When Jiang Mian took a taxi to the set, Tang Anan saw her and heaved a long sigh of relief: "Is it all right? Did Shen Shiqing bully you!"

Although during this time she should not be bullied based on her understanding of Jiang Mian, Shen Shiqing came over early in the morning and did not ask Guan Xin to have breakfast. Instead, he invited the little boss to be courteous.

That's why she called Lin Xi anxiously to inform the big boss about the matter, but no one answered the call. Now seeing Jiang Mian come back, her anxious and unstoppable heart finally settled.

Finding that the assistant was always worried about her safety, Jiang Mian reluctantly patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, those who dare to bully me will not end well."

Looking around: "Shang Pinxiang's breakfast hasn't been delivered yet?"

Tang Anan was at a loss: "What breakfast?"

Then she noticed the bag Jiang Mian brought back with Shang Pinxiang's logo on the outer bag. Tang An'an frowned and said, "Mianmian, you won't ask everyone to eat Shang Pinxiang's breakfast, it's expensive."

Not long ago, I invited everyone to eat such expensive fruits and nuts. If you have money, you can't spend so much.

Jiang Mian: "Naturally, there are people who are being taken advantage of."

Tang An Anfu came to his heart and his eyes lit up: "I see, it is the money Shen Shiqing paid out!"

Jiang Mian gave her a teachable look.

Then the girl hesitated and said, "Mianmian, shouldn't Shen Shiqing want to chase you?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel it is true.

Otherwise, why come to see the little boss in the morning, and invite the little boss to Shang Pinxiang for breakfast, and then invite the crew to eat?

Jiang Mian: "..."

She looked at Tang An'an and said sincerely: "You can be a screenwriter, really."

Tang Anan knew that he was thinking of something wrong, and he pleased Jiang Mian with a smile: "A man with a small belly like Shen Shiqing should match Guan Xin, a perfect match."

Jiang Mian smiled, and handed her the food bag in his hand, and asked her to deliver it to the next-door crew, Tianshi Dad.

Tang An'an immediately took the order, with a little excitement in his heart.

It turns out that the person the little boss hosted for the dinner last night was in the crew next door. No wonder they dressed up so weird. The actors are normal.

Zuo Xingping continued to act like a group, walking around the next-door crew, dangling and looking very leisurely.

"Big brother!" The fat man ran over, panting, and Zuo Xingping quickly took a small paper man back, "Someone is looking for you!"

Zuo Xingping: "Who is looking for me?"

"A pretty girl." Fatty's eyes lit up.

Zuo Xingping's heart jumped. Could it be that the baby girl came to find him?

"Where?" He and the fat man took their phones while walking to see if the baby girl had called themselves.

It is very possible that the daughter has something to do with herself, but she did not hear when she called herself, so she came to him personally.

But the phone did not receive any text messages or missed calls. Upon seeing this, Zuo Xingping repeatedly urged the fat man who led the way to hurry up.

A few minutes later, Zuo Xingping and Tang An'an met.

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Seeing that it wasn't his daughter, his eyes quickly flashed disappointment, but he remembered that the girl was an assistant to the baby girl, who handled the chores for her daughter while she was working.

Tang Anan was usually stunned for a while when he saw Zuo Xing-the fierce look with a big beard and the soft and cute image he saw in the room last night were two people!

"This is the breakfast that Mianmian asked me to bring you." Tang An'an handed over the delicate bag.

Unexpectedly, the baby girl was still thinking about herself at this time.

Just looking at the bag’s packaging, I knew that breakfast was definitely not cheap, and Tianshida took it distressedly, looking cautiously for fear of falling.

Tang An'an looked at Zuo Xingping. The little boss even thought about breakfast for this person. She looked afraid that this person would be hungry. She was curious about the relationship between the two.

However, she didn't dare to ask more if she was curious, she turned and left after completing the task.

