"This is the scene with the strongest emotional conflict in the whole drama. Your beloved husband smiled and left in your arms. You first showed a kind of joy and relief. Because you were ready for him to leave. , He can leave in your arms, your first feeling is happiness."

"After that, the emotions in your heart erupt completely, even if you are prepared, but this person will never open his eyes to speak to you again, besides his photos and his clothes, there are no other traces beside you. You feel huge The panic and fear... your sorrow must be revealed layer by layer."

After Jiang Mianng three times, Director Zhang sat behind the monitor and patiently told the drama for Jiang Mian.

In this scene where Song Yunan died in Li Wanjing's arms, Jiang Mian had actually performed very well. Whether it was crying or emotionally, it seemed to others to have reached a level, but Director Zhang was not satisfied.

He bluntly said: "Your emotions are too superficial, the traces of acting are obvious. Give you five minutes. Think about it."

The makeup artist hurried over to make up for Jiang Mian-when she was crying, the tears washed away the dark powder, revealing the porcelain-white skin, which contrasted sharply with the dark powder-covered skin, which was very happy.

It's hard for Director Zhang to not smile at this face.

Pretending to be a corpse, Yu Ran sat up from the bed and wanted to comfort Jiang Mian, but when he saw Jiang Mian's appearance, he turned his head and chuckled.

As soon as Jiang Mian's makeup was done, Yu Ran kindly analyzed Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian is a freshman in the film school. He has never filmed before, and his acting skills in the first film have reached such a level that he is amazing enough to be a genius actor.

But no matter how talented an actor is, when he first started filming, he also lacked experience in some places. For example, Jiang Mian was slightly inadequate in tragedy.

And this is the most tragic and sensational scene in the whole play. Director Zhang does not allow any flaws.

"You regard me as the most important person in your own heart. If one day, he leaves in your arms, what will happen to you." Yu Ran said.

Jiang Mian nodded and accepted Yu Ran's instruction, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it was my mistake."

She ng three times in a row, mainly because she kept thinking about Xie Huaiyu in her mind. Xie Siyuan had already agreed to make an appointment for her.

Then, from time to time, there will be brainwashing emoticons sent by the movie emperor father, and one will go astray without paying attention to his emotions.

Five minutes later, Jiang Mian made an ok gesture to Director Zhang.

The machine is ready. Except there is no one within one meter around the bed, the rest of the ward is full of people, including the staff outside the ward, everyone is watching quietly.

Zuo Xingping approached in a haunting manner, and the little paper man led him here, only to know that the baby girl was filming inside.

For a while, he ignored the little paper man walking against the corner. He stood on his toes and looked into the ward with his head on his head. Then he saw the baby girl half lying on the bed, with a man lying in his arms—the man number one.

He found that the baby girl who was filming seemed to be a different person, so he looked at it with relish, and at the same time squeezed in unconsciously.

The little paper man clinging to his trouser legs couldn't pull it, but he stepped on the sole of his foot, making a heroic sacrifice.

The field record hit the board and shouted to start.

Jiang Mian leaned on Yu Ran's shoulders, and the two clasped their fingers together. Jiang Mian said, "When you get better, will we have two children?"

Yu Ran's voice was gentle: "Well, one is like you and the other is like me. It's best. Brother brother, reborn younger sister, let him protect younger sister in the future."

"I think so too..." Before she finished speaking, Yu Ran's voice became lighter and softer, like a whisper, "A Jing, I'm a little tired."

Jiang Mian paused, with a gentle smile on his lips: "Then you sleep for a while."

Yu Ran's lips were as pale as paper, but his eyes were very bright, as if a fire was burning: "A Jing, I saw you 20 years ago, and you were like a camellia at that time."

"You don't know, every time I see you, I always think, I want to protect this flower from wind and rain, and let it bloom only to me..." Slowly, his voice Weakened, until finally it was inaudible, and his eyes slowly closed.

Jiang Mian paused for two seconds, smiling unabated on his lips, holding him in his arms, as if he didn't know that his lover had closed his eyes and lost all his breath.

The smile in her eyes is getting deeper and deeper, with a sweet and shy smile on the corner of her mouth, and she instantly returns to the charming and pretty girl twenty years ago: "The first time I saw you, I was thinking, come here in this city. How could your son-in-law stand the life in the mountains? He would cry within a few days... As a result, you Fei Dan did not cry..."

She lowered her head and touched Song Yun's peaceful face, her voice suddenly stopped, and a crystal teardrop fell from the corner of her eyes: "Ah, I fell asleep so soon, then I won't say anything, lest I wake you up."

The upward arc of the mouth is getting deeper and deeper, the tears flowing out of the corner of the eye are getting more anxious. Although God cruelly let them miss twenty years, it also gave them time to reunite at the end.

Besides, she should be happy, that day will come sooner or later, she is already ready, isn't she.

More than ten seconds later, the corners of Jiang Mian's raised mouth froze. She covered her lips with her hand, and then tears poured out like a gate.

She lowered her head, her shoulders shrugged slightly, the hand covering her lips trembled in restraint, and the other hand clenched the bed sheet unconsciously.

