This voice is inexplicable—Jiang Mian's brain began to retrieve it automatically, but did not retrieve it for a long time.

She took down the phone and looked at the phone display, it said: big man.

Jiang Mian: "!!!"

It is actually the detective father who has been in a state of losing contact!

Jiang Mian hadn't dealt with the detective father after passing through, and the original owner's impression of the detective father was extremely vague, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, the detective father was used to it and didn't care about her silence. He said, "Is it at home or at school? I brought a gift back. See if you like it or not."

In a few words, Jiang Mian had a preliminary impression of Interpol's father-it should be a more serious type, with a very textured voice.

Unlike the other dads, they will subconsciously soften their voice when talking to her, and you can hear their gentleness and pampering just from the voice.

"I'm not at home." Jiang Mian added, "not at school either."

I don’t think Interpol’s father misunderstood, he said: "Then you have fun outside, I will call you again at night, and be safe when playing."

"If someone moves your hands and feet, use the trapping technique I have taught you to greet you, and don't use your hands softly." Interpol's father's tone was cold with a chill.

Jiang Mian: "..."

He hung up the phone in a daze. Before he could think about it, Director Zhang sounded his horn: "The actor enters."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Mian put aside the effect of the detective father's sudden call, and handed the phone to Tang An'an to smooth the wrinkles on his clothes. Under Tang An'an's cheering gesture, he smiled and entered Guan Xin.

"The 142nd scene of "Lover on the Green" has one shot once, start!"

"Li Wanjing, stop! You ungrateful dog, for a man, even for my dad's funeral, are you still a human!" Guan Xin rushed over from the corridor and pushed hard at Jiang Mian's shoulder.

Jiang Mian stepped away, his eyes were neither sad nor happy: "From the moment I left the village, I am no longer the Li family. Now I am the daughter-in-law of the Song family. It doesn't matter to me how the Li family is."

"Sure enough, it was a white-eyed wolf who actually said something like this." Guan Xin was disgusted and angry. "If my parents hadn't adopted you when you were a child and provided you with food and clothing, could you live till now?!"

Jiang Mian looked at her and smiled suddenly: "But I have paid it off, haven't I?"

"Your wedding gift, the betrothal gift for your two brothers to marry their wives, the new house your family built...Which is not the money I earned? I will give everything and become the free labor of your Li family. What do I get in the end? You deceive me together, and in the end you blame me for ungratefulness."

"Li Wanrong, don't you blush?" Her smile stopped and she said word by word.

The gaze was too ironic and piercing, and Guan Xin's anger was high in her heart. Suddenly, she substituted reality into Li Wanrong. Doesn't Jiang Mian always laugh at her like this?

Relying on the wealth of the family to buy people's hearts, let the people in the crew like her and hate her...

At that moment, the real anger and the anger of the characters in the play were superimposed, and Guan Xin's state was better than ever, but because of anger and hatred, that face became extremely hideous and terrifying.

"I'll kill you, ungrateful white-eyed wolf!" She said her lines, and then slapped Jiang Mian's face with extreme speed.

She secretly hoped that Jiang Mian could not react in time, so she hit her, it was also Jiang Mian's own reaction error problem, it was none of her business.

However, she was destined to fail, Jiang Mian quickly intercepted her wrist, and immediately slapped her back.

There was a crisp sound.

Jiang Mian didn't put a heavy hand at all. The slap just sounded loud, but it didn't make Guan Xin feel too much pain.

It's just a matter of venting, not too cruel.

"Stop!" Director Zhang stood up, "Guan Xin, what's the matter with you! After Li Wanjing slapped her face down, what you have to show is incredible, followed by even higher anger, not humiliation!"

"You are Li Wanrong now, not Guan Xin!"


Guan Xin's eyes widened, come again?

Doesn't this mean Jiang Mian will beat her again?

She felt that she was performing very well, she had already regarded herself as Li Wanrong, how could this scene be impossible.

