Han Xu touched Jiang Mian's hair, snatched the baby girl's hand from Zuo Xingping's hand, and said to Zuo Xingping: "Have you heard, Mianmian asked me to stay, so I don't want to get out of here."

Zuo Xingping screamed and pulled Jiang Mian behind him, and pointed to the door fiercely: "Mianmian said that we should all stay. If you are not happy, the door is over there and leave you."

Talking to push Han Xu.

Han Xu: "You talk and don't do it, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

Zuo Xingping: "I'm afraid of you!"

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian looked at this dad and then at that dad, holding his forehead, and couldn't get in for a while.

"Okay, I've decided, Dad, you all go back." Jiang Mian took two steps back from the battlefield of the two fathers, holding his hands, and giving a solution.

She thought she said that, the two fathers would stop fighting, but they really thought that Jiang Mian's decision was a good one, so they both left together while staring at me and at you.

Jiang Mian: "......???"

Love me well!

Among the four dads, Han Xu and Zuo Xingping were the least to deal with.

Han Xu thinks that Zuo Xingping's feudal superstition will lead to bad daughters, so he has been educating Jiang Mian not to trust Zuo Xingping since he was a child.

Zuo Xingping had a small book in his heart, but he remembered Han Xu **** it. If Han Xu hadn't kept instilling the news that he was a magic stick to his baby girl, wouldn't the baby girl believe that she didn't like herself?

Sinister, so sinister!

Only during the New Year and Jiang Mian's birthday each year, the two will reluctantly stay together. At other times, they will pinch each other as soon as they meet. It is impossible to live in peace.

They would rather not stop than to see each other's annoying faces.

After the two fathers got out of the elevator, Qi Qi coldly snorted, and Han Xu called the bodyguard.

Zuo Xingping stared at his back, his hands itchy, he wanted to pierce the villain.

When he walked out of the gate of the community, Han Xu sat in the car before leaving, so he deliberately parked the car there—he asked the bodyguard to get a bicycle and put it on the side of the road.

Rolling down the window glass, Han Xu said coldly, "Reward you."

After the car drove away, Zuo Xingping glared at the bicycle, turned around very stubbornly, and stopped after two steps, looking back.

It's a pity that the car is wasted here.

"I'm saving." murmured, Zuo Xingping got on the bike, but after half riding, there was a click and the chain broke.

There is no shop in front of the village and no shared bicycles around, except for street lights.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

On the other side, Han Xu imagined Zuo Xingping's riding halfway when the bike broke down, and smiled very darkly.

Let you grab my daughter from me!

He said to the bodyguard: "Turn around, go back."

The bodyguard turned around and arrived at the community, Han Xu waved: "Come here tomorrow morning."

Then step into the unit building.

In terms of scheming, the ten celestial fathers are not comparable to the local tyrant fathers.

Without the two dads, the room suddenly became deserted, and it was too early. Jiang Mian sat on the bed after washing and meditating, preparing to recover the spiritual energy that he had consumed when kneading acupuncture points for the rich father.

When the doorbell rang, there was some doubt, who would knock at this point, could it be that Qi Yanshu is back?

When he saw Han Xu, Jiang Mian said, "..."

"Dad." Jiang Mian looked behind him, "Where is Father Zuo."

"Don't worry about him." Han Xu took out a box of DVDs like a trick, "Daddy comes back to watch ghost movies with you."

He agreed to come back to watch ghost movies with his baby daughter. In the United States, Han Xu just squeezed time to watch several 3D ghost movies. To be bold, he called the assistant and the Filipino servant to watch them together.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry, for the first time he felt that the local tyrant father was very black.

"Dad, you didn't have a good rest when you came back, so let's see it next time." Han Xu only slept on the sofa for more than two hours, even if she used her spiritual power to clear her, she didn't recover the spirit of the local tyrant father so quickly.

"It's okay, Dad is in good spirits now." Han Xu didn't lie. He didn't close his eyes for more than 20 hours. After waking up after sleeping here for a while, he felt refreshed and all his exhaustion disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mian couldn't refuse the enthusiasm of his father. The father and daughter nestled on the sofa, closed the curtains and turned off the lights, leaving only the faint light of the TV screen.

"Mianmian, grab Dad's hand if you are afraid." Han Xu held his baby girl's hand and looked at the screen nervously.

