"Unexpectedly, Guan Xin and Shen are always friends. What should I do? Guan Xin asked me to find a prop for her the day before yesterday. I was too busy to take care of it. Would you say she would wear small shoes for me?"

"Probably not, she seems to be very talkative, and she speaks quietly to others outside of filming."

"It's a friend relationship, what kind of relationship is it, how do you know, hehe."

"But President Shen is really handsome, and he can make his debut with this appearance. To be honest, I am a little jealous of Guan Xin."


Some people in the crowd were whispering, others could not hear, but Jiang Mian, who had already broken through the qi refining layer, could catch these voices in his ears.

Gu Qiwen's head is getting greener.

"Mianmian." Tang Anan whispered, "Look at Guan Xin's posture, it's really enough to pretend."

How could not pretend to make many men crazy for her, even Gu Qiwen didn't mind the cuckold in the later period, and explained in Guan Xin's words: it was not my fault, I had no choice, he forced me. If I resist, he will not only hurt me, but also you. It’s okay to hurt me, but I can’t let him hurt you...

"Thank you, Mr. Shen." Approaching, I heard Guan Xin's polite, grateful and alienated voice.

——Shen Shiqing brings a luxurious folding massage chair to Guan Xin.

Guan Xin didn’t want to show that she had an unclear relationship with Shen Shiqing in front of others, and didn’t want others to think that she relied on Shen Shiqing’s superiority, so she had to make this pair although she knew Shen Shiqing, but it was just a friend relationship, not other.

However, while maintaining this "noble" posture, she also enjoyed the invisible support Shen Shiqing appeared to support her. Tang An'an's pretense is considered to be a better word, in the popular online language, it is really both right and standing.

But the author of the original book wanted to set it like this in order to be cool. Almost all men like Guan Xin, and all women are jealous and hate Guan Xin.

Jiang Mian came over, and everyone subconsciously cleared the way for her. Shen Shiqing's gaze suddenly turned from Guan Xin to Jiang Mian, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes seemed to be deeper.

Guan Xin's expression changed when he thought of the last time he tried out in the hotel, and he observed Shen Shiqing without leaving any trace.

After the last trial, Shen Shiqing never contacted her, making her feel a little uneasy as she breathed a sigh of relief. Shen Shiqing didn't look for her again until a week ago. It was at that time that he sent Zheng Xiaoyu to her.

"President Shen, long time no see." Jiang Mian smiled, as if to say hello to an old acquaintance, "I accidentally hurt you last time, are you okay now?"

At the level of Jiang Mian's last move, Shen Shiqing was afraid that it would be difficult to walk for three to five days. However, since Shen Shiqing was a person, he naturally refused to let others know that he had been beaten, and he had to pretend that he was not injured when he gritted his teeth. Only he could understand the taste.

Everyone didn't expect Jiang Mian to know Shen Shiqing, and they were all stunned, and from Jiang Mian's tone, they smelt the smell of a loofah in the circle, and all raised their ears.

Director Zhang is also nearby, and the total investor joins the group. As a director, it is impossible to greet him.

Hearing Jiang Mian's words at this moment, I thought of the slap that the other party slapped Shen Shiqing, which pot is really not open or lifted, for fear that it will not attract people's hatred!

If Shen Shiqing angered Shen Shiqing in the crew, and something went wrong, it would still be his play that was lost, so he was ready to speak up.

But Shen Shiqing didn't give Director Zhang a chance to complete the game. He deserves to be the biggest villain in the book. On the surface, he has cultivated well. He said very gentlemanly and even smiled: "Thanks to Ms. Jiang, it is completely healed. "

"That's good, I don't need to be afraid." Jiang Mian said with a relieved expression, "I've been worried all this time, I'm afraid that Mr. Shen will hold me accountable. Fortunately, you adults don't care about villains. I can finally stop worrying now."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

He looked at Jiang Mian. At that time, the morning light fell on her, covering her with a faint warm color. She smiled with crooked eyebrows and her voice was delicate and crisp, like a beautiful rose just blooming, or a thorny one. Kind.

