After finishing the call with Qin Jingrun, Jiang Mian thought for a while, and sent a WeChat voice to the actor's father: "Don't be angry, dad, you have to rest early, good night, my daughter loves you."

Regardless of her previous life or her previous life, Jiang Mian never said anything nasty, even her master loved her very much in her previous life.

But facing these fathers and feeling their unreserved and purest love for their daughter, Jiang Mian was able to naturally reveal her feelings.

Jiang Mian didn't know that Qin Jingrun on the other end of the phone was about to call Chen Xu, and he could feel the anger lingering around him from far away.

However, when he received the voice from Jiang Mian and listened to what the baby daughter said, the man's brows and eyes suddenly softened, and the surrounding temperature also rose in an instant.

He repeatedly listened to this voice more than ten times, and finally replied to the WeChat voice: "Good night, baby, and Dad loves you too."

Jiang Mian didn't know what the actor father would do. Since he was backed by the actor father, she didn't care about it, put her mobile phone away, and continued to meditate with peace of mind.

Although aura is thin, mosquito legs are also legs, better than nothing.

I have been too busy lately. When I finish filming this movie and I have time to spare, I will follow the master to do cleaning work, replenish spiritual power, and improve cultivation~

At 12:30 in the morning, at this time there are countless night cats swiping their mobile phones, swiping and swiping, the first and second entries in Weibo hot search suddenly changed to——



Most people are unfamiliar with these two names, but unfamiliar to unfamiliar does not prevent them from clicking in.

At first glance, it turned out that it was a female artist who exposed the news that the person in charge of a well-known mobile phone brand wanted unspoken rules, and the content on the screenshot was clear.

Of course, the netizens don’t think it’s a big deal to eat melons. They went to Gao Huaqiang’s Weibo to start cursing, and by the way, they went to Jiang Mian’s Weibo for comfort.

Then, the major marketing accounts reprinted one after another, and the popularity rose like a rocket.

"Damn, is Gao Huaqiang so disgusting? Lose the X mobile phone that our family uses!"

"Ms. Jiang Mian is so good. Such scum should be exposed to let everyone know what he is."

"This Gao Huaqiang can be the person in charge, and he must have a backstage. Everyone quickly raises the popularity and can't let him withdraw from the hot search."

"I'm a little worried, will Jiang Mian be retaliated by Gao Huaqiang? She just came out to film and has no backstage."

"This kind of dog x thing can also be the person in charge?!"


At the time when the heat was rising, Gao Huaqiang was still in bed with a woman humbly. He had no idea that Jiang Mian had exposed their conversation on the Internet, let alone that the news spread so quickly that it caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

So early in the next morning, Gao Huaqiang was awakened by a phone call from his assistant, and the other party's tone panicked: "Miss Gao, you are on the hot search!"

Gao Huaqiang went to bed very late last night so noisy, and didn't sleep for a few hours at all.

It’s not that he has never been on hot search before, but now he was awakened by an assistant because of a hot search, and he yelled at his mobile phone: "What’s all the fuss about on hot search? I think you don’t want to work as an assistant anymore. !"

"No, it's different this time." The assistant said cautiously, resisting the irritation of being scolded, "You can go to Weibo and check it out."

As soon as Gao Huaqiang entered Weibo, he was startled by the overwhelming scolding.

Click on the comments and private messages to see. They are all kinds of curses, how ugly they are.

Soon he understood what was going on, Gao Hua sat up fiercely, looking at the screenshot of Jiang Mianfa, his mind was dizzy.

He never expected that Jiang Mian would dare to expose the conversation between them.

"Find a way to remove the hot search for me!" He immediately called the assistant. Jiang Mian had the guts to do so, and he wanted her to cry and kneel before him begging for mercy!

However, the assistant's words made Gao Huaqiang feel uneasy.

The hot search rankings can be bought or piled up by pure heat. The assistant said: "Mr. Gao, I just contacted Weibo operations and got news that your hot search cannot be withdrawn."

It is not that it cannot be withdrawn, but it cannot be withdrawn.

Gao Huaqiang's face was green and angry, he found Jiang Mian's WeChat and sent a message in the past: "You'd better delete Weibo, and then come out to clarify, otherwise I have a way to make you unable to eat!"

Jiang Mian received this WeChat message as soon as he arrived on the set.