Jiang Mian leaned his head on the shoulders of the local tyrant father, and did not open him. When Jiang Mian watched ghost movies with the local tyrant father when he was a child, the local tyrant father held Jiang Mian in his arms, explaining to Jiang Mian that he was worried about the baby daughter. .

Later, Jiang Mian learned that it was the local tyrant father who was afraid, but in order to watch with his daughter, even if he was afraid, he would watch it.

At the beginning of the film, there was a bleak and gloomy tone of horror. Jiang Mian keenly felt that the local tyrant's body tightened at the moment the music sounded.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Dad, we don't watch it."

Han Xu was taken aback, his first reaction: "Don't you think it's not scary and not good-looking?"

"Dad brought several copies, you pick and choose." He looked at Jiang Mian expectantly.

Although Han Xu is indeed afraid of watching ghost movies, he enjoys such a rare and warm time alone with his baby girl.

It has been a long time since he stayed with his daughter like this, which made him involuntarily recall the scene when his daughter was young when he held the little daughter in his arms and the two watched ghost movies together.

"I don't want to watch it." Jiang Mian got up and turned on the light. The light was bright. Han Xu was a little nervous while he was a little relieved. Is it because my baby girl is angry, so I don't want to watch ghost movies with him?

As soon as the thought flashed, Jiang Mian turned off the DVD player, switched to the TV station, and walked over to nest next to him: "Dad, let's watch TV."

Han Xu's face suddenly showed an old father-like smile. After a while, while Jiang Mian was not paying attention, he took out his mobile phone and quietly squinted to take a picture of the father and daughter watching TV together, and then posted it to Moments. It was unworthy. The text, continue to Aite actor father and detective father, silent is better than sound.

Qin Jingrun's announcement line is very full during this time, and he is a person who can't take time off.

Since the filming of "Death Plan 3" was postponed, the schedule could not be vacated, but because of the lack of a good script, he did not accept the play for the time being, and all other announcements were arranged for him.

After finishing work, on the way back to the hotel, Qin Jingrun was using WeChat to talk to a boss. After finishing talking, he exited the chat box and saw a red decimal point in the circle of friends in the lower right corner.

Click in and see, the goal is the warm picture of Jiang Mian nesting next to Han Xu, the father and daughter happily together.

Qin Jingrun narrowed his eyes, when did this guy come back.

He snorted, thought about it, clicked the picture, and saved it. Open a certain p-picture software, put a big pig's head on Han Xu's face, and then send this picture to Moments, so that only Han Xu can be seen by other people on the screen.

Qin Jingrun: [My baby is so cute, who is this pig next to? 】

Han Xu: "..."

Jiang Mian, who secretly sent the local tyrant father to the circle of friends with his leftover light, and was watched the whole process by the actor father: "..."

Dad, just be happy.

Tuhao father left early the next morning, Tang Anan came to pick up Jiang Mian at noon, and arrived at the hotel prepared by the crew in the afternoon.

As a result, as soon as I entered the hotel lobby, I saw Guan Xin and Gu Qiwen, the latter obviously came to send Guan Xin into the group.

Jiang Mian: "..."

You can see them everywhere.

"Don't pay attention to her." Guan Xin held Gu Qiwen's hand and quickly let go-there were so many people here, she didn't want others to know her relationship with Gu Qiwen.

Gu Qiwen took a deep breath and gave a hmm, not paying attention that Guan Xin had let go of his hand.

Jiang Mian directly ignored the two of them. At this moment, a large group of people rushed in from the entrance of the hotel. Jiang Mian pulled Tang Anan into hiding in time, but was not affected.

On the contrary, Guan Xin and Gu Qiwen were squeezed. Jiang Mian could see clearly that Gu Qiwen was stepped on by a girl's high heels.

Cough, Jiang Mian tried hard to make her expression calm, but she couldn't calm down soon.

"Ah, brother Qin!!"

"Quickly, the car is here!"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, separate them a bit, otherwise no one can take pictures!"

"Everyone is in order, don't squeeze, be careful that Brother Qin comes in and hurts him."

Jiang Mian:? ? ?

Why did the actor father come?

She raised her head and looked out of the hotel. Wuyangyang saw a large crowd of people, which was strange. When she moved forward soon, there was no one outside. These people seemed to come out of thin air.

This group of people was extremely excited, almost all of them were girls.

