Since it was the love of the baby girl, the celestial master touched his stomach, of course he accepted it happily.

Zuo Xingping held a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other. He looked at his delicate and tender daughter. He looked beautiful no matter what, better than all other little girls.

Not fat at all, where do I need to lose weight.

But the little girl is particularly obsessed with her figure—he had taken an order before. A young girl was said to be fat because she was too concerned about her figure.

After that, I tried desperately to lose weight. I didn't eat or drink, and didn't listen to anyone's advice. In the end, I got anorexia, vomited or vomited, and became very weak.

Later, he was entangled in dirty things, and he almost finished his life.

Zuo Xingping didn't want his baby girl to lose weight. He put down the bowl, thought and thought, and cautiously said, "Mianmian, did someone say you have gained weight?"

Seeing that Master Tian’s chopsticks put more of the Hangjiao Beef Tenderloin, Jiang Mian moved the dish to Master Tian’s, and was delighted: "No."

She blinked her eyes playfully at the celestial master, and told a little lie: "I'm filming. I want to control my body shape. This is professional quality."

The main reason is that she is not too hungry-I ate a large bowl of noodles with detective father before, and recently she has really gained weight, so it is better to control it.

Master Tian understands that if he goes out to take orders, he must bring some tools. This is also a type of professionalism.

"Then you eat a little bit?" His thumb and index finger compared a small distance, indicating that a little bit is so much. "Otherwise, going to bed hungry will be uncomfortable."

He was quite impressed.

Of course, he is compelled to go to bed hungry. This is "professionalism" for my baby girl. The two cannot be compared.

Jiang Mian couldn't refuse the expectation in the eyes of the heavenly master, pretending to be indulged for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay."

Master Tian's eyes instantly bend.

After eating, Zuo Xingping clutched his full belly and squinted his eyes happily. Then, he started to pack up the unfinished dishes for the next meal.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh or cry: "Daddy, how can I let you eat leftovers with me."

Master Tian heard the meaning of his daughter's words, and a distress flashed across his face: "It's a pity that so many vegetables have been thrown away. You can't waste it."

He naturally wouldn't let his daughter eat leftovers, but he can eat it himself.

Sometimes he is poor and only has the money to buy a pancake, then eat half of it, and save half for the next day.

Before Jiang Mian spoke, Zuo Xingping picked up the bowl again: "Then I'll finish eating them."

Jiang Mian: "..."

After eating so much, she couldn't sustain it. She hurriedly stopped it. Fortunately, she stopped Heavenly Master's actions to "finish".

In order to divert the attention of Heavenly Master Father, Jiang Mian took out the room card: "Dad, I opened a room opposite to you, do you want to go see it?"

So Jiang Mian and Tianshi Daddy entered the opposite room and took this opportunity to let Tang Anan come up and collect the leftovers on the table.

Jiang Mian also prepared a simple change of clothes for Master Tian-every time he saw Master Tian, ​​he was dressed in this iconic style, which was too noticeable.

"Dad, why do you keep doing this...?" Jiang Mian pointed to the celestial robe of the heavenly master. As a daughter, it is necessary to give advice to the image of the father, and change the model if necessary.

It’s time for Tianshida’s aesthetics to be updated!

Zuo Xingping scratched his head in embarrassment. He was walking around all day long. It was too troublesome to get dirty when wearing other clothes.

The zodiacal robe was left to him by his master. Zuo Xingping took off the robe, turned it over, and showed his treasure to his daughter.

His Taoist robe can be described as a treasure chest. There are several relatively large inner pockets with some slightly larger tools. For example, the peach wood sword is inserted in one of the inner pockets.

In an inner bag is a small flat box. When you open one, it is a folded Babaoge. It contains cinnabar and pens that are necessary for drawing symbols, as well as some other things. The Babaoge is full. Look, like an eyeshadow palette.

This is the first time Jiang Mian has seen Master Tian's baby.

One of the grids is filled with small stars folded with colored paper, one by one, it is really beautiful.

"What is this?" Jiang Mian took one casually, instinctively that this should not be an ordinary star.

She squeezed it up with her fingertips, and instantly felt a cold feeling.

Master Tian smiled very tenderly: "This is what you folded for me when you were young."

"You were only five years old." Speaking of this, Zuo Xingping looked happy and proud, "It's amazing."

Jiang Mian was stunned, the original owner had no impression of this incident in his memory.

However, Heavenly Master has kept these stars for more than ten years, and has been carrying them with him.

I can't tell what it feels like in my heart, anyway, as long as she is there, no one can hurt her four fathers.

Jiang Mian lowered his eyes, covering the coldness that flashed under his eyes.

Fearing that the baby girl would be scared, Zuo Xingping didn't tell her that he would use it to get over a ghost with every star, so as to ensure that these stars would not lose their luster or become unsightly due to the time issue.

Babaoge also put two small silver bell bracelets, which Jiang Mian wore on his wrist when he was a child, and could not wear them when he grew up. Zuo Xingping put them in the Babaoge collection.

