"Under the public, do you dare?!" Shen Shiqing was threatened by force for the first time so frankly.

Jiang Mian looked through the window glass and glanced at the driver outside with a bewildered expression. He didn't understand what was going on. He turned around and asked Shen Shiqing, "Guess I dare?"

Thinking of the previous two scenes of Jiang Mian's clean and tidy hands on him, Shen Shiqing's eyes sank. This woman is bold, and there is nothing she can't do.

"My driver will call the police immediately." But he was not in a hurry. He leaned his body on the seat, showing a relaxed posture, "At the same time, go to the social news and entertainment news. I believe you will soon catch fire."

"That's not bad." Jiang Mian snorted and nodded in agreement. "At that time, the video of Xingyue's CEO Shen Shiqing being beaten without fighting power was widely circulated on the Internet, and it happened to be appreciated by everyone. It’s great that I and Mr. Shen are on fire together."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

"Netizens will definitely be very strange. I have no grievances against you, why should I beat you?" Jiang Mian said slowly, "A man and a woman are in the same room. A man bullies a woman. Isn't it allowed for a woman to resist?"

"Under the emotion, the hands-on force is a little bit stronger, the defense is too good, it doesn't matter, I surrendered, I will go to jail for a while. When I come out, my family is not short of money, don't mix in the circle, just find someone Work is another good guy."

Having said this, Jiang Mian gave a dazed expression: "Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that my father is a policeman. Even if I go to jail, there will be no one to embarrass me, so I will go to jail. Take a vacation here."

"When I get out of the prison, you are still lying on the bed, and you have to use a wheelchair to travel. Tsk, I think the sale is worth it."

"But I thought about it, this method is too troublesome and not cost-effective." Jiang Mian frowned, "I will let you go first. Next time I will pick a place where you are alone and there is no one around. When the time comes, God knows and knows you. I know. You say, who knows that I did it."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

He looked at Jiang Mian carefully, and she said this with a smile, like a joke among friends.

But firstly they were not friends, secondly, there was no smile in her eyes.

Every word she said was serious, she dared to say so, she dared to do it.

The so-called barefoot person is not afraid of wearing shoes, she has no worries, he is either tough, try her dare, or compromise, admit counsel.

"Jiang Mian, you are sure to face me." Shen Shiqing sat up straight, his eyes locked on Jiang Mian with cold eyes.

"Did you not figure it out? It's not that I want to fight against you, but you want to provoke me." Jiang Mian took the slab in his hand and knocked on it without a second. "As long as you don't come to provoke me, this is me. People are very talkative, understand?"

With a click, she broke the brick in her hand in half in front of Shen Shiqing.

Shen Shiqing: "..."

Unbelievable flashed quickly in his eyes. The driver outside was tapping the door. Jiang Mian rolled down the window. When the driver saw the situation inside, he was stunned, and then hurriedly took out his phone: "What are you going to do! Don't mess around. ... Mr. Shen, I will call the police right away!"

Seeing Jiang Mian grasping the bricks as if he was about to do something, Shen Shiqing's body ached for some reason, and he immediately said, "No, step back."


Shen Shiqing looked over, the driver caught his gaze, shrank his neck in fright, looked at Jiang Mian again, finally swallowed all his doubts, and silently retreated to the side.

——This is probably the new taste of the boss?

Thinking about this, the driver was relieved.

Jiang Mian handed over the bank card again, and Shen Shiqing stared at her for ten seconds, then reached out and took it: "Ten million is impossible."

Jiang Mian: "Eight million."

Shen Shiqing: "One million."

Jiang Mian: "Six million."

Shen Shiqing gritted his teeth: "Two million."

Jiang Mian looked at him: "I have limited patience, five million, a price."

Shen Shiqing: "..."

He dialed the assistant's phone with a cold face, and reported the card number: "Immediately transfer five million in."

Not long after, Jiang Mian’s phone rang, and the bank sent a text message to enter the account. She snapped her fingers and took the card back: "The remaining first and second items, I hope you can cash it out soon, otherwise don’t blame me. ."

She opened the door and wanted to leave, Shen Shiqing: "If I divest, can this movie be filmed?"

"President Shen, don't take your money too importantly." Jiang Mian, who was worth five million in vain, was happy, and turned around and said, "Your little money is not enough."

After getting off the bus, Jiang Mian patted the shoulder of the driver who was squatting not far away: "Okay, you can go up."

