After Jiang Mian passed through, she had never checked her own assets. Anyway, she was not short of money, and she had never paid attention to this aspect.

Shen Shiqing's sudden act of acting on Guan Xin's show was really disgusting to her. The first thing she thought was that after Shen Shiqing withdrew from the capital, she looked for the local tyrant father and asked the local tyrant father to invest.

She knows that this drama will be a big hit in the future, as long as the investment will not suffer, but before looking for the local tyrant father, she checks her assets on a whim.

This investigation revealed that she had two unlimited black cards, one from the local tyrant father and the other from the actor father.

There is also an ordinary bank card given by the criminal police father-as a criminal police officer, the salary of the criminal police father can only be regarded as a mid-level salary, which is not as good as the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father, but is much better than the Tianshi father.

The card that the detective father gave, Jiang Mian checked the balance, which was 350,000 yuan in total. Although Jiang Mian would not be short of money, the detective father would still put most of his salary into the card of his baby daughter.

In addition to these, Jiang Mian has a lot of idle cards, each of which contains millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of them.

There are tens of millions of money in these idle cards alone. If she wants to invest, she needs to use the black card to get the money out.

Jiang Mian was silent after checking.

No wonder the original owner is generous and has no idea about money.

In her eyes, money is really just paper. If there is any difference, it is probably slightly more colored than paper, which is better-looking.

Jiang Mian guessed that the original owner probably also noticed that Lin Feifei was pleased with her and became a girlfriend with her in order to make some money from her. The same is true for the three roommates in the bedroom.

But the original owner doesn't mind, she doesn't need money anyway, these people are happy with her, she feels comfortable, enjoy the compliments of these people, and give each other some money, just like a cat or a dog.

In short, she doesn't need to find a local tyrant father to invest, she can do it herself.

Director Zhang was silent for two seconds and said: "Little Jiang, you can't joke about this kind of thing."

Jiang Mian: "Director Zhang, do you think I am joking."

Director Zhang frowned. Through Jiang Mian's usual behavior, he knew that Jiang Mian had money in his family and was a wealthy daughter.

But no matter how rich he is, Jiang Mian is still a student, and the family will give her some pocket money at most, millions of dollars, how can she afford the investment of a movie.

He said: "This is not a small amount of money. Mr. Shen has invested a total of 200 million yuan in this film. Now that the film is half shot, the funds can be halved."

The implication is that if Jiang Mian wants to invest, he must invest at least 100 million.

"It's only one billion." Jiang Mian said lightly, "I voted."

Director Zhang: "..."

"Can you really come up with a hundred million?" Director Zhang stood up from his seat, suspecting that the girl was not spitting out one hundred million from her mouth, but one yuan.

Don't say one billion, it is one billion, or even tens of billions-Jiang Mian believes that as long as she asks the local tyrant father, he will give it without hesitation.

Jiang Mian: "If you don't believe me, I will call the bank manager immediately."

"Do your parents know?" Director Zhang saw what she said so swearingly that he had to believe it.

But new problems emerged, such a major event-if the girl misappropriated the family's public funds without telling her parents, and then found out, it would be troublesome.

Director Zhang had to confirm whether the money Jiang Mian took out was stable.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Can't you spend money this year?

"Don't worry." Jiang Mian gave Director Zhang a reassurance, "Since I have invested, everything may go wrong with me, and money will never go wrong."

Director Zhang looked at the girl's shiny cheeks, and suddenly he had the illusion that he was digging a treasure, and he could randomly take out 100 million. This girl's family background is not simple.

No wonder it has something to do with Qin Jingrun.

Jiang Mian added: "But the investor is my news. Don't tell me, Director Zhang, I have to keep a low profile. I am so good-looking and my acting skills are decent. Now I have changed myself and become an investor. If you know, you should not be jealous. Die me."

Director Zhang: "..."

Don't blush so much?

He nodded dumbfoundingly. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Jiang Mian was about to leave. Director Zhang suddenly remembered: "Wait, that mobile phone endorsement, I will push the person in charge's WeChat account to you, and you can talk about the contract yourself."