In addition, there are some hidden pockets on the inside of the robe, these hidden pockets are filled with a variety of different functions.

Jiang Mian discovered that there were many patches inside the Taoist robe-this was because the Taoist robe was accidentally hung up, and the Heavenly Master found a cloth to patch it up, and then sewed a secret pocket.

Jiang Mian looked at Zuo Xingping's hand, and had to say that Master Tian's skill in sewing clothes by hand was superb.

Moreover, there is a golden thread in the middle of the robe, and these golden threads are connected together, which is a symbol in itself.

This Taoist robe is not only a "treasure box" for the heavenly master's storage, but also a body protection tool for the heavenly master.

However, it is completely invisible from the appearance.

She asked Heavenly Master to take out all the things in the Taoist robe: "Dad, let me wash it for you."

How was Zuo Xingping willing to let his daughter wash his clothes, and shook his head quickly, but Jiang Mian forcefully pushed Tianshida into the bathroom and let him wash.

Zuo Xing was no better than his daughter, so he had to go into the bathroom obediently, and once again emphasized: "Mian Mian, you put it there, I can wash it myself."

In the world of cultivating immortals, Jiang Mian was not very accomplished in painting talisman, but she was a top master in the Mahayana period anyway, even if she was not as good as a specialized talisman, but she could draw more talisman than this mortal world.

It's just that her spiritual power is too weak, and the symbols drawn are useless.

Now that she has broken through the first layer of Qi refining, she can already change it in the talisman drawn by Zuo Xingping.

However, the celestial father often uses these symbols, she can't change it, and the celestial father is easy to find out.

However, the charms sewn with gold thread on the robes of the heavenly master can be modified on the original basis to enhance the attributes.

Heavenly Master's father wore the Dao robe and bumped and bumped, and the seams here and there were patched. Even if he noticed that the attributes of the Dao robe were strengthened, he would only think that he had accidentally changed it during the patching.

But the most important thing is the destiny of the heavenly master. Jiang Mian frowned, and the change of his life was not an easy task in the world of cultivating immortals.

Thinking that Heavenly Master would always be poor and couldn't even eat rice, Jiang Mian was very upset and could only see if there were other ways in the future.

Jiang Mian moved very quickly, and when the heavenly master came out of the bathroom, she had already changed.

Seeing that his daughter did not wash the clothes by hand, Zuo Xingping breathed a sigh of relief. He subconsciously took the aisle robe and put it on his body-in order to feel safe.

Originally, Jiang Mian wanted to change the look of the heavenly master, but after seeing the inner universe of the Taoist robe, she quietly stopped her thoughts.

Leave it to Heavenly Master, how comfortable it is.

"By the way, Dad, how is your job in the crew next door?" Jiang Mian was still waiting to acquire new spiritual power.

Zuo Xingping looked at his daughter silently, without speaking.

Jiang Mian understood, and blurted out: "Dad, do you want me to help?"

Zuo Xingping was at a loss, what can his daughter do to help?

He has been to the crew next door for three days, but he hasn't found out anything. It really doesn't work. He has to admit that he is not strong enough and leave.

Jiang Mian blinked and quickly remedied: "I mean, I can be with you and help you by the side, such as handing a mop or something."

"No need." Zuo Xingping shook his head quickly. Now he is still not sure what it is. The unknown represents a certain degree of danger. You must not let your baby girl take risks with him.

A clock hung on the wall of the room. Zuo Xingping glanced at the time. It was ten o’clock. It’s actually still early, but thinking that the baby girl will have to work tomorrow, he said distressed: "It’s getting late, go back to bed and raise Be full of energy and don't get tired."

He quietly stuffed Zhang An magic rune into Jiang Mian's pocket.

Jiang Mian pretended not to see, and then glanced at the little star in the Eight Treasure Box that was carefully preserved by Master Tian. She stood on her tiptoe and kissed gently on the right face of Master Tian: "Good night, Dad."

Zuo Xingping was already stupid.

After a full half a minute, he covered his face and jumped up fiercely, as if he had been called for some reason, countless little paper figures staggered out of the robes and danced around Zuo Xingping holding hands.

For a while, Zuo Xingping held his face and looked at the small paper people silly: "Have you seen it, Mian Mian kissed me."

After Jiang Mian returned to the room, he sent messages to the local tyrant father and the movie emperor father respectively, but they were probably busy and did not reply to her.

Finally, she clicked into the chat box with the detective father. Three hours ago, the detective father sent her a simple and powerful message: [The injury has been dealt with, don’t read it]

Jiang Mian was filming at the time, and when he saw this cold news after the end, after a long time, he silently sent a little rabbit nodding emoticon.

Then the detective father replied: "Want a rabbit?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

This chat cannot continue.

After that, he continued filming and stayed with Tianshida after the filming, and there was no time to contact the detective father.

Thinking of Interpol's ability to kill the gods, Jiang Mian directly initiated a video invitation without sending a message.

