

Although he has no fire, his acting skills are passable, otherwise Zhang Zhixin would not directly select him as the leading actor.

He likes the profession of an actor and enjoys the joy of filming, so he also hopes that his opponent will be in a better state, so that he can play a scene at an extraordinary level.

However, Yu Ran was surprised when he was confronted with Jiang Mian. Their scene was smoothly matched, and even gave Yu Ran the feeling that they were officially shooting.

"Xiao Jiang, have you filmed before?" Yu Ran couldn't help asking when the scene was over.

Jiang Mian shook his head.

Whether it's the original owner or herself, it is true that she has never filmed a scene seriously, and it is not a lie.

Yu Ran admired: "The performance just now was very good."

As a newcomer, naturally I can't take this appreciation in a high-profile way. Jiang Mian said modestly: "How can I say it is good in front of Teacher Yu, it was you who brought me well just now that made me enter the drama soon."

Yu Ran smiled. Although the girl said modest words, the confidence in her eyes could not be concealed. It was indeed time to inject a batch of fresh blood into the circle.

On the other side, Guan Xin, who had finished the play with Zheng Xiaoyu after counting the time, came back and saw Jiang Mian talking with Yu Ran Xiaoyu at a glance, and his steps stagnated.

As the second female, she and Yu Ran also had a lot of rivalries. Today, she not only played against Jiang Mian, but also against Yu Ran. Before, she went to Yu Ran to ask for a match, and the other party readily agreed.

But after finishing the scene, he said to her: "Xiaoguan, you were a little too hard just now."

Guan Xin's face turned red in an instant. She thought she could get the role of the heroine. She had been studying the heroine Li Wanjing. Now she changed to the second female Li Wanrong. She sighed in her heart and determined to act well.

She watched every scene carefully, memorized it carefully, and tried in her heart. She thought that the other party would praise her after the scene with Yu Ran, but she didn't expect to get such a comment. It was ashamed and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after Yu Ran pointed out the problem, she talked about her advantages, which made her feel better.

Yu Ran is a senior. She believed the other party's comments and said that she had tried too hard, so she reflected on this point carefully and felt that Yu Ran was right.

So he took Zheng Xiaoyu to a place where there was no one to play against. In the first match with Jiang Mian, he must not only crush Jiang Mian, but also give everyone a bright feeling.

However, when I came back, I saw that Yu Ran and Jiang Mian were talking and laughing. Both of them had the script in their hands.

Because Jiang Mian is the heroine, so kind and friendly to her?

Still say-she turned her gaze on Jiang Mian, what did the other party do with money?

Guan Xin was in a panic, but the more angry she was now, the calmer she was. She retracted her gaze and stopped looking here.

The director's side is finally adjusted and the actors enter.

In the yard, Guan Xin held a basin full of clothes, looked at the envelope in Jiang Mian's hand, raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her face, and sneered: "Oh, finally found it?"

Jiang Mian looked at her without speaking.

Guan Xin put down the clothes basin, wiped her hands on the fat clothes, and wiped the water off her hands. She approached Jiang Mian and circled Jiang Mian: "Look at how you look now, you don’t want to Think, Song Yunan is from the city. He is going to take the university entrance exam. You are a village girl in the mountains, are you worthy to marry him? I just cut off your thoughts in advance."

Jiang Mian looked at Guan Xin, looked at her sallow face, bloated figure, and lingering meanness on her face. Suddenly she didn't get angry. She smashed all the letters at Guan Xin: "I don't deserve him, you Is it worth it?"

She turned and walked two steps, then stopped, turned back, and smiled: "Also, at least I am not married now, am I?"

"Card!" Director Zhang shouted, "Guan Xin, what's the matter with you, let me respond!"

Guan Xin's face changed: "She just wrote the letter..."