Director Zhang has been toward Guan Xin-what if it was Jiang Mian who deliberately asked Director Zhang to let herself go more often? In this way, Jiang Mian could not only beat herself, but also push herself the pot that had not been shot.

The more Guan Xin thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. If so, how many times would she be beaten by Jiang Mian? !

Director Zhang has been paying attention to the monitor. Directors like him who have been trained to perfection have seen how many actors and scenes they have seen.

Guan Xin's demeanor made him guess what she was thinking in an instant. From the beginning, he didn't like Guan Xin very much—he was too utilitarian.

And because of Shen Shiqing, Guan Xin was given the opportunity to see the interview scene alone, but she pretended to be a first love girlfriend, which was extremely disgusting.

But Director Zhang has been in the circle for so many years. He is old and his heart is not as hard as before.

Even if he is angry, he will not care too much about the other party's acting skills as long as he enters the group and does not be a monster.

Now I guess what the other party is thinking, and when I don't like it flashes in my heart, I have some regrets. If he had known that this woman was so narrow-minded, he shouldn't have agreed to let her participate.

"Guan Xin, come here." Director Zhang said blankly.

When Guan Xin looked up, her expression had been reduced. She walked over: "I'm sorry the director. I didn't handle it well just now. I will play well in the next show."

"You watch your own replay first." Director Zhang did not answer this, and then greeted Jiang Mian, "Come and see."

After reading it, Director Zhang asked: "Did you see your own problems?"

Guan Xin's eyes flashed unwillingly. Even after watching the replay, she didn't think she could handle it well, but she lowered her head: "It's my last emotion that I didn't deal with."

Jiang Mian shrugged, thought for a few seconds, and said, "Is it because I didn't play hard enough?"

Since Guan Xin didn't accept her kindness for letting go of her, she would stay with her to the end.

"Director Zhang, I will fight harder next, and be more realistic." Jiang Mian smiled at Guan Xin, "Teacher Guan, I hope we will pass this time this time, otherwise I am embarrassed to continue playing. "

She shook her hand: "Strength is mutual. I hit you for the show, and my hands hurt too much. And if you have a problem with your performance, the director shouts ng. If you don't know, I thought it was my collusion with the director. "

In this way, she directly expressed Guan Xin's thoughts-Director Zhang could see what Guan Xin was thinking through the monitor, and Jiang Mian, who was close to Guan Xin, could naturally see it.

Guan Xin's expression changed, and he looked at Director Zhang subconsciously. The latter gave her a light look: "Okay, let's start over."

I don't know if it was guilty or afraid. Guan Xin didn't show up again in the re-shooting, and Director Zhang successfully called out.


"Mianmian, you should teach her a good lesson just now in the play." Tang An'an has seen all the process in his eyes. Now that he gets out of the play, he can't help but complain to Jiang Mian, feeling that Jiang Mian is too "gentle".

Jiang Mian: "We are decent people, and we can't bully others."

Tang An'an: "..."

Jiang Mian took the phone and clicked on the address book. The number of Criminal Police Daddy was on the top of his head. Now the work is over. Would she like to call Criminal Police Daddy?

But what to say.

Jiang Mian sighed and continued to pick up everything about the detective father in her mind, but no matter what she thought, her memory was very fuzzy.

This is really strange.

She recalled the situation when she first saw the other dads. It seemed that when she saw them, the memories that belonged to them could automatically appear in her mind.

Does she have to meet the detective father before she can unlock the exact memory of the detective father?

"Mianmian." Chen Xueyi ran over in a hurry. Seeing this, Jiang Mian had to temporarily slow down and call the detective father.

"I just ran into someone who was dressed strangely, sneaky and didn't feel like a good person."

Jiang Mian: "?"

This kind of thing shouldn't be told to her.

"Go to the field office to check."

Chen Xueyi whispered: "No... the man was dressed in a Taoist robe, curly hair, and full of beard. He was a magic stick, and he had to pull me for fortune-telling. The main reason is that I didn't know which of the tendons didn't match. Let him forget, and then he said that the rest of my life will be miserable and there will be no good results. Do you think this person..."

