Jiang Mian went to Qi Yanshu's house, brought some ingredients from his refrigerator, and said to Qi Yan: "Uncle Qi, wait a while, I'll bring it to you when I'm done."

Qi Yanshu: "..."

The door closed gently, and Jiang Mian had already left.

Qi Yanshu was standing in the living room. Because of Jiang Mian's arrival, the room that had just gained popularity became quiet again. A few seconds later, he went to the bathroom and took off the white cloth in front of him.

His face was reflected in the smooth mirror surface. After two months of conditioning, his face no longer looked sickly white.

The long eyelashes trembled lightly, and a gap seemed to open at the end of the eyes, and after a while, they closed again.

Or not.

Qi Yanshu raised his hand, scratched the eyelid with his fingertips, and then took the white cloth as usual and re-attached it to his eyes.

Jiang Mian was busy in the kitchen. She moved very quickly. She made three dishes and one soup in half an hour. She packed them with plates. She was about to face the other side. The phone rang and picked it up. It was the local tyrant who called.

The Tyrant Father was still in the United States and Jiang Mian was a little surprised. According to the time difference between the two sides, it is early in the morning in the United States. The Tyrant Father should rest. Is there something urgent to call at this time?

She was worried in her heart, and quickly connected to the phone, her voice was a little worried: "Dad."

"Mianmian, guess where Dad is now!"

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of opening remarks meant that the local tyrant father was fine. She followed the words of the local tyrant father: "Where are you?"

Han Xu laughed: "Open the door."

At the same time, the elevator opened with a clink, and Han Xu, in a haute couture suit, walked out of the elevator surrounded by two bodyguards. His face was very tired, and his eyes were faintly red.

Han Xu didn't know about Jiang Mian's filming. He returned to the United States because of the time difference, and after returning home, he was busy dealing with emergencies, and he hardly had time to contact Jiang Mian.

After finally dealing with the affairs of the United States, the first thing to come back is of course to visit my baby girl.

In order to surprise Jiang Mian, he didn't talk to Jiang Mian in advance. He rushed over immediately after getting off the plane. He just wanted to see the beautiful face of his baby girl at first sight after returning home.

He stood at the door and glanced at the opposite door—the Qi family was really shameless.

Ever since he knew that Qi Yanshu lived opposite Jiang Mian, Han Xu had been trying to get Qi Yanshu to move away, and he had done it several times in secret, but he didn't succeed.

——This was done without Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian hung up the phone and was dumbfounded for two seconds. After reacting, he quickly took off his apron and opened the door quickly.

"Dad." To the rich father, Jiang Mian offered a sweet smile, "When did you come back, why didn't you tell me in advance."

When he saw the red eyes of the local tyrant father, his brows twisted.

"Give me a surprise for my baby girl." Han Xu entered the door, and two bodyguards, one from the left and the other, stood at the door like two door gods.

"Very good, not thin." Han Xu looked at Jiang Mian carefully, feeling that the baby girl was more beautiful and clearer than before he left, and nodded in satisfaction.

The tip of his nose moved, and then he saw the three dishes and one soup on the table—Han Xu, who had been on the way, hardly ate anything. Smelling the scent, his stomach suddenly rang.

"It just so happens that Dad is also hungry, so I will eat with you."

The father and daughter were sitting on the dining chairs. Jiang Mian silently said sorry to Qi Yanshu in his heart. The local tyrant rushed to see her when he got off the plane. He looked tired and hungry. Of course, she had to kiss her father.

Hurry up to serve his relatives. Han Xu took two bites and his eyes lit up: "Mum Liu's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Jiang Mian snorted softly.

"What's the matter?" The local father immediately put down his chopsticks and looked at his baby girl nervously.

Jiang Mian: "Dad, I did this by myself."

I thought I would be praised by the local tyrant father for a while, but Han Xu's expression changed directly. He put down the bowl and looked coldly: "Mianmian, tell dad, are Liu Lihua's hands and feet dirty?"

——Mama Liu's name is Liu Lihua.

Jiang Mian was at a loss: "Huh???"

"Dad will quit her right away and find another one for you." Han Xu held up Jiang Mian's hand, and he felt angry when he thought that his baby girl would actually cook by herself.

