Gao Huaqiang sat in the detention room with a haggard look. He has been detained for three days. During these three days, no one came except his parents.

Through his parents, he learned that his wife filed a divorce petition directly with the court after his accident.

Gao Huaqiang and his wife have always played their own roles, and they have no feelings.

However, anyhow they are couples who have been married for decades. Even if they are the same birds and fly separately, they don't have to fly so fast so unrelenting!

Gao Hua is furious, he hasn't fallen yet!

It has been so long, and an audio file is not enough to convict him.

He asked his parents to contact the best lawyer to defend him. As long as the lawyer hired is strong enough, he can be detained for a few days at most, without conviction and jail.

The so-called money can make ghosts grind, after he goes out, he slowly cleans up those little bitches.

He thought well, so when he first came in, apart from anger, Gao Huaqiang didn't panic at all, but he didn't expect that Gao's father and mother told him that there was a problem with his assets.

Gao Huaqiang was suspected of tax evasion. Someone used to help him, but now that he has an accident, he can't take it anymore.

Those who have a relationship with him, for fear of being implicated by him, can't wait to get rid of the relationship with him immediately.

Gao's father and Gao's mother also brought a lawyer, surnamed Wang.

"Mr. Gao, based on the previous relationship, I will defend you for free this time." Attorney Wang said, "but this time it is obvious that someone is behind the scenes."

Attorney Wang just said directly: Someone is **** you.

"It's Jiang must be her." Gao Huaqiang murmured. He had never overturned a car before. This time he thought he was a newcomer with no backstage, he could just take it whatever he wanted.

Just want a photo.

A photo will kill him to this point, even he hasn't even got the photo yet!

Gao Huaqiang's face was pale. Attorney Wang looked at his face and continued: "I will do my best to defend you. There is no guarantee whether the sentence can be successfully commuted."

"What are you talking about?!" Gao Huaqiang said incredulously, "You mean I am going to jail 100%?"

He stood up abruptly and pointed at Lawyer Wang: "How much money did you make on me? I raised you until now, and you actually told me that I was going to jail. I told you Wang Jiankun, you won't let me get better, I It won't make you feel better! Your handle is all in my hands..."

"General Manager Gao," Lawyer Wang stood up angrily and interrupted him directly, "It seems that you don't want me to defend you. In that case, then General Manager Gao, please ask Gao Ming, I will not accompany him."

Lawyer Wang turned and pushed the door to leave.

The policeman guarding the door said: "There are five minutes left, family members hurry up."

Gao Huaqiang gritted his teeth and glared at the opposite Gao father and mother.

Mother Gao cried: "You talked about what you did badly, and you just want to commit a crime. How can you let us two old men live?"

"What's the use of saying this now?" Gao Huaqiang impatiently listened to Gao's mother crying and crying. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. "You can find a lawyer again and get me out quickly."

"How do we do it?" Father Gao said, "Now we want money but no money, no one wants people, and your mother and I are two years old, what do you want us to do."

Gao Huaqiang: "Where is the company? Go to the company!"

Father Gao: "The company has already fired you, don't you know."

The fire that Gao Huaqiang suppressed reappeared, and he slapped the table angrily: "Then what use I want you two old immortals!"

Gao's mother's cry ceased, looking at Gao Huaqiang, she didn't expect her son to say such a thing. After a while, her whole body began to tremble.

Father Gao stood up, angrily completely speechless: "You, you, you..."

Gao Huaqiang had something to say. A policeman came in and said to Gao's father and mother, "Time is up." Then he took the two old men out.

Gao Huaqiang rushed out and was held in place by the police. He struggled frantically and snarled: "Get out! Let me go out!"

The police yelled coldly: "Be honest!"

Gao's father and mother's departure made Gao Huaqiang's heart more and more incoherent. He began to yell incoherently: "You have no evidence at all. Why do you imprison me? I want to see your boss and complain to you!"

The police ignored him lazily, escorted him back into the detention room, locked the door and left.

Gao Huaqiang walked back and forth in the room like a trapped animal, kicking the wall from time to time.

