"Mianmian, you're so handsome, you'll be cruel and kill with one shoe." Tang An's anxi is as if the person in the video is herself, "I will watch it a hundred or eighty times. "

Jiang Mian: "..."

Tang Anan looked proud and admired: "If it weren't for the hot search, I didn't know that you actually helped catch two robbers, you are too powerful."

Jiang Mian found her assistant, and now he sees her with star eyes every day.

Click into the comment, glanced at it, embarrassing.

"Fuck it, cowhide cowhide, it's so accurate for shooting."

"This sister is too rigid, I like it, who can give a teleportation building, a fan!"

"This is the first time I have met a female celebrity who has been searched in this way. Hahaha, I am so ridiculous."

"After seeing the robbers fall to the ground, I feel distressed for some reason, hahaha... The point is what brand of sandals, I want to buy!"

"Is my beautiful young lady so hardcore?! Jiang Mian."

"You all pay attention to the sandals. Don't you think Jiang Mian is cute standing on tiptoe??"


Jiang Mian couldn't figure it out. In such a short time, someone actually took a video?

——She forgot that when she chased out, Lian Feng had already subdued a robber. Someone in the crowd had taken out a mobile phone to take pictures. She threw out her sandals, and more than one or two were captured.

The content in the entry #姜眠见义勇为# is almost the same. The reason for the rise in popularity is because someone who knows Jiang Mian, submits the video and process taken on the scene to an entertainment big v with 5 million fans, and the big v got it The manuscript was sent out immediately.

The content is how Jiang Mian had his bodyguard quickly subdued the robber after he discovered that someone was robbed, and when his accomplice appeared and was about to hurt the bodyguard, he bravely took off his shoes and hit someone.

In their mouths, the detective father abruptly became Jiang Mian's bodyguard.

In the video, the clean and sharp subdued the robbers, which caused blockbuster praise, praised Jiang Mian's bodyguard for being handsome.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Netizens' brain supplement ability is also great.

Someone questioned:

"This handsome guy is a bodyguard? It doesn't look like it."

"I'm on the scene. This handsome guy is kneeling on one knee and putting on shoes for Jiang Mian. The picture is so eye-catching, I suspect this is not a bodyguard!"

"Wow, do you have a video? Please one."

"I also ask for one! It doesn't matter if there is no video or picture."


Jiang Mian frowned. Fortunately, after watching it in a circle, there was very little discussion about Interpol's father. The small video about Interpol's father taking down robbers was only forwarded by a few marketing accounts, and the popularity was not high.

Everyone's attention is on Jiang Mian. After all, Jiang Mian is wearing a celebrity halo, and eating melons from celebrities is much more interesting than eating melons from ordinary people.

Especially this is a particularly sweet melon, not a rotten melon.

Many celebrities in the entertainment circle want to make themselves a kind person. Who and who donated how much money, who and who established a charity fund, after the netizens praised them strongly, they turned their heads and burst out that all this is hype and false.

But this incident has pictures and videos, and there are many people present who testify, so it can't be faked.

When the heat came up, everyone saw Jiang Mian's favorability greatly.

Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want too many people to pay attention to the detective father.

Soon after, the official Weibo of the District Public Security Bureau unexpectedly posted a Weibo, naming the surname and thanking Jiang Mian for his bravery, and very official praise of Jiang Mian and praise for Jiang Mian's enthusiasm.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She reasonably suspected that this was the warning from the detective father behind the scenes-after all, it was all within the same system.

The most important thing is that there is a special note at the end of this official Weibo: hitting someone with sandals is a dangerous action, so don't imitate it.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Out of courtesy, Jiang Mian reposted this official Weibo without saying anything, and made a fist-clad expression.

Then, Jiang Mian saw her Weibo likes, forwards, comments, and everyone lined up like hahahaha.

In addition, many people ask how the sandals are now and can they still be worn.

Many people started picking up the sandals that Jiang Mian wore, and they were immediately shocked: "Aren't these sandals worn in the last era? The market price is twenty-five yuan... It's hard to see now, almost gone."

Everyone: "...!!!"

Is this female artist so grounded? Sandals for twenty-five yuan?

However, in addition to the beauty of the shoes of the previous era, the most important thing is the quality-no wonder it can stun the robbers.

Someone also said that these were the shoes Jiang Mian wore when filming, and the skirts he wore were also costumes, and even the hairstyles were from the scenes.

Come and go, #姜眠沙鞋# swishes to the top of the hot search, directly squeezing the news of a certain artist's infidelity in marriage.

——The sandals at Jiang Mian's feet debuted in the c position with a powerful posture.

The popularity of the Internet is so high, the crew naturally understands something. When they see Jiang Mian, their eyes will subconsciously fall on Jiang Mian's sandals.

Brother Liu from the Dao crew also came to see Jiang Mian specially. He smiled without seeing his teeth, and narrowed his eyes into a thin slit: "Mr. Jiang, are these shoes comfortable? Tell me where it is broken. You make a pair."

——Because the sandals of the last era were hard to buy, and many props were made by the Taoist crew, so Jiang Mian’s shoes were not bought, but made by the Taoist crew.