Is cooking something the baby he holds in his palm should do?

Maybe it was Liu Lihua. Seeing her daughter was sensible during this period, she began to show off her feet. Instead, let her daughter do what she should do? !

Immediately he took out his cell phone in a rage, Jiang Mian recovered, and snatched his cell phone dumbfoundingly: "Dad, you misunderstood."

Her heart is warm, just cooking, the local tyrant thinks so much, and feels sorry for her, for fear that she will be wronged.

She didn’t know what to do, so she hugged Han Xu’s arm: “When Liu’s mother is cooking, I occasionally watch it next to me and learn how to do it. Sometimes I cook something by myself. It’s very fulfilling. ."

"Dad, am I very good? I can learn to cook with just a few glances."

Han Xu's tight body slowly relaxed: "Really?"

Jiang Mian: "Of course it is true."

Han Xu instantly became happy, as long as his daughter was not wronged, looking at the dishes on the table, he felt that his baby daughter was good everywhere.

"It's okay to do it once in a while, but you can't keep doing it by yourself." He carefully checked Jiang Mian's hand, "Otherwise the fingers will become rough and not beautiful."

Jiang Mian nodded obediently.

"Mianmian." The local tyrant coughed slightly and asked casually, "Do the other dads know you can cook?"

Jiang Mian held back his smile.

The underlying meaning of the words of Tuhao Dad is to ask whether the other dads have eaten her cooking.

Ever since I was young, I have never stopped talking about such issues.

For example, when Jiang Mian was a child, if Jiang Mian shared his food with four dads, each dad would ask whether the other dads were assigned—if which dad was the first to be assigned by Jiang Mian, he could show off for several days. .

In short, the four fathers' ways of competing for their daughters are endless.

Master Tian has already eaten Jiang Mian's rice, but--

Jiang Mian shook his head and deliberately lowered his voice, as if the father and daughter were sharing some secrets: "Now only you know, Dad."

The smile on the corner of Han Xu's mouth couldn't help widening, and then he placed the food again like a baby, took a photo with his mobile phone, and took a group photo of the father and daughter, and ate all the food in one breath.

The happiest thing in the world is to go back to China hungry to meet your daughter, and then fill your stomach with food cooked by your baby daughter~

Han Xu hadn't closed his eyes for more than 20 hours, but he still tried to talk to Jiang Mian after eating.

"Dad, I will rub your shoulders for you." Without waiting for the local tyrant father to refuse, Jiang Mian stood behind Han Xu, pinched the acupuncture points on his shoulders for him, and poured spiritual energy into him by the way.

Han Xu was worried that he would be tired of the hands of his baby girl and wanted to refuse, but his eyelids fought up and down, and within a minute, he fell asleep on the sofa.

Jiang Mian continued to rub his hands on behalf of Han Xu, until he used his weak spiritual power to pass through the body of the local tyrant father before he stopped.

Wiping the sweat overflowing from his forehead, Jiang Mian smiled as he looked at the peaceful local father.

Taking off his shoes for Han Xu, placing him on the sofa, and then taking a blanket to cover him, Jiang Mian opened the door and asked the two bodyguards to find a place to sleep on their own, instead of staying here.

Quietly closed the door, Jiang Mian rang the doorbell opposite, Qi Yanshu quickly opened the door, Jiang Mian touched his nose, feeling weak, and honestly said: "Uncle Qi, your food is gone."

Eaten up by my dad.

Holding other people's ingredients, they all entered the belly of the local tyrant father when they were done. Jiang Mian saw that the takeaway that Qi Yanshu had taken before the room had not been opened, which means that the other party had been waiting for her to cook.

It happened that she cared about the local tyrant father, and did not say a word to the other party. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she said: "I'm sorry...It's not too late. Well, if I ask you to go out for dinner?

Qi Yanshu: "Nothing, I'm not hungry."

The more empathetic he is, the more embarrassed Jiang Mian, and simply said: "It's so decided, I'll change my clothes!"

Without waiting for Qi Yanshu's refusal, she went back to the house to change her clothes. When she left, she glanced at the local tyrant father, sleeping soundly.

Worried about the local tyrant daddy waking up midway, Jiang Mian wrote a note and posted it on the sofa, which the local tyrant father could see when he opened his eyes.