He was not reconciled. How could he have fallen to this point in such a short time, he couldn't just put himself in jail, he had to find a way to contact him.

He has so many relationships, and he doesn't believe that no one wants to pay him out.

Thinking of this, Gao Huaqiang slammed the door again: "I want to apply to get my mobile phone back. Without evidence, you are not qualified to imprison me!"

The door suddenly opened, Gao Huaqiang's yelling voice stopped, and he looked at the two men who appeared in front of him.

"Yo, I'm very energetic." Yuan Jinfei glanced, his eyes floating coldly.

As a police officer, the most annoying is the criminal.

He staggered slightly, letting out the Lian Feng behind him, and then looked at the latter's expression-it seemed very calm, not at all like in the hospital, after listening to him, the murderous look lingered.

Yuan Jinfei was very depressed. He didn't expect Lian Feng to be discharged from the hospital and return to the bureau after learning about it. He couldn't stop him.

He understands Lian Feng, once Lian Feng is determined to do something, ten bulls cannot be brought back.

Especially this matter is also related to his baby girl.

Since I can't stop it, I can't help but come back together.

I knew I didn't rush to tell him.

The reason Yuan Jinfei told Lian Feng was to let him know that there was such a thing, but not to let him out of the hospital now.

Lian Feng had more than a dozen injuries on his body, which belonged to a severely injured patient. After such a toss-well, in Lian Feng's place anyway, this injury was not enough.

In the end, Gao Huaqiang is in a high position in the company and has a certain degree of vision. These two popularity are extraordinary, and they are the top at first glance.

He immediately sneered: "It happened that you are here. Since you are the police, you cannot know the law and break the law. I am a citizen protected by the law. What you are doing against me is illegally detaining people and infringing on my interests. I have the right to complain to you! "

Yuan Jinfei cast a sympathetic look towards Gao Huaqiang.

"Are you Gao Huaqiang?" Lian Feng took a step forward, his eyes falling on Gao Huaqiang's hand hanging beside him.

Gao Huaqiang heard the insult to him from the other's tone, the anger that had been piled up in his heart and the fear that he tried to ignore but couldn't ignore reached its culmination in an instant.

Evil grows to the guts-he violently stretches out his hand to push Lian Feng: "What kind of stuff are you..."

Just when his hand touched his clothes, Lian Feng raised his low eyes, his eyes sharp and cold, like a sharp blade across his face.

The oppressive feeling on his face made Gao Huaqiang feel an electric shock in an instant, his scalp became numb, and his words spontaneously silenced.

Lian Feng didn't even need to say anything, just handed his gaze to him, Gao Huaqiang was scared.

His hands were stiff in the air, and he didn't dare to touch even the forward at all. He didn't even know it, so he took a small step back.

"You go out first." Lian Feng said, his voice was extremely weak, this was to Yuan Jinfei.

Yuan Jinfei hesitated and reminded in a low voice: "You are a policeman."

Although he is also very uncomfortable with Gao Huaqiang.

"Also, you are injured." Yuan Jinfei said again, "At any rate, just relax, don't take your body seriously."

Lian Feng said "Um": "I have a sense of measure."

Yuan Jinfei left and closed the door intimately.

Lian Feng moved forward, Gao Huaqiang couldn't help backing up, inexplicably afraid: "You, what are you going to do?!"

Lian Feng looked around, then raised his eyes and looked at the camera in the corner: "The surveillance is off."

Xiao Li, the policeman in the monitoring room, suddenly looked at the company's gaze from the screen, shrank his neck and swallowed—this, this is not in compliance.

Xiao Li didn't know whether he should turn off the surveillance. Didn't it mean that the company was injured in the hospital to recuperate, and the seriously injured couldn't get out of bed? Why did he suddenly return to the game?

In the midst of entanglement, Yuan Jinfei opened the door and came in. Seeing Xiao Li's entangled expression, he knew what was going on: "It's closed."

Xiao Li scratched his head: "Original team, in case something happens..."

"I'm going around if there's something." Yuan Jinfei said, "What to do so slowly, hurry up."

