Jiang Mian smiled politely at the young woman, took a spoonful of soup with the spoon in his hand, blew it very intimately, and handed it to the detective father.

The detective drank it cooperatively.

The young woman's face changed several times. Her name was Chen Yubing, Chen Ju's daughter, and she was 28 years old. Although Chen Yubing's father is a policeman, she is not a policeman, but a university teacher.

He always heard his father talk about Lian Feng, and later met Lian Feng with the help of Chen Ju. Since then, his heart has fallen on Lian Feng.

In Chen Ju's view, even though Lian Feng is a bit older than his daughter, he can care for others only when he is older. Moreover, he has watched Lian Feng grow up and has a deep knowledge of his character.

Tiehan's tenderness, a man like Lian Feng, as long as he enters his protection circle, it is absolutely painful to hurt people.

That's why Chen Ju wanted to match his daughter and Lianfeng.

Chen Yubing was held in the palm of the hand by his family since he was born and grew up. His father held an important position and his mother was an artist. He developed a proud temperament from childhood.

There is a long line of people who chase her, but she doesn't like these people at all, always thinks these men are vulgar.

After graduating from university, she met like-minded men and had a few relationships in love, but in the end she found that these men were not suitable for her, so she lost all of them.

Until I saw Lian Feng and fell in love with Lian Feng at first sight, even though Lian Feng had clearly expressed her rejection, she was not moved.

Anyway, there is no other woman around him, she slowly affects him with her heart, and one day he will like her.

She learned from Chen Ju that Lian Feng had returned from completing the task and was injured, so she asked for leave from school today and made a pot of chicken soup by herself.

When a man is injured, it is easier to fall into his heart than usual. She has to take this opportunity to let Lian Feng feel the warmth of being loved and taken care of.

As a result, just about to offer warmth, Yuan Jinfei and Jiang Mian entered the ward—Chen Yubing had always been confident in his appearance, and had always been a classmate in the school.

But when I saw the little girl coming in, I was shocked by the face of the other person, and when I heard Lian Feng asked the girl to feed him—she insisted in every way and said that he wanted to feed him, but he turned his eyebrows and refused. At first, he took the initiative to let the little girl feed him.

After such a shock, Jiang Mian finally called her "Auntie", and Chen Yubing's heart burst into flames-she was only twenty-eight. Although this girl looked younger than her, she didn't even call her auntie. , Is she so old? It's so rude!

Chen Yubing looked at the two people who were particularly harmonious with one feed and one drink. He was frustrated. He looked at Yuan Jinfei and asked who this girl was with his eyes—Yuan Jinfei came in with her and he must know him.

Yuan Jinfei coughed, holding a smile in his heart, and said: "Miss Chen, this is Jiang Mian, a junior from Lao Lian's relatives."

Knowing that Lian Feng didn't want to expose that he had a daughter, he used the junior to introduce Jiang Mian very well, and the implication was: People are juniors, it's okay to call you auntie.

It turned out to be a child from Lian Feng's relative's family. Chen Yubing's anger disappeared. He hurriedly raised a smile and said softly: "How old is Mianmian this year? They are so beautiful."

"Thank you, Auntie, you are also very beautiful, I am eighteen." Jiang Mian replied with a smile, and at the same time blinked at the detective father.

The latter didn't have any embarrassment at all, only said: "The soup tastes very good, thank you Miss Chen."

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Mian took a sip with a spoon, expressing to Chen Yubing the closeness between her and the detective father, "It's really fragrant, Aunt Chen is really clever."

She just received a message from the detective father's eyes-to help him block it.

Last time I went to a cocktail party with Qin Jingrun, she helped the actor father to block it once, and now when I see the detective father, she has to help block it again.

Hearing Yuan Jinfei’s introduction, Jiang Mian knew in his heart, and then replied with kindness: "Even Uncle, you won’t tell me this time you are coming back. If it weren’t for Dad to tell me, I don’t know that you’re back. I haven’t See you, I miss you."

Lian Feng paused for two seconds, and took Jiang Mian's play very naturally. He touched Jiang Mian's smooth hair, his eyes were gentle: "Sorry."

Jiang Mian smiled very sweetly, gently holding the arm of the detective father, tilted his head to look at Chen Yubing: "Uncle Lian, is Aunt Chen your girlfriend?"

A red glow flew on Chen Yubing's white face, she looked at Lian Feng with expectant eyes, hoping to get some kind of pleasing answer from Lian Feng.

Without waiting for Lian Feng to speak, Jiang Mian sighed, and a beautiful face drooped: "Uncle Lian, didn't you tell me that you will marry me when I grow up? When I grow up now, you have a girl. My friend, I'm so sad that you are like this."

Lian Feng: "...?"

Chen Yubing: "???"

Yuan Jinfei: "......???"

After the silent silence, Lian Feng said with difficulty and continued to cooperate with Jiang Mian's play: "No."

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up and his voice became lighter: "You mean Aunt Chen is not your girlfriend?"

Lian Feng: "Ms. Chen is Chen Ju's daughter. It is only for Chen Ju to visit me. Don't think too much."