"Okay, then I'm leaving, good night, Director Zhang."

Back in the room, Xie Siyuan's nutritious dinner was just delivered, and the presentation was very exquisite.


"Is it a bit too much?"

Xie Siyuan said naturally: "This is normal appetite."

Jiang Mian took a picture, compared to a scissor hand, and posted on Weibo: [End of work, start dinner~]

Thanks to the blessing of the actor's father, her fans have more than 900,000, and it is estimated that they will break one million tonight. As soon as her Weibo was posted, there were immediate comments.

"First first, I have it!"

"Wow, I look so appetite, but why just show your hands and not your face?"

"The hands are so beautiful, I really want to touch them!"

"Strongly request to show up, we need to see the beauty of the young lady!"

"Why do you eat so little? Are you full? Jiang Mian, I have been tired after working all day. Don't starve yourself. It's better to be fat."

Jiang Mian noticed that the id of this comment was the [little baby] she was familiar with, clicked on [little baby], and found that just a few seconds ago, the other party reposted the Weibo she just posted and commented: I hope the little fairy can Eat more, fatter is more cute and beautiful.

Jiang Mian: "..."

It is normal for artists to eat less, in order to maintain their figure, especially female artists rely on their faces to eat. Once you get fat, your body is out of shape, and your face becomes ugly, how can the audience pay.

Entertainment news often reveals that a certain artist is getting fat, and netizens comment on the photos of the artist becoming fat, how mean and mean.

In addition, Jiang Mian looked at the amount of her dinner, she was quite a bit, more than enough to eat.

This is probably the worry of loyal fans. Jiang Mian thought for two seconds, but still didn't like it.

I checked Weibo again, and then waited for a reply from the mobile phone spokesperson while eating-she just applied for the WeChat account of the person in charge.

Xie Siyuan brought the dinner and left.

The rooms assigned by the crew to the staff have specifications. Of course, the rooms for the leading actors and directors are the best. They live on the eighth floor, followed by supporting actors.

The people brought by the artist live on the same floor as the staff. Xie Siyuan and Tang Anan live on the fifth floor.

After he returned to the room, he discovered that his immediate boss, Qin Jingrun, had sent him a WeChat message five minutes ago: "Why do Mianmian eat so little?"

He forgot to bring his mobile phone with Jiang Mian.

Xie Siyuan was worried that the boss would deduct wages, and immediately replied: "Brother Qin, that's a lot, everything comes according to the standard of adding five pounds of fat to Mianmian!"

In the end, he quickly sent Jiang Mian's weight change during this period of time, Fu Wei Qin Jingrun's heart of the old father who worried that his baby daughter would be hungry if he was not full.

From filming to now, after Xie Siyuan's scientific feeding, Jiang Mian has successfully gained two catties.

——Jiang Mian doesn’t even know it ==

Qin Jingrun, who got a reply here, carefully looked at the photos Jiang Mian posted on Weibo not long ago, and was barely satisfied.

Qin Jingrun almost didn't use Weibo before. After Jiang Mian opened Weibo, the father always couldn't help entering the Weibo of his baby daughter to read comments below-see if anyone scolded Jiang Mian.

Using his Weibo to like and comment indiscriminately would only make Jiang Mian’s Weibo fall, so after thinking and thinking, I asked Lin Xi to come over a Weibo account that Lin Xi registered a few months ago and change his id to [Little Baby]. If there is nothing to do, go to my baby girl's Weibo to browse.

With this Weibo trumpet called [Little Baby], he can interact with his baby girl in an upright manner-the reason why he didn't tell Jiang Mian was because she would be angry when she knew it.

What Jiang Mian dislikes most is that the four dads pay attention to her privacy, which will make her have no secrets and sense of security. If not, the original owner would not want to live alone and drive away multiple babysitters.

The actor father made up his mind, [Little Baby] This id must be held tightly in front of the baby girl, and the baby girl should not know that he is operating behind this id.

Hmm... he wants to be the most loyal fan of the baby girl!

After eating dinner, Jiang Mian touched his stomach, feeling a little stretched--no, I have to make Xie Siyuan a little bit smaller tomorrow. I feel fat during this time.

