Lian Feng ignored the strange look in his partner's eyes, took the phone and walked to the other side. After a few seconds, he dialed Jiang Mian's number again.

Jiang Mian was about to call the detective father again, but he did not expect him to call. After the connection was connected, the first sentence of the detective father was: "The signal was not good just now, it was broken."

Jiang Mian didn't think much, she said, "Dad, when did you come back?"

Lian Feng once again shook his daughter's natural "dad", but he was not an ordinary person at all, and his voice sounded very calm, so calm that Jiang Mian did not feel the change in the detective's mood: "I have been back for three days. "

Jiang Mian frowned. It stands to reason that when the detective father came back from the task, he should contact her as a baby girl as soon as possible—this was an intuition.

But the detective father contacted her three days after returning. Even if she had not dealt with the detective father before, it might be a special induction between father and daughter. Jiang Mianfu came to his heart: "Dad, are you injured? Up?"

Lian Feng: "..."

His eyebrows curled up-for his daughter's keen insight and worry in her voice.

In fact, Lian Feng spent very little time with Jiang Mian. Jiang Mian had not lived independently before, and each father lived there for three months.

Whenever I live with Lianfeng, because Lianfeng is busy with work, he often works overtime, and sometimes he can't go home because of the case.

He asked the nanny to take care of Jiang Mian at home.

In fact, the reason why the original owner is so rebellious in the later period is not related to the four dads. The four fathers really love her and they can't wait to give her the best.

But when Jiang Mian was young, what he needed most was the company of his fathers.


The local tyrant manages a huge family plan. He has billions of funds flowing in his hands every day. He is very busy with work. Even if he tries his best to come back to accompany his daughter at night, he does not spend much time with him.

In many cases they are nanny.

The same is true for the actor's father. Before Jiang Mian arrived in the adversary period, Qin Jingrun did not stand at the top of the pyramid in the circle. The daily announcements were full, and the time left for his daughter was pitiful.

Most of them are also nanny.

As a policeman, Interpol serves the people, catching criminals hidden in the community, and occasionally carrying out some very dangerous tasks for the case, just to allow ordinary people to live in the sun with peace of mind.

The same is also a nanny.

They will learn about Jiang Mian's movements through the nanny's narrative-this is also the important reason why the original owner is living alone and hates the four dads knowing her privacy, and hates the nanny reporting her whereabouts to the dads.

As for Tianshida, he is poor and can't afford a nanny, but he has a lot of time with Jiang Mian.

However, Jiang Mian was not happy with him because he was indoctrinated by the local tyrant father, so he would often stay at school, calculating the time, not meeting with the celestial master, and not allowing the celestial father to come to the school to pick her up.

After a long time, the relationship with Tianshida was naturally very weak.

The original owner didn't lack anything when he was young, but the only thing lacking was the company of his fathers. When the rebellious period came, his temper became more and more hot.

But the fathers consciously owe their daughter because of the little time they spend with their daughter, so they love her even more. There is no bottom line in favor of what she wants.

Even with such a favor, the original owner is at best a spoiled little princess, hoping that the world will revolve around her, get angry if it is unsatisfactory, and then come to bully others.

But she never came secretly, she knew everything - she fell in love with the male protagonist Gu Qiwen at first sight and pursued it immediately. Knowing that Gu Qiwen likes Guan Xin, even if she finds trouble with Guan Xin, she still uses the "clear" means.

If she really wanted Guan Xin to have a hard time, she would have asked the local tyrant to help her deal with it.

As for the original host’s targeting of the heroine in the later part of the book, the original hero is written, but the heroine is not a simple little Bailian.

And when Jiang Mian passed through, nothing happened yet.

In Jiang Mian's view, before she passed through, the original owner's behavior was at best considered arrogant and unbearable.

The indifference to the four fathers was also due to the lack of company, and after the youth rebellious period arrived, the personality became so moody.

After that, the original owner lived alone, and most of them contacted once a month, and the contact time was very short, and the original owner was impatient to listen to them talking.

So after Jiang Mian passed through, his attitude towards his fathers became better. When they were shocked and happy, they would only treat their daughters as sensible.

Because Jiang Mian was very caring to dads when he was a child.

In particular, the local tyrant knew that his daughter committed suicide because of the slashing of her wrist. Her daughter had passed through the ghost gate once, and it was normal to become sensible, and he even felt distressed about it.

He would rather his daughter continue to be ignorant than his daughter was hurt by his surname Gu.

The Tianshi father is proficient in metaphysics, and he has more doubts, suspecting that something dirty has found his precious girl.

But he used an exorcism talisman on Jiang Mian, and there was no problem, so he was relieved.

As for the actor father, he is an actor and has filmed many scenes, knowing that people's personalities are changeable, including emotions.