"I'm here for you." By the way, he put two pieces of slabs on the driver's hand.


When the driver got into the car, he heard the boss call, his voice was sullen and angry: "Check me Jiang Mian, I want to know all her family background!"

The driver thought to himself that the girl just was bold enough to offend the boss, and I was afraid that she would suffer in the future.

As everyone knows, his boss is the one who suffers~

Jiang Mian brought a small truck into the set and shocked everyone in the crew. She jumped out of the car and greeted the workers to unload the goods.

"Xiao Jiang, what are you doing!" Such a big movement naturally alarmed Director Zhang, he ran over, frowned at the scene in front of him.

Today Jiang Mian asked him for a long time off, saying that he had to go out for something, and he didn’t say anything about it.

If it was another actor who asked for leave without explaining the exact reason, he would not agree.

The actors are scheduled to film every day. Sudden leave of absence means that the arrangements have to be rescheduled. Therefore, when signing the contract, many crews clearly stipulate that if it is not particularly important, the actors cannot ask for leave.

But because it was Jiang Mian's request, for various reasons, he gave him half a day off. Come back whenever you want, and call for a truck to come back, and some props in the venue around the studio have to be moved to let the car in.

Isn't this a problem for everyone!

"Director Zhang, everyone has worked hard, I brought some good things to everyone." Jiang Mian smiled.

After that, everyone knew what Jiang Mian's so-called good things were.

The workers unloaded hundreds of boxes of things, half of which were high-end imported fruits—imported strawberries, cherries, blueberries, crown bananas, etc., all of which are ordinary people who only dare not dare to buy them. Every once in a while, it will be painful for a long time.

The other half is a casual snack popular among young people-nuts, all of which are peeled fruit!

"Everyone has it, just take care of it." Jiang Mian waved his hand proudly, "Director Zhang, you can let me divide it."

Director Zhang: "..."

He looked at Jiang Mian with dumbfounded eyes.

It's normal for the crew to ask the staff for small snacks such as fruit and milk tea-this kind of action is very popular with the crew and can receive a lot of praise, but under normal circumstances it will not be too expensive.

Jiang Mian's car really is worthy of being "satisfied". The price of each one is not cheap, and the price of a car is at least six figures.

"What irritated you?" Director Zhang frowned and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Mian: "..."

"Mianmian." Tang Anan, who learned that Jiang Mian was on the set, ran over.

Upon seeing this, Director Zhang couldn't ask anything more, and waved his hand: "Go and wait."

"Wow, why do you eat so much?" Tang An'an looked at a box of fruits and nuts, she said, "The crew is so generous, so buy us such expensive things?"

Jiang Mian: "I bought it."

Tang An'an: "..."

Soon everyone knew that Jiang Mian asked everyone to eat fruit and nut snacks. The amount Jiang Mian bought could be divided into four or five portions.

When the staff saw Jiang Mian's eyes, it was a joy. The so-called cannibalism. When they saw Jiang Mian, they all called "Mr. Jiang" sweetly.

Guan Xin leaned back on the host, not to mention the fruit, not even a milk tea. Such a comparison makes Jiang Mian a better person.

The staff does not matter whether you have money or not-there are gold masters who support it, can you have no money? After all, it's just picking.

"Mianmian, you are too generous." Chen Xueyi happily held a box of fruits. She is a small transparent, financially difficult at home, her parents are sick, and she needs a lot of medical expenses.

Because of her beautiful face, she had the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry and filming. However, she was not popular. All she received was some supporting roles, and she received a commission from the film company. Actually, she got very poor.

She has to pay 80% of the money back home. At the same time, as an entertainer, she has to dress herself up to be seen. Some outfits are necessary, but they are also a cost, so she lives her life. It's tight.

Jiang Mian ate the fragrant nut kernels and said with a smile, "I didn't give the money anyway."

"Huh?" Chen Xueyi asked curiously, "Who gave it?"

Jiang Mian: "I picked up a sum of money, don't you spend it for nothing?"

Chen Xueyi really believed it, she said with envy, "Why are you so lucky? I want to pick up money too."

Jiang Mian: "..."

With this IQ, how did you become the vicious female partner in the book? !

After a while, Yu Ran walked over. Jiang Mian had already received a lot of gratitude. Without waiting for him to say, he said directly: "Teacher Yu, no thanks."

