"Dad, next time." Jiang Mian rejected the kindness of the actor father. "There are too many people here. Now the media knows that you are here, so I must find ways to make your news."

"Besides, you rescued me downstairs just now. In less than half an hour, I will be gloriously on the hot search. If I go to see the director with you now, the goal is too big and easy to be discovered."

Qin Jingrun was persuaded. Anyway, he is familiar with many big-name directors and has a good relationship. There will be opportunities for his daughter to meet with them in the future, so he is not in a hurry.

Jiang Mian found that the actor's father's cell phone was constantly vibrating, and knew that he must have a lot of work to do, so he urged him: "Okay, dad, go and work."

When Qin Jingrun left, he politely said to Tang An'an, "Take good care of Mian Mian, and I will give you a salary increase later."

Tang Anan nodded dizzyly.

"Just ask what you want." Seeing Tang An'an's small baby face tangled up, Jiang Mian said very generously.

Tang Anan deliberated and deliberated, careful and careful: "What do you mean by calling Brother Qin Dad...?"

Jiang Mian asked back: "How do you think Dad has meaning."

Tang An'an blurted out: "Now in the circle, Dad still means a gold master."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian: "I should tell my father to let him deduct your salary!"

But think about it, Qin Jingrun cleans himself up in the circle, does not have a gossip with any female celebrity, has never heard of a girlfriend, and there is no news of hidden marriage or marriage. Who knows that the famous King Qin has a daughter, The daughter is still eighteen.

Tang Anan couldn't believe it but it was normal.

Tang An'an offered his knees to Jiang Mian—the news that Jiang Mian was brother Qin's daughter, was more explosive and bursting than the news that Jiang Mian was brother Qin's girlfriend!

"Mianmian, you let me slow..." She lay on the ground, feeling that she was the luckiest and happiest assistant in the circle.

Even though he was ready to make headlines, Jiang Mian was still surprised by the rapidly rising heat. Once I swiped Weibo, the first few searches were about Qin Jingrun and her.




Just click in one, and the pictures, dynamic pictures and small videos forwarded by the mass marketing account will appear.

At that time, Jiang Mian was directly pulled by Qin Jingrun, and there were so many people. Jiang Mian didn't have time to think deeply. After seeing the video, she understood why Tang An'an told her that the actor's father pulled her very suspiciously.

He is so handsome.

For the first time, Jiang Mian had empathy with the fans of the actor father.

So handsome and gentle, but my dad—Jiang Mian saved a few photos that fans sent to the actor's father to refine them.

Randomly click into the comment of a marketing account, and all of them are complimenting Qin Jingrun-being gentle to the fans and kind to the juniors in the same circle.

Yes, fans call Qin Jingrun's rescue of Jiang Mian the kindness of the predecessors to the younger generation in the circle.

Jiang Mian: "..."

I admire you.

Jiang Mian flipped through it for a while, and finally turned to discuss her.

"Fuck, Jiang Mian's face is too good."-There were hundreds of replies under this comment, and more than 500 likes.

"Finally someone noticed it, it's so pretty, it's still pure makeup!"

"No, what I noticed is that she and Brother Qin are walking together, and they look more like in the photo."

"Why is she so lucky? Not only does she look like Brother Qin, she is also saved by Brother Qin."

"Why did she show up there? Don't premeditately want to rub off our brother Qin's enthusiasm."

"Is it possible to watch the video if I’m having trouble with the heat. Jiang Mian was blocked in the corner by Qin Fen and couldn’t get out. Brother Qin helped out when he saw this. Jiang Mian didn’t do anything, just a few words are enough. , If you have to scold this, I hope you will never be helped when you encounter difficulties outside!"

Jiang Mian looked at this reply, and then looked at the id. The id was called [Little Baby]—a bit familiar. In the comments of several marketing accounts, she saw this [Little Baby] talking for her.

I clicked on the homepage of [Little Baby] and found that this is a new Weibo that has only been registered for a few months. There are not many Weibo posts. Several of them are about Jiang Mian, with an attached text: This girl is like a little fairy Same, too beautiful.