Even though his baby girl has grown into a big girl, he is still a three-year-old.

As a child, I especially like you when I like you. I don’t like you when I don’t like you. After a while, I like you again. This change is normal.

For dads, whether their daughter's attitude towards them is good or bad, it is the treasure they hold in their hands.

It's just that there is a reaction process in the middle. The other fathers have become accustomed to their daughter's caring for these two months, and the detective father has just returned.

Suddenly when she heard her daughter yelling out the long-lost "dad", she noticed that her daughter's concern for herself and the occupational habits of criminal police officers emerged. The first reaction was doubt.

"No injury." Even though there was doubt in his heart, Lian Feng still wouldn't tell his daughter that he was injured.

The detective father's tone was too indifferent, so indifferently people didn't believe that he was lying, but Jiang Mian's feeling of seemingly absent in his heart deepened.

But before she had time to express her doubts, the detective spoke again: "Now filming?"

"How do you know?" Jiang Mian blurted out.

With the temperament of the detective father, it is impossible to scan the entertainment industry news on the Internet-the tyrant father still does not know about her filming.

Lian Feng paused for two seconds and said, "Gao Huaqiang is detained where I work."

Jiang Mian got it, and then got a little embarrassed inexplicably.

Speaking of Gao Huaqiang, Lian Feng's voice became colder: "What else has he done to you? Did he meet you in reality?"

"No." Jiang Mian keenly heard the murder intent from the detective father's tone, and quickly said, "If this hadn't happened, he wouldn't be able to be found out. Thanks to Dad Qin, he let him find evidence of Gao Huaqiang's crime. "

Lian Feng frowned. Qin Jingrun is so famous in the entertainment industry that even people who don't pay attention to the entertainment industry know him.

With Qin Jingrun's position in the circle, Jiang Mian was in his circle, and Jiang Mian was so angry.

"Where is your address for the filming?" Worried that his tone was too strong, he added, "I will bring the present."

Jiang Mian had to report the address. The detective father was not tired of talking to his daughter like other fathers. After getting the address, he hung up the phone neatly.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She looked at the phone and got used to the gentleness of the other three fathers. The seriousness of the detective father made her a little nervous.

Will this father notice the changes in his daughter? Will it be suspicious?

She had a vague impression of the detective father before, and she thought that the other fathers would naturally accept their daughter to become well-behaved, thinking that the detective father should do the same.

But now, the brief conversation with the detective father over the phone made her a little uneasy.

She is not afraid.

In fact, after passing through, she can continue to be indifferent to the four fathers like the original owner, continuing the original owner's character.

But the four fathers are so good, how can she be so cruel and cold to them.

"Mianmian? Mianmian?" The continuous calling made Jiang Mian look back.

Tang Anan looked at her worriedly: "What's the matter with you? Is it something uncomfortable?"

She yelled a lot just now, Jiang Mian kept looking at the phone and ignored her, which shocked her.

"It's okay." Jiang Mian gave her the phone, picked up the script again, and prepared for the next scene.

"What? Are you going to the film and television city in the western suburbs?" After listening to Lian Feng's decision, Yuan Jinfei showed a "you don't want to die" expression. He pulled off Lian Feng's jacket and pointed at his chest, "You really Think of yourself as an iron man?"

"What you should do now is not to see your baby girl, but to go back to the hospital and lie down on the hospital bed and ask the doctor to recheck your wound." He said angrily, "By the way, let the doctor scold you. People have treated your wound well, but you have to toss, and now someone needs to treat it again."

Lian Feng remained unmoved. He ran in danger all the year round, and was used to getting wounds on his body. Now the pain can make his brain more sober, but there is no need to tell Yuan Jinfei.

"Lend me your car."

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

"Do you have to go?"

Lian Feng glanced at him.

Yuan Jinfei didn't make any difference, and compromised: "Okay, I'll send you there."

"You stay." Lian Feng's voice was a little low, "Go and check the case of Yuhuajiang three years ago."

Yuan Jinfei didn't expect his topic to jump so fast, did not keep up, let out a dazed ah.

Lian Feng: "Isn't that case hanging up and unfinished? I suspect that the murderer of the Yuhuajiang case is Zhong Wuli."

Yuan Jinfei: "!!!"

He threw the keys of his car to Lian Feng, and at the end he was still worried: "Would you like to send someone to accompany you?"

Lian Feng patted him on the shoulder, and then strode away with the key.

Yuan Jinfei moved his painful shoulder, regardless.

When the police along the way saw the company, they subconsciously shouted "company" respectfully.

The company is a legend in the game and everyone treats him like a god.


Everyone looked at Lian Feng walking like flying with long legs, with a look of wonder.