"Then I can rest assured." Jiang Mian made a look of relief, "I told my father that if you don't marry, there is a handsome guy chasing me. I didn't agree."

——Although he knew that being chased by the handsome guy was deliberately said by his daughter, Lian Feng still subconsciously frowned, and it was a kind of jealousy in Chen Yubing's eyes.

Jiang Mian turned his head and smiled at Chen Yubing, especially innocent.

Chen Yubing: "..."

She looked at Jiang Mian and then at Lian Feng, with a dazed expression. Isn't she a junior from a relative's family? How does it involve growing up and marrying? ? ?

She thought it was the little girl's child, but Lian Feng didn't refute it, and his gaze at Jiang Mian was gentle like she had never seen before.

So what Jiang Mian said is true?

He has always been single, not because he was obsessed with work, but because he was waiting for a girl to grow up?

This is ridiculous!

Chen Yubing couldn't believe it, his brain was buzzing, and now many young girls would have the idea of ​​"I will marry someone when I grow up". Jiang Mian and Lian Feng are so different in age, it is impossible.

Maybe this was another way Lian Feng rejected him, doing so deliberately, Chen Yubing instantly calmed down.

The next second, Jiang Mian kissed Lian Feng's face.

Lian Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, and then quickly passed through his eyes in a dazed manner-how many years ago was it the last time his daughter got so close to him?

"...I have something, let's go first." Chen Yubing grabbed his bag and walked out hastily. After two steps, he returned to grab the sleeve of Yuan Jinfei who was watching the show and pulled him out of the ward.

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

When he got out of the ward, Chen Yubing asked him, his breath a little unstable: "Didn't you say that the girl is a junior from Lianfeng's relatives."

"Yes." Yuan Jinfei nodded.

Using his daughter to make Chen Yubing break his mind, Yuan Jinfei had to give Lian Feng a compliment in his heart.

Chen Ju's daughter likes Lianfeng, but Lianfeng is hard-hearted and unmoved-the news of the lace that can be considered Lianfeng almost spread in the game.

Lian Feng refused, but Chen Yubing did not give up. As a man, he could not go too far.

What's more, it is Chen Ju's daughter, so she can only find a way to make Chen Yubing calm down.

"Since it is a junior from a relative's house, how could it be possible..." Chen Yubing took a deep breath, "You know what I mean, Lian Feng just wants me to retreat, right?"

Yuan Jinfei pretended to be confused: "Are I talking about relatives? I'm talking about children from friends' houses. Although they are a poorer generation, do they match up together?"

"Miss Chen, there are so many towering trees in this world, why do you have to look for one that doesn't move?" Yuan Jinfei said, "Lao Lian is very good at protecting this girl. In his heart, this girl will always be number one. , No one can compare."

He didn't lie, in Lian Feng's mind, naturally the baby girl ranked first.

"Why didn't you tell me before!" Chen Yubing still didn't believe it.

Yuan Jinfei: "I don't know you too well, come up and tell you this, you will believe it?"

Chen Yubing had nothing to say, and finally bit her lip, turned and left-she wanted to find out!

In the ward, after Chen Yubing and Yuan Jinfei left, Jiang Mian looked at the detective father and laughed: "Dad, how did I act just now? Now that Aunt Chen will not come to pester you again."

"Naughty." Even though he was reluctant to speak, he was surprised by Jiang Mian's hand and couldn't help laughing.

Although the faint smile was fleeting, it still surprised Jiang Mian.

"In fact, Aunt Chen is really pretty." Jiang Mian said.

If it weren't for the signal from Interpol's father, Interpol's father and Chen Yu were in the same frame, which looked pretty good.

As a daughter, naturally, dads don’t object to finding a girlfriend. It’s okay to talk to someone who is suitable.

Thinking that he might have four more stepmothers in the future, Jiang Mian was a little embarrassed.

The point is that no matter in the novel or in the memory of the original owner, there is no impression of "pro-mother" at all, and the four dads have never mentioned it.

In fact, Jiang Mian had quietly asked her mother before and how she came. Tianshi Daddy pretended not to understand, Jiang Mian understood, and stopped asking.

Anyway, as long as the four dads are fine.

Lian Feng didn't want to discuss this issue with his daughter. He said: "Why are you here suddenly?"

"The filming is over, there's nothing else." Thinking of Interpol's father's injury, Jiang Mian frowned without leaving a trace, and then said aggrievedly, "Can I come to see Dad?"

Lian Feng couldn't fight her daughter's clever mouth, so she was silent.

Jiang Mian looked around the ward. The whole ward was less than ten square meters, which was very small. Then when she looked at the hospital bed, the bed was as small as she saw in the video last night.

The long-handed detective father lay on it, looking very aggrieved.

Jiang Mian frowned, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes: "Dad, the ward is too small. Let's change to a larger one."

"No." Lian Feng answered quickly, his eyes kept on Jiang Mian, watching Jiang Mian's series of movements just now.

See clearly her dissatisfaction with the environment, and see her heartache for him.

A thin warm current flows out of the heart, infiltrating the limbs, Lian Feng raised his hand to cover the position of the heart, silently watching Jiang Mian.