"Wow, Shang Pinxiang's breakfast!" The fat man leaned over and looked at the bag in Zuo Xingping's hand. It was an envy, "Brother, who is that girl, who actually gave you something Shang Pinxiang."

His voice was not small, and the rest of the group performances came together, and then the discussion became louder.

"It's really Shang Pinxiang."

"Open it and see what's inside."

"What kind of fragrance?" Zuo Xingping opened the bag. There were more than a dozen delicate and beautiful cartons inside. Even if the lid was not opened, the fragrance had already spread.

——Some people gnawed the meat buns in their hands. When they smelled the scent, they looked at the meat buns in their hands and silently throated.

"Does Shang Pinxiang don't know?" Someone in the crowd came around. "The high-end restaurants of the national chain sell dozens of desserts outside, and hundreds of them inside."

Another said: "This big bag is at least thousands."

Zuo Xing shook his hand, "Thousand" was a huge sum of money for him.

How could Mianmian buy him such an expensive one!

He looked up and found that "colleagues" were all looking at him with coveted eyes. Zuo Xingping thought for a while and generously took out two boxes to share.

The rest, he finds a place to eat slowly, and can't waste it!

"What are you doing with me?" Zuo Xingping looked back and saw the fat man following him behind him, with a cheerful expression, he wrestled the bag in his arms vigilantly.

It's so fragrant, the fat man drools, and Ai Ai said, "Big brother, didn't you say that if you have the meat, you will give me half of it?"

Zuo Xingping: "This can't work. This is given by my daughter. I can't give it to you. I'll do my job."

The fat man was full of envy: "Brother, your daughter is so sweet."

The fat man is not stupid. When he mentions his daughter, the eldest brother's eyes glow and he loves to giggle. Naturally, he must take the opportunity to praise his daughter!

"You are my eldest brother, and your daughter is my niece. I am an uncle, so I have a share of it." The fat man said excitedly.

In the next second, Zuo Xingping drew out the mahogany sword, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the tip of his nose.

Fatty: "..."

The fat man ran away silently.

When Jiang Mian's first scene was about to begin, the breakfast she delivered at Shang Pinxiang finally arrived, and the person in charge of logistics was confused when he received the takeout.

Then, everyone in the crew knew that Jiang Mian asked them to eat Shang Pinxiang breakfast.

"Mom, Teacher Jiang is so kind."

"I don't know how many crews I have been in. This is the first time I have met such a generous actor."

"Me too, I still have two boxes of nuts she gave me before."

"Quietly speaking, when she first joined the group, she looked at her style, she looked like a daughter who has never suffered. I thought she was difficult to get along with, but I didn't expect to be so nice."

"Yeah, I thought Guan Xin was easy to get along with at first, but in the end... Tsk, I know people know their faces and don't care."

"Be quiet, that Zheng Xiaoyu is here."


Zheng Xiaoyu naturally came here to receive breakfast, anyway, he didn't eat anything for nothing.

"What to look at." She picked the most expensive one and glared at the staff she was looking at.

Anyway, everyone knows that she is Guan Xin's assistant, how she is out there, and what ultimately loses is everyone's goodwill towards Guan Xin, and she is happy to do so.

After taking breakfast and leaving, sure enough, everyone discussed Guan Xin's voice more.

"I'm pooh, doomed."

"Who told Guan Xin to be Mr. Shen behind him, people relying on the father of the gold master, and an assistant under his hand would dare to show off his might. It's disgusting."

"Anyway, everyone stay away from Guan Xin. Don't talk nonsense in front of her, lest you be put on shoes."


"Mianmian, everyone is saying it was Shang Pinxiang's breakfast you invited." Tang An'an walked around and said with joy when he came back, "Everyone likes you very much."

Jiang Mian gave a faint hum, lowered her head and continued to read the script. Then there was an emotional drama. Song Yunan was dead, and she had to brew her emotions.

Upon seeing this, Tang Anan didn't dare to disturb her anymore, and sat quietly next to her, sending a message to her cousin Lin Xi-Lin Xi finally returned to her.