"Ms. Jiang is so beautiful, acting in my investment scene, making money for me, as a boss, how can I care about the employees." Shen Shiqing turned around and said something to a bodyguard, then continued, "This This time I brought you some gifts and prepared a copy for Ms. Jiang. I hope Ms. Jiang will like it."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows lightly. With Shen Shiqing's character, I am afraid that her heart will be torn at this moment. What good things can I give? However, in front of everyone, if she didn't answer, she would be the subject of others.

Jiang Mian took it openly, and Shen Shiqing politely said, "Don't take it apart and take a look?"

The massage chair that Shen Shiqing gave to Guan Xin, who immediately took it apart and set it aside. Later, when she finished filming and rested, she could lie on the massage chair to relax and massage, which received a lot of envy from everyone.

The box that the bodyguard handed over was not big, it didn't look like a valuable thing, and it was incomparable with Guan Xin's luxurious massage chair.

Jiang Mian took the box and felt something moved inside—a living thing.

If Shen Shiqing really gave her something, it would not be normal. She glanced at Shen Shiqing and immediately smiled at him.

In her smile, Shen Shiqing was inexplicably aware of a certain dangerous feeling, and some parts of the body were aching.

Jiang Mian slowly opened the lid, and in the next second, a snake head as big as a baby's fist came out!

The people around were all wondering what Shen Shiqing would send her to the number one girl, but never expected it would be a ferocious snake, screaming everywhere.

Jiang Mian let out a small exclamation, and knocked over the box with a look of panic. Taking this opportunity, he quickly put his finger on the snake, the snake inside flew out, and everyone backed forward.

But I saw that colorful snake stretched out in mid-air, slammed at Shen Shiqing, and instantly wrapped around Shen Shiqing's neck, the snake body tightened!

Everything happened in a flash. Shen Shiqing hadn't reacted yet. A sense of confinement and suffocation suddenly came, his face flushed immediately, and the bodyguards behind him all stepped forward. It took nearly half a minute to take the snake from Shen Shiqing's neck. Come down.

The investor's gift to the female No.1 was a living snake, and then the investor was wrapped around his neck by the snake and almost injured.

This, this... For everyone, this question is beyond the outline.

There was no sound in the surroundings, and only Shen Shiqing's violent coughing could be heard, how embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Mr. Shen, are you okay." Of course, it was Jiang Mian who broke the silence. She paled and opened her eyes. She was full of horror and fear. "I, I don't know that you are sending a snake. I have been Afraid of snakes."

Shen Shiqing probably wanted to see how Jiang Mian was frightened when he saw the snake, or some other reason-after all, snakes are terrifying things for girls.

But he never expected that he would lift a rock and hit him in the foot.

Jiang Mian's words directly pushed the pot to Shen Shiqing: You gave the things, and you were hurt by the snake you sent, no one can blame.

By the way, he secretly satirized him again, a man gave a gift to a living snake, not only tasteless, but also vicious.

The two looked at each other, and Shen Shiqing clearly saw the gloat in Jiang Mian's eyes. He held down the anger in his heart for two seconds and looked down upon this woman.

"It's okay, it's my fault." Shen Shiqing took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and made himself look like an elegant gentleman's president again.

"I heard that Ms. Jiang likes some small animals in nature. This snake was brought back by a friend from abroad. I thought it was just right to give it to Ms. Jiang. I didn't expect to scare Ms. Jiang. I am really embarrassed."

Jiang Mian shook his head and said generously: "It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Shen is fine."

"You don't look very good, do you want to take a rest next to you?" Jiang Mian was really worried, "Ah, your neck is swollen. Let the doctor come and see it for you."

Shen Shiqing blocked his throat in one breath.

Finally, the bodyguards guarded him and went to find a doctor under the leadership of the crew.

Jiang Mian greeted many gazes, covered her heart, and assisted Tang Anan to the lounge for her. Before leaving, he said to Guan Xin: "Miss Guan, Mr. Shen came here to visit your class specially, his neck It's swollen, won't you go and see?"

The gaze that fell on Jiang Mian turned to Guan Xin, and the latter's expression changed again.

She knew Shen Shiqing, the other party had lost such a big face, if she leaned forward, she would most likely be angry.

But Jiang Mian said that, she had to go if she didn't.

As soon as he entered the rest room, Jiang Mian released Tang An'an, who was dumbfounded: "Mianmian, you are not scared."

Seeing Jiang Mian's face turned pale and covering her heart, she really thought Jiang Mian was frightened.

