Although the celestial father who had received the request of the precious daughter did not understand why her daughter had asked herself to prevent Qin Jingrun from going to the United States, this was the first time her daughter asked herself to ask for it. The celestial father was so happy that he certainly agreed without hesitation.

The boss next to him saw that he was so spicy, so he couldn't bear to add a large glass of water to him, and said, "If you can't eat spicy, don't put chili."

Zuo Xingping filled a large glass of water with his eyes hot red. He pointed angrily at the paper posted on the table, which read: Pepper is not spicy, so you can eat it with confidence.

He didn't speak, and stared at the boss with accusing eyes.


The boss said sincerely: "I don't know which customer stayed after eating. I forgot to take it away."

Who knows that someone will take it seriously. Can it be spicy?

Zuo Xingping: "???"

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Zuo Xingping paid the money and went to the apartment he wanted to clean with a gloomy suit. After the cleaning was finished, he took out the key phone, turned out Qin Jingrun's number, and dialed it.

Master Tian's remarks to the other fathers are very simple, and they are directly distinguished by their names.

As soon as Qin Jingrun got home, his phone vibrated, and he raised his eyebrows when he saw the "God Stick" displayed on it.

How could he call himself?

The four fathers didn't deal with each other, and they wanted to black each other out and raise Jiang Mian by themselves. However, this was unrealistic, so they saved numbers for each other-for the New Year at the end of the year and for the baby girl's birthday party.

In just these two days a year, the four fathers will appear together with Jiang Mian. They are usually irrelevant and ignore each other.

Qin Jingrun answered the phone, and Zuo Xingping's voice came over: "Big star, where are you?"

"Something?" Qin Jingrun turned on the handsfree, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

Zuo Xingping weighed his tone and said, "I'll make a calculation. You are not lucky during this period of time. It is best not to travel far away, otherwise accidents will easily occur."

"..." Qin Jingrun sneered and wanted to hang up immediately.

Zuo Xingping seemed to know that he was going to hang up, and said quickly: "I have something to discuss with you about Mianmian. It's really, very important."

It's about my baby girl, Qin Jingrun frowned, and had to say, "I'm at home."

He was about to talk about a place to meet, and Zuo Xingping immediately said, "Where is the address? I'll come over right away."

Qin Jingrun: "..."

So diligent, there must be a reason for something abnormal, but he wants to see what this magic stick is going to do.

The reason Jiang Mian asked Heavenly Master to stop the actor father was because she knew that Heavenly Master father would not refuse her, let alone ask her why, and would not be jealous because of it. , Wishing Qin Jingrun to go abroad to film, so that Qin Jingrun would not see Jiang Mian, his heart was balanced.

As for the detective father, he is still working on the task and is still in a state of losing contact. Jiang Mian has not dealt with him since he passed through, so I don't know what his personality is.

In this case, the Heavenly Master is the most suitable, and she still believes very much in the abilities of the Heavenly Master. The Heavenly Master promises that she will definitely stop Qin Jingrun, so she will definitely stop it.

As long as Qin Jingrun does not go abroad to film "Death Project 3", he can avoid the plot in the original book. Since she has passed through, the four dads must be well done anyway, and she will never allow any one of them to have problems.

After handling the actor's father's affairs, Jiang Mian felt a little relieved and looked at the time. At ten thirty in the evening, she was getting dressed and ready to go out-the water ghost in the small water pool hadn't done it yet.

"Mianmian, where are you going?" Tang Anan came out of the bathroom to wash, and saw Jiang Mian dressed as he was about to go out. He was shocked and immediately looked nervous.

The bedroom Jiang Mian lived in was given to the owner by her and the owner gave it to her. Tang An'an is an assistant. It stands to reason that she should live in a room with other female staff members in the crew. Jiang Mian let her live with herself directly. The room is big enough so that the owner can add another bed.

There is a bathroom in this bedroom, which is much more convenient for girls. Jiang Mian can let Tang Anan live in a room with her without hesitation. Tang Anan's heart is very touched. Sincere heart is changed. Taking care of Jiang Mian is naturally more intimate .

"I'll go for a walk." Jiang Mian took a flashlight and checked the brightness. She said, "You should rest first."

Tang An'an: "..."

The mountain is not like a city. Even at night, there are street lights. At night, after every household falls asleep, the whole mountain is silent, except for the moon overhead. No light can penetrate.