She glanced at Jiang Mian next to her, huh? Aren’t you looking at the script? Why did you close your eyes?

When he turned his head again, Lin Xi had sent many question marks over.

She quickly replied, adding to the jealousy that Shen Shiqing asked Jiang Mian to have breakfast in the morning.

[Tang An'an: Brother, I always feel that this Shen Shiqing has a bad attempt at Mianmian, and I still have to let Brother Qin know about this. 】

[Lin Xi: I see. 】

On the other side, Lin Xi put down the phone.

Qin Jingrun participated in three activities today. He was busy with his feet on the floor. He didn't go to bed until three o'clock in the morning and got up after six o'clock in the morning. At the moment, his eyes were closed and the makeup artist was applying makeup to him.

There was a makeup artist, so he couldn't directly talk about Jiang Mian's affairs. After the makeup artist finished the makeup and carried the makeup case to the other side, Lin Xi found the opportunity to relay what Tang Anan had told him to Qin Jingrun.

Hearing this, Qin Jingrun's eyebrows deepened suddenly, and then loosened again, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth--a stroke from Shen Shiqing's hand to make him take a fool, the baby girl is really amazing.

Lin Xi was a little surprised, thinking that telling Qin Jingrun the news would make him angry—according to his cousin, Shen Shiqing's approach to Mianmian was considered a harassment.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jingrun was not angry, and seemed to be proud of being proud. Lin Xi asked, "Brother Qin, are you not worried about Mianmian?"

Qin Jingrun glanced at Lin Xi. This assistant is good at everything, but sometimes his brain is not very flexible. He shook his head and explained lazily. He picked up the phone and sent a message to Jiang Mian: [The baby is good. 】

Jiang Mian opened his eyes and demonstrated the next scene in his mind. He suddenly received such a headless WeChat from the actor father, and for some reason, he instantly understood what the actor father wanted to express.

She was a little bit dumbfounded, and turned to ask Tang An'an, "Did you tell your dad about this?"

Upon hearing Jiang Mian’s question, Tang An felt nervous and ashamed of being caught for cheating on an exam. She looked at Jiang Mian carefully, but did not speak. The latter said, “Don’t talk to my dad lightly about my affairs in the future. , He is already busy enough, if I can handle it myself, don't let him get distracted anymore."

Tang Anan nodded repeatedly, for fear that Jiang Mian would be angry: "I promise I won't say it again."

Jiang Mian returned to the actor father with a shy expression: [They all learned from my father. 】

Qin Jingrun raised his pretty eyebrows and hummed softly.

He doesn't always cheat people, it is Han Xu that often cheats people, and my baby girl must have learned from Han Xu.

However, it is a good habit to make others suffer and not let yourself suffer.

So the actor father praised Jiang Mian without hesitation, and sent a complete set of emoticons.

Jiang Mian wanted to laugh every time he saw the actor father express a love package, and he didn't know where the actor father got these expressions, and chatting with the actor father was never cold.

Unlike the detective father, she sent a rabbit face to her, and was misinterpreted by him as wanting a rabbit.

The difference between the two phases is too obvious.

Jiang Mian had just brewed the sad emotions in her mind. After chatting with the actor father, she disappeared instantly. Fortunately, she finally brought the topic back: [Dad, do you know a person named Xie Huaiyu? 】

[Qin Jingrun:? Who is this? 】

Jiang Mian frowned. She hesitated to tell Shen Shiqing about the relationship between them and threaten her.

The reason why the actor father was so happy was that she thought she was eating out with Shen Shiqing. She slapped Shen Shiqing hard. If she knew the reason, it would definitely not be her current reaction.

The actor father is busy enough, she doesn't want to worry about her affairs anymore.

What she needs to do now is to determine the identity of Xie Huaiyu first, and then make plans.

She thought Xie Huaiyu would be the person around Qin Jingrun. After all, only people around him would know that they were a father-daughter relationship, and there were only a few people around Qin Jingrun, so it was easy to exclude them.