She trembled with her hands trying to caress Yu Ran’s face, but stopped in the air again. After a while, she murmured in a low voice, praying, expecting and desperate: “Lun’an, if you can, if you can, will you come back? Give you half of my life and we will live to be fifty together."

"Okay?" The ending sound disappeared.

Director Zhang stared at the surveillance screen and forgot to call it.

No one in the room spoke, and the silent drop of a needle could be heard.

Zuo Xingping heard depressed sobbing in the crowd. He looked around and found that many people were crying.

Suddenly, he felt that his beard was a little wet, and when he touched it, Heavenly Master was stunned for several seconds.

He actually looked crying? !

The baby girl is really great-the godfather is sucking his nose, and the little man in his heart has jumped up and hugged his daughter, hugging and lifting high!

"Director Zhang, have you ever given me a quasi-letter, my crying eyes are swollen." It was Jiang Mian who broke the silence in the venue. She stared at Director Zhang with red eyes that had been crying excessively.

Obviously, she was still sad just now, but when she spoke, the sad and stagnant atmosphere disappeared instantly. Touching her eyes again, there is a slight dissatisfaction with the director that she has not yelled at, making her whole person playful and extraordinarily cute.

Director Zhang hadn't spoken yet, suddenly a clap of applause sounded-this applause was naturally shot by Zuo Xingping, the baby girl played so well, of course he has to applaud her!

Someone took the lead, and the others reacted immediately, and there was warm applause in the quiet ward.

Pretending to be dead, Yu Ran sat up, took the assistant's tissue and wiped Jiang Mian's tears on his face, and gave Jiang Mian a thumbs up.

Director Zhang glanced at Jiang Mian appreciatively, and his eyes were full of love for Jiang Mian—it was not easy to meet a spiritual actor these days.

Jiang Mian's first few articles made him dissatisfied. After he talked about the play, this one was even better than his expected effect. It was so amazing that he forgot to say "Pass".

He attributed all this to Jiang Mian's "Epiphany."

After applauding, Zuo Xingping quietly withdrew from the crowd. It took a long time to find the little paper man from under his feet, and then left with a bright smile.

Jiang Mian didn't know that Heavenly Master had watched her entire performance, and she listened modestly to everyone's praise.

While resting, a staff member ran over to Jiang Mian and said, "Mr. Jiang, do you know what happened when Guan Xin was filming in Group B."

"The scene in her scene was a scene where she scolded your character privately, but when the filming started, she called your real name directly when she was reading her lines." The staff also said angrily, "She explained to everyone that it was I was too deep into the play, I really haven't seen anyone who is whiter than her."

"Moreover, she performed very well in this scene. She just passed one of them. Associate Director Zeng praised her for her acting skills and great performance. I think she played in her true colors, of course she did well."

The staff ran over and said that this incident was intended to please Jiang Mian, but when she finished speaking, she found that Jiang Mian's expression had not changed, there was no response, and she was a bit silly.

"Thanks." Jiang Mian said, and asked Tang Anan to give a box of chocolates to the staff, who left with joy.

After this episode, Jiang Mian filmed a few more scenes. When she took a break at noon, she asked Xie Siyuan to prepare an extra lunch, and continued to let Tang An'an send it to Tianshida.

When Tang Anan came back, he held a straw-made puppy in his hand: "Mianmian, this is what Mr. Zuo asked me to give you."

——Tang An’an politely asked how to call Tianshida for the second time. After thinking and thinking about it, Tianshida said, "Call me Zuoshu."

Tang An'an: "..."

Jiang Mian took the cute straw puppies and suddenly remembered a memory in his mind.

When the original owner was five years old, Zuo Xingping took her out to play. Xiao Jiangmian wanted to go to the amusement park. Zuo Xingping was ashamed of his pocket and couldn't afford a ticket to the park.

So I took Xiao Jiangmian to a small village, made a lot of garlands for Xiao Jiangmian, and made many small animals.

Three months later, the local tyrant came to pick up his baby girl and found that he had arrived at Zuo Xingping as a princess's baby, and he actually raised a small village girl!

When he arrived, Xiao Jiang Mian was still catching loach in the field with a group of children in the village-Zuo Xingping took the lead.

Han Xu looked at the muddy baby girl, dumbfounded, and then furious, despite the bodyguard's dissuasion, Shimoda wrestled with Zuo Xingping in the field.

Xiao Jiangmian thought that the two fathers were playing with them, and they couldn't help pinching mud pills next to them, helping Tian Shi father, and helping local tyrant father at the same time. It was a joy to play.

The local tyrant was furious. After picking up Xiao Jiang Mian, he began to instill in his precious daughter the consciousness of being a liar. When it was Zuo Xingping’s turn to take his daughter in the second year, Xiao Jiang Mian’s attitude towards Zuo Xingping Great changes have taken place.

Looking at this memory, Jiang Mian smiled warmly, and put the puppy in the bag.

Tang An'an suddenly clutched his chest and looked at her in shock.

Jiang Mian: "?"