"Isn't the company seriously injured? It doesn't look like it."

"You are new here. This is too common. Companies often work with injuries."

"Yes, I remember that the company rescued a woman in an anti-criminal operation last year. As a result, the woman and those people were in the same group. During the chaotic moment, he stabbed the company." The policeman said about it. He was angry, "At that time, there were so many people that the company could not get out of the way. As soon as it got out of other colleagues, it would have to suffer and had to suffer abruptly."

"Damn!" Someone exploded.

"and after."

The policeman looked admired: "Although the company suffered the knife, he avoided the victim. Two days later, a serial murder was committed. The murderer targeted the young girl. When the company knew about it, he was discharged immediately, completely ignoring his own. It took a week to capture the murderer."

"so amazing."

"Our company has something more powerful, let me tell you something."


The original Jinfei's car was an ordinary brand. After Lian Feng opened the door and sat in, he did not start the car for the first time. Instead, he put his hand on his forehead and raised his head again after a while.

He drove back to his residence first.

Lian Feng lives in an ordinary community, with three bedrooms and one living room. He saved money to buy it. His monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan. Except for the mortgage and basic living expenses, the remaining money goes to Jiang Mian's card. in.

Of course he knew that Jiang Mian was not short of money, but this did not hinder his move.

I haven't come back for two months. The room is very deserted. There are two pairs of slippers on the shoe rack at the door, one pair of black and one pair of pink bunny-this is Jiang Mian's. Even if Jiang Mian can't come, he has everything he should prepare.

Lian Feng's eyes fell on the pink little rabbit, his eyes softened a lot.

Those who do this kind of work always have a medicine kit in their homes. Lian Feng carries the medicine kit to the bathroom and takes off his coat and shirt.

In the mirror, the bandage on the man's upper body overflowed with bright red blood.

After a while, Lian Feng used scissors to cut the bandage open. Several parts of the treated wound were stretched open, reflecting blood stains, looking shocked.

Lian Feng moved skillfully to re-treat the wound without frowning.

After handling, he changed into clean clothes and looked in the mirror again. Apart from his pale face, he confirmed that he couldn't see anything. Then he took the key and rushed to the film and television city where Jiang Mian was.

On the way to the car, when waiting for the green light, Lian Feng took out the cartoon necklace and frowned.

It seems a bit naive.

Just next to a shopping mall, Lian Feng thought for a while, parked his car in the mall, entered the mall, and chose a jewelry store to walk in.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" When Lian Feng came in, the shopping guide's eyes lit up.

What a handsome man!

She subconsciously wanted to say a few more words, but when the man's gaze was passed over, she was a little confused, she didn't dare to speak at will.

Lian Feng looked around at the merchandise in the store and gave up his choice. He asked, "Which is more suitable for an 18-year-old girl?"

The shopping guide gave him a careful look: "What is the relationship between this little girl and you?"

Lian Feng: "My daughter."

Shopping guide: "..."

Lian Feng: "Is there a problem?"

The shopping guide knew that his eyes were too weird, so he quickly apologized: "Sir, I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be so young and handsome and have a daughter, and I was a little surprised."

And the daughter is 18 years old.

If it weren't for the other person's look too calm, she would think the other person was joking or lying.

Lian Feng was noncommittal.

The shopping guide dared not say anything, and quickly led Lian Feng to the merchandise counter: "What type of jewelry does your daughter usually like?"

Lian Feng: "..."

He glanced at the shopping guide and did not speak.

The shopping guide understood, and thoughtfully did not ask other questions.

Then under her recommendation, Lian Feng bought a pair of diamond stud earrings, the one with stars, elegant yet playful, suitable for young girls.

"Sir, this bracelet is also good. Many girls like this. It looks pale when worn."

So Lian Feng bought another bracelet.

After checking out and returning to the car, he put the three gifts together for comparison.

Finally, his eyes fell on the cartoon necklace, he still thought the cartoon necklace was better.

Probably because of thinking that the detective father was coming, Jiang Mian was a little absent-minded, which caused her to play with Yu Ran several times in a row.

"What's wrong with you Jiang Mian?!" Director Zhang yelled rather unceremoniously.

Jiang Mian touched her nose and had to concentrate on the scene. After finally passing, Zhang Daozheng wanted to educate her and asked her where she left her soul.

Before he could speak, Jiang Mian had already gone far.

Director Zhang: "..."

Forget it, the gold master's father can't afford it.

"An'an, is there a call from my cell phone?"

"No." Tang Anan shook his head and handed her the phone.

Jiang Mian looked at the address book and hesitated whether to call the detective father again.

She was a little nervous, and suddenly saw the number of Master Tian.

There was an idea—how about waiting for the detective father to come, and she and Tianshi father go with him?