"..." Jiang Mian smiled slightly, "It is very comfortable to wear. I will notify you if it breaks."

Brother Liu finished his mission and ran away with a smile on his face-the Taoist crew did not expect that Jiang Mian's sandals would be hot. The sandals maker decided to quietly open an online shop to sell sandals, using this heat to earn some money. money!

Jiang Mian turned his head and greeted Yu Ran, who looked at her shoes with a teasing smile on his face.

"I'm here to look for you to play against the scene." Yu Ran raised the script in Yang's hand to explain his intention-the two have worked together for so long, and they have become familiar with each other, and they speak more casually than before.

Jiang Mian said sincerely: "It's okay for the opposite scene, but can you keep looking at my shoes?"

Yu Ran couldn't help it anymore and laughed.

The assistant Stone beside him was familiar with Jiang Mian, and asked very curiously: "Mr. Jiang, how did you make it so accurate?"

Jiang Mian shook his hand with a look of superiority: "Strength."


On the other side, Zheng Xiaoyu retracted his gaze watching Jiang Mian and Yu Ran talked happily, curled his lips, and said to Guan Xin, who looked down at the script, "Look at her proud look, she will be hyped all day long... , She must have thrown money behind her back before she smashed herself on the hot search."

Seeing Guan Xin ignored her, Zheng Xiaoyu's eyes flashed anger.

She most hopes that Guan Xin can face up with Jiang Mian. She understands that when the two of them face up, Guan Xin must be the one who suffers.

Of course, no matter which side suffers, she is happy.

Immediately as if thinking of something, she said again: "Close, the news on the Internet says that the man is Jiang Mian's bodyguard, but did you see Jiang Mian's bodyguard?"

Guan Xin finally looked up: "What do you want to say?"

Zheng Xiaoyu: "I don't think that is a bodyguard at all."

Guan Xin: "So?"

Zheng Xiaoyu: "You can ask Mr. Shen, ask him for help, buy some navy, get some black material, explode her out to meet a man, and then encounter a robbery. Mr. Shen will definitely help you, and there is a lot to write about, you see She is so proud that she doesn't want to pour dirty water on her to make her smelly?"

Guan Xin sneered in her heart. Of course she heard Zheng Xiaoyu urging her.

She touched her face and thought of being beaten by Jiang Mian in the scene. Although her face no longer hurts at the moment, the humiliation is still in her heart.

Before she could speak, Zheng Xiaoyu called out suddenly and said, "Who?"

"What are you doing?" Guan Xin frowned and looked at Zheng Xiaoyu who was jumping inexplicably.

"Someone threw something at me." Zheng Xiaoyu looked angrily.

Guan Xin glanced around, her disgust deepened in her eyes: "Everyone is busy, who will hit you?!"

After the words fell, Zheng Xiaoyu clutched her waist and hissed again: "Someone really hit me with something."

Also addicted to acting, Guan Xin feels sick.

"There is nothing on the ground." She got up and walked to the other side, no longer paying attention to Zheng Xiaoyu.

Jiang Mian, she must win back!

Zheng Xiaoyu stared at her back and glanced bitterly, rubbing her waist, and then looking down at her calf-she was wearing shorts and there was a blue mark on her calf.

Which grandson hid in the dark and hit her with something!

The location of her and Guan Xin was in the corner of the lobby of the studio hospital, surrounded by staff. There was a window behind them, and the window was closed. It was impossible for anyone to throw something in from the window to hit her.

Zheng Xiaoyu looked at the staff on the left and right in front and found that everyone was suspicious, but everyone was busy with their own. She didn't offend them, so she wouldn't quietly take things to hit her.

The next second, she felt a pain in her right arm. She looked at her right hand, and sure enough, another blue mark appeared. Turning to look behind her, there was nothing.

The arm was sore that Zheng Xiaoyu couldn't sit still, got up and hurried to find Guan Xin.

She didn't know that there was a magic stick with curly hair and long beard squatting outside the window.

He held a small paper man in his left hand and a needle in his right hand, and pierced the small paper man's waist, calf and right arm.

Who else can there be such a dress up besides the **** father.

Zuo Xingping was still investigating the crew of the next room. He was walking around here and there, trying to find clues, before he knew it.

Knowing that the baby girl was filming inside, he looked through the window to see if he could see the baby girl.

The result really showed him.

He saw the baby girl talking to a man, Zuo Xingping knew who it was, the man who was filming with the baby girl.

Then he heard what Zheng Xiaoyu said. Although Tianshida didn’t know anything in the entertainment industry, he didn’t know any intrigue, but he was not stupid. Zheng Xiaoyu’s words to his baby girl were really malicious. Too big.

They are all little girls, how can they be so vicious, and they can bully the baby girl together? !

He has seen this, he hasn't seen or heard, and the baby girl is afraid that it is not because of working here that he has suffered more grievances.

Zuo Xingping was very angry, so he took out a small paper man and sneaked into the window quietly, plucking out one of Zheng Xiaoyu's legs.