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian interrupted her: "Are you sure the person you met is the dress you mentioned?"

Chen Xueyi nodded very surely.

Jiang Mian got up: "Lead the way, I'll go and see."


After completing the task and returning, Lian Feng returned it to him from his personal mobile phone bureau. After finishing the call with Jiang Mian, he clicked on WeChat to check the circle of friends.

Then I saw several consecutive news about Aite from Han Xu.

Lian Feng: "..."

Quit WeChat, put down his mobile phone, after thinking about it, he put on his coat and got out of bed.

"What are you doing?!" Yuan Jinfei pushed the door in and saw Lian Feng's move to get out of bed. He walked over in three steps. "There are more than a dozen wounds on his body, and the thread has not been removed. The doctor said that you must at least Lie down on the bed for half a month, and just lie down for me if I have nothing to do."

He started to press Lian Feng back on the bed. The latter moved his wrist and instantly pressed against his hand. The two of them made a few moves in the blink of an eye. Finally, Yuan Jinfei was buckled behind his back by Lian Feng, temporarily losing his mobility. .

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

"Stop, stop." Yuan Jinfei was very upset, "If it wasn't for the sake of you being the injured, can you get the upper hand at will?"

Lian Feng let go of him, and left a sentence: "I will give you a hand to compare?"

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

"I told you not to move, the wound is tense." Yuan Jinfei was lazy with his general knowledge, pointing to the redness overflowing from Lian Feng's chest, not having a good air channel.

"This injury doesn't matter." Lian Feng didn't care. "Where are the clothes I am wearing when I come back?"

Yuan Jinfei: "It broke like that, of course it was thrown away."

Lian Feng's eyes fell, and even the temperature in the ward dropped a few shots.

"..." Yuan Jinfei, "Don't look at me with this look, I panic."

"Xiao Zhang saw that there was too much blood on it, so he took it to wash it." Yuan Jinfei snorted, "You have to thank me. If I hadn't helped you block those people who wanted to see you, could you have the peace now? "

"Thanks." Knowing that he was telling the truth, Lian Feng said, "Call Xiao Zhang and ask him to help me bring the contents of my clothes."

Yuan Jinfei: "What is so precious?"

Lian Feng did not hide: "A gift for Mianmian."

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

He couldn't believe it. After a while, he gave Lian Feng a thumbs up: "You are going to complete the undercover mission. It's so dangerous. You can even think of bringing gifts to Mianmian. You are really a **** talent."

Lian Feng was noncommittal.

Because he bought a gift and wanted to bring it back to his daughter, with such a belief, he would naturally find a way to survive.

Yuan Jinfei glanced at Lian Feng: "Would you like to call Mianmian and tell her you are in the hospital and let her come over?"

However, based on the girl's temperament, she would probably say: "Is there anything wrong? I won't come here if it's okay. I will ask two nurses to come and help."

Yuan Jinfei is not familiar with Jiang Mian, and the last time he met was a few years ago.

Lian Feng protected this girl very well, and he was the only one who knew he had a daughter in the whole game.

He understands this. When they do their job, they often attract various resentments. Some criminals' relatives are a little bit more extreme and can do anything.

The less people know about the existence of family members, the safer the family members will be.

In the past, a colleague in the bureau cracked a homicide case for many years, but the murderer escaped, and finally escaped back after plastic surgery and brutally killed the colleague's wife and daughter.

In the end, the murderer was caught by the striker.

In Yuan Jinfei's impression, Lian Feng's daughter is just a little chili pepper, wherever it goes, it will be hot.

In short, the little girl is very violent.

Most importantly, he found that this girl didn't like Lian Feng too much.

But think about it, Lian Feng is taciturn and believes in the principle of never pressing if he can do it, and it is the kind that hits the nail on the head when he speaks.

His daughter is young and doesn't like being a father, but it's normal.

Yuan Jinfei was impressed that Lian Feng suffered a gunshot wound in a case a few years ago. The situation was not very good. He used Lian Feng's cell phone to notify the little girl.