Does she also have a loyal fan?

Jiang Mian silently wrote down this id.

Jiang Mian didn't need to do anything. She watched her Weibo fans increase. Last time, because of the actor father's reposting incident, her Weibo fans rose by more than 300,000 overnight. This happened today. At this moment, her fans are about to break four hundred thousand.

She was busy filming before, and the signal in the mountains was not very good. Except for the photo of the official Weibo of "Green Onion" and a few slogans, she did not post a message about herself on Weibo.

She is considering whether to post a thank-you Weibo-some people have commented that she does not post a Weibo thank you.

However, after her Weibo was posted, the comments would definitely be polarized. Some thought she was polite and grateful, and some would definitely think she was enthusiastic.

When she hadn't made a decision, she suddenly received a piece of Aite, which was the actor's father updating Weibo: [Received a thank you gift from the junior Jiang Mian. 】

The picture is of a little bear-the actor father deliberately took it from Jiang Mian's luggage when he left. The original purpose was here.

The meaning of Qin Jingrun's Weibo was very obvious, indicating that Jiang Mian had already thanked him in private and turned the focus to him again.

Jiang Mian didn't need to post on Weibo anymore, so that no one would think she was rude, and no one would think that she was too hot-the actor father perfectly resolved the disputes she might face.

It feels great to have a daddy's cover!

Jiang Mian happily took a few selfies with her mobile phone and posted them on Weibo with the text: "Keep working~"

"Mianmian, you should fix it before you send the photos." Tang An'an was heartbroken, "Look at you, your face is muddled!"

"There is also this one, so it appears that your eyes are not the same size."

Jiang Mian touched his face: "It doesn't matter, it looks good, it looks good no matter how you shoot it."

Tang Anan was silent.

Jiang Mian thought that there would be no comments after Weibo, at least not soon, but she did not expect that her Weibo had just been posted, and there were dozens of comments in a few minutes.

"Fuzzy photos can't resist your beauty."

"I look forward to the scene you filmed."

"Just because you didn't rub Brother Qin's enthusiasm, you are a fan."

"Why do you have such good skin? How do you usually take care of your skin."

"At first glance, it is a gentle lady, I hope you will be a big fire in the future."


Jiang Mian looked at it with a smile, she was also a person with a little angel.

In the evening, Director Zhang arrived at the hotel and called the actors for a meeting. After the meeting, he left Jiang Mian. The first sentence: "Today, your news maxed out major news headlines, and some of the front lines in the circle. Stars are not necessarily as big as you."

Even he, who doesn't care much about online news, knows that Jiang Mian is still a freshman in the film school and has not officially signed the company to debut.

Jiang Mianmian smiled innocently: "Director Zhang, I didn't do anything." She did not do anything, and it was the actor's father who brought it.

Director Zhang was lazy to inquire about the relationship between Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun. He drank his saliva and said: "The reason why you are staying here is that there are two news to tell you, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first. "

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Bad news."

Director Zhang didn't sell Guanzi anymore, and said directly: "Mr Shen wants to add Li Wanrong's play."

Jiang Mian: "???"

Guan Xin's play is Li Wanrong, plus Li Wanrong, isn't it the same as Guan Xin's play?

"He's sick." Anyway, he smashed Shen Shiqing in front of Director Zhang, and there was nothing wrong with cursing in front of him. "Director Zhang, you wrote the script with great effort. Now you want to add drama. You agree. ?"

In particular, "Green Onion" was written specially by Director Zhang to his first love girlfriend.

This play is actually adapted from Director Zhang’s personal experience. Song Yunan and Li Wanjing in the play finally met after 20 years. The man and the unmarried woman were unmarried. The two were finally together, but Song Yunan was terminally ill and died shortly after marriage. Up.

In fact, Director Zhang has never been married because of his first girlfriend.

Unlike in the play, Dao Zhang is the person in the mountains, and his first girlfriend is the daughter of the city.

The reason why they are not together is because the parents of their first love girlfriend disagree with them, thinking that Zhang Daoqiong is not a good match for the two, and eventually split them up.