Tang Anan: "Mianmian, you were so beautiful when you laughed just now!"

As expected to be the daughter of Brother Qin, her brain fills up the framed picture of the father and daughter, and the whole person is instantly gone.

It is naturally a pleasure to be exaggerated to look good. When he is happy, Jiang Mian thinks of his fans. The hot search for sandals is still hanging.

Many fans on her Weibo asked her how her sandals are doing. As a newcomer, it is necessary to interact with fans more.

So Jiang Mian took a picture of sandals, took another selfie, and posted it on Weibo: [Don’t worry, the sandals are very strong (scissors hands)]

After posting, she read the comment and was about to quit the drama behind Weibo, but she got a comment: [Why are the eyes red? It's still a bit swollen. 】

Jiang Mian was surprised for a moment, she touched her eyes, this person actually observed so carefully.

Looking at the id, it was the [little baby] she remembered.

As a loyal fan, after thinking about it, Jiang Mian liked and replied to this comment: [Because of the crying scene (cute)].

[Little baby] Replied quickly: [Apply a hot towel or steam eye patch to relieve it effectively. 】

Because of Jiang Mian's reply, the number of likes and replies to this comment has also increased, and many people have given Jiang Mian some relief.

Lin Xi reminded: "Brother Qin, the reporter will be here soon, give me the phone and stop playing."

In the past, the boss never played mobile phones so frequently, but now he seems to have changed himself.

The important thing is that the boss is smiling, and the smile is so gentle.

But he just glanced at it, the phone screen is not a WeChat interface, it can be ruled out that it is contact with Mianmian.

Since it was not in contact with Mianmian... Lin Xi had a question mark in his forehead.

"What are you talking about with him?" Chen Xu opened the door and entered, fiercely confiscating Qin Jingrun's mobile phone.

Qin Jingrun glanced at him lightly, but the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with joy.

My baby girl actually replied to his comment and liked it!

Chen Xu looked at the phone subconsciously, but when he snatched it over, Qin Jingrun had quickly locked the screen. Without his face, no one could understand his phone.

It wasn't until the night was busy and when I returned home to rest, the actor father saw from the trumpet that the baby girl gave him a new reply: [Already got~]

Because Jiang Mian was in good condition, she was over before four o'clock, and then went back to the hotel to take a shower.

She spread her big braids, randomly tied a ball on her head, put on the pink skirt that Master Tian bought for her, carried a small bag, and took a taxi to the Armed Police Hospital where the detective father was.

She didn't tell the detective father in advance that she was going to give her father a little surprise.

An hour later, Jiang Mian, who arrived at the destination, saw a fruit seller near the hospital. He carefully selected a few and bought a few. After paying the money, he was about to enter the hospital. He just walked two steps and stopped slowly.

Someone stared at her.

She didn't rush to look around, put the fruit bag she was carrying on the ground and opened the bag. A mirror accidentally fell on the ground, she yelled, and hurriedly bent over to pick it up.

With the help of the action of picking up the mirror, she moved the mirror surface. Ten meters away on the right behind her, a man in gray was standing under the pillar, looking towards her.

Jiang Mian straightened up without knowing it. After Guangli, the man in gray came to her.

She raised her eyebrows and lifted the fruit bag. The man in gray had already approached.


Jiang Mian: "..."

She quietly pressed the hand that was about to move, and raised her eyes to look directly at the man in gray.

When I got closer, I discovered that the man was in his thirties, with a strong face and short stubble on his chin.

"I'm your original uncle, don't you know me?" The man in gray-Yuan Jinfei looked at Jiang Mian in surprise, he naturally came to visit Lian Feng.

As soon as I parked the car, I saw Jiang Mian when I came out. For a moment, I thought I was dazzled.

Did the sun come out from the west? Chaotian Xiaojiao would actually come to visit his father Lianfeng?

So stand in place and observe carefully.

At this point, I felt different. The last time I saw Jiang Mian was a few years ago. Recently, because of Gao Huaqiang, Yuan Jinfei had seen Jiang Mian's photos on the Internet, but the photos were different from the real person.

The real person is much more beautiful than the picture, and the female big eighteen has changed.

Jiang Mian thought about it in his mind, but finally did not see the memory of Yuan Jinfei. It is estimated that the original owner has forgotten this person.

Yuan Jinfei didn't care either, and said, "I'm your father colleague, let's go and go in together."

The two came to the ward, Yuan Jinfei pushed the door: "Old Lian, see who it is..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Jiang Mian curiously put his head inside, and saw a young woman sitting next to the hospital bed with a bowl of soup in her hand. She seemed to want to feed the detective father, and the latter frowned.

The light bulb on Jiang Mian's head flicked brightly--could it be the girlfriend of detective father? ? ?

The two walked in, Lian Feng's gaze fell on Jiang Mian, his brows spread lightly, and he said: "Mianmian, you come and feed me."

Jiang Mian knew it instantly, and cleverly took Tang from the young woman: "Auntie, let me do it."

Yuan Jinfei: "Puff——"

Young woman: "???"

A, aunt?