"A snake wants to scare me?" Jiang Mian sat down in the chair, thinking of Shen Shiqing's ugly face and fire in his eyes, but he couldn't vent his suffocated look, and he was extremely happy.

Jiang Mian had the courage to go swimming in the pool alone at night. It is indeed difficult for a snake to scare her, but--

"This President Shen is not a man anymore!" After all, it is the chief investor. Even if he complains and complains, Tang An'an lowers his voice, "Even if he wants to hold Guan Xin, he can't give you a snake."

"If you say you like small animals, you really want to send them, cats and rabbits." Tang An'an was disgusted by Shen Shiqing's operation. "He deliberately wants to scare you."

Besides, why does Jiang Mian like small animals?

"No need to be angry." Jiang Mian said, "I have nothing to lose anyway."

Tang Anan thought of the scene when Shen Shiqing was attacked by the snake he had brought, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry. He couldn't help being vicious: "I heard that the brighter the color of this snake, the more poisonous it is. Why didn't it bite? He took a bite."

"He's not stupid." Jiang Mian was funny. "All the snake's teeth have been pulled out. Apart from being scary, there is no danger."

Shen Shiqing's purpose was just to scare her, and he didn't have the courage to openly harm others.

At the first glance at the snake, Jiang Mian was sure that the snake was harmless, but it looked scary.

Tang An'an wondered: "But why did that snake wrap around his neck?" It was still so tight that if the bodyguard didn't act in time, Shen Shiqing's time for suffering would have to be extended.

Jiang Mian: "Probably I like him too much."

Tang Anan thinks what Jiang Mian said makes sense.

After a while, Xie Siyuan walked in with a plate of washed fruits, then took out his mobile phone, clicked a small video, and put it in front of Jiang Mian.

It was actually a video of Shen Shiqing panicking when he was caught in a snake's neck.

Jiang Mian looked up and down Xie Siyuan. Usually, besides feeding her food and feeding her, this nutritionist had a very low sense of existence.

So much so that Jiang Mian would ignore him from time to time, and only now found out that he was capable of following the actor father.

"Send it to me." She smiled and decided to go back and tell the actor father to let him give Xie Siyuan a salary increase!

After this episode, the filming was performed normally.

When filming scenes when he was young, Director Zhang required actors and actresses to have pure makeup so that they could show the innocence and simplicity of that era.

Jiang Mian only needs to change his clothes, tie his braids and wait for the show, but because of Shen Shiqing's injury, the studio has been delayed for some time and is still preparing.

"Mianmian, what happened? I heard that you were bitten by a snake?" Chen Xueyi trot over with a worried expression, "Is it all right."

When Chen Xueyi was filming in Group C, he heard a little news from the staff that it seemed that Jiang Mian was bitten by a snake and ran over to visit him while he was resting.

"It's okay." Seeing her sweat coming out of her running, Jiang Mian used a fan to fan her, "It's not me."

Chen Xueyi's eyes lit up and she lowered her voice: "Did Guan Xin be bitten?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Chen Xueyi looked a little disappointed when he got the answer that was not Guan Xin.

Jiang Mian was funny, but whenever she had some thoughts, she went out to talk vaguely, Chen Xueyi was jealous of the actors in the same group and wished that the other party was bitten by a poisonous snake, and Chen Xueyi would not want to get involved in this circle.

This girl was so scolded in the original book. Later, the whole network was black and couldn't compete with Guan Xin. It was not because she was stupid, but because she was too unintelligible.

The likes and dislikes are all on the face, and the entertainment industry has such a "real" character, it is not strange to be scolded.

Knowing that Jiang Mian was okay, Chen Xueyi rushed back to Group C. When the set was almost ready, Yu Ran also came. He was shooting in Group B before.

He naturally got some news, but the news he got was more accurate than Chen Xueyi. He didn't ask Jiang Mian anything, but smiled deeply at Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian: "..."

After more than ten minutes, Guan Xin came back, and at the same time Director Zhang, the chief investor, was injured by a snake. Of course, he, the director, had to go and see.

Director Zhang glanced at Jiang Mian and said nothing. After sitting behind the monitor, he announced the start.

The show of the Village Flower Selection is a big show with many extras, but it is not difficult. However, Guan Xin doesn't know if it is influenced by Shen Shiqing and frequently.