His first girlfriend was depressed for this, and later fell ill with cancer and died.

When her first girlfriend was seriously ill, Zhang directed her to propose, hoping that they would stay together. His first girlfriend couldn't bear to drag him down. She hopes that after her death, Director Zhang will meet a new girl and start a new life.

So he refused Zhang Dao's proposal.

Director Zhang kept the marriage contract, was single for decades and has not married yet.

This is his secret-but because the original book introduced the life of Director Zhang and wrote about this plot, Jiang Mian knows what this play means to Director Zhang.

Director Zhang is not young anymore, and his body is not as good as before. He filmed this film adapted from the true story of his own experience to keep a memory.

As for why Song Yunan was written dead in the play, in Dao Zhang's heart, he wants his beloved girl to survive. If fate wants one of them to die, he hopes that one is himself.

Only when you are alive can you be grateful.

This drama is very important to Director Zhang. It was only so harsh when the cast was originally cast. Now that the drama has been filmed halfway through, he certainly doesn't want to add it in the middle.

However, something was inconvenient to tell Jiang Mian.

"Mr Shen knows that I won't change Li Wanjing anyway, so it's okay to let Li Wanrong's play be added." Director Zhang said, "But once you add Li Wanrong's play, your opponents will increase, and there will be more conflicts later. many."

After hesitating, Director Zhang said, "A slap in the face."

Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows: "Who beat who?"

Director Zhang looked at her, did not speak, Jiang Mian was clear.

Shen Shiqing's so-called endless is reflected here-he uses his status as the chief investor to add some drama, and he can disgust Jiang Mian without his own hands.

Jiang Mian smiled: "What is the good news?"

Director Zhang has been observing Jiang Mian's expression, knowing that Guan Xin's scenes are to be added, and there are also playing scenes, showing that Shen Shiqing is targeting her, but not the slightest panic or fear, but more fun.

He suddenly let go of his mind, the girl knew that she couldn't suffer.

"You haven't signed the company yet, and a mobile phone endorsement company came to me. I want you to take this endorsement. Are you interested in trying it?"

Jiang Mian: "?"

Director Zhang showed her the information, and Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows. It turned out to be the endorsement of a high-end noble mobile phone. This endorsement may not be received by ordinary first-line stars.

In the endorsement advertisements in the circle, the higher the coffee position, the higher the level and the more generous the reward.

How easy it is to get an endorsement can be done in a few days, and the remuneration of a high-end endorsement is not lower than the remuneration of filming a whole movie.

This is also the reason why high-end endorsement advertisements in the circle are so popular. High-end endorsements are easy, well-known, and well paid. Once they are taken, they will soon be remembered by the audience. Who doesn't want to make money easily?

The endorsement mentioned by Director Zhang, given Jiang Mian's current situation, is absolutely impossible to receive.

"Director Zhang, you don't want to sneak me." After reading this, this was the first thought that came to Jiang Mian's mind.

Director Zhang: "..."

"Just kidding." Jiang Mian smiled and bent her eyes. She suspected that this was the actor's father. "Such a good opportunity, of course you have to try it."

Director Zhang: "Okay, the news here is confirmed, I'll let you know when the time comes."

He waved to indicate that Jiang Mian could leave.

Jiang Mian walked to the door and suddenly turned his head: "Director Zhang, if you change investors in the middle of the play, it won't affect you."

Director Zhang looked up, and the two looked at each other. After a while, Director Zhang said cheerfully: "I am the director, as long as the capital chain continues."

Jiang Mian understands.

After Jiang Mian left, Director Zhang sighed. He had seen Shen Shi uncomfortable for a long time. It would be a good thing if Jiang Mian could solve Shen Shiqing.

The story of Guan Xinjia's play quickly spread throughout the entire crew, and everyone talked a lot in private, so naturally they dare not say anything in front of Guan Xin.

"Isn't this just bullying you."

Filming in the city, the conditions are more than a bit better than in the mountains, and the protagonists have separate lounges.

At this moment, in Jiang Mian's lounge, Chen Xueyi was angry at Jiang Mian.