Seeing the small red dot of the camera go out, Lian Feng retracted his gaze and fell back to Gao Huaqiang.

He took out two black leather gloves from his pocket and put them on his hands slowly, while wearing them, saying, "Do you know how many people I have killed in the past two months?"

Gao Huaqiang: "..."

He was horrified by the first words Lian Feng said.

As a person working in the entertainment industry, the darkest thing I have ever seen is to spend money in private to find someone to beat someone, or take a drug or take a video.

Killing, it is impossible to even think about it.

Lianfeng gloves are put on.

As if sensing something, Gao Huaqiang ran to the door screaming.

monitoring room

A few minutes later, Yuan Jinfei patted Xiao Li on the shoulder: "Okay, open it."

Xiao Li turned on the surveillance again, and the scene in front of him made his eyelids jump-Gao Huaqiang was lying on the table, looking like he was asleep.

Yuan Jinfei: "What should I do, you know?"

Xiao Li understands in seconds-the original team meant to make up the missing three minutes of monitoring. This is easy to do. He can intercept the previous monitoring footage and fill it in.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Xiao Li said very politely.

Yuan Jinfei said: "Next time I invite you to drink milk tea."

Yuan Jinfei walked out of the surveillance room to find the old father who was angry and wanted to beat his daughter to relieve his anger despite his police status.

After I found it, I found that my partner was holding a mobile phone with a serious face, with some doubts in the solemnity.

Yuan Jinfei was taken aback--it's rare to see this kind of emotionally fluctuating expression on Lian Feng's face. Couldn't it be that he was hitting too hard, he was going to the hospital?

In this case, it's not easy to hide it from above.

"What's the matter?" He stepped forward, "The shot was too heavy? Didn't you say that you have a sense of measure!"

Lian Feng suppressed all his expressions, and his voice changed a little: "Mianmian just called me."

"This is a good thing." Yuan Jinfei was inexplicable, "isn't it happy that your precious daughter called you?"

Lian Feng's eyes were a little blank: "Mianmian called to me, Dad."

Yuan Jinfei: "?"

Shouldn't you call Dad?

An hour ago, the crew set

Jiang Mian followed Chen Xueyi to the backyard of the hospital-the afternoon scenes were all performed in the hospital, and the hospital on the set was set up, very old-fashioned, with a strong sense of age.

The backyard piles up all the materials left over after setting up the scenery. They are piled up here and will be taken away after the shooting is finished. Usually there will be no people here.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Chen Xueyi looked left and right, "He was here just now!"

"Mianmian, find him later, you must help me scold him well, how can I curse me like that." Chen Xueyi was very upset, she was planning the future, and she must work hard to earn money and make herself alive Chic and beautiful.

As a result, when I met a magic stick, I told her that she would not have a good result and would not end well, so she could not be angry.

She felt grateful to Jiang Mian in her heart, thinking that Jiang Mian had listened to her and came to find the magic stick with her to support her and help her scold the magic stick.

While she was angry at what the magic stick said to her, she was also happy that Jiang Mian was kind to her—Jiang Mian, the friend of hers, did not cross.

She is beautiful, has a good family background, and is gentle and considerate. If she is a man, she will definitely pursue her!

Jiang Mian didn’t know that she had such a high evaluation in Chen Xueyi’s original book that she was a vicious female partner. She looked around—a curly hair, a big beard, and a zodiac robe. This is obviously the standard for the heavenly master. That's why she came over to take a look.

When the light swept across the yellow, Jiang Mian cast his gaze over. There were a few unnecessary boards staggered together, vacating the middle part, barely able to cram someone.

Knowing it in his heart, Jiang Mian said, "Maybe it's gone."

Chen Xueyi was frustrated. Jiang Mian saw that she seemed to really take what the celestial master said to her heart, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "You said he is a god-stick, it means that his words are not credible, who knows the future? how about it."

Judging from the ending of the original book Chen Xueyi, Heavenly Master is not correct.

However, now Chen Xueyi has not met Guan Xin, and the plot has changed. As long as she stays away from Guan Xin in the future, there should be no trouble.