If you go out at night, the mountains overlap under the moonlight, and the shadows are whirling, which is very scary. She really doesn't understand what to go outside at night!

But I have been with Jiang Mian for a few days. Knowing that Jiang Mian's decision will not change, she hurriedly said: "Then I will go out with you." Two people are naturally less afraid of being in company.

Jiang Mian tilted his head and looked at her: "Are you really going to come with me?"

Tang An'an nodded heavily, preparing a suit quickly.

"No." Jiang Mian refused, and then blinked at her, "I'm going to a tryst. What will I do with a light bulb."

Tang Anan: "......???"

Tang An's eyes widened in surprise, secluded, tryst? ? ?

Finally, I could only watch Jiang Mian walk out of the room with a flashlight.

Jiang Mian walked towards the small water pool based on his memory, and a round of bright moon hung in the air like a disc, and the moonlight gently shed, making the hard mountain in the distance softer.

Jiang Mian picked up a branch casually as a weapon, and walked slowly with a flashlight. As he walked, a surprised voice suddenly sounded above his head: "Little Jiang?"

"Ms. Yu." Jiang Mian raised his head and shone the flashlight upwards, "You haven't slept yet."

The light hit Yu Ran's eyes, and he couldn't open his eyes, so Jiang Mian quickly moved away.

There are houses on both sides of the road she is walking, and she lives in one of them. She probably heard a sound outside and was not asleep, so she opened the window.

It happened that the moonlight loomed into the clouds, and the surroundings suddenly became dark. Jiang Mian was afraid that he could not see it, so he reflected the flashlight on his face.

It was dark all around, only the light of Jiang Mian's flashlight. She reflected the light on her face, wearing a white dress, and her long hair scattered.

Yu Ran: "..."

Thanks to his confirmation just now that it was Jiang Mian.

After calming down the beating heart just now, Yu Ran tried to ignore the flashlight face, and he asked: "It's so late, where are you going?"

A girl who goes out at night without an assistant is not afraid?

"Can't sleep, come out and walk." Jiang Mian casually found a reason, "Teacher Yu, rest early, good night."

After speaking, continue to move forward leisurely, thinking of new spiritual power soon, and feel happy.

Yu Ran frowned and watched, Jiang Mian saved him in the water during the day, and he was kind to himself.

Since he saw it, he couldn't let her walk in the mountains alone at night, as a single girl, if something went wrong, it was not a joke.

Thinking of this, Yu Ran quickly got up. Assistant Shishi was in the same room with him, sleeping in another Kang, and was awakened by the sound. Seeing Yu Ran was wearing clothes, he quickly said: "Brother Yu, what are you going to do, I will help you. "

It's okay to have an assistant to follow, so as not to hear anything from time to time, so Yu Ran went out with the stone and quickly caught up with Jiang Mian.

"Xiao Jiang." Yu Ran said, "I just can't sleep, so let's walk with you."

Jiang Mian looked back to see the two of them and helped her forehead. Although she and Yu Ran had been filming for a few days, the two of them weren’t familiar enough to chase them out at night and walk the mountains with her.

When Shishi saw Jiang Mian and then looked at his boss, he was surprised. He thought that what happened to the boss when he went out at night, the result? ? ?

Uh... Jiang Mian didn't expect Yu Ran to be so heart-hearted. After thinking about it, he bends his eyes playfully: "Mr. Yu, we will go together at night. It's too easy to gossip. I am a little transparent now, but I can't stand it. Your fans tear up."

Although Yu Ran has always been tepid, but since his debut for many years, there are still a group of diehard fans.

"I'll walk around, take a breath of fresh air, and see the night view in the mountains." Jiang Mian said, "I'll go here, you can do it yourself."

Yu Ran: "..."

He hesitated, Jiang Mian said this, if he still followed, it would be really bad.

"Stone, you go and follow." Yu Ran quickly thought of a new way, anyway, just make sure that Jiang Mian won't be in danger.

"Huh? Me?" The stone stunned for a moment.

Yu Ran: "Xiao Jiang is right. It's really wrong for me to walk with her, but she's a girl's house, and it's not safe at night. Please follow along and watch."

The Stone had to follow along, and it didn't take long for the Stone to come back with an expression of wonder.

Yu Ran was already lying back on the bed, still not asleep, and asked, "Xiao Jiang has gone back?"

The stone hesitated, and then frowned. The stone had no choice but to say, "Miss Jiang has gone to the small water pool."

