I remembered the scene of Tian Shi Da and the local tyrants pinching each other together, and worried that this would happen when Tian Shi Da and Interpol Dad met.

Jiang Mian silently put the phone back again.

"An An, you go back to the hotel room, there is a box in the concealed bag of my suitcase, you can bring it for me."

Before, Jiang Mian bought four brand-name watches, one for each father. The actor father and local tyrant father wore them on their hands after they received them, and never took them off.

After receiving it, Master Tian returned to Jiang Mian and asked his daughter to help him keep it-otherwise, with his wealthy life, the watch would be stolen or broken within a day.

Now only the detective father has not sent it out, and the watch does not occupy a place. When she packs her luggage, she puts the watch in the suitcase by the way.

Just thinking that if the detective father came back suddenly, she would take it with him and give it to the detective father.

It comes in handy right now.

The set was not far from the hotel, and Tang Anan came back soon. She recognized the brand of this watch, which was hundreds of thousands.

Only men will give the watch. Tang Anan is now familiar with Jiang Mian. When he passed the watch, he couldn't help being curious: "Mianmian, who do you want to give it to?"

At the same time, I have a new understanding of Jiang Mianhao's degree, but thinking that Jiang Mian is the daughter of Brother Qin, I think this is a trivial matter.

Jiang Mian put the watch in his bag and said, "Secret."

Tang An'an no longer asks anymore.

After a while, Tang Anan heard Jiang Mian's cell phone ringing, and she subconsciously looked over it and saw a rare nervousness on the face of the little boss.

Three question marks popped up on Tang Anan's head. The little boss dared to be an investor, so why was he nervous when answering a phone call?

Wouldn't someone want to bully Mianmian again?

Tang An'an also became nervous immediately, and listened to Jiang Mian answering the phone intently.

It was the detective father who called.

After Lian Feng arrived, he learned that there were several entrances to the film and television city, and there was a lot of people. The pedestrians on the street wear all kinds of clothes, and the sound of explosions can be heard from a distance.

He rubbed his eyebrows and called Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, send me the location."

When Jiang Mian heard his tone, he knew that the detective father had arrived: "It's fine if I come out to find you. I know this well."

Lian Feng thought for a while, but did not refuse.

He has never been to a studio and is not familiar with the terrain. Even if he has a position, he will go in to find his daughter, but he will not come out to find himself as quickly as possible.

So he posted his position.

"I see, you are at the east gate, and I will come right away."

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Mian picked up her small bag and said to Tang An'an: "I'll go out for a while, if Director Zhang finds me, you will say I'm sleeping."

The rest of her play is at night, with two hours of free time in between, enough for her to meet with detective father.

Even though Tang An'an was wondering who Jiang Mian was going to see in his heart, he didn't ask too much, and only told: "Then you must pay attention to safety. If you have any need to call me."

Lian Feng was sitting in the car with three gifts placed in the co-pilot. He glanced and frowned: It seemed too obvious.

He put the gift in the car storage box and checked the time. Seven minutes have passed since the talk time with Jiang Mian.

He pushed the door to get out of the car and looked around with sharp eyes. As a professional policeman, whether he was working or not, his professional habits had penetrated into his life.

To arrive at a strange place, the first thing is to observe the surrounding environment and pay attention to whether there are suspicious people around.

Lian Feng leaned his body on the front of the car, his body hurting slightly, but it was within his tolerance.

He subconsciously took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket-the cigarettes were still searched from Yuan Jinfei.

Working as a police officer, he often stays up late and sometimes encounters tricky cases. It is common to stay overnight.

In order to ensure a clear mind, cigarettes, coffee, tea and other things have become essential items for refreshing.

Lian Feng is no exception.

Just about to take out one and light it up, Lian Feng's movements stopped--Jiang Mian didn't like his father's smoking, so he couldn't smell it.

Lian Feng slowly put the cigarette back.

From time to time, people passing by, looked at him.

Among the four dads, if it comes to occupations, the detective dad's occupation is the most down to earth.

Local tyrants, there are luxury cars to pick you up when you travel, and you are in and out of high-end places that ordinary people can't enter for a lifetime. Two bodyguards will always be with you.