Yu Ran smiled, talked a few words, and turned away.

"Mianmian, Wang Ge from logistics told me that Guan Xin didn't pick up fruits and nuts." Tang An'an, who came back from the bathroom, said, "It is because my stomach is upset these days and I cannot eat it."

Jiang Mian found that her assistant was getting more and more gossiping: "I thought you went out of the toilet and wanted someone to fish you."

Tang An'an blushed, pretending that he didn't understand Jiang Mian's hidden meaning, and continued to say about her inquiries: "But her assistant Zheng Xiaoyu directly took ten copies. This is a big face to do such a thing. "

Jiang Mian: "..."


After Jiang Mian went to the bathroom, a person walked into the door when she was washing her hands. After she raised her head to see who it was in the mirror, she raised her eyebrows and greeted casually: "What a coincidence."

Guan Xin: "..."

When she met Jiang Mian's eyes, her eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and disgust flashed across her eyes.

She didn't expect to meet Jiang Mian when she came to the toilet.

Both of them wore costumes. Jiang Mian was wearing a plain white dress, but Guan Xin was dressed as a village woman in the mountains, with a thick waist.

The two stood together, even if Jiang Mian did nothing, invisibly, Guan Xin felt that she was half short of each other.

In the play, Li Wanjing meets with Song Yunan because he came to the city-the Song family is a rich family, and originally he would never allow his son to marry a village woman in the mountains, but Song Yunan was seriously ill in bed and was not married. The caregivers were all nurses. He looks like this, and which girl marries him.

When Li Wanjing came to the door, the Song family knew that she had been waiting for Song Yun'an for twenty years, and they saw her taking care of Song Yun'an with all their energies, treating her as a daughter-in-law, and loving her very much.

Prepare her clothes for the people in the city. Even if she is not young, she still has the charm of a girlhood.

However, Li Wanrong was dressed in a mountain attire, with a bloated figure and a sallow complexion. The contrast was too obvious.

Jiang Mian suddenly said, "Miss Guan, you knew the extra slapped scene between us in advance."

Guan Xin's expression changed, and her hand squeezed the corner of her clothes subconsciously, and immediately said coldly, "I don't understand what you said. The play was directed by Zhang. How could I know in advance. Miss Jiang, don't rely on the wealth of your family. , You can buckle the pot on me."

Thinking of Jiang Mian's fanfare buying high-end fruits, etc. to reward the crew and bribe people's hearts, Guan Xin raised her neck and looked stubborn and unyielding in the face of power: "I'm just from an ordinary family. Without you, the family is rich and would not be like you. It's the same to buy people's hearts, and there is no such scheming as you, but this does not mean that you can slander me casually."

Since Jiang Mian bought the crew with a cart of expensive fruits and nuts, she could hear the voices of those people praising Jiang Mian all the way away. After the praise, she would be pulled out to slander her, saying that she was stinging.

Those people thought that their voices were so small that she could not hear them.

Compared with Jiang Mian, all her hard work is not worth mentioning in their eyes, just because Jiang Mian is rich? !

If she is also rich, isn't it her who fawns on her?

As for the slap in the drama, she really didn't know, she didn't know until Director Zhang found her and said that she wanted to add drama to her—no need to think that she knew that it was Shen Shiqing.

On the one hand, she didn't want to take advantage of Shen Shiqing's privileges, on the other hand, she couldn't refuse to face the increased drama.

The more difficult it is, the more she shows her face, and the more opportunities for her to show. When the movie is released, the audience can remember her for good or bad.

She hesitated to contact Shen Shiqing, and then she accepted the decision to add drama.

It is undeniable that when she learned that there was a scene of slapping Jiang Mian on the face, she had a hint of joy in her heart-she kept the slap that Jiang Mian slapped in the school's bookstore.

In order not to worry Gu Qiwen, she did not tell Gu Qiwen that Jiang Mian had already slapped her before he came.

"Are you worried that I will take the opportunity to hurt you when it is officially filmed?" Guan Xin said with a hint of sarcasm, "Don't worry, I will tell Director Zhang a fake beat. If it hurts your face, I'm afraid it's on the crew. I can't stay here anymore."

Jiang Mian leaned on the sink, so she could enjoy Guan Xin's performance in her spare time. She said, "Miss Guan, you have repeatedly emphasized that I have money. You think that I have taken your position as the first girl with the money at home. I would like to ask. Is the role you play now clean?"