"???" Yu Ran sat up from the bed.

"I usually look at a girl who Jiao Didi is so courageous." Shishi had admiration in her eyes. "She said she was going to swim, and there was no time during the day, but now there is time to swim. You say she is a girl. I went swimming at home, but it was too inappropriate for me, so I came back."

Seeing Yu Ran getting up, the stone scratched his head and said, "Brother Yu, Miss Jiang is going to swim. She is good at swimming and will be fine. Let's rush over. It's too much."

He felt that Yu Ran seemed a little too worried. Jiang Mian was an adult, and they were not qualified to control what they wanted to do.

Yu Ran stopped, and Shishi made sense. He hesitated and said: "Xiao Jiang saved me during the day, in case something happens..."

"She's just going to swim, what can you do. Brother Yu, let me tell you, just rush to the action that she saves you during the day. I guess no one in our crew has better water performance than her."

This kind of look has been practiced since childhood, and it is really amazing-the stone can't help but sigh in his heart.

Yu Ran was convinced.

After Jiang Mian sent away the stone, no one came to hinder her at all. He walked briskly for more than ten minutes, and came to the small water pool that was shot during the day.

At this moment, the full moon appeared shyly from the clouds, and the pale silver moonlight sprinkled on the water surface with silver gauze. The water flow is gentle, and the full moon is reflected in the water. In addition to being too quiet, the environment is very beautiful, with a beautiful freehand feeling, beautiful and peaceful.

This beauty and quietness was broken by a string of stones. Jiang Mian picked up the stones in one hand and threw them into the water carelessly, with constant buzzing.

"Did you come out by yourself, or should I come down to find you?" Jiang Mian, who greeted him, patted the dirt on his hands, stretched his legs into the water, and placed the flashlight on a rock on the shore, with his legs held up and down. water.

The only response to Jiang Mian was a sudden gust of wind.

The other party was really calm, Jiang Mian waited to continue talking, suddenly the phone rang, and at first glance, it turned out to be a video application sent by the tyrant father.

It was morning in the United States, and Han Xu was so busy as soon as he went back. Today, he finally had a little time to spare—the circle of friends he sent, "My baby girl kissed me," and it didn’t take long for him to receive it from Qin Jingrun. Taking a photo with Jiang Mian, the two smiled happily at the camera.

Han Xu was annoyed. The baby girl had never taken photos so intimately with him, so she had to block Qin Jingrun angrily. After that, she was busy dealing with emergencies in the American family business, and she had no time to think about it.

Now I have some free time, thinking that it is only ten o'clock in the evening in China. This time is the time for young people to be hi at night. My baby girl must have not slept, so she made a tentative video call.

Unexpectedly, the baby girl was connected immediately, and Han Xu suddenly felt happy in his eyes—he used to make video calls to his baby girl, but he would not answer eight out of ten times, and the remaining two were directly hung up.

Ever since the baby girl was hurt by the kid surnamed Gu, she became sensible. Han Xu was relieved and happy while feeling distressed at the same time. He always felt that it was too simple to let the surname Gu so easily.

"Mianmian, why is it so dark in your place, are you playing outside?" Han Xu noticed the darkness on the screen, and quickly brought the phone closer.

Then he heard the voice of the baby girl: "Dad, I didn't turn on the camera."

Han Xu: "..."

Local tyrant father wronged: "Why don't you let Dad look at you."

Jiang Mian was right and strong, lying and not drafting: "Because I am taking a bath."

In order to convince the local tyrant father, Jiang Mian lowered his mobile phone and made him listen to the sound of water.

In the next second, a hand suddenly stretched out of the water, and he snatched the phone in Jiang Mian's hand.

Jiang Mian: "???"

Darling fat, dare to **** her phone openly? !

Here, Han Xu was still thinking about her baby daughter taking a bath, and he didn't want to hang up her phone. He must miss herself.

However, before this happiness overflowed, I saw a pale face suddenly appeared on the pitch-black screen, with exploding hair, like Sadako in the horror film, caught off guard, Han Xu shook his hand and his phone Fell on the table.

"Dad, I was watching a ghost movie just now, I didn't scare you." The baby girl's worried voice came from the phone.

Han Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, he couldn't let his daughter know that he was shocked. He quickly picked up the phone and said, "No, dad is brave. Do you remember when you were a kid, dad watched ghost movies with you."