Just thinking about it, the person in charge of the mobile phone endorsement passed her friend application.

[Gao Huaqiang: I am Gao Huaqiang, I will send you a current photo, a full-length photo of plain makeup. 】

[Jiang Mian:? 】

[Gao Huaqiang:? something wrong? 】

Jiang Mian was a little unhappy with this tone. The other party is used to being an uncle, and his tone is so arrogant?

[Jiang Mian: Not talking about the contract? 】

[Gao Huaqiang: You have to see if your bare face photos are unqualified. After our review, if they are qualified, we will discuss the contract. 】

[Jiang Mian:...]

[Gao Huaqiang: Even if you don't dare to post photos without makeup, then forget it, but the opportunity is rare. As an unknown artist, you can take it yourself. 】

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian sent a general smiling face and said nothing.

[Gao Huaqiang: What do you mean? 】

[Jiang Mian: Smile. 】

This time the other party responded very slowly, and it took a full minute to reply.

[Gao Huaqiang: If you continue to use this attitude, you don't want this endorsement. 】

[Gao Huaqiang: If you still want it, then send a photo. As long as you pass my level, there will be no problem with the contract. 】

[Gao Huaqiang: Full body photos are best to be **** and revealing. 】

If Gao Huaqiang's previous words can be explained as work needs, if it is normal, Jiang Mian's eyes narrowed when the last sentence came out.

She exited the chat box and poked Director Zhang’s portrait: [Director Zhang, is the person in charge of the mobile phone endorsement called Gao Huaqiang? 】

Director Zhang returned quickly: [It's him, how is the conversation about the contract? 】

Jiang Mian smiled: [Still talking. 】

[Director Zhang: This endorsement opportunity is good, let's talk about it, it's good for you to get it. 】

After thinking for a while, Jiang Mian will be the father of the gold master of "Lover on the Green". He exhorted one more sentence: [I heard that Gao Huaqiang is a bit arrogant. What should you answer when he asks, go through the process normally, and when necessary You can follow him a little bit. 】

After all, it is to accept the endorsement of others.

If Jiang Mian signs the company, these matters should be discussed by her agent, but she has not signed the company now, so she naturally has to come in person.

Jiang Mian re-clicked the chat box with Gao Huaqiang. When she was talking with Director Zhang, the other party sent several more messages.

It probably meant that if she didn't post photos and had an attitude toward her, he wouldn't discuss the contract with her again.

There are full of threats between the lines.

This is the first time Jiang Mian has met. Someone dare to take advantage of her in this way.

The other party took advantage of his position to ask for the artist's private faceless photos. He didn't know what he wanted the photos to do, but it was definitely not a good thing.

This kind of high-end endorsement, the major artists in the circle are vying for it, and if they have the opportunity to get it, I am afraid that no matter what Gao Huaqiang asks, they will agree.

It is estimated that Gao Huaqiang knew this, so he dared to be so unscrupulous. Seeing his proficiency, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

What's more, his request is only a **** full-length photo without makeup.

The celebrities show their faces. Most of them are attending certain events or walking on the red carpet. They wear all kinds of clothes in order to gain eyeballs. A **** and revealing full body photo is nothing to give.

He probably also wanted to use this method to get a full-length photo of Jiang Mian. The purpose is unknown.

Unfortunately, this time he was destined to kick on the iron plate.

Jiang Mian searched for Gao Huaqiang on the Internet, and there was a lot of news about him. He clicked on a photo, a middle-aged man in his 40s, Mediterranean, with dangling eyes, and his face was full of wretched expression.

[Jiang Mian: I won't answer the endorsement (smiling)]

On the other end of the phone, Gao Huaqiang was waiting for Jiang Mian to send photos over—it was not the first time he had done this.

Sitting in his position and taking advantage of his position to get some private photos of actresses will give him an indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

For those actresses to endorse, don't talk about a bare face photo, even if they let the other party send fruit photos.

But he is very cautious, afraid of accidentally overturning the car, so he is very restrained, generally only let the other party send **** full-length photos.