The actor father, the superstar, has thousands of fans, wherever he goes, he must be a spotlight, and he must be disguised when he goes out, otherwise he will easily cause a stampede.

Although Heavenly Master is poor, his career is the most bizarre, and ordinary people can't imagine that it belongs to another dimension.

And his standard style, walking on the street attracts most of the weird eyes-in the eyes of others, this is a strange outfit, too weird.

Compared with the other three fathers, the detective father is much more grounded.

There are no luxury cars, no bodyguards, and no disguise when traveling. It's just a policeman among the crowd.

However, his cold temperament faintly distinguished him from ordinary people, causing some people to subconsciously cast their eyes on him when passing by.

At that time, two young girls were muttering in the distance. After a while, they walked over. Among them, the girl with short hair mustered the courage to ask: "Handsome guy, are you an actor?"

The two girls came to play in the film and television city. By the way, we can see if we can meet some celebrities here, and then they can sign a name together with a photo.

They had noticed this man a long time ago. They couldn't see the specific age. They couldn't think of any adjectives after thinking about it. They only felt handsome and had a very unique taste. They could separate him from the crowd in an instant.

There are three kinds of people who come to the film and television city: tourists, staff, and actors.

This person looks like an actor, but they are not sure, so they cheer each other up and take the initiative to ask.

Lian Feng turned his head and looked at them. As soon as the short-haired girl met his gaze, she blurted out, "It's so cool."

"You are an actor." The long-haired girl was a little excited.

The two girls excitedly took out their photos: "Handsome guy, can you sign us? What TV series have you filmed? You tell us, we will go back and search for it."

The girl with short hair can't help nodding: "You will definitely be hot!"

Lian Feng: "..."

He slowly looked at the two girls in front of him. They were very young, in their twenties, and full of vigor, with carefree eyes gleaming.

He did not take the picture of the girl, was silent for two seconds, and said, "I am not an actor."

Disappointment flashed across the faces of the two girls. Such a handsome guy is not an actor.

"And, you should call me uncle." Lian Feng said.

Two girls: "???"

Lian Feng didn’t care about the two girls’ dumbfounded gaze. He moved his gaze down and fell on the bag on the waist of the short-haired girl. He said, “The zipper of the bag is closed. There are many people here. Please keep the bag in front of you to prevent theft ."

She turned to the long-haired girl again. The latter had a buckle on her phone. She buckled and dropped the buckle casually: "If you don’t use the phone, don’t hold it like this. Put it in your bag. There are too many people. The fingers break easily."

Two girls: "..."

The girl with long hair quietly took off the phone and put it in the bag obediently, and the girl with short hair obediently zipped the bag.

The two of them didn't know why they wanted to listen like a primary school student.

In a silent silence, the short-haired girl cautiously asked: "Handsome...uncle, what do you do?"

Lian Feng said quietly: "Police."

The two girls straightened their backs subconsciously, and after two seconds, they waved to Lian Feng: "Goodbye uncle." Then Sa Yazi ran away holding hands.

Lian Feng withdrew his gaze, and then he swept across a figure, slowly raising his head.

Jiang Mian’s studio was not far from the east gate of the film and television city, and she was there in less than ten minutes.

She usually takes the special car of the crew. She really didn't feel that there were too many people. Now she walked out and found that there were so many people. Most of the comings and goings are group performances mixed in the major production crews.

She looked around, looking for the detective father-through the original owner's remarks on the four fathers' numbers, the detective father is a big man and should be a very strong person.

Jiang Mian walked a few steps forward following the flow of people, when someone on the right suddenly approached and immediately grabbed her with one hand.

Jiang Mian was looking for her father, suddenly a hand came out to attack her, she didn't even want to fight back, clasping the opponent's wrist with her backhand and twisting it down. With a twist and a button, she could instantly disable the opponent's hand.

But she didn't expect the other party's reaction to be faster than she thought, and she used this trick to counter her knuckles. In the blink of an eye, before Jiang Mian raised her head, the two of them had done a few tricks.

Who is so ignorant!

Jiang Mian was a little angry.

After all, this body is relatively weak and has little strength. The opponent is an expert, and she cannot win with pure strength.

Jiang Mian was about to bring spiritual power, but the other party suddenly withdrew his hand, and then a familiar voice sounded above his head: "Yes, I have not forgotten the grappling technique taught you."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She took two steps back and slowly raised her head.