"It's terrible, Mianmian, you didn't get squeezed just now." Tang An'an was trembling, and looked out curiously, "Listening to them, it seems like Brother Qin is here."

Jiang Mian and Tang An'an were standing next to them. Although they were not crowded, the space in front was occupied by a group of girls. They were so excited, they didn't realize that they were blocking others, and they regarded Jiang Mian and Tang Anan as fans just like them.

Tang An'an yelled a few resignations and was drowned in excitement screams.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She once again intuitively felt the popularity of the actor's father.

"Ahhhh, I got out of the car, I saw it, it's Brother Qin."

"It's really him, so handsome."

"God, I can't breathe anymore."

"Don't squeeze, step on my foot!"

The hotel’s security guards and the bodyguards brought by Qin Jingrun gathered on both sides to form a wall of people to separate the excited fans.

Under the **** of security and bodyguards, Qin Jingrun smoothly entered the hotel lobby. More and more fans squeezed forward, and the mobile phone cameras kept pushing forward, wishing to photograph Qin Jingrun at 360 degrees in all directions.

In such a chaotic moment, Qin Jingrun still kept a perfect smile on his face, and a female voice screamed: "Brother Qin, I want to have a monkey with you."

Qin Jingrun replied her: "No."

It drew a crazier scream.

"Brother Qin, here, look at me and see me." A girl in front of Jiang Mian jumped up like a spring on her heel, successfully attracting Qin Jingrun's gaze.

Then, Qin Jingrun looked through the girl and saw the baby girl who was wronged in the corner.

Qin Jingrun: "..."

He strode this way.

The girl was flushed with excitement-Brother Qin noticed me, and Brother Qin came over to me!

With her as the center, Jiang Mian's ears hurt as the girls screamed.

"Isn't this a new movie by Zhang, the heroine who looks a bit like me?" Qin Jingrun's voice is not too big or small, enough to be heard clearly by people around him. He looked at the fans and said warmly, "You can come and see me, But it must not hinder others."

The fans didn't react, they just looked at Jiang Mian in a daze.

"I apologize to you for my fans." Qin Jingrun apologized and naturally pulled Jiang Mian into his own safe zone, and then entered the hotel under the **** of security and bodyguards.

The fans wanted to keep up, but they were stopped by the security guard.

"Who is that woman?"

"Brother Qin said it was a new movie by Director Zhang..."

"I remember, that was Jiang Mian! Last time Brother Qin forwarded her photo of the makeup, the Jiang Mian who said she looked like him!"

"Oh, it's her!"

When the fans were driven out of the hotel by the security guards, Guan Xin and Gu Qiwen finally squeezed out of the crowd. The former had messed hair styles, and the latter protected Guan Xin, making them even more embarrassed.

But the two of them had no thoughts on this, Guan Xin grabbed Gu Qiwen's sleeves: "Jiang Mian... was rescued by the movie emperor Qin?"

"She's just lucky." Gu Qiwen comforted her, "And this is not necessarily a good thing, maybe it will be torn by Qin Jingrun's fans... Leave her alone, go back to the room and see if there is any injury."


Entering the elevator, there is monitoring, Jiang Mian tried to make himself behave more normally: "Thank you Brother Qin.

Qin Jingrun: "..."

The actor's father looked at Jiang Mian without leaving a trace, and he was a little relieved because he didn't see how his baby girl was injured.

"You're welcome." It's time to show off the acting skills between the father and daughter.

Lin Xi who followed: "..."

"Which floor are you on?" Qin Jingrun asked.

"The eighth floor." Jiang Mian replied. Qin Jingrun stretched out his hand and pressed the button on the eighth floor. Then, he pressed the sixteenth floor-telling the baby girl that he lives on the sixteenth floor.

Soon to the eighth floor.

Jiang Mian blinked playfully at the actor father, "Goodbye, Brother Qin."

Seeing the baby girl's back disappear, Qin Jingrun retracted his gaze and asked Lin Xi in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me to stay in this hotel?"

If he hadn't found it in time, I was afraid that it would not be the baby girl who would be injured because of him.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingrun's eyebrows slowly twisted.

Lin Xi was wronged: "I don't know."

Qin Jingrun: "You haven't contacted your cousin?"

Lin Xi: "Brother Qin, you said you don't want to inquire about Mianmian's whereabouts too much, otherwise she knew she would be unhappy."