Guan Xin said sharply: "I won this on my own!"

"I'm embarrassed for you when I say this." Jiang Mian snorted and said with a grin, "If you really want to talk about it, I'm relying on money at any rate, what do you rely on? Mr. Shen?"

"Jiang Mian!" Guan Xin was furious, angry and anxious. Every word of Jiang Mian pierced her like a needle, piercing her hypocritical disguise. Of course, the heroine of the original book would naturally not admit her hypocrisy.

"Don't go too far!"

She said she could not win against Jiang Mian, and her heart was guilty, so she turned around and ran after she finished speaking, but accidentally ran into someone, and she hit Yu Ran.

"Sorry Teacher Yu." She apologized quickly.

"It's okay." Yu Ran helped her and asked politely when seeing her eyes flushed.

Guan Xin saw Jiang Mian coming out, her eyes reddened, she wiped her hair off, with a strong expression on her face that even if she was bullied, she couldn't tell others to endure, "I'm fine, thank you, Teacher Yu, for your concern." Then she hurriedly left. go with.

Yu Ran: "..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

The two looked at each other, and Yu Ran subconsciously said, "Uh, she did a good job."

Jiang Mian was happy, and she slowly walked over: "How did Teacher Yu know that she was acting, in case I really bullied her."

"If you really bully her, you must be upright and will not do anything behind your back." Yu Ran smiled, "Furthermore, she has too much trace of acting."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She tilted her head to look at Yu Ran. It was strange that Yu Ran liked Guan Xin very much in the original book and kept guarding Guan Xin silently. Even if Guan Xin is not playing the leading actress, Yu Ran should have a good impression of her.

It doesn't matter if you don't like it, so as not to be able to follow Shen Shiqing-the male partners who like the heroine in the book, Shen Shiqing has cleaned up a lot in the later period.

She suspects that Yu Ran's scene disappeared later in the book, and it is estimated that Shen Shiqing has taken care of it.

Jiang Mian nodded to Yu Ran, silently sending him a few words: Cherish life, stay away from Guan Xin.

Yu Ran:? ? ?

Shen Shiqing estimated that he was really afraid that Jiang Mianshen would appear unconsciously to take him away. He acted on him and his work efficiency was very fast. The next day, Director Zhang called the leading actors to a meeting and announced that there was another change in the play about Li Wanrong.

Especially for the slapped scene, Director Zhang said: "After I think over and over again, this scene has changed. Li Wanrong slapped Li Wanjing without success, but was slapped by Li Wanjing instead."

Several actors were shocked, especially Chen Xueyi, and immediately went to see Jiang Mian. There was a big surprise in his eyes. Jiang Mian blinked at her to make her calm down.

Guan Xin lowered her head, did not speak, and could not see her expression clearly.

Jiang Mian nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that Shen Shiqing had followed what she said and informed Guan Xin in private.

Oh, count him as acquaintance.

A supporting actor sits close to Guan Xin-he is Guan Xin's husband in the play.

I caught a glimpse of the latter's pale wrists, he paused with pity, and suddenly said, "Director Zhang, is this a bit unreasonable?"

Director Zhang glanced at him and gave a very official explanation: "Although Li Wanjing was raised in Li's family, she has been taking care of her uncle and aunt in Li's house for the past 20 years. It seems to her that she thinks she has paid her back."

"Because of Li Wanrong, she and Song Yunan missed 20 years. Uncles and aunts also knew that they didn't want to lose Li Wanjing's free labor and kept hiding it. In this case, Li Wanjing already had anger in her heart. At the same time, it reached the culmination when Li Wanrong found her and scolded her for being ungrateful and broke out."

Director Zhang said that it was very reasonable, and the supporting actor opened his mouth, and finally he said "Oh" and stopped speaking.

After the meeting, Director Zhang left Jiang Mian. He didn't sell it, and said directly: "Little Jiang, I don't know how you did it... But I received the exact news that Mr. Shen has withdrawn his capital."

The implication, money!

"Director Zhang, don't worry." Jiang Mian smiled, "The new investment is far in the sky, right in front of you."

Dao Zhang thought if he could not be in a hurry, he asked, "Where?"

Jiang Mian pointed her finger back.

Director Zhang: "???"

That's right, Jiang Mian is the new financial father!