However, apart from getting angry, there is no other way-she is a female No. 3, transparent and transparent, completely unable to provoke the capital.

Finding that Jiang Mian was still playing games, Chen Xue was anxious: "Mianmian, this is bullying you, you can bear it."

"Otherwise?" Jiang Mian didn't look up, "Is this the gold master."

Chen Xueyi couldn't refute this, and said depressed: "You are not angry."

Jiang Mian finally raised her head and saw that she was more anxious than herself. Her heart warmed. She smiled and told her, "Don't worry, it's definitely not me who is angry at the end."

In the play that was given to Guan Xinjia in the play, the scene where Li Wanjing slapped Li Wanjing-Li Wanjing's uncle was in an emergency. Li Wanjing did not go back to the mountain because she had to take care of Song Yunan.

Li Wanrong went out of the mountain to find Li Wanjing, scolded her for ungratefulness, and slapped Li Wanjing.

The original script did not have this paragraph.

Jiang Mian flipped through the scene and watched it several times, the tail of his eyes raised, and coldness appeared in his eyes-she planned to deal with this by herself, not relying on a few fathers.

As for how to deal with it, Jiang Mian laughed.

Her smile is the true story of the local tyrant father's pranking.

Shen Shiqing opened an entertainment company, and ranked in the top three in the circle-just like that, the male protagonist was hanged by him in the early stage, and he even disdaind Gu Qiwen until after Gu Qiwen's rise.

At this moment, he was sitting in the office, flipping through the script of "Love in the Green"-he told Director Zhang to slap Guan Xin on the face of Jiang Mian.

"Mr. Shen." The assistant came in and reminded, "You and Mr. Xu have an eight o'clock dinner."

Shen Shiqing put the script in the drawer and went all the way to the parking lot downstairs of the company. The driver opened the door of the car. He sat in the back seat and closed his eyes to rest.

On the way forward, the vehicle braked violently. Because of inertia, Shen Shiqing leaned forward. He frowned and opened his eyes. The driver repeatedly apologized, "Manager Shen, someone rushed in front of him suddenly."

Before Shen Shiqing spoke, the door of the driver's seat suddenly opened, and the driver was torn out by one hand, and then a figure came up.

"President Shen, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Shen Shiqing: "!!!"

"Jiang Mian? Why are you here!" I don't know what to think of, Shen Shi's expression changed, and he reached out to the cart door.


The door is locked.

Jiang Mian looked at him innocently: "I have nothing to do when I am idle. I have something to do with Mr. Shen. I just happened to meet him. I came up to chat with you."

Appreciating the flustered expression flashing on Shen Shiqing's face, Jiang Mian was in a happy mood, the arc of his mouth deepened, and his smile became sweeter.

"What do you want to do?" Isn't this woman in the crew? How did she appear here--because she was going to the dinner, Shen Shiqing only took the driver. Now he regrets it very much and should take the bodyguard.

Jiang Mian: "President Shen can rest assured, I won't beat you this time."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

Thinking of being beaten twice, Shen Shiqing's face is darker than the gray bottom of the pan.

"Everything can't be more than three things," Jiang Mian sighed sadly. "If you want to hold Guan Xin, you can hold it, no one is stopping you, but why do you have to make trouble with me."

"What do you want?" At any rate, the biggest villain boss in the book, Shen Shiqing's panic was only a moment, and he calmed down quickly.

"First, you divest this drama."

"Secondly, if you allow Tim's play to be available, the master and slave will change, and you will tell Guan Xin in person."

"Third..." Jiang Mian took out a card and drew it in front of Shen Shiqing. "If you transfer 10 million to this card, it will be regarded as a mental damage fee to me."

"You have completed the above three points, and I will not pursue it." Jiang Mian said very sincerely, she felt very sincere.

Shen Shiqing sneered, when he was stupid? Who gave her the courage to let her say such a request.

"What if I disagree."

"This is easy." Jiang Mian took a red solid brick from his pocket and slapped it on the front of the car.

Upon seeing this, Shen Shiqing's eyelids jerked.

Jiang Mian smiled sweetly at him: "Then I will have to beat you half-crippled."