Gao Huaqiang was afraid that she would be praised too high, and she was already in a hurry. This happened on the Internet, and she dared to send a message to threaten her.

What's in my mind is tofu dregs.

In order to prevent Gao Huaqiang from suddenly clevering up and withdrawing the news, she quickly took a screenshot and showed the news to Tang Anan. Let's have fun together.

Tang An'an was angry and gritted his teeth and said, "This man is so disgusting, kill him!"

Jiang Mian changed his hands and posted this screenshot to Weibo with an attached text: [Since I choose to expose it, I am not afraid of threats, otherwise more young ladies will be bullied by him. 】

The tone was awe-inspiring, and it instantly attracted the comfort of many netizens and fans.

"Mianmian, you are amazing." Jiang Mian quickly gained the gaze from Chen Xueyi's adoration. She looked at Jiang Mian with brilliant eyes, "I was worried that you would be angry and depressed, so I wanted to comfort you. But looking at you, I feel that what I should be worried about is the scum, it's too cool!"

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh.

Chen Xueyi sat down next to her, thought for a while, and was a little worried: "What if that Gao Huaqiang really retaliates against you."

In Chen Xueyi's eyes, although Gao Huaqiang is a shameless and disgusting thing, his identity is there, and he must be well-connected in the circle.

Jiang Mian is a newcomer, or a student, how can he fight against this kind of scum that has been in society for decades?

Although she couldn't help, she didn't want Jiang Mian to suffer.

Jiang Mian put the nuts in her hand and patted her shoulder: "It depends on whether he has this opportunity."

In the afternoon, not only did the hot search not withdraw, but also remained at the top of the list. Not only that, a new entry appeared——

#高华强sexual invasion#

A blogger who specifically exposed the big news in the circle received an anonymous submission from a girl, claiming that he had evidence and process reasons that Gao Huaqiang sexually assaulted her.

The blogger coded the girl, and then sent out the girl's self-report and a piece of audio.

Text content: [I have thought about it for a long time. Now that things are getting serious, a young newcomer dares to stand up and expose Gao Huaqiang. I should also speak up for myself and seek justice. As long as Gao Huaqiang can be punished by law, what am I? Don't care.


This cloaked beast, he drugged my wine and I couldn't escape at all. He threatened me afterwards, if I called the police, he would ruin me. He has money and the right to have a backstage, I can't resist, there is no way, I can only compromise.

As far as I know, he tends to constrain a lot in the face of female artists, so he is afraid of being exposed accidentally. But for girls like us without any backstage, he can insult and bully at will. I don’t know how many girls have been assaulted by him like me, but I hope this time I will stand up and bring this beast to justice!

The audio I gave was the only thing I could do when I couldn't resist at that time, is to make this audio work one day in the future. 】

In the audio is a girl's heartbreaking cry and begging for mercy.

In order for the audio to be used as evidence in the future, the girl called Gao Huaqiang's name in the audio.

As the person in charge of a mobile phone endorsement for x, Gao Huaqiang has appeared on many shows and received many interviews. After finding out the video of his interview, his voice is highly consistent.

This is no longer a "sexual harassment" and "hidden rule" incident, but a crime.

"Call the police! You must call the police!"

"Oh my god, the voice of the girl in the audio is so desperate, I was so **** crying, Gao Huaqiang is not a human being!"

"It is strongly recommended that Gao Huaqiang be castrated!"


Jiang Mian reposted this Weibo, and then contacted the actor father: "Dad, is the matter with that girl true?"

Being able to expose Gao Huaqiang's sexual assault so quickly made him unable to stand up-this kind of thunder method must be operated by the actor's father behind him.

"I asked Lin Xi to check it." The actor father returned quickly.

As long as you deliberately check it, you can easily find some clues about this kind of thing.

It is also a coincidence that this anonymous girl is one of Gao Huaqiang's assistants. Gao Huaqiang has three assistants in total. If you want to investigate Gao Huaqiang, you naturally start with the people around him.

Then the assistant took the initiative to speak out about it-she has been forbearing, trying to avenge herself, realizing that the opportunity is coming, and seizing the opportunity.

As long as it can bring down Gao Huaqiang.

"Baby, you can take the scene with peace of mind, there is a father." Qin Jingrun didn't want her baby girl to pay attention to this matter anymore, so as not to be sick, he would handle everything.