Han Xu was threatened by Lian Feng that he would see him when he woke up in the middle of the night. After all, he told Lian Feng that his baby girl had committed suicide by cutting her wrist.

"This matter has passed, and Mianmian became sensible because of it. As for the kid surnamed Gu, don't touch him, when he doesn't exist... I am worried that Mianmian will still have feelings for the surname Gu. After moving him, Mianmian doesn't know what to do."

——This is the reason why Han Xu has not moved Gu Qiwen.

The baby girl committed suicide by cutting her wrist for her surname Gu. Now it seems that she hates Gu Qiwen. What if?

Han Xu didn't want to have another accident with his precious daughter. That time, his three souls and seven souls were almost gone.

After listening, Lian Feng was silent for a while, and said, "I see."

Hanging up the phone, Lian Feng frowned, and the chill in his eyes gradually surged.

He doesn't object to his daughter falling in love, it is her freedom.

Moreover, even if he objected to wanting to be disciplined, Jiang Mian would not listen to him.

Lian Feng is a criminal police officer. He is called a **** in the bureau. There is a saying in the system: There is no case in this world that the company cannot solve.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, Lian Feng has solved a lot of cases and has very rich experience in criminal investigation.

Through Han Xu's narration, even if he is not on the scene, he can restore everything that Han Xu saw after entering the bathroom in his mind through profile writing.

Even through the scars on Jiang Mian's wrist that have not completely disappeared, and the time between suicide, he can guess how hard Jiang Mian used to cut his wrist with a knife while lying in the bathtub two months ago.

The clearer the guess, the more anger in my heart.

But what Han Xu said is reasonable, Jiang Mian's personality is changeable-if Gu Qiwen moves, no one knows how she will react.

As a father, they dare not take that risk.

With a ding sound, Lian Feng lit a cigarette, and the smell of nicotine gradually eased his nerves-the change in the personality of his daughter and the change in the attitude of the four dads were also explained.

People will make all kinds of different actions during the ups and downs, let alone walk through the ghost gate.

Lian Feng drove back until he finished smoking the cigarette.

After Lian Feng arrived at the hospital, Yuan Jinfei and his two colleagues were already waiting there, and they quickly joined the doctor to press Lian Feng on the bed again, for a while.

After the treatment is done, the elderly doctor solemnly urged: "You can't move the injuries any more. If you tear it again, causing widespread infections, it will be life-threatening. You are the police and serve the people. Great hero. But when you are injured, you have to think about yourself and don’t take your life seriously."

When the old doctor left, Yuan Jinfei rolled his eyes angrily: "Have you heard."

"Give me the phone." Lian Feng said.

Yuan Jinfei was wary, for fear that he would be dishonest: "What are you going to do again?"

Lian Feng looked at him, Yuan Jinfei paused for two seconds, so he had to hand him the phone, Lian Feng clicked on Jiang Mian's WeChat and sent a message.

Yuan Jinfei came over, not conscious of peeping into his partner's privacy at all, he said: "In your tone, if I am Sleeping, I don't want to talk to you."

"You are her father, you have to treat her as a daughter, a child, don't treat her as your colleague, or'don't read', you..." Yuan Jinfei shook his forehead and said, "It's just such a cold Tone, it's strange that your daughter likes you."

Lian Feng did not speak, and calmly revealed the expression on his wrist.

It took a while before Yuan Jinfei noticed the existence of the watch: "Huh? You didn't wear this watch before, right? This watch looks familiar."

After a while, Yuan Jinfei "leaned on": "Is this a **** brand series watch? One piece is worth hundreds of thousands. Where did you find it?"

With the salary of their criminal police, plus various bonus performance year-end bonuses, only one watch strap is bought in a year.

This guy has to pay off his mortgage every month, how could he afford such an expensive watch.

Yuan Jinfei's eyes suddenly became suspicious.

Lian Feng faintly revealed the answer: "Mianmian sent it."

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

Yuan Jinfei was stimulated and left.

There was only Lian Feng left in the ward. Lian Feng wanted to get out of bed, thinking of the old doctor's advice, so he had to stop.

After an unknown period of time, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that his daughter sent a picture of a rabbit.

Suddenly thought that her daughter wanted a rabbit, but after the result was posted, Jiang Mian didn't reply.

Lian Feng began to search for rabbits on the Internet, but there were many types on the Internet, and he was a bit dazzling at first, and he didn't know which Jiang Mian would like.

After watching it for a while, it was difficult to decide, and finally decided to find a time to buy a pair for Jiang Mian.

When Jiang Mian made a video call, Director Chen of the Provincial Bureau happened to come to visit him.

Between the boss’s boss’s boss and his daughter, Lian Feng did not hesitate to choose the latter. He said to Chen Ju: “I’ll answer the phone first.”

The implication, go out to avoid suspicion.

Chen Bureau: "..."

The author has something to say: Daddy actor: Am I forgotten? ? ?