Jiang Mian took Qi Yanshu to a western restaurant near the community. To apologize, she ordered a full table, regardless of whether the two of them could finish the meal.

While waiting for the dishes, Jiang Mian's mobile phone rang-Master Tian.

No way, who told her not to have much, but to have more relatives, Jiang Mian answered the phone with crooked eyebrows.

"Mianmian, did you go home? I'll bring you the skirt." The teacher's heart was to let the baby girl wear the beautiful skirt he bought.

Since Qin Jingrun canceled his trip to the United States, Zuo Xingping had been entangled for two more days, and after confirming that Qin Jingrun would not go to the United States, he quietly left and continued his daily life as a poor Taoist priest.

"Okay." Qi Yanshu knew that Zuo Xingping was her father, and the two were in the relationship of senior brothers. There was nothing to hide in front of Qi Yanshu, "Dad, have you eaten yet?"

Zuo Xingping hesitated and was about to tell a lie-he picked up five yuan on the road today, and then his whole body was stolen, and he had no money to eat.

Jiang Mian understood that he felt a little pain, but he didn't open it up. He just said, "Dad, I haven't eaten yet. Will you come and eat with me?"

Suddenly remembered Qi Yanshu who was on the opposite side, she was apologizing to Qi Yanshu for this meal, and quickly clutched the receiver: "Uncle Qi..."

Before she finished speaking, Qi Yanshu knew what she was going to say: "I haven't seen brother in a long time."

One sentence was enough, Jiang Mian let go.

As soon as Master Tian heard her daughter say softly that she hadn't eaten yet, he immediately agreed: "Mianmian, I'll come over right away, you are waiting for me."

Jiang Mian reported the address, and Zuo Xingping found a shared bicycle. Taking advantage of no one around, he took out a small paper man, flicked his fingertips, the small paper man suddenly "lived", stretched his body, and got himself in. In the lock of a shared bicycle.

After a while, the car unlocked with a beep.

The little paper man squeezed out, fell on the ground, and quickly turned into fine dust.

Zuo Xingping stepped on the shared bicycle and rushed towards the baby girl.

More than ten minutes later, Zuo Xingping arrived at his destination-when he called Jiang Mian, he was not far from the community.

After locking the car, Zuo Xingping first looked up at the name of the restaurant and confirmed that it was the address Jiang Mian reported to him. He pulled his robes and strode in.

Then, then he was stopped by the doorman.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

"Mianmian, I was stopped." In desperation, Zuo Xingping had to call Jiang Mian.

When Jiang Mian went downstairs, he saw Zuo Xingping standing at the door. He said seriously to the doorman, "My daughter is inside."

Doorman: "..."

The doorman smiled and ignored him politely.

Everyone who passed by looked at him, with all kinds of eyes.

Seeing Jiang Mian, Master Tian's eyes lit up and he said proudly, "That's my daughter."

The door boy turned his head subconsciously and saw Jiang Mian coming out.

He had an impression of Jiang Mian. He was so beautiful. Not long ago, he came in with a man who was covered in white cloth and who was very good.

Such a beautiful girl, there is such a...Father? ? ?

Jiang Mian walked over, took the hand of Master Tian, ​​and smiled at the door boy: "This is my father."

She didn't know why, and suddenly became more real. She covered the lower half of her face and only showed her eyes: "Look, my father's and I have exactly the same eyes."

The doorman looked at her and then at Zuo Xingping, who was with curly hair and beard. After a long while, he apologized to Zuo Xingping in embarrassment.

"Thank you." Jiang Mian took Zuo Xingping upstairs.

Zuo Xingping followed her baby girl upstairs silly, until she saw Qi Yanshu sitting on the chair, and the smile on her face suddenly froze.

"Mianmian, why is he here?!" Heavenly Master was attached to Jiang Mian's ear, "Didn't I say that I should contact him less!"

"It's a long story." Jiang Mian also whispered back to him, "I accidentally injured Uncle Qi's hand. I asked him to eat to make amends."

Master Tian frowned, and when he was about to speak, Qi Yanshu turned his head: "Brother Wuzhen."

"Junior Brother Lichen." Zuo Xingping walked over, his gaze wandered over his eyes, "Your eyes...Would you like me to help you see?"