Jiang Mian stepped on the water ghost's head to prevent it from moving, and took back his own mobile phone. As soon as Han Xu said this, a memory automatically appeared in her mind.

Before the rebellious period, Jiang Mian lived there for three months each year. Because of the actor's father, Jiang Mian liked to watch movies and watched all types of movies.

When I lived with the local tyrant father, the local tyrant father was busy with work. Although he tried his best to go home every day, it was very late when he returned home. At this time, Jiang Mian would watch a movie in the living room and wait for the local tyrant father to return.

In order to stimulate and refresh, in most cases, I watch ghost movies, and for the atmosphere, I also turn off the lights at home.

The reason why the original owner has not believed in the abilities of Tianshida is because she watched many ghost movies when she was a child. She believed that ghosts were fake and played by humans, so how could they be real.

Coupled with the guidance of several other fathers, they agreed that Zuo Xingping was a magic stick.

When Han Xu comes back from busy schedule, he feels distressed that his baby girl waits for him, and will watch with Jiang Mian.

However, Han Xu was actually afraid of watching horror movies, but he could not show this fear in front of his daughter, otherwise his father's identity would be too detrimental.

The original owner didn’t know at first, and he was very happy that the local tyrant could watch ghost movies with him until he found a search record in his mobile browser once:

——What should I do if I am afraid of watching ghost movies?

——How can I not be afraid of watching ghost movies?

——What are the ways to prevent the fear of watching ghost movies?


Just three months later, the original owner went to live with the next father, and later when he lived with the local tyrant father, he stopped watching ghost movies with him. The local tyrant father knew that the baby girl's personality changed, and he didn't take it seriously.

As everyone knows, the original owner has long known that he is afraid of ghosts and afraid of watching ghost movies. Now Jiang Mian heard the local tyrant father say this, and at the same time he wanted to laugh, he couldn't help being a little bit sour. Dad gets along very well.

As a result, as soon as the youth rebellious period came, the four fathers spoiled them again, what they wanted, and the original owner's personality became more and more arrogant and arrogant.

After a moment of loss of consciousness, Jiang Mian glanced at the water ghost lying motionless under his feet, and smiled: "Dad, I remember, the ghost movie I watched this time was pretty good. When you come back, we will watch it together."

Han Xu: "..."

Han Xu flashed the face that he had just spied on the screen in his mind, and quickly stabilized his face to prevent the baby girl from seeing any thoughts in his heart, and nodded naturally: "Okay, when Dad comes back, Dad will be with you Look!"

"Then keep watching, Dad won't bother you, and also, don't soak in the bath for too long, otherwise the skin will become wrinkled and not beautiful." Han Xu reluctantly hung up the video after repeated instructions.

As soon as he hung up, the local tyrant patted his chest, then called the Filipino maid, and ordered to find a few horror movies, preferably the 3D version!

He wants to preview in all aspects in advance, so as not to watch ghost movies with his baby daughter after returning to China and be caught by his daughter.

Jiang Mian put down the phone, flung the flashlight to the water ghost's face, and the other side avoided him. Jiang Mian let go of his foot, and he turned around and wanted to run into the water. The movements were very flustered. It was obviously afraid of Jiang Mian.

"You grabbed my phone and scared my dad, so you want to leave like this?" Jiang Mian said slowly, and the water ghost ran faster when she heard her talk.

As long as she hides her head in the water, this bad woman can't help herself.

As a water ghost, there is still a strong desire to survive!

One minute later, the water ghost was rubbed on the ground again by Jiang Mian. It finally squeaked, with a hoarse voice. It could not tell whether it was a male or a female, and it was anxious and frustrated: "What are you going to do?"

"Not very good, I just fell in love with you." Jiang Mian smiled at it.

Water ghost: "???"

Tang An'an sat at the door like a husband stone and waited for Jiang Mian to return. She checked the time and Jiang Mian had been out for forty minutes.

Tang An'an didn't believe what Jiang Mian said about going out for a tryst. She had been taking care of Jiang Mian personally. There was no ambiguity with her in the crew. Where would she go for a tryst.

Xie Siyuan and their family lived in the same family. They had been busy in the kitchen. They gave Jiang Mian some nutritious and low-calorie supper with the existing ingredients. When he was sent by Qin Jingrun, he received the instruction: Don’t let Jiang Mian. To lose weight, she must be fattened.

There is a range for this fat. It can't be too fat or too thin. It should be just right.