Not only do other actors and extras have to come back, but the staff also has to rearrange the scene-so the most disliked by the staff in the crew is the frequent actors.

Director Zhang scolded people at the scene but was merciless. Even Jiang Mian and Yu Ran were scolded by him. However, today Shen Shiqing is here and he can only hold back his breath, and the staff dare not speak.

"Director Zhang, can this scene be paused first, shall we just shoot the next one?" Jiang Mian suddenly said, "Miss Guan may be worried about Mr. Shen's injury... If this continues, dragging it all the way is no way, yes. Miss Guan."

She looked at Guan Xin.

Guan Xin's chest rose and fell, staring at her for two seconds. After a while, he turned to Director Zhang and said word by word: "Director Zhang, please give me another chance. I will definitely pass this time."

In the end this scene finally passed.

Guan Xin goes to the bathroom-usually in pairs to go to the bathroom together, to the homes of villagers in the mountains.

Her assistant Zheng Xiaoyu made an excuse to leave, she knew exactly where she was going, so she was the only one.

Then she heard a voice in front of her:

"I think my acting skills are very good. I want to surpass Jiang Mian every day. What's the result? This scene is so simple. I tried it five times. It made me move the props five times. The props were so heavy."

"It's not, hypocritical. Moreover, when Director Zhang said a few words to her last time, she had red eyes and thought she was made of water."

"Be quiet, she's Mr. Shen's person. In case it gets into her ears, let's blow some pillow breeze, we are so transparent, we can't afford to..."

"People Jiang Mian was still scared like that by the snake. She entered the scene in the blink of an eye and entered the scene without delay. She was ashamed to compare with Jiang Mian. Forget it, whoever makes her have a relationship with Mr. Shen, we will all pay attention in the future."


Guan Xin bit her lip and turned away, and stopped after walking two steps.

She will never lose.

Jiang Mian, who had finished filming the movie in the morning, returned to her room. She watched the small video sent to her by Xie Siyuan on her mobile phone and shared it with the actor father.

The actor father did not reply, she was a little regretful, so she put down her phone and prepared to take a break, Tang Anan walked in: "Mianmian, Shen's bodyguard is looking for you."

"I think he is uneasy and kind, let's refuse to forget it." Shen Shiqing can't come hard.

"Go, why not." Jiang Mian smiled and pinched Tang An'an's baby face. The latter covered his face, and was shocked by Jiang Mian's "smile".

The place where Shen Shiqing rested temporarily was the village chief's house. He was smart this time. After Jiang Mian arrived, he left four bodyguards at the door. The door was lightly covered and not closed tightly.

There were no other people around, and neither of them had to act. Jiang Mian held his hand and his eyes fell on Shen Shiqing's neck.

The room was filled with a strong smell of medicinal liquor. It is estimated that after using medicinal liquor, the swelling on Shen Shiqing's neck has disappeared and replaced by a hideous blue-purple.

The colorful snake was placed in a transparent glass tank. When Jiang Mian entered the house, he was still teasing the snake in the tank.

He did not speak, and Jiang Mian did not speak.

"You are very courageous." In the end, it was Shen Shiqing who spoke first.

"I am not brave, and President Shen knows best." Jiang Mian glanced at the door, "but I know that President Shen is not as brave as me."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

That's right, he left four bodyguards at the door, and concealed the door, just to prevent Jiang Mian from doing it again.

Shen Shiqing didn't want to remember the last time he was beaten. It was the greatest shame in his life, and all this was given by the person in front of him.

Shen Shiqing stood up suddenly and approached Jiang Mian: "Do you know what happened to the person who threatened me and injured me?"

"I'm not interested in knowing." Jiang Mian didn't retreat, but walked towards him, "Then you want to know what happened to those who were rude to me?"

Shen Shiqing's footsteps stopped, and the unresistible scene of the last time he was beaten in the clubhouse suddenly appeared in his memory. Jiang Mian suddenly drank: "Snake!"

Shen Shiqing's face changed slightly, and his condition turned to look back. When Jiang Mian took out a piece of wood from his pocket, he patted Shen Shiqing's neck.

Seeing Shen Shiqing falling to the ground, she clapped her hands with satisfaction, perfect~