From the first sight of Jiang Mian's picture, he thought about it-it was so beautiful.

People like Jiang Mian who haven't signed a company yet and don't have any backstage staff are better than previous actresses.

Therefore, his tone of voice was not good at first, and he wanted to shock Jiang Mian with this attitude and let her send photos obediently.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mian came directly and refused to sign.

He sent a few messages in a row in desperation, and received no further reply.

In anger, Gao Huaqiang found Director Zhang: [Director Zhang, this Jiang Mian is too shameful, just like her character, still want to take our endorsement? 】

Director Zhang: "???"

He intuitively felt something bad happened.

Originally, Jiang Mian was in a good mood, but was completely destroyed by Gao Huaqiang.

She took screenshots of what Gao Huaqiang said to her, including the last few ugly words sent by Gao Huaqiang, and posted them on Weibo together: [Justice is free. 】

A few minutes later, the comments broke a hundred.

"Fuck! What's going on? Unspoken rules?"

"I also said why I am so diligent today and continue to learn more... Is Gao Huaqiang so disgusting?"

"Who is Gao Huaqiang?"

"Isn't this Gao Huaqiang the person in charge of the endorsement of X mobile phone in China? It's disgusting!"

"If you don't send **** photos without makeup, you won't sign a contract? No, what kind of contract can be signed after you have seen it through the photo. This Gao Huaqiang has a problem!"

After posting Weibo, Jiang Mian read the comments casually, then quit Weibo to meditate.

When other actresses encounter this kind of thing, they dare not say anything about it, even if they know there is a problem, they will bear it.

But since she met and dared to "mouse" her, she must be prepared for a car rollover.

Qin Jingrun jumps on the treadmill-he has a habit of exercising before going to bed every night, which can ensure the quality of sleep.

As I ran, the mobile phone placed on the stand nearby rang, and Lin Xi called: "Brother Qin, Mianmian just updated a Weibo. Did you see it?"

Qin Jingrun: "Huh?"

I haven't read this yet. Lin Xi coughed lightly. He could already predict what his boss would be like when he saw Weibo. He cautiously said, "You'll know when you read Weibo."

The reason why Lin Xi called was because Qin Jingrun was probably exercising at this time and didn't look at his mobile phone.

He saw the news here and knew where Jiang Mian was in Qin Jingrun's heart, so he didn't dare to delay and contacted Qin Jingrun as soon as possible.

Qin Jingrun hung up the phone, took out his phone and clicked on Jiang Mian's Weibo. After reading it, his face immediately sank.

Someone actually wants to "hidden rules" his baby girl!

He got off the treadmill and immediately called Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian knew that after the Weibo was posted, the actor father would definitely contact her when he saw it, but the actor father was busy at work. She estimated that waiting for the actor father to find out, she would go tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, less than half an hour later, the call from the actor's father came.

"Baby." An angry voice came from the phone receiver, "How do you want to deal with Gao Huaqiang, tell Dad."

Jiang Mian was shocked by the domineering words of the actor father. The actor father’s tone sounded particularly like a villain. She smiled obediently: “Dad, let’s see if this Gao Huaqiang has committed a crime. If he commits a crime, send him to jail. ."

Qin Jingrun thought it would be too cheap for him to send him to prison.

"It's all father's fault." His tone was full of distress and self-blame.

If it weren't for him, the baby girl wouldn't have to encounter this at all.

The endorsement of this mobile phone is his secret connection, thinking that it is very high-end, the reward is good, the reputation is also good, and it is very suitable for baby girls.

The bullying of Jiang Mian's surname Gao now makes the actor father feel guilty about pushing his daughter into the fire pit.

"Dad, how can I blame you? I have nothing to do." Jiang Mian hurriedly comforted his father. "It is Gao Huaqiang who is in trouble. It is not good for him to provoke me. He has my father protecting me Can you have good fruit?"

The actor father was comforted, thought about it, and coaxed softly: "Then you go to bed obediently and leave everything to Dad to handle."

Dare to bully his daughter, he wants to let Gao Huaqiang know why the flower is so red.