Furthermore, she can remind her by the side in the future.

Jiang Mian likes this girl Chen Xueyi, and can help nature a little.

Chen Xueyi thought for a while, felt that Jiang Mian was right, nodded, and said with relief: "I don't care about him, let's go back."

Jiang Mian: "You go back first, I have something else."

Finding a reason to send Chen Xueyi back, Jiang Mian waited on the spot for a few seconds, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Master Tian.

There was a sound behind the board, followed by a shaking, and all the boards fell. Jiang Mian was taken aback and ran over: "Dad!"

Zuo Xingping got out with a gray head and a dirty face, his curly hair was messy, and his robe was broken in several places-in order not to be found by the baby girl, he got into the board, but he was still discovered.

"Mianmian." He scratched his head, guilty of not looking at the face of his baby girl.

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry, and he didn't dislike him at all, patted the dust off his body: "Dad, why are you here?"

It's a coincidence that Zuo Xingping received an order, the location happened to be in the next-door crew-he didn't care about these filmings or anything, let alone any celebrities, anyway, as long as he had money to make money. He hasn't opened for several days and has been hungry for two days.

When I came to the crew next door, although the matter had not been dealt with and the money was not received, the crew provided lunch.

Master Tian is so happy, eat two servings per meal!

In the process, I found Jiang Mian by chance. The reason I didn't come to Jiang Mian after the discovery was because I thought my baby girl was working.

There are so many people around him. If he comes to her, he is afraid of delaying his daughter's work, and secondly he is afraid of embarrassing her.

So Zuo Xingping suppressed the heart of seeing his daughter, and if he had time, he sneaked over and looked at Jiang Mian secretly.

Then he found that Jiang Mian and Chen Xueyi had a good relationship, thinking that Chen Xueyi was a friend of his precious daughter. Seeing that Chen Xueyi's face was not so good, he found a chance to meet Chen Xueyi and forced Chen Xueyi. Give her a fortune-telling.

As soon as he calculated the results, Chen Xueyi ran away before he said a solution.

He thought that maybe Chen Xueyi would come back later-he often encountered this situation, so he didn't rush to leave, just wait here.

I didn't want to wait until I waited for my baby girl, worried that Jiang Mian would see him angry, so he hurried into the board to hide.


A melancholy flashed in Zuo Xingping's eyes. He felt that he was not only poor, but also always out of luck.

After listening to Master Tian, ​​Jiang Mian's eyes lit up: "Dad, how long have you been here?"

Seeing that the baby girl was not angry, Zuo Xingping was relieved and soon became happy: "Three days."

Master Tian didn't finish the work for three days, indicating that this is a big one this time.

So Jiang Mian took the arm of the heavenly master and said hurriedly: "Dad, what is the cleanup work you are doing this time? I'll be with you."

"No way, no way." Zuo Xingping shook his head, this time the list is a bit weird, he hasn't found his eyebrows.

However, seeing his daughter’s beautiful face flashed and frustrated, he quickly changed his words without a standpoint: "Wait for me to confirm, and then take you with me, OK?"

This sentence is enough. Jiang Mian nodded: "Dad, where do you live?"

Zuo Xingping said the name of the hotel, which was prepared for him by the crew next door.

Jiang Mian frowned, an uncomfortable flash in his eyes-the crew next door was too picky, asked her father to help, the hotel couldn't bear to book one?

"Dad, will you come to my hotel, OK?"

Faced with the request of the baby girl, Zuo Xingping could not bear to refuse, and nodded again and again, and then the father and daughter talked for a while, Zuo Xingping still went to the crew to investigate, and the father and daughter were separated temporarily.

Jiang Mian returned happily. Of course it was a pleasure to meet his father at the filming place.

Thinking of his relatives, Jiang Mian thought of Criminal Police's fathers. They were all relatives.

So Jiang Mian called the detective father, and the phone rang several times before getting connected. Of course, she didn't know. When the call was over, the detective father was venting her anger.


Then, the phone heard a beep.

Jiang Mian: "???"

Jiang Mian looked at the phone confusedly.