Director Zhang had no expression on his face: "Jiang Mian did a good job on the spot. As an actor, it's instinct to take the scene. Just now your position was also your on-the-spot action. Jiang Mian is next, why can't you take it? "

Guan Xin bit her lip, she just walked, Jiang Mian moved directly, with different natures. But she knew that she lost at this point.

She was really surprised by Jiang Mian's sudden act of smashing the letter, and she did not react in time.

"Sorry for the director, it was my fault." Guan Xin took a deep breath and honestly admitted her mistake.

However, this thing of momentum has always been a rush, declining, and exhausting.

Guan Xin herself planned to crush Jiang Mian, but she fell short at the beginning. She was also trained by the director and watched by so many people. For various reasons, the scene was filmed three times.

In these three times, Director Zhang did not comment on Jiang Mian's performance, and was obviously satisfied.

The reason why I have to shoot three times, all the problem lies with Guan Xin.

After the filming, Director Zhang called her two to the monitor, let them watch the replay, and pointed out Guan Xin's mistake in front of Jiang Mian.

This is his play. No matter who is behind the actor, he must follow his requirements when filming his play. He will not lower his demands just because the other party has the backstage. He has always said something about the play.

Good is good, bad is bad.

Guan Xin's eyes were red, her fingertips pinched her hands fiercely, but her face was humbly obedient. Seeing her like this, Director Zhang's tone became softer: "You are filming for the first time, and it is normal to have deficiencies. , Temper slowly."

"As for you." Director Zhang turned to Jiang Mian, who also listened humbly.

Director Zhang looked at Jiang Mian carefully, and he began to wonder if Qin Jingrun had taught this girl in private, and Jiang Mian's performance in this scene exceeded his expectations.

For the actors he admired, Director Zhang would not spare his praise. He patted Jiang Mian on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Yes, keep it up."

Jiang Mian didn't need to say anything, just stood there obediently, Director Zhang's reaction and these words were enough to slap Guan Xin in the face.

The gaze that everyone looked at Guan Xin made her face burn so badly that they could not wait to get into the ground.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, it was just a scene, she was just caught off guard by Jiang Mian.

What can a scene show?

There is still a long time to come, she must not admit that she is inferior to Jiang Mian just because of a mistake.

After filming the opponent scene with Guan Xin, the next is the opponent scene with the male protagonist. Jiang Mian confronted Yu Ran before and officially started filming. Both of them had no problem and went straight over it.

So everyone looked at Guan Xin's gaze more deeply.

Jiang Mian played against her because of her problems three times, and played against Yu Ran only once. It was easy to see which one was strong and weak.

"Mianmian, I cooked some mung bean soup, would you like to drink some?" During the break, the third female actress Chen Xueyi came over to talk to her. There were only three young actresses in the play. She didn't want to talk to Guan Xin. I didn't like each other, so I chose Jiang Mian to show her good.

"Thank you." Jiang Mian took it, and she gave back a cup of watermelon smoothie made by Xie Siyuan.

Chen Xueyi took it and compared the two. She felt that her bowl of mung bean soup was very shabby, but when she saw that Jiang Mian drank the mung bean soup without hesitation, her favorability rose.

Jiang Mian looked at Chen Xueyi calmly.

Chen Xueyi is the actress who played the second female Li Wanrong in the original book. She has a lot of roles and has been blocking Guan Xin. Finally, because Shen Shiqing shot and collected her black material, the true and the false were mixed, forcing her to quit the entertainment ring.

This is not enough. In the middle and late stages of the original text, there was a big prize that should have belonged to Chen Xueyi, but it ended up on Guan Xin because of Shen Shiqing.

With a bitterness, Chen Xueyi prescribed Guan Xin's medicine to explode the Guan Xin scandal, of course she missed it.

With this move, after she was forced to quit the entertainment industry, Shen Shiqing asked someone to give her medicine. The original book did not describe the plot specifically. In short, Chen Xueyi's ending was not good, but at least she was still alive.

Chen Xueyi found that Jiang Mian looked at her with a little... sympathy? She looked down at herself with a look of confusion.