As a senior nutritionist, Xie Siyuan had no choice but to do everything he could, changing tricks every day to find a way to make Jiang Mian fat just right.

"Where's Mianmian?" Doing a good job of low caliber in the fruit flooding, Xie Siyuan came over to find someone, and saw Tang Anan's sad expression, but Jiang Mian was not in the room.

Tang Anan glanced at him quietly, and said, "She said to go out for a walk, but she hasn't come back yet."

"You didn't follow her?" Xie Siyuan was incredible.

Tang An'an: "She won't let me follow!"

As he was talking, Jiang Mian carrying a flashlight walked in through the door, Tang An'an was shocked: "Mianmian, why are you soaked all over! What happened? Is there any injury?"

"I went for a swim. I gave this to you. I picked it up when I was swimming." Jiang Mian stuffed something into Tang Anan's hand, and took the fruit waterlogged by Xie Siyuan by the way, and walked back briskly. The room.

Tang Anan glared at what was in his hand, and asked Xie Siyuan blankly: "...what is this?"

Xie Siyuan picked it up and looked at it: "It's a gold nugget, such a large piece. When you return to the city, you can take it out and melt it or sell it. It should be worth tens of thousands."

Tang An'an opened his lips, feeling a bit dry in his throat: "Just give me tens of thousands of pieces?"

Even if it's picked up, it doesn't need to be so generous. The female artist she used to talk to, never gave her anything.

No, this is not the important thing. The point is why Jiang Mian went swimming at night and picked up a golden lump? ? ?

When he returned to the room, Tang Anan wanted to ask a few questions, but looked at the tightly closed curtains, he had to swallow the words back.

——Although Jiang Mian and Tang An'an live in the same room, Jiang Mian asked Tang An'an to make a sealed curtain around her bed, so that she could meditate on the bed so that she would not be surprised by Tang An'an.

Jiang Mian wandered the newly acquired spiritual power in her body, and finally sank into her dantian. When she opened her eyes again, the sky was already bright, and her body was relaxed, and her spirit was better than ever-she finally reached the first level of Qi refining!

It took nearly two months and finally broke through the first level. Compared with her previous life, this progress was the speed of cheetahs and tortoises.

But in this world with a lack of spiritual energy, the original owner has poor talents, and it is not bad to reach the first level of Qi refining in two months.

After the breakthrough, some impurities were forced out of the body again, and Jiang Mian hurried to the bathroom to rinse.

Tang Anan came in with breakfast, and when he saw Jiang Mian, he was completely stunned.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Tang An'an said blankly: "Mianmian, I think you have become beautiful again."

Facing Jiang Mian, she suddenly felt that she was not a woman.

Jiang Mian smiled and did not speak. Tang An'an put down his breakfast and was a little excited: "Today you and Guan Xin's opponent play is Pingcunhua. You are standing with her, who is the village flower at a glance!"

In the play, Song Yunan organized the students to hold a main art performance on New Year's Day. Both Li Wanjing and Li Wanrong signed up for the show, and some people babbled to choose the most beautiful girl among them.

Li Wanjing and Li Wanrong had the same number of votes, and the last vote fell in the hands of Song Yunan. As long as he voted, whoever would win.

At this time Song Yunan has secretly fallen in love with Li Wanjing. In order to avoid suspicion, he voted for Li Wanrong.

It was this behavior that made Li Wanrong mistakenly believe that Song Yunan liked her, which paved the way for Li Wanrong's subsequent interception of her letter.

After packing, I arrived on the set, but found that the atmosphere on the set was not quite right, and Jiang Mian soon knew.

Shen Shiqing actually came.

The pomp he came was extremely large, and he brought a few bodyguards. Everyone knew that Shen Shiqing was the chief investor, but he did not expect that he would come to this ravine.

Moreover, as soon as he came up, he directly stated that he was visiting a friend of the class. As for who that friend was, the staff's gaze when looking at Guan Xin changed.

Because she is the second female, everyone can see that there is something wrong between her and Jiang Mian, and the staff sees the situation and their attitude towards her is not much better.

Unexpectedly, behind Guan Xin was Shen Shiqing!

Guan Xin couldn't help but curl his lips in the face of all the complicated and enviable gazes everyone looked at him.

Shen Shiqing's arrival invisibly supported her and made her exhale.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mian sighed, thought about it, and walked slowly towards Shen Shiqing.

The author has something to say: Interpol father (continues to smile): Silence is the best response~