Dealing with it after confirming it is just a small matter.

But the actor father is very strange to the three words "Xie Huaiyu".

Jiang Mian decided to wait a while to find a time to call the manager Shen to ask, I believe he would be happy to say it.

Qin Jingrun looked at the three words Xie Huaiyu and seemed to have heard it somewhere. He read the name and asked Lin Xi: "Do you know this person?"

Lin Xi thought for a few seconds: "Xie Huaiyu's eldest brother seems to be Xie Huaiyu. He used to come to Xiao Xie often, and I asked him."

Xiao Xie-Xie Siyuan.

Soon Jiang Mian got the news that Xie Huaiyu was Xie Siyuan's eldest brother.

Xie Siyuan was a nutritionist sent by Qin Jingrun to take care of Jiang Mian. Except for the food for Jiang Mian, he was not seen in the rest of the time, and his presence was very low.

Qin Jingrun thought that Xie Huaiyu went to the set to find Xie Siyuan, and Jiang Mian would ask him when he saw it, so he didn't think much.

Looking at the actor father's reply in the chat dialog, Jiang Mian's eyes flashed with thought.

Xie Huaiyu is Xie Siyuan's eldest brother, not the staff around the actor father, but Xie Huaiyu knows the relationship between her and the actor father.

There was only one explanation, Xie Siyuan told him.

Regardless of Xie Huaiyu's reasons, he told Shen Shiqing the news and provided "evidence" such as photos.

And did Xie Huaiyu do all this, or Xie Siyuan instructed?

Xie Siyuan's face appeared in Jiang Mian's mind.

Coincidentally, as soon as she remembered, Xie Siyuan came over with a food box-he would make some low-calorie snacks every day, as snacks when Jiang Mian took a break from filming.

Xie Siyuan is in his twenties and looks good. He is one of Qin Jingrun's third-year private nutritionists.

Qin Jingrun has always been generous to the people around him, and the salary for Xie Siyuan is not low, so Xie Siyuan is different from the other staff in the crew. He is a low-key brand from beginning to end.

Listening to Tang Anan's gossip, some female staff members in the crew secretly asked her about Xie Siyuan's situation.

Xie Siyuan knew about the relationship between Jiang Mian and Qin Jingrun. It was precisely because he knew that Qin Jingrun sent him over. In addition to taking care of Jiang Mian's food, his task was to make Jiang Mian fat.

Jiang Mian usually doesn't pay much attention to him, only knows that he is good at making things.

"Mianmian?" As soon as Xie Siyuan put down the food box, he ticked Jiang Mian's gaze, and touched his face subconsciously-startled by Jiang Mian's cold gaze.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Mian smiled: "Dad said, you have an older brother named Xie Huaiyu."

Jiang Mian noticed that when she uttered the three words Xie Huaiyu, Xie Siyuan frowned, and his eyes flashed.

Xie Siyuan was a little puzzled, Jiang Mian was not the kind of person who could gossip, but he still nodded.

Jiang Mian: "Do you have a good relationship with him?"

Xie Siyuan is even more inexplicable. Does this little boss want to investigate his family background?

He was silent for a few seconds, in a relatively weak tone: "It's okay."

"An An, you can ask Director Zhang, when will I be able to play." Jiang Mian said.

Tang Anan answered and ran away quickly.

After all, Xie Siyuan was not a young man in his teens. He had been with Qin Jingrun for several years. Jiang Mian's actions were obviously to distract Tang Anan.

He became serious: "Mianmian, what's the matter, you can talk."

Seeing him so calm, Jiang Mian's suspicion of him has gone away for the most part.

If Xie Siyuan knew, it would be impossible to look so calm when facing her.

After a while, she crooked her eyes and said, "I'm just a little interested in your big brother. You can make an appointment with him and find a time to meet."

"Huh?" Xie Siyuan looked dumbfounded.

His elder brother is ugly and frustrated, the little boss will be interested in him? ? ?