Well said big guy!

In addition to being very tall, Interpol's father, where does he touch the big guy!

The vague impression of the detective father in his mind, as if the vague layer of paper was erased by an eraser, instantly became clear.

Sure enough, it was necessary to meet to unlock the memory of the detective father.

Then Jiang Mian was surprised.

The original owner has very few memories of the detective father, and few fight with the Tianshi father-so the original owner does not like the detective father?

Jiang Mian temporarily pressed down the thoughts in his mind and looked at the detective father.

Among the previous three fathers, the actor father was the highest, but she did not expect that the detective dad was taller than the actor dad. She actually only reached the shoulder of the detective dad.

However, in the memory of the original owner, the detective father was not so thin. The last time the father and daughter met seemed to be half a year ago.

Lian Feng's eyebrows were twisted unnoticeably-the strangeness that appeared in her daughter's eyes instantly.

But this is also normal. He and Jiang Mian have not seen each other for half a year.

The next second, the beautiful little girl in front of her smiled sweetly at him: "Dad."

Lian Feng was stunned, Jiang Mian took the initiative to put the arm of Interpol's father: "Did you drive here or take a taxi?"

—— Jiang Mian decided to take the initiative, anyway, it doesn’t hurt to take the initiative and be well-behaved.

It can be seen that the detective father is restrained and serious. If she hadn't taken the initiative, the atmosphere between the father and daughter would be too embarrassing.

Lian Feng's body was slightly stiff, his gaze fell on Jiang Mian's hand on his arm, small, clutching his clothes tightly...He quickly passed a trance in his eyes.

After a few seconds, he calmly said: "I drove here."

"Where is the car?"

Lian Feng took her to the direction of the car and walked for two steps. Jiang Mian suddenly stopped, and Lian Feng had to stop, lowering his eyes, looking at her suspiciously.

Jiang Mian frowned. From the moment she approached the detective father and took his arm, she smelled a **** smell.

——After breaking through the first layer of Qi refining, not only the ears and eyesight are better than before, but also the sense of smell.

Recalling what the detective father said to her, three days ago, and the feeling in her heart, Jiang Mian was 100% sure that the detective father was injured.

But she hesitated a bit-since the detective father was hiding from her and even came to see her with his injuries, it was obvious that he didn't want her to know about his injuries.

Does she want to dismantle?

Seeing her daughter wandering, Lian Feng frowned and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian still followed what the detective father thought and decided not to open it. She laughed and shook her head and said: "It just remembered that when I left, I didn't say hello to the director."

Lian Feng said: "The gift is chosen, go back to work."

Jiang Mian: "..."

The first time I met my father, I didn't want to stay with my daughter.

She blinked: "Don't worry, you will call me if something happens."

"Let me see what gift my father brought me."

Pretending not to see the frowning eyebrows of the detective father, Jiang Mian quickly got into the co-pilot, and Lian Feng quickly got into the car and took out three gifts from the glove box.

"Wow, so many." Jiang Mian said.

Seeing her smiling happily, even as the doubts in his heart deepened, even Feng's expression on his face couldn't help but soften: "Open it and see if you like it or not."

Jiang Mian opened the three gifts separately, and Lian Feng straightened his back, watching this scene sharply, as if he was looking at some important case.

Jiang Mian didn't pay attention to the look in the detective father's eyes and opened the three gifts. Her eyes were immediately attracted by the cartoon necklace-mainly among the three gifts, this one was too eye-catching.

Jiang Mian: "..."

If you can buy cartoon necklaces, why would you buy earrings and bracelets suitable for young girls.

An idea flashed in Jiang Mian's mind: I was afraid that the cartoon necklace was carefully selected by the detective father, and the stud earrings and bracelets should be introduced by the seller.

"I like it very much, thank you Dad."

Jiang Mian took off his makeup when he came out. After all, he saw his father. If he came out with a face in his thirties, he must not startle the detective father. His beautiful daughter suddenly became old and ugly.

She was still wearing a costume, a simple long skirt with two braids hanging down. Even with such a dress, she still couldn't conceal the ethereal and bright emanating from the inside to the outside, beautiful and tender like a flower bone.