"It's useless, don't bother, brother." Qi Yanshu glanced in Jiang Mian's direction, Zuo Xingping noticed, it's hard to say anything.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Master Tian seems to know what Qi Yanshu's eyes are.

Zuo Xingping also carried a bag in his hand, which contained the skirt he bought for Jiang Mian, but with Qi Yanshu in it, he had to temporarily put the bag aside and let his daughter see it when he returned.

Originally, Zuo Xingping wanted to ask Qi Yan Shushou about how Jiang Mian hurt him, but Jiang Mian fed him the whole process, and he refused to refuse his baby girl, so he had to bury his head and suffer.

Jiang Mian was addicted to feeding, and by the way, he put a lot of Qi Yan into the bowl: "Uncle Qi, this is delicious, you can try it."

Zuo Xingping discovered that the book his daughter gave Qi Yan was a white and fat cake. He didn't know its name, but this did not prevent him from quickly destroying the plate of cakes.

Every time Jiang Mian gave Qi Yan a book folder, Tianshida would wipe it out. Jiang Mian noticed that he stopped feeding without crying or laughing ==

The three of them ate a meal for more than an hour. After the bill was settled, the three returned to the community.

But not far from the restaurant, a car slid over and stopped beside Qi Yanshu: "Sir, the old man wants to see you."

Before Qi Yanshu spoke, Zuo Xingping couldn't wait to say: "Junior Brother Chen, go now."

Qi Yanshu: "..."

After Qi Yanshu left, Zuo Xingping hurriedly said to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, I still don't want to interact with Chen again. He is always pestering you, so he must be uneasy and kind."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She decided to change the subject: "Dad, do you know what happened to Uncle Qi's eyes?"

Zuo Xingping hesitated for a moment: "It seems to have seen something that shouldn't be seen. He was cursed, and he recovered a life by mistake. I don't know the specifics.

Jiang Mian: "In other words, if Uncle Qi's eyes want to see, he must get rid of the curse?"

"Probably that means." Zuo Xingping nodded, "I don't know what the curse is now, he can only solve it by himself."

"Mianmian, why do you care about him so much." Heavenly Master said in a sour tone.

Jiang Mian took his arm: "Because Uncle Qi is Dad's younger brother."

With a few words to calm down the heavenly master, the father and daughter went home happily and opened the door. Zuo Xingping immediately found Han Xu lying on the sofa: "Why is he here?"

Jiang Mian explained, Zuo Xingping gave a cry, no longer caring about Han Xu on the sofa, and handed the bag to Jiang Mian like a treasure, expecting: "Mianmian, see if you like it."

Jiang Mian took it: "I'll show it to you."

Master Tian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, Jiang Mian took the bag into the bedroom, two skirts, one pink and one light blue, neatly stacked.

The tag was priced at twenty-one thousand in pink and fifteen in light blue. Jiang Mian was taken aback--the heavenly master was afraid that all the tens of thousands he received would be spent on these two skirts.

After she changed her dress and walked out of the bedroom, she found that the Tyrant Father woke up somehow, and the Heavenly Master was sitting opposite him. The two stared at each other. The anger of the Tyrant Father soared upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Xu stuffed two **** of paper in his nose.

Jiang Mian:? ? ?

Han Xu couldn't wait to step forward and hammer the magic stick. He was sleeping well, still dreaming. When he dreamed that his baby girl was a child, he suddenly couldn't breathe. He opened his eyes and saw a big beard-Zuo Xingping went to him. There were two **** of paper in his nose.


The two fathers immediately turned their heads, Zuo Xingping's eyes lit up, and he stopped talking to Li Hanxu: "I knew that Mianmian would be beautiful to wear."

"You bought it?" Han Xu understood instantly, and smiled coldly, "It's ugly."

Afraid of misunderstanding by the baby girl, he quickly explained: "Dad said that this skirt is ugly and sleepy. You can't wear this kind of stalls. Dad will buy you better ones."

"What kind of stall, I bought it in a famous brand store." Tianshi's father was angry.

Han Xu sneered, "Which famous brand can you tell?"

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Seeing that they were about to be pinched, Jiang Mian hurriedly walked over, holding one of them, and smiling sweetly: "Dad, do you want to live with me tonight?"