Jiang Mian nodded obediently, but then she received a message from Lin Xi that Gao Huaqiang had been taken away by the police.

At the same time, the official Weibo of X mobile phone released a statement, dismissing Gao Huaqiang from his position and publicly apologized to Jiang Mian.

Soon, Jiang Mian received an application from a WeChat friend who explained that he was the new person in charge of endorsement by X mobile phone. Jiang Mian thought about it and agreed to the application.

This new person in charge named Du Yi was very enthusiastic, and his tone was cautious throughout. And the first sentence at the very beginning stated: Miss Jiang, don't worry, I will never let you post any photos.

——The desire to survive is also very strong.

[Du Yi: This is a contract. You can take a look first. If you think it is appropriate, find your free time. I will send someone to pick you up and sign the contract. 】

"Mianmian, you really have to pick it up." Tang Anan thought that Jiang Mian would not pick it up-because of this endorsement, Gao Huaqiang was disgusting enough.

"Why don't you pick it up." Jiang Mian said, "Going to shoot an advertisement, it won't take too long to earn 10 million yuan, and it seems that I am generous, regardless of the previous suspicion, I can get a lot of praise."

Tang An'an thought about it carefully and thought it was such a reason, so he admired Jiang Mian even more.

I just feel that my boss, at a young age, is still a student, but he is even more powerful than someone who has been in society.

It's so cool to be her assistant!

Municipal Public Security Bureau

Gao Huaqiang was detained in a detention room and all communication equipment was confiscated.

He was sitting in a chair, and he hasn't gotten better yet. Why in a short period of time, he changed from a high-ranking president to a **** and was arrested to the police station? !

He has a lot of contacts in the circle, and he uses his position and relationship to ask for what he wants. The other party is willing to suffer. This is "trading."

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he thought about it, the more incredible he was. He just threatened Jiang Mian to ask for a photo. He didn't get the photo, and he didn't even take any other actions, so he overturned the car into the police station?

Once he has been convicted of criminal charges, it is not a simple detention, but a jail and a big jail!

His complexion changed again and again, and finally stood up and slammed the door, yelling angrily: "Let me out, I have done nothing wrong, you are not qualified to shut me down! If you don't let me go, I will let my lawyer sue you!"

Xiao Li in the monitoring room saw and dialed an internal phone: "The original team, the **** has been howling, what should I do?"

"Just leave it alone."


The original team put down the phone, rubbed his eyebrows, lowered his head and continued to look at the documents in his hand, and the phone jingled again: "Original team, the company is back!"

"What? Where is it!" Yuan Jin Fei Meng stood up from his seat, "The company is injured. It is in the hospital now, do you want to come over?"

"I will be right over."

Yuan Jinfei pulled his coat and hurried to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he discovered that not only was the director of the city bureau but also the provincial bureau, he hurriedly said hello.

The two directors happily talked quietly at the door of the ward, and the provincial bureau was full of smiles: "Lian Feng has done a great job, if it weren't for him, how can this drug chain be interrupted, so that they can be wiped out."

The Municipal Bureau sighed: "Yes, I have been undercover for two months. I have worked hard for him."

The two directors sighed, and then said to Yuan Jinfei: "Lian Feng was injured. We just finished watching him. He fell asleep. When you go in, be quiet. Don't wake him up."

The two chiefs left, Yuan Jinfei asked a policeman next to him: "How is the company injured?"

"It's all skin injuries." The policeman hesitated, "I just lost a lot of weight."

Yuan Jinfei nodded, opened the door of the ward, and walked in lightly.

As soon as he walked in, he met a pair of sharp eyes and Yuan Jin Feile said, "Chen Ju said you were asleep. Is this how you sleep?"

The man on the bed was in his thirties, his eyes were deep, his naked upper body was covered with bandages, and some areas of him ooze scary redness.

Even so, there are no adjectives related to "weakness" in this man.

He lay there quietly, without speaking, just handed it over with a look, like a knife glowing with cold, extremely sharp.

Just like his name-Lian Feng.

Jiang Mian is waiting for the show. The next scene is her slap in the face of Guan Xin—Shen Shiqing's divestment. Only a few senior crew members know about it, but the staff does not.

Everyone is actually very puzzled. It was obvious that Guan Xin played Jiang Mian in the previous scene, how could it become Jiang Mian playing Guan Xin a few days later.