Not long after Chen Xueyi debuted, she only made small supporting roles in a few dramas. Her family conditions are not very good. She has only one purpose in the entertainment industry-to make money!

Jiang Mian retracted his gaze. According to the description in the book, Chen Xueyi is a vicious female partner who is jealous and hates the female lead. In short, how good the female lead is, Chen Xueyi is just as malicious—it should be said that most of the book The female partners are used to set off the kindness, tenacity and simplicity of the heroine.

Chen Xueyi's eyes are clear and her facial features are beautiful. It's really not as described in the book-maybe because of the change in the heroine's personality in the later period, but so far, she looks like a bright girl with no heart in the city.

"You acted so well just now, everyone was stunned." Chen Xueyi said, "Can I come and play with you in the future?" She was straightforward.

"of course can."

Jiang Mian quickly became acquainted with Chen Xueyi. Through Chen Xueyi, she learned that Guan Xin would continue to read the script and make comments after returning to the room after work. of.

"I often hear her assistant ridicule her." Chen Xueyi was puzzled. "The two had a bad relationship in private, but Guan Xin used her as an assistant. As an assistant, he dared to scold the boss. I was puzzled. In that case, why does she continue to hire this assistant?"

Chen Xueyi came to Dashan alone, and the company did not provide her with an assistant. She herself was reluctant to pay for an assistant, so she was very curious about the relationship between Guan Xin and Zheng Xiaoyu.

Jiang Mian was silent but smiled.

Zheng Xiaoyu was arranged by Shen Shiqing for Guan Xin.

Although Shen Shiqing is not a good thing, he is also a domineering president dressed in a rich and handsome coat. Naturally, many women like him.

Zheng Xiaoyu knows the relationship between Guan Xin and Shen Shiqing, will he not be jealous?

"Whatever them, we just need to make our own scenes." Jiang Mian said casually as he garlanded wild flowers on the side of the road.

After she was done, she put it on her head, and Chen Xueyi stared blankly: "Mianmian, you are so beautiful."

Jiang Mian didn't wear costumes, only a long and elegant dress, with loose long hair and beautiful wreaths, standing there, smiling slightly, like an elf falling into the mundane world.

Chen Xueyi really couldn't find a good word to describe it, but she was amazed.

Director Zhang made the filming of "Green Onion" for a long time. After several days of continuous shooting, several leading actors only took the makeup photos. After the shooting, the official Weibo posted the pictures to announce the protagonists of the film.

As a well-known director, Director Zhang's films have always attracted everyone's attention. Anyone who follows his news knows that Director Zhang has been preparing for the filming of "Love in the Green". Now it is officially announced, everyone is looking forward to who the heroine is.

At first glance, it turned out to be a new face. This is a routine operation of Director Zhang, and everyone is not surprised.

Look again, damn, this newcomer looks a little pretty.

In the entertainment industry, it is a place to look at your face, and it is usually better to look good.

"For this look, I think she wants to be angry."

"The makeup photo is pure plain makeup, right? This looks is too good."

"Seeing her, I saw the taste of first love."

"Huh? Do you think that this girl looks a bit like Brother Qin at first glance??"


Just such a casual comment, and then someone tore it up, and the tearing was still fierce.

Tang An'an registered a Weibo for Jiang Mian because the official Weibo wanted Aite actor, but after reposting the Weibo on the official Weibo, a group of people rushed to curse.

Most of them are saying that Jiang Mian is not like Qin Jingrun at all, let her be honest, don't try to rely on this to rub Qin Jingrun's heat, or the female fans will tear her.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She hasn't done anything, she's in trouble?

However, she had just put the pot on her back, less than half an hour, because a repost of Qin Jingrun's Weibo changed.

The actor father quietly squinted and forwarded Jiang Mian's makeup photos on his seldom-used Weibo, and said: "It really looks like me."

Fans:! ! !