Because of the need in the play, Jiang Mian's ears were clean. In order to show her liking for the gift from the detective father, she immediately put on the ear studs and bracelet.

"so beautiful."

When Jiang Mian was about to reach out to the cartoon necklace, Lian Feng's eyes sank and suddenly stopped her left wrist.

Jiang Mian screamed badly in his heart-Li Wanjing's character in the play did not wear any jewellery. She naturally took off the bracelet she had worn on her wrist to cover her scars.

She adjusted some flower creams for removing scars and applied them every day. The scars on her wrists became lighter every day. Now there is only a very shallow mark left. As long as you don't look closely, you won't find it.

Jiang Mian's scars were so shallow before he thought that the detective father could have noticed-he deserves to be a detective, with good eyesight and clues.

Seeing the detective father not speaking, only holding her wrist and looking at it, it is estimated that his mind was restoring the scene of the incident through the shape, Jiang Mian could only say: "I said it was accidentally cut, do you believe it?"

The detective father glanced at her, unhesitating to expose her lies, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of carelessness can cause a wound up to three centimeters long?"

Jiang Mian thought to himself, should he explain the previous explanation to the movie emperor father, and explain it to the criminal police father again, and let the local tyrant father carry the pot?

But she felt that this reason could be hidden from the actor father, but not from the detective father.

At the critical moment, Jiang Mian decided to play a rogue. She pulled her hand back, pressed her lips, and made an unhappy look: "I don't want to say."

Then she looked up again and said to the detective father: "Dad, can you guarantee that you have nothing to hide from me? For example, someone accidentally injured?"

Lian Feng: "..."

The expression in Lian Feng's eyes darkened a little bit-his daughter's attitude towards him suddenly changed. Is it related to the injury on his hand?

Such a wound-exclude accidents, that is intentional.

Since it was intentional, who did it? Kidnapping?

What happened to Jiang Mian during his absence in the past two months? !

The thoughts in Lian Feng's heart flashed. He knew Jiang Mian's character well. Jiang Mian didn't want to say it. If he continued to ask, it would only make Jiang Mian unhappy.

Jiang Mian changed the subject, putting the cartoon necklace on her neck, and touching the cartoon little princess pendant: "Dad, I like this the most."

Since the detective father personally selected it, even if Jiang Mian thought this necklace was naive, she was not stingy with her praise.

Sometimes white lies are also good.

Then Jiang Mian also took out the watch box from her bag: "This is a gift from me."

The box alone can see the high value, and Lian Feng hesitated.

Every year on his father's fourth birthday, Jiang Mian would give gifts, but he would not send them in person. He would buy something and send it to someone.

Each dad gets a different gift.

——Select according to the ranking of the four fathers in her heart.

The original owner likes the local tyrant father the most, the movie emperor father the second, the detective father the third, and the teacher father of the fourth day.

Lian Feng used to receive a belt prepared by Jiang Mian on his birthday every year.

Now that I received a gift from Jiang Mian personally, I didn't know whether to receive it or not.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Dad, you have something to say.

But before Lian Feng could make a choice, a scream broke out from the crowd outside: "My bag! Rob! Someone robbed!"

"You stay in the car." In the next second, even Jiang Mian didn't react. Lian Feng had already pushed the car door and jumped down. He hurried to the place where the incident happened, and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Mian was dumbfounded for two seconds, put the watch down, and hurriedly chased it out.

She didn't know the extent of Interpol's father's injury, but she knew that Interpol's father was injured and worried.

But when she squeezed into the crowd, the robber had already been pressed to the ground by the detective father, and there were enthusiastic cheers around.

Although I didn't see how the detective father subdued the gangster, looking at the reactions of people around him, the scene must be very handsome.

There was a touch of pride in Jiang Mian's heart.

However, at this moment, someone from the crowd suddenly rushed out. It should be an accomplice, holding a stick in his hand and smashing it down at the detective father.

Jiang Mian's eyes were cold, and he hit her father in front of her? !

Naihe had no tools in her hand, and in a hurry, she took off her shoes and threw them over.

Lian Feng knew that something had happened when he heard the exclamation behind him, but when he turned around, he saw a sandal flying over, slamming on the stick-holder's forehead, and the latter collapsed.

Lian Feng: "..."