Jiang Mian didn't expect Interpol's father to refuse cleanly. Knowing the character of Interpol's father, he didn't ask for his opinion at all, just in time Yuan Jinfei pushed in.

"Uncle Yuan, can I change a large ward for my father? I will pay for it."-Jiang Mian didn't recognize Yuan Jinfei at first because he didn't remember him.

But just now she found some information about Yuan Jinfei from the plot in the original book, and then she knew who he was.

In the original book, Yuan Jinfei is a good partner of Interpol's father. After Interpol's father received the box lunch, Yuan Jinfei came to Jiang Mian and mentioned something there.

Yuan Jinfei: "Of course you can."

Lian Feng: "..."

"Then I will go through the formalities." Jiang Mian quickly left the ward, lest the detective father refused again.

Yuan Jinfei retracted his gaze and sighed: "I finally understand why I say that my daughter is a caring little padded jacket. The consequences of growing up in sleep are different from when I was a child. I know that I hurt my father."

After he finished speaking, he tittered again: "I have to give you ninety points for your father and daughter's acting skills. If you don't score full marks, I'm afraid you are proud... You go as an undercover agent, and your acting skills have been practiced." Thumb, half joking and half hurt.

The police act as an undercover agent, and they don't have extraordinary psychological quality and acting skills. Most people can't do this task.

Lian Feng said solemnly: "Mianmian may ask you about my injury, don't tell her."

"Of course I know I can't tell her. This is a confidential mission. You think I'm stunned." Yuan Jinfei rolled his eyes, said a few more words, and was about to leave.

Pointing to the chicken soup when leaving: "Can you still drink it?"

Lian Feng: "..."

Yuan Jinfei took the chicken soup and left with joy--he wanted to show the cup of chicken soup to his girlfriend, so that his girlfriend could make the soup normal next time, so that he would not let him go to the bathroom for another day.

"Uncle Yuan, are you leaving?" After Jiang Mian paid the cost of changing the ward, he saw Yuan Jinfei, thought about it, and greeted him.

Yuan Jinfei nodded.

Jiang Mian's gaze fell on the warming cup in Yuan Jinfei's hands, thinking that the detective father asked Yuan Jinfei to take it away, and he held back a smile: "Uncle Yuan, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Just ask, uncle tells you what he knows." Yuan Jinfei said, "and don't worry, that Aunt Chen is a peach blossom of your father, but after you and your father's cooperation just now, she will definitely not Become your dad's girlfriend."

Jiang Mian heard the narrowness in Yuan Jinfei's tone, touched his nose, and said with a smile: "If Uncle Yuan has a peach blossom in the future, if you want to block it, I can help."

Yuan Jinfei: "..."

"I want to know how my father was hurt." After talking and laughing for a while, Jiang Mian led back to the topic, "He disappeared for two months, saying that he was going to do a task, but he was injured when he came back. What kind of task did he do? Tell me? I'm worried."

Asking the detective father, he would definitely not say that Jiang Mian had to ask Yuan Jinfei.

She understands this kind of secret mission, even her family cannot tell, but she still wants to ask, maybe she can get some clues.

Yuan Jinfei comforted her and said, "Don't worry, your father is very powerful, but he has suffered some skin injuries. It will be fine for a while."

"As for the task, do you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement when you are an actor and filming? This is also the case for your father's task."

Sure enough.

Jiang Mian was not disappointed either-but from Yuan Jinfei's tone and demeanor, it could be seen that the task of the detective father this time should not be simple.

She twisted her eyebrows.

After that, I asked two more questions and bid farewell to Yuan Jinfei. She did not rush back to the ward, but went to the office of the attending doctor in charge of the detective father.

You can't understand the injury of the detective father from the detective father and Yuan Jinfei, but the attending doctor can always understand it here.

The attending doctor was getting old, wearing a pair of reading glasses, watching the case in his hand, after Jiang Mian came in, he knew what he wanted.

The old doctor glanced at her: "Little girl, what is your relationship with Officer Lien?"

This is the Armed Police Hospital. Since the detective father doesn’t want others to know their relationship... Jiang Mian said without blinking, "My father is a good friend of even his uncle. My father is too busy to visit. I just have a rest today. Visit in place of my father."

The old doctor seemed to be distinguishing whether what Jiang Mian said was true or false. Jiang Mian opened his eyes wide and looked at him sincerely. The old doctor was amused by her: "Why don't you ask himself."

Jiang Mian sighed online: "I asked, not even my uncle. He didn't say that, my heart is not at ease. My dad has a good relationship with him, I still clarify the situation, turn around and explain to dad, otherwise he Blame me for not being filial."

The old doctor didn't understand too much, how does this have to do with filial piety.

But the little girl jumped out of her mind. He shook his head, opened the drawer, and took out a document from it: "Let's take a look."

Jiang Mian opened the document, which was the case of the detective father. She glanced down and fell on one of the lines: a total of thirteen lacerations.

Jiang Mian took a breath--

So yesterday Interpol's father came to the studio to look for her with 13 stab wounds? !