Afterwards, a man who looked like a rich man brought her along, and the little girl walked around the operating room very impatiently.

After learning that Lianfeng's operation was successful, he took a look in the ward and called two nurses to come over, and then left with the man.

During Lian Feng's recovery period, he never saw her come. Lian Feng's reaction to this was very normal, as if it would be abnormal if the girl came.

He doesn't understand the father and daughter.

"No." Lian Feng said, "Don't let her know about my injury."

He walked to the window: "Is there any smoke?"

"During the serious injury period, smoking was not good." Yuan Jinfei still passed the root from his pocket.

Lian Feng's fingertips clamped, Yuan Jinfei lit it for him, he took a sip, the taste of nicotine stimulated his nerves and made his brain thinking more active.

Looking at the bustling crowd on the street outside the window, Lian Feng slowly said: "It is not Zhong Wuli who died, but his twin brother Zhong Wushang."

Lian Feng's undercover mission this time is to find the place where the big drug lord Zhong Wuli is hiding, collect evidence, and then secretly ventilate with the police, arrest Zhong Wuli, and remove the drug chain completely by the way.

With Lian Feng's reasonable external cooperation, when the net was closed, Zhong Wuli, who sensed something wrong, ran away, and had no choice but to kill him.

"This case has been closed. Now you say that Zhong Wuli was not the one who died. Do you know what it means." Yuan Jinfei's expression changed, and he didn't care about this guy and his daughter. "You wake up. Why don't you say it when you are?!"

"Say." Lian Feng said lightly, "It's useless, the case is going to be closed, and Chen Ju can't stand the pressure."

He didn't want to say any more, he just said: "Zhong Wuli won't become a climate in a short time, you know that there is such a thing, and secretly check his whereabouts."

Yuan Jinfei suddenly felt a little more urgency.

Not long after, Xiao Zhang sent Lien Feng's jacket: "Company, everything is in the clothes, good."

"Thanks." Lian Feng took it.

"Company, you are too polite." Xiao Zhang scratched his head, "Then I'll go busy, you can just call if you have something to do."

Yuan Jinfei didn't leave, he leaned over: "Let me see what gift I brought back for your daughter."

Lian Feng's gaze shifted over, with a blade-like oppression-implicitly meaning: get out.

But Yuan Jinfei and his partner have been immune to this kind of look for many years: "I will help you appreciate it and see if Mianmian will like the gift you brought back."

Lian Feng hesitated, then took out a cloth bag from his pocket with blood stains on it. He opened the cloth bag and took out a cartoon necklace from it.

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

Lian Feng frowned: "What is your expression, bad?"

Yuan Jinfei looked at him up and down: "My captain, how old is your daughter this year?"

Lian Feng: "Eighteen."

Yuan Jinfei feels that he is straight enough. He did not expect that Lian Feng, who has a daughter, is even more straight than him: "Your daughter has grown from a little girl to a big girl. Give this kind of gift to a child, you think she will like?"

Lian Feng: "..."

Yuan Jinfei admired the slightly changed face of his partner, and only with his daughter could this guy have extra emotions.

As if forgotten something, he suddenly patted his thigh: "Old Lian, I have to tell you something about your baby girl."

In the case of Gao Huaqiang, Yuan Jinfei didn't know that it was related to Jiang Mian. He only probably knew that this person was from the entertainment industry and wanted to engage in unspoken rules. Then it was exposed, and the facts of his crime were finally dug up.

This matter was transferred to another team in the bureau, but he heard a few words from a female colleague today, and the word "Jiang Mian" came into his ears.

Going back and forth, it seemed to understand what was going on—he came to Lian Feng for this matter, and it was about Jiang Mian. He felt it was necessary to tell Lian Feng about this.

And, I'm afraid this guy doesn't know about his daughter becoming an actor.

When he finished briefly talking about the situation, Lian Feng retracted the necklace into the bag, pinched the burning cigarette butts on the window sill, and said two words: "Very good."