After the little paper man came back, he squatted under the window and cast a small punishment spell.

The injury that the little paper man received would weaken 80% of the pain and then spread to the cursed person--so Zuo Xingping used a needle to **** the little man, and Zheng Xiaoyu just felt that he was hit by something.

Zuo Xingping wrote down Zheng Xiaoyu’s name and waited until Jiang Mian got off work at night and called him. He entered the hotel where Jiang Mian was staying and immediately said to Jiang Mian: "Mianmian, where you work, that’s called Zheng Xiaoyu. The girl who wants to harm you, you have to guard her."

As the saying goes, the heart of harm is indispensable, and the heart of defensiveness is indispensable. He told his baby girl that in the future, if the baby girl is guarded, he will not be secretly bullied by these people.

Jiang Mian was a little surprised. She didn't say this to Master Tian, ​​how did he know.

"Dad, how do you know?"

Zuo Xingping thought that the baby girl didn't believe what he said, so he quickly told Jiang Mian what he had heard, but concealed the fact that he used a small paper man to avenge his daughter-the baby girl is so behaved, he can't take her daughter badly Up.

After Jiang Mian listened, he laughed.

"Mianmian?" Zuo Xingping was a little stunned, and at the same time, she was still a little weak. Does her daughter know the little moves she made?

Impossible, he did it so concealed, how could he know if his daughter didn't see it.

So he let go of his heart and looked at Jiang Mian in confusion.

When Tianshida was alone with Jiang Mian, he would tear off the fake beard on his face, revealing his handsome baby face that could not see his actual age, with red lips and white teeth, not at all like Jiang Mian's father.

Ignoring his robes and curly hair, the father and daughter stood together like a pair of beautiful siblings.

The father and daughter had the same crooked smiling eyes. The god-father looked at her daughter eagerly at this moment, causing Jiang Mian to flash an animal in his mind, wanting to laugh inexplicably.

"Dad, don't worry, no one dares to bully me." Jiang Mian took the Tianshi Daddy and sat on the sofa.

Shen Shiqing suffered a big loss with her, she used force to deter the other party, as long as he was not a fool, he would not trouble her again.

Unless you can't think about it.

"Besides, I work in the entertainment industry. With Dad Qin, he will protect me."

Zuo Yiping thought for a while and was relieved.

Although several dads are not happy that someone robs their daughters, sometimes they feel that it is a good thing to have more people protect their baby daughter.

For example, Heavenly Master, he can't get involved in the entertainment industry. Even if his daughter is bullied, all he can do is avenge his precious daughter, but cannot protect her in all aspects.

Qin Jingrun is different.

Soon the Heavenly Master became happy again-there is a specialization in the art industry, he is different from them.

There was a knock on the door, Jiang Mian opened, and Tang Anan and the delivery staff stood at the door.

"Mianmian, the ordered meals are here." Tang Anan directed the delivery staff to put all the food on the table.

Jiang Mian handily gave a tip to the deliveryman, who took the count, five, and thanked him happily-the first time he met such a generous diners.

"Is it all out?" Tang An'an asked, looking at Zuo Xingping on the sofa, this is the person the little boss wants to entertain?

It’s a little weird to dress up, but it looks pretty and cute.

Not long ago, Jiang Mianfen ordered a meal with her, and sent a long list of menus. It was like a running water table. She thought that Jiang Mian would entertain the so-called "bodyguard" on the hot search.

It is said on the Internet that they are bodyguards, only Tang Anan knows what bodyguards are.

The little boss went out alone to meet people and prepared a watch worth hundreds of thousands. How could he be a bodyguard.

Tang An'an didn't dare to make up his mind casually, only guessing, and when the meal arrived, she thought she had hired a "bodyguard", but it turned out not, but it was another person.

The little boss is getting more and more mysterious.

Pressing down on the doubts and curiosity in his heart, Tang An'an laid out all the food he ordered. In some places, he had to stack plates and spread the table full, which was not enough.

The room was full of the scent of food, Zuo Xingping sat on the sofa restrainedly, looked at his baby girl for a while, and looked at the table for a while.

The stomach gurgled constantly.

He was hungry for a few days before, and then he went to the crew next door and ate ordinary boxed lunches. Although he was full, the ordinary boxed lunches in the crew always demand quantity but not quality.

Although Master Tian is not picky about what to eat, when there is such a big table of delicious food in front of him, when the two are compared, the greedy saliva will flow out.

Jiang Mian Yu Guang noticed the reaction of Tianshi Daddy, and he wanted to laugh and felt distressed, but it didn't show up on his face, and said to Tang An'an, "Go back."

Although Tang Anan was curious about not wanting, but the little boss told her to leave, she had no choice but to leave with doubts and regrets.

After Tang Anan left, Jiang Mian said, "Dad, let's eat."

Zuo Xingping was not polite, sitting obediently, and after eating a few bites, he found that Jiang Mian hadn't moved: "Mianmian, why don't you eat?"

Jiang Mian: "I lose weight."

When the teacher heard this, his eyes widened in shock.

So, these on the table were prepared by the baby girl alone?