But no matter what the situation is, they just watch the show anyway.

Especially in the crew who don't like Guan Xin, they are very happy to see this happen.

Zheng Xiaoyu kept talking about Guan Xin, but his eyes were full of gloat that could not be concealed.

Since knowing that the play was changed to Jiang Mian playing Guan Xin, Zheng Xiaoyu has an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Although she hates Jiang Mian, Jiang Mian is not her rival in love. On the one hand, she has to take good care of Guan Xin and regularly report Guan Xin's situation to Shen Shiqing. On the other hand, she hopes that Guan Xin will suffer from Jiang Mian.

"Guan Guan, do you want to call Mr. Shen?" Zheng Xiaoyu frowned pretentiously, with a worried expression on his face, "Jiang Mian doesn't like you and will definitely use this scene to bully you. This is a very common thing in the circle. In case she becomes ill-hearted and keeps beating you, and the director likes her again, then you will suffer too much."

She expected Jiang Mian to slap Guan Xin more.

Guan Xin glanced at her, then lowered her head, clenching the corners of her tights, how could she not see the malice in Zheng Xiaoyu's eyes?

But Zheng Xiaoyu was right. If Jiang Mian kept slapping her in this scene, what should she do?

However, after much deliberation, there is no other way than accepting fate.

After receiving what Shen Shiqing told her to change the play, Guan Xin was in a very dazed state-Shen Shiqing has always been very good to her, if someone bullied her, he would help her get back.

For example, to add the scene in which she played Jiang Mian, she knew that this was because Shen Shiqing wanted her to vent her breath and asked Director Zhang to add it.

But now she told her that the play had changed and changed to Jiang Mian hitting her, without telling her any reason, just a notice.

She used to be afraid of Shen Shiqing, and vaguely hoped that Shen Shiqing could be cold to herself, but now that the other party is really cold to her, she began to panic again.

There was even a kind of grievance in his heart, how could he let Jiang Mian beat her!


"Jiang Mian and Guanxin come here." Director Zhang greeted the two and began to talk about the scene.

After he finished speaking, Jiang Mian glanced at Guan Xin, who was pale, and before he started shooting, he appeared as if he had been beaten by wind and rain, very responsive.

In that case, she should go back.

Jiang Mian suddenly said, "Director Zhang, is this scene really going to be played?"

"Of course." Director Zhang glanced at her and frowned. Is this girl softhearted?

"My play is never fake."

Immediately he glanced at Guan Xin again, and his eyes flashed by unhappy.

If it weren't for Shen Shiqing, he would never use Guan Xin.

Jiang Mian said hesitantly, "But I think Mr. Guan... seems to mind a little."

Guan Xin: "..."

She raised her head sharply and met Jiang Mian's gaze, and then gritted her teeth and said to Director Zhang: "Director Zhang, I was just thinking about Li Wanrong's inner psychological activities, not unwilling."

"It turned out to be like this. I just saw Teacher Guan's face was not good, but I thought it was unwilling..." Jiang Mian sighed, "I didn't expect Teacher Guan to be so dedicated and always thinking about the play.

Guan Xin twitched the corners of her mouth without speaking.

Jiang Mian sighed worriedly: "Director Zhang, Teacher Guan and Shen are always good friends. If I beat her for a play, I won’t offend Mr. Shen, or should I use a substitute? I’m a little transparent, I really offend him. Mr. Shen."

Director Zhang: "..."

Why hadn't he discovered that this girl was a dramatist before?

Before he could speak, Guan Xin said angrily: "Miss Jiang, I hope you can put all your attention on the scene and shoot whatever you want!"

"I'm relieved about Miss's words." Jiang Mian nodded sincerely.

Director Zhang pretended not to see the needle between them: "Well, I'll give you three more minutes. Enter in three minutes. Let's go through it first and see the effect."

"Good." Jiang Mian winked at Director Zhang playfully.

Director Zhang: "..."

"Mianmian, I have your phone." Tang An'an handed the phone over. Jiang Mian was still thinking about playing, so he should use a bit of force to call later.

It seems too bully to hit hard.

It doesn't seem to be too good to be lightened.

She was thinking about this, so she didn't look at the call, she answered the phone directly, and a deep and powerful voice came from her ear: "Mianmian, where are you?"