Qin Jingrun: "..."


Jiang Mian stood at the door of the room waiting for Tang An'an, the room stuck in hers.

A few minutes later, Tang Anan dragged the box up, and quickly opened the door with his room key. As soon as he entered, Tang Anan excitedly said, "Mianmian, you are going to make headlines again."

Jiang Mian: "..."

"The scene where Brother Qin pulled you over just now is really good." Tang An'an held her heart in her heart. When she used to work next to other female artists, she had a very serious personality, and she would be scolded if she jumped off a little-- —Being next to Jiang Mian for more than a month, he was much more lively.

She couldn't help being curious: "Mianmian, what is the relationship between you and Brother Qin?"

She had the opportunity to take care of Jiang Mian through her cousin Lin Xi. Lin Xi made a list of what Jiang Mian liked and disliked.

Lin Xi is also Qin Jingrun's life assistant. Although she does not know the exact relationship between Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun, she can guess the relationship between the two.

"Don't worry, I will never say it." She raised her hand and swore that she signed a non-disclosure agreement. If she went out and talked about Jiang Mian, she would pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Jiang Mian: "What do you think is our relationship?"

Tang An'an turned his head around, then lowered his voice: "Are you in love with Brother Qin?"

Except for the relationship, she can't imagine anything else.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She was a little depressed: "Why do you think so?"

She looks a lot like the actor father.

There was excitement in Tang An'an's voice: "You and Brother Qin look like you, standing together, they are so good-matched, you are a typical husband and wife."

Jiang Mian: "???"

Jiang Mian: "..."

God's husband and wife.

She stared at Tang An'an, and made Tang An'an stare at her.

"We look like, you can't think about other aspects?" Jiang Mian tried to guide her.

Tang Anan racked his brains to think, and finally shook his head, still firming his inner thoughts.

When Jiang Mian waited to say something, the phone rang, and the actor's father called.

"Dad." It's hard to talk in the elevator. Now he's in the room, in a private area, so he doesn't need to cover it up.

Seeing Jiang Mian calling her father, Tang Anan took the suitcase to the side and found something for himself to suppress his excitement.

——She feels that she has got a big secret, but she can't let this secret out. Don't want it if she is excited.

She took out her mobile phone and quietly sent a WeChat message to her cousin Lin Xi: "Brother, I already know the relationship between Mianmian and Brother Qin. They are so sweet. The underground work is also great. Don't worry, I will definitely not I will speak out!"

Lin Xi: "???"

There is something wrong with this.


"Baby, did you hurt it just now?" Qin Jingrun said, "What is your room number."

"No, don't worry, dad." Jiang Mian reported the room number.

"I'll come here later."

Jiang Mian just wanted to say no, there are too many people in the hotel, if the movie actor father comes to her...

But the actor father has hung up the phone.

Within a few minutes, the door was knocked.

"Brother Xie must be here." Tang An'an said as he opened the door, and when he opened it, Qin Jingrun's perfect face was the target.

Tang An'an: "..."

She quickly realized that as a qualified assistant, she wanted to create safe dating conditions for her boss.

Next second.

"Dad." Jiang Mian pulled Qin Jingrun into the door, "An'an quickly shut the door."

Tang Anan closed the door in a daze.

Oh yes, it's normal to call Dad among lovers.

"Let me see." Qin Jingrun felt distressed at the thought of her baby girl being squeezed in a corner. Although Jiang Mian said on the phone that there was nothing wrong, he still took Jiang Mian carefully to check, and he was relieved after making sure that it was all right.

——When he first came up, even with many security guards and bodyguards, he was touched many times.

"I knew that you were also staying at this hotel. Dad would arrange it in advance." Qin Jingrun frowned.

Jiang Mian took his arm and didn't want to worry about his father anymore, and wisely changed the subject: "Dad, why are you here?"

"I'm here to meet a director." Qin Jingrun said, "Do you know the director Zhang Xingzhi?"

If Zhang Zhixin is a big boss in the director circle, Zhang Xingzhi is a big boss.

Jiang Mian shook his head blankly. Qin Jingrun was cute by her daughter's cute appearance, and lightly scratched the tip of her baby's nose: "Director Zhang's play is not bad. When Dad goes to see him, you will go with Dad."

The baby girl wants to rely on himself, so he will take this opportunity to give the baby girl resources and let her fight for it herself.